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10410005 No.10410005 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to Tokyo soon

what do i wear to acquire asian pussy

>> No.10410033

Your white skin

>> No.10410053

cool biz probably

It really doesn't matter what you wear here. If you are not Japanese you are gaijin who is a tourist and if you are gaijin in a suit then you are a business man.

>> No.10410067

fat wallet bruv eh
wearing nice clothes won't get you asian girls, they prefer to date within their own race unless your wallet fat bruv eh
acquire fat wallet = acquire asian pussy

>> No.10410069

>Asians prefer to date within in their own race

Go home Hiroshi you're not fooling anybody.

>> No.10410079

OP here, I should clarify that I'm after effay nip girls and not roppongi sluts

>> No.10410082

stay away from my women white scum
their pussies weren't designed for your dicks

>> No.10410083

this is utter nonsense. japanese girls will fight over you to use you for free english practice. its probably not going to turn into a serious relationship but thats probably not what op is looking for anyway

>> No.10410096

Just dress like a J Crew / Ralph Lauren model or something, you'll look like a middle class white male and I am willing to bet my life the majority of Asian females prefer that.

>> No.10410102

thats a korean girl

>> No.10410148

micropenis detected

>> No.10410178

Reminder that if you don't already get girls in your home country, you won't get any in Japan.

Reminder that actual Japanese (not whitewashed Japanese-American) girls aren't looking to bang/marry every white guy they meet. They have standards.

Reminder that you are not the first white guy to go to Japan so don't expect to be treated like Jesus unless you can actually walk on water.

Reminder that a lot of older people in Japan are xenophobic as hell and not-so-beta so some might discriminate against you.

Not shitting on you OP, but the delusions about Japan on this anime website are real. Weebs think they can actually go to Japan and pull mad pussy because "dude I'm white lmao". If you currently get no pussy, expect to get no pussy over there.

>> No.10410188

>Reminder that you are not the first white guy to go to Japan so don't expect to be treated like Jesus unless you can actually walk on water.

i will be the first white guy who isnt a fat, sweaty, cargo shorts wearing weaboo

>> No.10410200

I hate to break it to you, but some of the stereotypes are true. While it is VERY accurate to say that not every Japanese girl wants a white guy, it is accurate to say that there are a lot of westaboos in Japan that will hop on your dick because you aren't some herbivorous Japanese guy who watches anime all day. It's exploitative both ways, don't get me wrong, but it does work. I saw a lot of weebs get laid there, and it was vaguely frustrating to me.

(Protip: fuck some of the German and Swedish expats, they fuck like animals)

>what do i wear to acquire asian pussy
You want my honest truth? Think >>10410096. If you want to play up the "hot White guy" stereotype, then roll hard into Levi's, converse, polo shirts, and other traditional Americana bullshit. Levi's are particularly loved there, mostly because they are so fucking expensive there.

>> No.10410220

Godspeed bro

Interesting. How would you compare them to westernized Asians (if you are American)?

>> No.10410224

asian pussy was LITERALLY made for white cock

>> No.10410228

do people actually believe this? tf... white men are no longer grail cops in japan. in tokyo they're a dime a dozen lmao... obviously there will be girls who will go for you, but dont expect it to be like going to the phillipines where the asian mexicans love the US dollar and white dick. maybe go to shit tier phillipines if u want some prosti pussy?

>> No.10410233

>How would you compare them to westernized Asians (if you are American)?
You mean Japanese girls? Like, the native ones?

If you want God's honest truth: a lot of them actively hunt out white guys because (1) they want half-Japanese, half-White babies, (2) Japanese men are fucking pussies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbivore_men)), and (3) it's something different. It isn't like Jewish girls where they hunt out white guys on a lark before they eventually marry Jewish - Japanese girls genuinely want a White husband.

Think about it this way: we've dominated their popular culture for years, and almost exclusively in a positive way. It'd be hard for girls to not have a hard-on for white dudes. I literally - and I'm not exaggerating here - had girls "pet" my "pretty" skin, play with my hair, and (when at a nomikai) grab my dick to "check the size" under the table.

That said, it's a fucked up dynamic. The girls end up faking the ~cutesy~ personality because that's what gets your attention. Fake voices, fake inability to walk in heels, etc. It's extremely hard to have a good conversation with them because of this, which frustrated me the most - it feels like she's putting on an act 24/7. And, let's be real, the girls aren't that hot - they end up being wiry and flat and extremely bad in bed.

If you can't tell, I got bored of Japanese pussy fast and ended up plowing good old Aryan girls there for my entire stay.

>> No.10410237


Asian women love dudes but not the way you think. You need to be really manly, tall and jacked, (something that rarely exists there) and you will pank any broad. "How do I dress" either be tough and wear a suit or be tough and wear ed hardy. You'll pank

>> No.10410238

This isn't true in the slightest, my girlfriend is Filipino and I realllly had to prove myself to her family before I was 'liked'.

>> No.10410243

>You need to be really manly, tall and jacked, (something that rarely exists there) and you will pank any broad.
Haha, what? A lot of girls in Japan were no-shit scared of me because I lifted. I'm not that huge either.

>> No.10410244

Man, I'm still new to this board but I always love your write-ups. Thanks

>> No.10410246

exactly bruh just flex on hoes

>> No.10410247


>It's extremely hard to have a good conversation with them

This. Standard Japanese girls are really boring in reality

>> No.10410258

hmmm some anecdotal experience... i am white, 5'11" and i couldn't get japanese pussy... i'm like shit tier white dude, maybe that's why. my skin had a few pimples, my eyes are brown, i have ashy blonde hair and my teeth are crooked. i did pull some in a couple tokyo clubs but never got to fuck any.

i guess if u look at least 6/10?? all im saying is that don't get delusional like i did, like i heard all of these stories where they love white, pasty dudes but they can still see if you're fucking ugly or not...

>> No.10410270

I'm 6'3, white, brown hair, blue eyes, I get told I'm around an 8/10 but I'm pretty un-confident in my looks (ugly teen)

I normally wear a Mac coat, oxford shirt, jeans and white sneakers / boots, very plain, very 'typical white guy' I get looked at by a lot of females, especially East Asians (mainly Chinese)

This sounds like I'm really blowing my own trumpet, but what I'm trying to say is, be tall, be white, be somewhat handsome, and wear standard white guy clothes, Ralph Lauren, APC, Burberry, maybe even a Thom Browne oxford / Cardigan (They go crazy for that)

I hope this incoherent piece of text I've attempted to write up whilst looking over to see if my boss is looking at me, has helped.

>> No.10410341

This thread is hilarious. It really astounds me sometimes at how insecure /fa/. If you aren't a weeb and you are confident you should be reasonably successful. Unlike America and other western nations they aren't too used to seeing foreigners or people unlike themselves especially outside of "tourist" towns. So therefore, they're going to be naturally curious about you. Get good at speaking the language and don't be a beta nerd and you should be slaying.

>> No.10410354

if you have the need to ask 4 chan, I'm sure you won't be getting any punani soon

>> No.10410360

They're also very materialistic, if you want to woo one do it with your wallet.

>> No.10410382

its less this and more that japanese culture is still more or less stuck in the 50s in terms of gender roles. even the young people are going to expect men to pay on a date (to the extent that western women dating japanese men report that its impossible for the woman to pay for anything even if she pushes for it), be chivalrous, not talk about your feelings, etc. this isnt 100% true for every individual person in japan obviously but yeah buying dinner is a pretty safe bet. but duh?

>> No.10410384

>Blue Eyes
>Sharp Features
>Between 5'11 and 6'1'' Anything taller is too tall for the slants and you'll look awkward

I'm 6'1'' and have all the features listed including complementary rp British accent, they were literally crawling all over me. I was only there for 9 days but I must be in around 10 random families photo album because they thought I was handsome and stopped me for pictures.

Managed to fuck 4 girls which considering the only days clubs were busy were friday sat sun I did allright.

Feels good having aryan genes, thank you based germanic heritage.

>> No.10410392

Oh yeah and for the dudes wondering why they didn't, the manly look really isn't appriecated over there.

Shave that fucking beard, cover that receding hairline and lose that "fat" you think is muscle. It might fool the white piggus back in the motherland but the gooks think it's disgusting.

>> No.10410622

But it wasn't made at all

>> No.10410729


Just be white, and don't look retarded.

Oh and also it doesn't hurt to look like you're rich.

>> No.10410757

bape but if you're not rich then anything camo or from a clothing line

>> No.10410832

why spend the money on clothes and take the chance that MAYBE you will get japanese pussy? you can just use that money at the whore house/massage parlor in japan and get 100% guaranteed pussy. you fucking goofball

>> No.10410868

What's your height and weight? Just wondering what you're working with. Answers may vary.

>> No.10410935


Rocked palewave head to,toe and got MAD pussy, left and right kinda shit.
But then again I invented that and other styles, what have you done?

>> No.10410943

get me some cav empt you mug

>> No.10411057

“Do you know what Ed Gein said about women?"
"'When I see a japanese girl walking down the street I think two things. One part of me wants to take her out and talk to her and be real nice and sweet and treat her right.'" I stop finish my J&B in one swallow.
"What does the other part of him think?" Hamlin asks tentatively.
"What her head would look like on a stick”

nice bateman you always appear in these threads

>> No.10411424

Japanese girls will treat you like a pet they can fuck. They know your not going to stay there and have no intetion of forming a long term relationship with you. They'll just use you for a status symbol/fuck toy but who cares? Its not like anybody wants to marry a jap lmao.

>> No.10411440

6'2 and skelly mode

>> No.10412652


Who is this ?

>> No.10412676

How do they feel about black guys over there

>> No.10412678

they're not fans, although they'll gawk

>> No.10412691

Well you're going to look like a white, tall Asian.

Asian women like American men. Built men. In lieu of that, a fat rich looking businessman is also acceptable, since $$$. Since you are probably neither, wear a nice suit that screams American on business. You'll probably get laid.

Personally I can't stand Asian girls.

>> No.10412695

Are they racist to the point where I wouldnt get any punani
Or would some of them be dtf just from the novel of black dick

>> No.10412739

No, not single Asian would have sex with a black man. They're all exacry the same

>> No.10413090

>mfw I have a qt japanese language partner here at the university

>> No.10413103

>Haha, what? A lot of girls in Japan were no-shit scared of me because I lifted

Sup, Adam.

>> No.10413149
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I get laid with white t shirts and jeans. I am an athletic dude though. Go simple.

I've made out with innocent studious looking jap girls 25minutes of meeting them in a train station cafe.

I'm in korea now with a qt3.14 gf

Just don't be a sperg.

>> No.10413169
File: 107 KB, 450x671, 1429418265867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wears a white t shirt and jeans
>he makes out with 2/10 asian girls
>i wear all black $3000 rick fits
>i dont make out with 2/10 asian girls

>> No.10413185

10/10 saved

Wrong dude. But I did know some other lifters in Japan with the same issue.

I know that feeling except replace the clothing bit with me just being ugly.

(But if it makes you feel better you just have to go to foreigner bars if you're desperate or whatever, as the girls there are too)

>> No.10413192

What about Mexican cock? I have major yellow fever right now.

I'm average but I assume that's bigger than the average azn

>> No.10413197

She's not a qt, but if you're happy I'm happy


>> No.10413207

clothes don't get you laid it's about the whole package

>> No.10413241

Thx bruv. I think people get infatuated with dressing to get some 10/10 girl but pussy is pussy. Our definitions of cute differ but it's all good.

>> No.10413254

>this thread

>> No.10414354

>tfw it was a weeaboo dream to go to nippon with pastel pink hair

so nip men like white girls if they dont have blonde hair? mine isnt black, but its pretty dark brown. eyes are a nice bright green though, and skins really pale.

>> No.10414370

I'm tall, built with blonde hair. I get a fair amount of pussy over here in Canada so I'm thinking asian pussy shouldn't be that much harder to obtain.

>> No.10414401

is that you? why are you on the fashion board if you have no regard for fashion? do you have google alerts set up for talking about your fetish?

>> No.10414429


Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries so good luck white skin

>> No.10414539
File: 13 KB, 320x320, Dam Son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10414556


They don't like foreign women at all.

>> No.10414577

dress not like japanese/too much at all.
they are fashion conscious and insecure than the average north american.
be confident and lackadaisical.

>> No.10414589

theyon like blonds, boy.
especially if u are unfortunate/beta enough to have light eyebrows/lashes.
enjoy being cucked by cocky japanese businessmen. :^)

>> No.10414616

nips cant cuck anyone

they are the eternally cucked

>> No.10414621

nips cuck koreans. comfort women.

>> No.10414787

lel good luck

>> No.10414864

virgin reporting in. i think id get along fine. dont really know the difference.
turning heads and people wanting pics with you would be nice, even if its just because youre white

>> No.10414943

This is a solid article.

I knew a girl studying abroad in Japan who literally had to force herself - sexually and otherwise - on Japanese men. They were "into" her or whatever, just too pussified to actually make a move. Funny part: she would then proceed to bitch about their small dicks and lack of skill in bed as if it was some sort of surprise.

>> No.10414953

Face pic? Are you at least the white kind of Mexican?

>> No.10414969

I'm Hispanic with a Chinese girlfriend, idk why a dick wouldn't be made for a vagina

>> No.10415969
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I'm a Mediterranean bastard mixed with the features of Italian and Greek. I also tend to follow the barney rule of always wear a suit. Would I get any? Not that I have intentions of visiting the Oriental, but the thoughts nice.

>> No.10416501

gtfo and go to thailand fkin white trash wannabe asian fetish freak

>> No.10416518

i assume you are just ignorant about us Asians lmao

>> No.10416580

Korea is in Asia, you fucking retard

>> No.10416611

>aren't that hot
nah, they're the best

>> No.10416633

wear simple clean clothes and talk to people. You'll end up going to crap clubs and finding 4/10 sluts anyways like every other white dude in your shoes so who cares. Just dress clean and act slightly less sloppy compared to the other white people/English teachers and you'll be fine.

Also, don't talk too much, like >>10413149, we all know the girls that are getting slayed, in general, are garbage looking hobgoblins

>> No.10417154

Lmao it is my man, im pretty handso e so in Korea/Japan I was treated well and complimented but in the phillipenes it was like being a god

>> No.10417544

But did you smash?

>> No.10417579

Japanese girl I'm into that's going to my uni on exchange doesn't wanna get too involved with me cuz she keeps thinking about how she will leave at the end of the school year.

>> No.10417585

uh okay

>> No.10417592

I know right

>> No.10418585

I am pretty sure that isn't the only reason.

>> No.10418744


>> No.10418754

The only chance you have with a Japanese girl is if she's from the states. You're pasty ass isn't going to get any looks from Japanese girls ESPECIALLY in Japan. They are normally very shy and not going to get out of their comfort zone (see: hanging out with a cac) literally the only thing you can do is flex your money and hopefully you'll attract at least one that's attractive enough for your >>10410005
very low standards.

>> No.10418929


never been to japan status confirmed

i teach english, which is looked down on by japanese usually and pulling sloots is easy af.

i'm not fashionable either. I'm fit and wear t shirts or shirts with sleeves rolled up and jeans. girls get drooly about muscles since jap guys are faggots.

but yeah its true that some girls will not talk to you if you're white. but thats only a small percentage. A much larger percentage will not talk to you if you cant speak jap for obvious reasons

>> No.10418959
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I'm interested in fashion. I'm mostly here or /fit/.

It's just OP asked a specific question about acquiring girls. And the truth is you don't need any complicated shit to get laid.

>> No.10420484

>Shit genes mixing with shit genes.

Everything seems normal here.

>> No.10420516


Almost as bad as niggers. Only the sluttiest will go for you.

>> No.10422192


a pokemon costume