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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 2000x930, 2000px-Boston_University_Wordmark.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10334867 No.10334867 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ uni thread

>tfw gonna wear full tricky ricky tomorrow

>> No.10334882

>dressing like a ninja in all black, complete with clown shoes and diaper, on a sunny day on a campus full of people your own age

you're going to do great kid, go get em.

>> No.10334888

>tfw can't decide between M.D. or O.D. schools.


>> No.10334897

>implying I give a fuck

>> No.10334909

I can just imagine you sitting at the GSU alone wondering if anyone can notice your tricky ricky

>> No.10334911

Fuck it I'm waiting till winter. First freshman classes went by pretty well at least.

>> No.10334916

please don't be like every other international Korean student in that school. just walking around campus I see so many tools

>> No.10334951

Anyone at UCSB? Not very /fa/ I guess but it's beautiful, and so chill. I love the vibe there.

>> No.10335160

all you asians have awful taste and style. I guess that's what new money buys these days. PS: nobody was impressed by your Dior polo today.

>> No.10335164
File: 8 KB, 300x300, news_image.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335169

sitting alone at the GSU isn't correlated with what season it is, anon :^)

>> No.10335174


i wish this school had funding for the graduate program i'm going into because the program itself looks fucking awesome besides the lack of funding

>> No.10335185

ivy league where we at

Sophomore Princetonfag here

>> No.10335203

forreal, its gonna be like 90 in boston tomorrow. have fun looking like a scrub

>> No.10335333
File: 37 KB, 400x398, umass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are my minutemen at? Can't wait to start school at this amazing place

>> No.10335350

Sorry no . Not the real Amherst

>> No.10335358

Dude.. I just graduated last year. Its fucking amazing. The weather sucks but its a fun school
Are you a freshman? BU is a real nice area and shit, but jesus christ.. the amount of people who don't shut up about privilege is astounding

>> No.10335361

We're the second biggest city with the name and older than the one in New York. Unless you mean that Amherst College is the "real Amherst"

I can't fucking wait, dude. It was my top school all along and I never wanted to go anywhere else. I love everything about it

>> No.10335371

It wasn't my top school, Northeastern was, but after visiting UMass, and having to deal with 5 years of Northeastern, I made the right choice. I'm visiting this weekend. I had the time of my life man. Live in Southwest.

>> No.10335380

I tried, but they put me in Northeast. I'm gonna try to go southwest next year. Give it to me straight, anon, is my social life over lmao

>> No.10335387

Fuck man Northeast?? Jesus Christ. You could've at least got Central.. I love SW so much, lived there 3 years, offcampus senior year. NE is typically engineering nerds and Asian kids.. so.. unless youre into that.. walk your ass over to SW haha

>> No.10335388

umass amherst is full of walking abortions
amherst college or die

>> No.10335395

Also, don't listen to this guy
Amherst college kids come to our parties, and can't even get laid by UMass sluts. By the time they graduate, they're all asexual hippies

>> No.10335399

yeah no i'm not at all like that, I'll have to get over to southwest. I literally put northeast last on my preferences, so I really just got boned.

pretty sure your school is for abortions m8


>> No.10335401

asexual hippies with high job prospects
enjoy your welfare checks and trailer park umass peasant

>> No.10335404

You dont know anyone in engineering or business do you

>> No.10335412

Yeah man, you gotta try and get out of that. Central is pretty near you, which is full of druggies and shit if you're into that

>> No.10335423
File: 63 KB, 804x1024, 302852085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boston University
>Bard College
>UMass Amherst

Is this a shit-tier university thread?
#1 Checking in

>> No.10335440

yeah ok have fun being Harvard and Yale's redheaded step-cousin

>> No.10335442

and then there's this guy

>> No.10335454
File: 325 KB, 1860x817, cu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

columbia. NYC is diverse and fa

>> No.10335462

>tfw you will never be HYP-tier

>> No.10335477

> Colorado State University

Let's complete the rest of this shit tier university thread. Still waiting to see a single kid from LCF or CSM - doubt it will ever happen.

>> No.10335492

I'm applying there soon, how is the school? Was it it hard to get into/get aid?

>> No.10335619


class of 2019 im so anxious to start, what year major and fav designer

>> No.10335656

When the fuck are they going to notify us of our roommates, holy shit

Pre econ/acc

>> No.10335658

Did this today in Missouri. I was surprised by how tame most people's reactions were.

>> No.10335672

ay its you the other 19er, i thought i had a roommate squared away but now he's not going to ucsb anymore, really hope we're roommates fam thatd be dope

>> No.10335686

Ya can't believe mine bailed on me too

I put FT as top pref, hbu?

>> No.10335709

yep. totally devoted my life to HYP throughout high school.

but im a pretty cool person after 3+ years at columbia. it definitely helped me become who i am today and i like me :)

grading is fucking hard at CU tho... wish i had grade inflation at harvard and dat p-privilege

>> No.10335721
File: 30 KB, 350x349, Royal_Danish_Academy_of_Fine_Arts_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

royal danish academy of the fine arts.... too much /fa/

>> No.10335734

yep FT, shit thatd be dope if we end up together. howd yours bail? mine said he got selected for random irs verification and something fucked up so he lost his grants. he was so cool too, oh well

>> No.10335755

Took some classes in Harvard during the summer, and stayed in the dorms. Apart from the orgy of tourists, all flack that school gets aside, it was honestly a pretty fucking great experience.

I expected a bunch of nerds, but it wasn't so bad. Whilst the classes were a majority of nerds, the dorm room experience was top notch. Since I'm a Junior I was obviously in the adult dorms (Houses) and it was basically a hotel filled to the brim with parties every single night and apart from one or two days they never sent cops/security to shut us down throughout the whole summer. (and I was lucky enough to get a solo room, which made it 250x better)

Point I was getting at is, to the people who have the opportunity to go to that type of school, take it.

In case anyone was wondering, to take summer classes you dont have to be accepted to the actual school; and due to my grades, no chance I'd actually get accepted.

>tfw failed one of the two classes I took, and passed the other one with a D.

rip $15,000, but worth tho.

I didnt do any of my homework for the class that I passed, and the one that I didnt pass I actually try-harded for which is pretty dumb to be honest.

>> No.10335758

pls tell me this is troll

you spent $15,000 to take two classes at Harvard and have shitty parties and fuck up your college transcript with shite grades?

pls tell me you have a trust fund or some shit

is this pasta

>> No.10335763

why did you do this? please tell me you didn't pay 15k for the experience and partying..

>> No.10335770


No pasta here, just rich boi

Summer courses which were taken at another school that of which you never asked to be transferred aren't added to the transcript since I was never actually part of the school. (and because im in another state)

If this does trigger you, just imagine i went on a super expensive vacation. Because that's basically what it was.

>> No.10335820

I actually don't know. He just straight up said he was going to go to community college out of the blue. I guess he didn't like the SB vibe and wanted to transfer to USC. Money was an issue too but the fuck USC costs a shit ton more, so I don't really know what his plan is.

>> No.10335870

thats so weird. im so anxious about everything, i hope people arent vapid and party concerned and i hope i can find enough serious students/ rich girls to make me happy. i'm already looking at transfer options, not bc i know i'll dislike sb i just really want somewhere prestigious

>> No.10335886

Anyone here doing commerce majoring in finance at UQ?

>> No.10335914

I was pretty bent on transferring too, but the big four recruit here so fuck it. I'm thinking if I can't be top of the class here, I won't survive elsewhere. Plus I'm planning on taking Japanese language class here to study abroad; I went to Japan this summer and Tokyo was bomb.

We def should meet at SB though

>> No.10336107

You should check out central. I'm a junior at umass but have to take this semester off, I'd highly recommend central over southwest. Southwest is full of bros and basics, central seems to have more unique people. certainly way more drug use and fashionable people in central. South west is good if you're into the whole frat/party scene but I think central is much better for finding cool people/friends. Two of my friends moved to sw for a semester and hated the atmosphere there so came back to central in a semester

>> No.10336112
File: 3.04 MB, 1440x1384, aye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10336205

How does it feel to know Lowell is becoming the flagship school of the UMass system?

>> No.10336217

who >>/britbong/ here

>> No.10336221

Yo you're at BU too? Wanna meet up?

>> No.10336242

It isn't lol
Lowell is a shithole

>> No.10336266

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.10336354

Boston fam meetup when???

>> No.10336359

It's lit

>> No.10336405

God damn i bet you're in Central too

>> No.10336478

Northeastern here reppin basic uniqlo fits sup neighbor.

>> No.10336487

Northeastern bro here, the student body is cancer.

>> No.10336491


>> No.10336580

Labor Day sales on Newbury bros

>> No.10336645


>> No.10336741

There were some people down to hit up Newbury last thread.

If someone plans it out, I would come.

>> No.10336749


muh minutemens : ' )

living in sylvan this year cause its the most /fa/ of the areas

>> No.10336750

Holy shit let's make a group chat or something guys. I can't wait to finally move in, orientation made me fall in love with the school.

>> No.10336760

Also I'm 2019, Environmental studies (trying to get into engineering), and Rick Owens. Not planning on going in full Rick on the first day though. You?

>> No.10336767

damn, large umass fa contingent. what are your 1st names?

>> No.10336825

Threads up fam


>> No.10336961

Yeah I'm a freshman, worst thing is that I'm commuting and have no friends. I fucked up hard

>> No.10336963

yeah we should i'll need fa friends. uh oh roommates in 2 hours are you ready

>> No.10336968
File: 25 KB, 512x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is NYU

>> No.10336975

ay wait which are you? message me on the app dude just search up joey and i;m the one in glasses

>> No.10336977
File: 150 KB, 512x512, The_University_of_California_Irvine.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10336979
File: 118 KB, 1200x857, Georgia-G-Logo_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10336980

I'm fuckin excited! Took them long enough.
Which app?

>> No.10336987
File: 14 KB, 334x187, mcgill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcgill ww@

>> No.10336994

My nigga! I've been posting UCI in a few threads but no one ever replied. What year are you?

>> No.10337002
File: 12 KB, 288x214, 1a3dde75-ec99-45b8-ad88-2184c3bd0598..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attending this school next week for commerce. how sick is it? is victoria college frosh fun? will I get flexed on by chinese international students?

>> No.10337003

"schools app" for connecting with other incoming sb students. youre not kevin right you;re a third? add me on snapchat its joey_thehooman

>> No.10337006
File: 12 KB, 255x255, lgctnp6merchr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to admit mercer has a fa logo

>> No.10337028

who /sussex/ here?

>> No.10337047
File: 130 KB, 355x440, 1425884330780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10337057

>go to a small community college
shit sucks fam

>> No.10337068
File: 48 KB, 300x133, Binghamton_University_State_University_of_New_York_logo_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't stress it, I did my 2 years at a CC after high school and I'd do it again if I had to. Saved $44k, got a 3.8 GPA and made invaluable friends and connections.

>> No.10337099

No. Prepare for social isolation.

>> No.10337212

Don't mind it, but I'm gonna miss out on the average college lifestyle. I go to class with the same 30 people for the next two years at a building away from the actual college campus.

>> No.10337245

lmao im a grad student here

>> No.10337285


>> No.10337320

as in a lot of work or everyone there is anti social?

>> No.10337408
File: 634 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Seal_of_University_of_California,_Berkeley.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10337419


Stay sleep faggots. You're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.10337427
File: 63 KB, 570x570, Seal_of_the_University_of_Houston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10337445

not the same as that first anon btw. I think I remember you guys posting about starting undergrad and someone offered to meet up, but I feel like it would be weird with the large age gap.

>> No.10337532
File: 33 KB, 400x276, 562_rave_main_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any london man in

>> No.10337541

what a tragic logo

>> No.10337557

McGill here too, my last semester!!

>> No.10337600


>> No.10337607
File: 25 KB, 220x220, uf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so lonely
everyone hates my school
it's such garbage
/fa/ is going to make fun of me again

>> No.10337636
File: 157 KB, 800x800, youtube_blue_800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10337659
File: 615 KB, 1280x683, stanford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else? ;___; i wish it was colder here

>> No.10337674
File: 47 KB, 960x1024, University_of_Helsinki.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10337679

Names Luis, I just sent you a snap. Joey G on the schools app? If so I fucking love you already, DG and RTJ are my shit

>> No.10337689

both. Join a frat if you want a social life

>> No.10337694

/fa/ as in apply for being /fa/, yes.

>> No.10337811

you poor bastard, I was raised in binghamton and couldnt get out of there soon enough

>> No.10337824

Yo anons, SB '18 here. Plz don't go full rick day 1 lol. Yes there's lots of tanks trunks and sandals but there's plenty fa kids you'll find em

>> No.10337834

Thanks dude, good to know there's more gauchos here

>> No.10337854
File: 170 KB, 512x512, osu_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSU represent.

Everyone's basic as fuck but I still love it here

>> No.10337866

i agree. the school's great but the fashion is not. where you living?

>> No.10337875

Was in Baker East last year but I'm a commuter now

>> No.10337885

i transferred this year so im living in lincoln. its not bad and the people are nice, but no one's really into the stuff im into.

>> No.10337903

>the people are nice, but no one's really into the stuff im into
Same. I never made close friends here, only study buddies and acquaintances
West campus is ok, it's a bit isolated though.

>> No.10337935

yeah its a bit far from everything, but the dorms aren't bad. and hey if you want to meet up i'd be up for meeting some new people. if you're on /fa/ we probably have at least some similar interests lol.

>> No.10337947
File: 56 KB, 295x358, UMass-Lowell-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10337992
File: 3 KB, 161x57, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RMIT Melbourne. It's bretty gud, lots of fashionable cuties. Even dating one of the girls from the arts section whose gorgeous. probably going to do my post-grad at Melbourne Uni or an American university though.

>> No.10337994
File: 7 KB, 160x160, umass-dartmouth-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just starting a phd here. i'm not sure if i'm gonna stick with it or just sudoku

>> No.10338057
File: 42 KB, 512x512, crkhrowC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syracuse, anyone?

>> No.10338079

Yeah sure.
My email is zasters1995@gmail

>> No.10338252


>> No.10338272

Same here. What's your major?

>> No.10338280

Chemical engineering

>> No.10338302



>> No.10338317

florida is garbage so im guessing UF is too

>> No.10338416
File: 785 KB, 1275x938, ucr-logo-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /mediocrity/ here?

>> No.10338421
File: 77 KB, 550x566, 20150903183944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10338478

Texas A&M here

>> No.10338640

3rd year bio here, pls come be /fa/ with me

>> No.10338706

Hit me up. I'm at UF and I hate this place too

I'm not actually going to waste the best years of my life in a place like Gainesville, right?

>> No.10338709

What are you studying?

>> No.10338712

lol, it would be funny af if I TA'd your class

>> No.10338731

Oh man I went here for undergrad. Fucking hated it. Most boring place.

>> No.10338812

/fa/ hell?

>> No.10338876
File: 79 KB, 500x301, (JPEG Image, 500 × 301 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NCSU, low-mid tier engineering school. Half of the people here are brainless hick fucks with nothing to show but cowboy boots and north face jackets, the other half are indian grad students.

>> No.10338892

what's it like

>> No.10338916

yo ucsb sucks sb drains the life out of people who arent old and white 4 of my friends dropped out of that place by 2nd semester

>> No.10338925

AYYY Me too fam

Yeah it's pretty depressing here. I wonder if I'll ever be social enough to go to any parties

>> No.10338935

my man

>> No.10338953

>all these rich ass white dweebs bragging about going to Amherst

sure is a great school if you want to deal with drunk white man-babies who have never been told "no" in their lives. Amherst parties also suck. MIT is lit.

>> No.10339131

2nd year CS my brother

>> No.10339133

Are you going to be my TA? What topics?

>> No.10339146

mbby if you take BioE classes, or any biophysics (not sure if that exists for undergrads)

>> No.10339330

uh oh what do you mean drains the life out of people?

>> No.10340359

what's wrong with university of florida
best school in the state

>> No.10340392
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, clemsonlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Tigers.

>> No.10340444
File: 156 KB, 1365x1024, Texas_AM_Aggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my school /fa/

>> No.10340540


>> No.10340610

Yup, Starting this year.

>> No.10340617

Pick one

>> No.10340635
File: 8 KB, 358x141, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fight me irl.

>> No.10340710


I go to FSU, there is nothing effay about this place at all but at least the country loves us.

>> No.10341020

I just graduated in May. Loved BU wish I could go back. If you are new and have any questions you can holla at me.

I also wouldn't wear full tricky ricky unless you're asian. You'll prob look autistic

>> No.10341199

Yeah that's how I feel sometimes but today I got a shitload of compliments on my ramones and prisoners so idk. Any tips on making friends?

>> No.10341204

>ctrl + F UCLA
>never a result
No surprise whatsoever, and that sums up our aesthetic here. Devoid of /fa/

>> No.10341381

I know it sounds cliche but start joining clubs or activities, be open, nice and confident.

I know everyone shits on frats (I did all the time) but I ended up joining one and loved it made some of my best friends from there. I was also a member of a lot of different clubs where I met tons of cool people.

Don't try and be /fa/, really it's retarded. Just be/do what you like- if that includes wearing tricky ricky then do that. But don't get obsessed with being some non normie /fa/ kid

>> No.10341411


GOOD, everyone on this board is a fucking sociopath or braindead.

>> No.10341421

Naw man, everyone is just not a pleb

>> No.10341514

Ruck Fice :^)
Just kidding I like Rice a lot, that campus is fucking beautiful. I would've gone there if it wasn't like 60 grand a year. Most of the students I met were dicks too, I hope you aren't one.

>> No.10341519

>actually believe in the diversity cult
I knew /fa/ had some airheads but this takes the cake

>> No.10341522

If you are male, getting in will be easy, the people are nice (and extremely talented at the collegiate level), and you will be surrounded by nice, outgoing, and interesting people. Mostly girls.

>> No.10341529


More and more underachieving brown kids every year.

>> No.10341539

Left umass a few years ago because it was gay as fuck and had shit faculty in my field. Dining halls were great though I miss them

>> No.10341553

Frank >>>>>

>> No.10341566

Which is the most /fa/ UC?

>> No.10341571

probably a university in Milan, or maybe a fashion school in Paris

>> No.10341578


think the dude meant UC as in university of california.

ucsd here. i don't think its us lel

>> No.10341580

By UC I meant University of California lol.

>> No.10341642

Ayy hmu we out here

>> No.10341736

who /MIT/ here

>> No.10341776

>tfw graduated university 2 years ago

i feel old, but hey.... at least i found a decent job with an english lit degree every1 told me would be useless

>> No.10341855

What job?

>> No.10342156
File: 7 KB, 156x156, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go panthers woohoo

>> No.10342168

I manage the website of a specialty food distributor.

>> No.10342193

Just wait for the meme boots and walking sleeping bags.

>> No.10342246

:D congratulations! I'm entering my 2nd

>> No.10342515
File: 115 KB, 325x325, Umnseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads always make me feel inadequate

>> No.10342621
File: 139 KB, 2400x450, CSUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get out of Bakersfield already
2 more quarters to go

>> No.10342626


feel better yet?

>> No.10342642

UC Irvine reporting in, this is why we are the most /fa/.

Berkeley, LA,San Diego are all full of STEM autists who dress like shit (all stem majors do)

Santa Barbara and Davis are full of basic bros and bitches

Stoner Cruz, Ratchetside and Merced aren't /fa/ because not going to a top uni (by top I mean top 50 in the world at least) is not /fa/.

that leaves UCI as the most /fa/ :&)

>> No.10342662

at least stem majors will be able to pay off their student loans

>> No.10342742


What should I major in to become a Systems Administrator as fast as possible as soon as I graduate?

Right now I'm an Economics major with an information systems minor,

does major/minor matter at all when it comes to sysadmin?

>> No.10342799
File: 60 KB, 360x365, NCSU_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 you best be joking about low-mid tier engineering school.What's your major though?

Also I'll take sorority chicks in cowboy boots any day, have you seen how the Indians dress?

>> No.10342823
File: 325 KB, 2787x1200, 3655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle U - Comp Sci

>> No.10342834

>Comp Sci
The least /fa/ major.

>> No.10342846


>> No.10342906


real nigga shit

>> No.10342909

lol I know. pretty rare

>> No.10342929

lmao, I saw two different hypebeast asians wearing fake Rick shoes within a month...

>> No.10343776
File: 23 KB, 200x173, 200px-UPenn_shield_with_banner.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh prob no one but might as well try

>> No.10344246
File: 369 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-MSU_Seal_2010.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where you at?

>> No.10344250

Don't forget the military and Northface parkas

>> No.10344301
File: 102 KB, 300x295, GeorgiaTechYellowJackets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.10344330

even dartmouth is laughing at you

>> No.10344336

SUNY ESF is where it's at bruh

>> No.10344337

wow that honestly sounds boring as fuck

>> No.10344341

How hard is it to get in? My cousin's applying and I'm kind of worried about how he'll take it if he gets rejected

>> No.10344357

Maybe I'm just jealous but I can't honestly believe anyone posting on this godforsaken site would ever get into an Ivy League school unless they were some kind of mega-autist prodigy like Richard Stallman

>> No.10344372

actually there are a lot of people on here that are fairly smart. just look in this thread and you'll see some pretty good schools (not just ivys)

pretty fucking hard. probably on par with Cornell.

>> No.10344376

How to get into an Ivy League
1.) 4.0 (easy in public high school)
2.) say your a part of 3 clubs
3.) pay someone to either improve or write your essay
4.) get an sat tutor
5.) have parents with money or take out a loan

Easy as fuck

>> No.10344384
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>4.0 (easy in public high school)

>> No.10344389

What was your SAT, anon?

>> No.10344433
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>tfw I was valedictorian w/ 4.0
>dual enrolled in college senior year
>in a few clubs
>2000 SAT
I'm at a community college. Hopefully transferring to a better school next year. Shit feels bad man.

>> No.10344447
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My brother did the same thing.
>4.0 GPA
>took 6 AP classes, got 4 5's on the tests
>2050 SAT
>outstanding performance in a bunch of extracurricular
>a few teachers I spoke to said he was one of the smartest students they had ever taught
>>went to the same uni that a somewhat retarded autist in my grade got accepted into

>> No.10344456

>2000 sat
That's your problem

>> No.10344457

You forgot
>win every single student office election in high school
>do 6 sports
>all 5s on AP tests
>be the most popular student in school
>be part black, Nepalese, Sami and Aborigines
>created an AIDS foundation in Africa
>started a successful business at 15 years old
>climbed Mount Everest
>cured a type of cancer while interning in a medical research facility

>> No.10344463
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This place fucking sucks

>> No.10344466

>2000 SAT
Top kek
ameridums everyone, I'm a eastern euro subhuman and I did better than that.

>> No.10344467

yeah but they aren't fashionable

>> No.10344470


you guys wanna meet up? I'm a first year CS major btw

>> No.10344478

Madi, shut up.

>> No.10344483

The highest score of all the vals in my county was like a 2100, and she went to Harvard. But, her daddy is also a congressman and her brother went to Westpoint.
Ivy League is like a little club.

>> No.10344492

>Not having rich parents paying for your education so you don't have loans
I'm sorry. Also stem majors from my Experience have dressed like shit, the ones who put any effort into their appearance end up looking like mfacore/dadcore. Most I've seen wear athletic shorts and Hanes tee shirts every day

>> No.10344496


I know plenty of people at ucla that lurk here
all in majors you wouldn't expect like chem eng and stuff

>> No.10344510
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This is kind of a weird thing, but does anyone else think going to a super-elite school would be terrible? I've only known a few people who have gotten into places like Harvard, and they're all bright and shiny normalfags whose life goal is to hug every African child or something overly positive like that. I find prodigy types annoying as hell, to be honest.

Plus, 'smart' people can often times be dumber than regular dumb people. I'd say reading Malcolm Gladwell makes you more of an idiot than watching The Big Bang Theory, but the average Malcolm Gladwell reader is also smarter than the average BBT watcher. Smart idiots are also a lot harder to ignore, because if you take a stupid idea and have the knowledge to make it sound smart, people will think it really is smart. Does anyone else have this feeling?

>> No.10344527
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>> No.10344542

florida state university

i transferred here from University of Tirana just so i could have an excuse to see the US

mfw i've been arrested three times ranging from criminal mischief to burglary
mfw i've been getting all As
mfw i think i'm getting deported unless the state attorney agrees to a second diversion program
mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway
mfw i'm only here to waste time until my father's estate transfers in my name

>> No.10344553
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>> No.10344554


>> No.10344574

Nyc is one of the fashion capitals and America in general produced a shitload of awesome fashion designers. Just because a lot of plebs live there doesn't mean shit.

>> No.10344582

UCD we in here

>> No.10344586

>tfw only guy who goes to WCSU

>> No.10344611
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your plebwear is dope tbh

>> No.10344622

UCI here too. Can confirm, correct.

>> No.10344700

are you albanian? what did you do to get in trouble with the law in u.s?

>> No.10344701

usa has plenty of fashionable/hip cities, get with the times m80

>> No.10344709


Ayy lmao. Didn't see any fashionable kids all of last year but in the first week I already saw a kid wearing CPs and a kid wearing raf stans

>> No.10344710

which state, western ct?

>> No.10344725

Help me out /fa/ I live in Louisiana and they really put you on a road to LSU here I want to avoid that at all costs but I am a poorfag. I want to go somewhere in the Northeast any advice? My top 3 are tufts, UCONN and American.

>> No.10344733
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>> No.10344922


>> No.10344951

if you're a poor fag i would avoid going out of state. Student debt is not /fa/

>> No.10344963

It's fun. I get to taste and talk about food all day.

>> No.10345044

>top 50

Oh im laffing

>> No.10345801
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SFU anyone? Just moved to the bottom of the mountain.

>> No.10345850

This tbh

>> No.10345861

Dude, NC State is fucking phenomenal, don't be like that.

(But yeah, your classmates are retarded, sorry)

Your performance in school >>>>> the prestige of the school.

I know a lot of people who have done phenomenally from shitty schools and vice versa.

>Ivy League is like a little club.
Accurate. It's also overblown. I say this and I have an Ivy degree.

LSU is a solid school and you shouldn't really avoid it absolutely unless you have a good reason to that isn't "Fuck Louisiana."

That said, Tufts, UCONN, and American are all excellent schools. I'd just focus like crazy on having the best goddamn applications you can, fire them off to everyone you can, and see what comes back scholarship-wise and offer-wise. You miss all of the shots you don't take, etc.

>> No.10345931

35 ACT

>> No.10346241

Yeah, when/where?

>> No.10346371
File: 164 KB, 1280x831, 1280px-Florida_Gators_logo.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really suck or are you guys just lonely nerds?
I want to transfer to UF once I get my AA. I have a friend there and she loves it and says there are parties all the time. I'm also considering UCF.

>> No.10346378


What you studying man? I'm doing an undergrad at melbourne uni atm, dating an art girl from rmit too tho. RMIT always seemed like a lot of asians in SUPERDRY JAPAN jackets and bright coloured free runs.

I'd suggest melbourne to most people but depends what you want to do post grad

>> No.10346926

Is it nice? I want to apply either there or UBC for transfer. You like it?

>> No.10347067

half of the international students (most of the uni) are fucking loaded and wear the nicest shit. The other half look dress like anime characters or look like aliens tbh

>> No.10347218

but seriously fuck louisiana

>> No.10347247
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>> No.10347722

Law Student here. The third ward is shit.

>> No.10347741

Hell yeah it is, it's a damn shame the school ended up in the middle of it. But at least it's just a few minutes drive to the other side of 288 where things get much nicer.

>> No.10347770

I have As in everything except a small course in piano. Other than that I suppose I'm more attractive to universities than most other students, highly socially competent, my teachers and classmates like me, I'm creative, and I'm passionate about a lot of different things outside of school etc, all that. Are my chances to get into Ivy League schools still completely fucked now?

>> No.10347772

yeah i know

at least we have cornell to keep us company

>> No.10347774
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Any other huskies in here?

>> No.10347775


most of the people at ivy leagues aren't really that smart, myself included

>> No.10347776

No one from penn here :-( everyone dresses fratcore

>> No.10347823

penn reporting in

either that or rich asian international students

>> No.10347845
File: 141 KB, 730x1144, duqpharm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone? ;( I'm in pharmacy, really great program here.

>> No.10348175
File: 30 KB, 1280x647, QC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confident that no one on this board goes here.

>> No.10348203

hi whuddup

what year are you?
lookin forward to starting up school again in the next few weeks?

>> No.10348833

Which ivy?

>> No.10349517

50000+ here.../fa/ ppl are unicorns

>> No.10349526

Whats a sea wolf?

>> No.10349534

Suck a dick.
-Love CUNY.

>> No.10349539

This lawyer I know went there.

Hello from Baruch

>> No.10349576

damn, wasn't expecting a reply. i'll be a sophomore, you?

>> No.10349584

ayy 4th year econ/art history and studio art minor here

>> No.10349592

baruch here too, whats up

>> No.10349780

go to cornish, but i live in the u
i refuse to believe that anyone here isn't a basic fratbro

>> No.10349877

mah nigga

>> No.10349882

if you want the 'college experience' go to UF
much more of a college town and a hoo rah we are SEC cousin fuckers
I'm at UCF and it's much more relaxed
I enjoy it

>> No.10350359

ucla aero engineering

>> No.10350365


CUNY fam represent

>> No.10350381

uconn is pushing like $45,000 a year for out of state i think, its not ideal
also we're not effay and if your from louisiana you will not survive a winter in storrs

>> No.10350386
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deal with it sucky murcans