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/fa/ - Fashion

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10338955 No.10338955 [Reply] [Original]

Buzz words that need to leave this board. I'll start: fast-fashion

>> No.10340468

i don't think you understand fashion if you think fast-fashion is a buzzword.. it's a real thing, are you annoyed people shit on your h&m/zara fits :^)
designer or gtfo

>> No.10340474


>> No.10340486


>> No.10340491

Missing couple of mosteoporosis popular boards.
Loads of dead boards

>> No.10340506


>> No.10340514

There is nothing wrong with wearing a fedora, the stupid meme about neckbeards and atheism (although quite frankly there's nothing wrong with atheism, either) needs to die.

>> No.10340518


>> No.10340524

/fa/ as an adjective. God, how I hate those "Is _______ /fa/?"

>> No.10340545

"smh tbh fam lol lmao"

>> No.10340623

Good list

>> No.10340638

Smh tbh fam lol lmao
Tbh I like that tbh caught on, but yeah good list

>> No.10340639
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>smh tbh
you sound mad tbh

>> No.10340647
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designer cuck detected

>> No.10340651

>being poor

>> No.10341546

I don't like shitskin it sounds mean

>> No.10341837

i agree with everything but cuck

cuck's gotta stay, it describes the basic bitches on here so perfectly

>> No.10341843

All of them.

>> No.10341852

basically just another "faggot". anything or anybody you don't like is a "cuck" now, it describes approximately nothing. 4chan tends to do that, take a joke or a word that's vaguely amusing and just beat it over and over and over with a stick until it's absolutely unbearable, lost all its meaning, and irritates the fuck out of everybody

>> No.10341857

Cuck sums up weak, emasculated,and insecure all in one word. Which just so happens to describe a fucking boatload of losers on this board, it's like a more specific form of fuccboi.

>> No.10341859

Describing trends as memes as if its something that isn't inherent to fashion

>> No.10341867

B-b-but fast-fashion is a thing

>> No.10341872

I'm nice to guys and try to be helpful and don't insult anyone or call anyone faggots.

No one cares.

Act that way with a girl though?


It's almost as if I'm hanging out on a teen board with insecure teen boys who belittle from a place of fear and lonliness.

>> No.10341931


>> No.10341999

they're necessary labels that apply to the board in a specific way

when i think faggot, i think of feminine skin tight fits with androgynous features like what slp kids try to do

when i think fuccboi, i think of someone in all black hypebeast brands and some yeezy boosts

when i think cuck, i think of /fa/'s hivemind; more specifically, awful monochrome interpretations of "minimalism" with CPs

the words bring balance and identity

>> No.10342125

>when i think cuck, i think of /fa/'s hivemind; more specifically, awful monochrome interpretations of "minimalism" with CPs
I agree with your interpretation of the other two but why would cuck make you think that?

>> No.10342235



>> No.10342249

cuck is as meaningless as fedora now

It needs to fucking die soon.

>> No.10342252

OP here this is a nice thread
Thanks for the actual dialogue, fam

>> No.10342299
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>> No.10342320
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You're a fucking cuck

>> No.10342324

kek is super gay.

only babydicked 4chan-obsessed queers use it

>> No.10342330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10342334

i'm sure your parents are proud

>> No.10342345

im a poorfag so i only wear h&m


fast fashion isnt a buzz word m8

>> No.10342377

Where do I start...

Stolen from SA, unfunny even at inception.

Thinly-veiled attack against anything not hypebeast. Utterly without merit because it's usually used as a conclusion without explanation.

>/mfa/, reddit-tier, etc.
Taking potshots at the idiots at Reddit by attacking articles of clothing that ~they~ like. Like somehow this is fucking dodgeball and we're picking team members one-by-one and /mfa/ picked Clarks DBs first round.

>effay or equivalent
/fa/ is a board, not a style.

You're a 18 year old chav on a Japanese-themed image board, not a fucking rapper.


>/pol/-inspired shit
/pol/ is hilarious and awesome because of its multiple levels of irony going on at any given time, completely lost on /fa/ posters.

>> No.10342391
File: 56 KB, 450x450, 17786-ja-rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo bate fam, y u gotta come into threads and try to /r/threadkiller it? That's some cuck dadcore typewriter /mfa/-tier shit man. You think ur effay? Just a fuccboi from /pol/ on a Japanese image board trying to act smart, I'll show u street life

ja rule

>> No.10342421

i agree with all of these accept fam tbh fam.

>> No.10342429

>/pol/ is hilarious and awesome because of its multiple levels of irony going on at any given time, completely lost on /fa/ posters.
lol if you think they're been ironic

>> No.10342449

Some of them obviously aren't, but there's a sense of extremism to the point of hilarity on there. Every so often you see a glimmer of self-awareness, which makes me happy.

Unfortunately a lot of my idiot friends take /pol/ very, very seriously.

To be honest, I don't mind fam that much. It's kinda a rare bird on here.

>> No.10342567

I honestly couldn't care less

I'm pretty sure you're missing the point

>/mfa/, reddit-tier, etc.
Associated with old school "reddit mfa style" where in normal situations would be totally normal to be seen in/worn in, but it is a weak faux pas into fashion-which is the main purpose of this board.

>effay or equivalent
Couldn't agree more

Don't care, it's internet slang it will die down eventually.

Why do you even care about this?

No /pol/ poster post on /fa/, and no /fa/ posters post on /pol/
But then again your name is Patrick Bateman

>> No.10342574

thats the point

thats why the cuck meme is funny. it wasnt funny until it started pissing people off

>> No.10342593

maybe but it's not like a genuine "fuck you take that back" kind of anger, it's more like a jaded "ugh, not this stupid shit again" type

>> No.10342597

>No /pol/ poster post on /fa/, and no /fa/ posters post on /pol/
is this sincere

>> No.10342608


>> No.10342641

tbh moot reinforced the use of cuck on 4chan.

Cuckold is a thinking mans fetish after all cmon

>> No.10342672


>> No.10342700

>Cuckold is a thinking mans fetish after all cmon
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean

>> No.10342707

only moot knows anon

>> No.10342719

that's because you just sit there and think while your girl gets fucked

>> No.10342754

Pol is a cesspool of keyboard warriors talking about starting race wars but just waiting and not doing anything

>> No.10342806


>> No.10343158


>> No.10343201

I kind of can't wait until cuck catches on in the mainstream like fuccboi did so that everyone is using it so something new comes along

>> No.10343229

any homophobic, transphobic or racist slur

>> No.10343328

Singling them out for inclusion is as offensive as belittling them

>> No.10343393

I just don't like that people use it in a derogatory manner
Eventually companies like Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, and Forever 21 will be able to afford to stop copying whatever is trendy right now and focus heavily on their own designs.....then only future oldfags will roll their eyes at these brands who, like it or not, are definitely here to stay, and talk about old HuffPo/Vice articles about forced labor, environmental recklessness, and fast fashion

>> No.10343412

lol, the those companies aren't waiting until they can afford fashion designers, their business model is to water down and trend hop, there is way more money in targeting basic bitches then suddenly remodeling their whole company in an effort to target an already well catered for minority.

>> No.10343416


>> No.10343420

I think they deserve some credit since they have flourished while most other companies are shutting their doors

>> No.10343551

white night

i.e. edgy man-children

>> No.10343561

>white night
Never see these in this board

>> No.10343569


>> No.10343592

i guess you're from /b/r9k/pol/

>> No.10343643


>> No.10343651

>Cuck advocating for the end of using cuck

I don't think so Cuck.

>> No.10343764

Fast-fashion isn't a buzzword.

>> No.10343777

We've had that since 2008. You can leave.

Same with effay. It's a word that's been used on the board forever and is ingrained into the culture. It roots from fights over the pronunciation of the board's name, especially since it launched at the first time as "fit" which no one pronounces as "eff eye tee". It was strange for people migrating in from boards like /b/ to have a two letter word board name.

Agree, except cuck. My father is old and British and calls his friends cuckolds when they put out a ton of money for their bitches, only to get fucked over. Some people on this board kind of deserve it sometimes.

>> No.10343790

It is derogatory and only used by Huffington post readers
Literal definition of a buzz word

>> No.10343794
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>tfw /fa/ is never included in these

feels bad mang

>> No.10343799



>> No.10343808

Top left
Dandy bitch with 10/10 facial bone structure

>> No.10343809


nigger tranny fags tbh

>> No.10343810

what kind of stupid ad-hominem response is that

fast fashion is a phrase that has been used for years, ever since hm became popular, and it has an entirely relevant definition even if the people you're referring to use the phrase out of proper context

>> No.10343844

A lot of buzz words have relevant definitions
But that one bothers me because the only people who use it are trying to make a cliched argument for why they don't like those particular does
Honestly I don't like fast fashion brands. But I at least am willing to acknowledge the pretense associated with talking about H&M like if they're some horrible corporation. Environmental impact aside, they probably have higher garment industry standards than any other company (and what choice do they have? They can't afford bad press since their particular corner of the industry is extremely competitive)
I literally have gone into one of their stores ever in my life. My sister and I walked past it on state street in Chicago and she asked if we could pop in
Everything looked cheaply made and the prices were suspiciously low.
Nobody says "fast fashion" and assumes they have to explain themselves about the meaning. It's smug and faux intellectual at best

>> No.10343848



>> No.10343895

People name dropping:

>vintage Helmut
>turn of the century Raf
>Sruli Recht
>Carol Christian Poel

Usually followed by denouncing all the plebs for not having such patrish fashion knowledge/taste

There are other designers but these are the worst offenders

>> No.10343913


>> No.10345122


>> No.10345180

Haha memes xD

>> No.10345200

Agreed although I dislike it more because it is popular with bigger, shit boards like /b/

>> No.10345210

Why are you even here?

>> No.10345217


>> No.10345229


>found the cucks

>> No.10345379

>look guys I'm using a meme that wasn't funny the first time! I am /fa/ now? Do I fit in now? tfw all this effirt and she still doesn't notice me ;_:
you the cuck nigga

>> No.10345386
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>typed that whole thing out
>not a cuck

You're literally a cuckold

>> No.10345392


>> No.10345773


yeah its pretty fucked up

>> No.10345776

Ok shitskin

>> No.10345784

i'm white
i'm just a sjw

>> No.10345790


>> No.10345791

>fam is internet slang
amerifat pls leave

>> No.10346211

that's the point, shitskin

>> No.10346220

>fam, smh, tbh, imo, iirc

If you start talking like tumblr faggots they'll think they're welcome here

>> No.10347244


>> No.10347452

Just because you think the term is derogatory doesn't make it a buzzword.

>> No.10347474

this it'll be hilarious for 4chan to scramble for a new catch all insult

>> No.10347556


>> No.10347897

poes law tbh fam init

>> No.10347978
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>when i think faggot, i think of feminine skin tight fits with androgynous features like what slp kids try to do

sounds like you want some boipussi you sassy cunt

>> No.10347989

>/pol/ is hilarious and awesome because of its multiple levels of irony going on at any given time, completely lost on /fa/ posters.
Yes they really came into their own, commersially and artistically.

>> No.10347995


>> No.10348006


>> No.10348026


>> No.10348325


>> No.10348368


>> No.10348402


>> No.10348423


>> No.10348730

fuck off shill. They make money by making cheap clothing for pennies then selling it to people with shit taste

>> No.10348737

That describes like 99% of the fashion industry though...

>> No.10349477

Ayla Mao

>> No.10349579


What anime is that ?

>> No.10349582

Daily Lives of High School Boys

>> No.10349605

and whatever word bandwagon that's still running on this board

>> No.10349611

and nigger

>> No.10349615

if trips need to go, you're first
also, aren't you new as fuck?

>> No.10349647


>> No.10349649

>Ban evasion

>> No.10349653

No, lol you're obviously the new one.

>> No.10349683

>lmao no u
doesn't matter, you already showed it here
>and nigger
oh, and drop trip, literally never seen you post something interesting or substantial

>> No.10349714 [DELETED] 
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LoooOOoOOOOOL My bait is too easy. And all i needed was to display trip. Mannnnn.Watch this turn into a trip rant thread rn.

>> No.10349729

> I'm aware of my own ineptitude and gloat about it
> I am successful social engineer supreme manipulator, watch the serfs scramble to rebut this one