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/fa/ - Fashion

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10349147 No.10349147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's /fa/'s political views? I used to browse Pol frequently but just too many people on that board.

>> No.10349171

Philosophically I'm very individualistic, politically I think a mix of socialism and capitalism works the best, I guess that would make me a moderate of some kind. As far as social issues go, live and let live, pro free speech.

>> No.10349172

I mostly align with leftist views.

>> No.10349175

i'm a social democrat

>> No.10349179

liberalism is not effay

>> No.10349180


>> No.10349183

probably social democrat if i had to pick one

>> No.10349214


*tips bernie*

>> No.10349215

probably very center

>> No.10349258

I don't really know but very left.
Certainly social democrat with anarchism as an ultimate goal.

>> No.10349280

>Democratic Socialist.
The one true answer.

>> No.10349288

for a teen

>> No.10349297 [DELETED] 


May I please follow you on tumblr?

>> No.10349302

Somewhere centre-left.

>> No.10349305
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>implying neo-facism isn't the most effay

>> No.10349311
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>> No.10349313

Fiscal liberal, social conservative

>> No.10349316
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>> No.10349318
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>tfw no traditionalist QT

>> No.10349323

Funny pic. Why are Soviet and nazi Germany in different places? They are absolutley equal. Also - most effey is "I dont care"

>> No.10349326
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>there are leftists literally interested in fashion

>> No.10349334

I bet most people who works in the industry is left-leaning just like any industry who works with creativeness and arts in general

>> No.10349335

Well what did you expect on a fashion board mainly used by teens? 3/4 of them will turn into centre voters without a real opinion like the rest of the pleb.

>> No.10349336

Because USSR was extreme left and Nazi Germany extreme right...

>> No.10349337
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"I'm a social democrat with left-leaning tendencies #FeelTheBern ;^)"


>> No.10349341

step 1, you dumb shit

>> No.10349343

Center right

It's impossible to take people like you seriously, tbqh

>> No.10349344

inb4 national SOCIALISM

>> No.10349357
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>tfw the next president actually has a personal clothing line

It's because political positions fall on a scale with more than one axis

>> No.10349366


>> No.10349367

Lol. Both of them declarat absolutely similar thing, both of them were doing absolutley similar things. They are fucking twins.

>> No.10349371

It's more like a circle in my opinion. They're right, somewhere extreme right and extreme left meet.

>> No.10349389

/fa/ - Shitposting/Validation Seeking

>> No.10349398

Everyone who supports anarchism is either retarded or a contrarian teen. Not even going to explain why social democrat with anarchism is a contradiction in terms.
>politic goals af fam

>> No.10349399

Yeah but they hide their meanings behind two opposites political movements.

>> No.10349400

Dat edge.

>> No.10349414


I would vote democrat if they had a decent candidate but the party is pants-on-head retarded presently. I'm set on voting for Trump. Ted Cruz is good even though he looks like a sad puppy. Carson is alright, but not charismatic enough, would make an excellent cabinet member.

>> No.10349418

But, why now, then its already a histroy and the biggest part of it isnt hidden from people's, people trying to talk about differences between them?

>> No.10349423

>pants-on-head retarded
>I'm set on voting for Trump
Okay, big guy.

>> No.10349432
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>People choosing fascism.

Futurism is the only thing remotely close to fascism that would be /fa/ but even extended into early leftist movements. Fascism clings to silly traditionalism which equals out to the same stagnate shit for years to come.

>> No.10349440

I don't think you understood what I was trying to say.
I meant that I was more of a social democrat and that I believe the ideal (as in, utopia) would be an anarchist society. I never said I wanted social democratie with anarchism just that we should see anarchism as the ultimate goal for our society.

Sorry I am not English and I'm pretty bad at expressing myself in serious conversation in that language.

>> No.10349448
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i'm not on the political spectrum

egoist anarchist

>> No.10349451
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>In charge of billions of dollars in successful businesses
>Manages highly rated property in multiple countries
>Knows the tax codes like the back of his hand
>Extremely Charismatic
>Nationalist leaning
>Wants to actually enforce laws
>Has bipartisan Ideas
>Completely demolishing the status quo cuckservatives (there I said it)

Yeah he's actually great, if you think I'll vote for Sanders or Hillary you'd have to be a total fucking retard.

>> No.10349457

To make it easier to scare people from extreme movements such as communism and nationalism I guess.
Frankly, I don't know

>> No.10349458

political nihilist

>> No.10349462

Actually trump is considered such a toxic business asset that merely joking your company is working with him will plummet your stocks.

>> No.10349463

>Hillary Convict
>Donald Just Trump My Shit Up
you choose

>> No.10349465

How would anarchism help this world?
Your english is alright btw

>> No.10349469

>Bush and Clinton family friend

it was almost acceptable until then

just more corporate fascism

>> No.10349474

guys, this is an important day for me

after years of hiding, convincing myself i was wrong

pretending it didn't exist, like i could just bottle it up...

i'm a conservative.

>> No.10349475


gbt /pol/

>> No.10349479

>Im a conservative
How edgy. That will show those tumblr teens.

>> No.10349481

>Influential billionaire property management
>Not friends with politicians

How the fuck would you do your job?

>> No.10349484
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Nationalism with controlled capitalism.

>> No.10349488

How edgy. That will show all of those people older than 25.

>> No.10349492

Hello brother!

>> No.10349502


Crony capitalism is good because how else would you do it right

Doesn't make him a good president, although if we're limited to two candidates and not revolution I have more hope that he won't be bought out

No less he is far far far from ideal

>> No.10349513
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Elective monarchy and nationalism

>> No.10349518
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Hello! There is hope to be found after all.

>> No.10349523

>His businesses went bankrupt 11 times

>> No.10349524

Anarchism wouldn't help the world were living in right now. Socialism would tho.
I am just convinced that ultimately humans would be able to live in society without the need of governance. I kinda see that as an evolutionary step if it makes sense.

>> No.10349533

>. I kinda see that as an evolutionary step if it makes sense.
Well, it doesn't.

Socialism is the wrong direction if you're looking for anarchism (which is silly in itself).

Why would you want people to become more dependent on their government if you ultimately want them to be entirely without it?

>> No.10349537

>caring about the "greater good"

i would prefer inequality without state or capital than equality under an authority

>> No.10349541

>4 Bankruptcies
>Nearly 100 companies

Chapter 11 is just a restructuring, and out of all of those companies, this means he has done an excellent job.

>> No.10349546

Well, seems impossible to me but if it could work it would be a good thing. Wouldn't work at the moment unless we kill 75% of humanity though.

>> No.10349558

Anyone who complains about paying high taxes are just plain stupid

>> No.10349563

just tax my shit up

>> No.10349565


>> No.10349586

i swear to god you right wing retards are the reason humanity will be extinct ina hundred years because you wanted to shoot guns and drive big cars

think about someone other than yourself for once in your life you unemphatic fuck

>> No.10349587


with no power structures to command people how to live their live or enforcement of rules above the social and community level true equality can be attained

everyone is only their own individual and will learn to value and respect that

any person with the authority to regulate, tax, or punish on any level greater than another individual or their immediate community i see as injustice

even if a 'standard wage' creates the exact same lifestyle possibility for all people. what would be the sake of living or reproducing in a socialist utopia where all people are not equally free, but rather all people are simply the same?

>> No.10349590

Because we are not ready to be independent. Not at all. And I believe that one step forward would be a better equality between people. Socialists tend to bring the poor masses a tiny step closer to equality and also to have a more "libertarian" politic.

Evolution is slow as fuck.

>> No.10349595

What is freedom?

>> No.10349598


i have no argument for you

i'm an egoist anarchist, and i can be a selfish asshole

but i don't give a shit what you think and would rather everyone just have the same rights (all of them) as I do

if you want to start a charity and a commune than you can go ahead

i don't even own guns and drive a diesel which gets ~50 mpg or ride a motorcycle other days

>> No.10349696
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>I am just convinced that ultimately humans would be able to live in society without the need of governance

>retards like this walk among us
Truly horrific

>> No.10349722

i honestly dont know how people can be this stupid, stalin allowed no private property he didnt control hitler did, thus gugo boss etc, do you not notice a difference, if i took your right to property you would notice?

>> No.10349723

>personally attacks anybody who questions him
Yeah, okay.

>> No.10349732

umm no they were not that why u say "things" not actual event like "operation Barbarossa"

>> No.10349736

How does he personally attack anybody who questions him?

Have you been browsing too much kikebook?

>> No.10349745

what does this have to do with fashion again

>> No.10349753

no thats what liberals say to discount the logical conclusion of their worldview, u couldnt draw that circle graph because it wouldnt make any sense, thats why it doesnt exist, a political scientist would have made it, ur no original thinker

>> No.10349755


but politically aware enough to avoid any wars and see through propaganda

my only goal is to draft dodge the inevitable war thats coming so i can fuck all them beautiful lonely white wives while their husbands are overseas getting rekt

btw im black

>> No.10349767

ye anarchism works so great in somalia

>> No.10349784



not even remotely anarchist

>> No.10349795

Haha yeah. Okay.

>> No.10349808


You're welcome

>> No.10349842

Oh wait, you're from /pol/. I should have known better than to even try reasoning with you. Kys bud, it would be in your best interest.

>> No.10349855

Meant for >>10349736