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/fa/ - Fashion

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10339684 No.10339684 [Reply] [Original]

rate me
feel free to rip me apart
i want helpful crituiqes

>> No.10339693


Drop 40-50lbs. Lose the nose ring. Stop shopping at Urban Outfitters. Stop making your hair shiny. Stop wearing basic ass glasses.

I just told you things you should stop doing. It's a long road before things you should be doing.

>> No.10339697

drop 70 lbs, and start to dress better then, no point trying atm

>> No.10339702

Get off tumblr.

>> No.10339703

ive never walked into an urban outfitters. i prefer wet seal ?

how does one stop making their hair shiny when its naturally like that exactly?

>> No.10339704

Nice makeup. :)
After, stop meking your hair shiny.

>> No.10339708

not interested in losing weight btw

>> No.10339716

You should leave /fa/

>> No.10339718

id rate you at a 4.5. lose nose ring. get half rim frames or lose them. imma gonna guess your a type of latin. puerto rican is my guess so i dont know if you can change hair style but i think a hairstyle that is less wide and more narrow would help your head less look less big. you're not the worst but a year of dedication and im sure you can look better. good luck.

>> No.10339719

enjoy ur heart attack and ugliness then kek

>> No.10339720

nah im good
thanks for looking out for me though :)

>> No.10339724


>I'm not obese. I'm "curvy"


>> No.10339726

actually! Argentinian/black/native mix.

>> No.10339732

im fully aware im fat. like, thats not a secret. but all of my vitals are good and i work out so

i used to weigh 45 or so pounds more a few years back

im comfortable with my weight and i dont think i would like how id look skinny

>> No.10339739

yeah and i used to weigh 30 pounds when i was like 5

how is that relevant

you need to lose weight in order to be attractive in clothing

>> No.10339742

i meant "45 pounds more" typo. my bad.

>> No.10339756
File: 255 KB, 307x435, layers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont want to lose weight you have to remember that somethings you cant rock. Layers are your best friend, i am a big guy and layers work for me. pic related. if i took off the jacket it would look way worse and of course black is your friend. /fa/ might not approve but im more business casual and i live in the rockies so it influences my outfit. still i think you should find your own style, its boring to be the same as everyone else.

>> No.10339758

lose weight

>> No.10339762
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i used to layer back when i was younger, but i live in the middle of the desert in california. i can only wear so much!

>> No.10339764
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>> No.10339768

ugh. you have potintial to look so good. how is all that weight comfortable? doesnt it get in the way? isnt it hard to sleep? dont you get hot?? there are only good things that can come out of losing weight, the only reason i can see for you not to is so that you have those "~fat & beautiful ~" brownie points and thats so stupid and fleeting .

>> No.10339772

Id bust a fierce nut that would shatter your uterus tbqh

>> No.10339778

im actually pretty fit? i did ballet, cheerleading, and baseball all my life.

im not uncomfortable at all? shrugs

>> No.10339780

ill take that as a compliment? thanks!

>> No.10339784

Read the sticky, post this bullshit in WAYWT, generally lurk more so you don't get your own thread

>> No.10339789

maybe you're fit and have bit musles under all that fat, but no one gets to see it. another good reason to lose weight. plus if you were thinner its going to be a lot easier to do all those sports as you dont have to carry the weight.

yeah trust me, maybe you dont know the difference, but i was a fatty and losing weight was the best thing ever. looked better, felt better, didnt sweat so much, i could actually RUN. literally N O R E A S O N to keep the weight.

>> No.10339796

how exactly did you lose weight? i dont knock things till i try it, so im open.

details please and thank you!

>> No.10339811

what everyone does. ate less. i didnt eat outside of my daily calorie limit even if my stomach growled. also had depression so i was on vyvance, and my doc says you can get that prescribed to you for binge eating.

to find your calorie limit, check scooby's calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

you cant do any of that "listen 2 ur body" bull because your body tells you to eat enough food a day in order to sustain your current weight, and you need to eat less to lose it.

>> No.10339817
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remove eyewear unless they're prescription.
don't wear right clothes, and don't wear black.
red looks good on you, as does white.
wear something professional / classy
remove all the jewelry and use a straightener on your hair


be like this qt aisha tyler >>10339684

>> No.10339838

got it. thanks!

well im heading off for the night. thanks everyone! this was fun!

>> No.10339843
File: 1.12 MB, 1048x924, pretty black lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for makeup/hair, i think natural hair suits you but loose the bangs. pink matte lips look good on you, maybe some pink blush to match. natural looking red blush/ lips for the winter months. once you loose weight, comfy core/mori would be adorable on you. you have such a cute, soft face. i hate the eyeliner and nose ring though. youre not an edgy person.

look for that chick from the coseby show for inspo, shes not edgy, but kind of what youre going for

>> No.10339848

you. you know what youre talking about. i love mori and thats been my insp lately. any way we can chat before i go to bed? id like to work out some ideas with you!

>> No.10339856

Lose weight, pig.

>> No.10339857

you can keep posting in the thread b4 it gets deleted or 404s.

heres some places i like

>> No.10339865

looks great. thank you!

>> No.10339870

do you have any place i can search for inspiration for a dark mori/comfy core type of look so i can fully wrap my head around the idea?

>> No.10339880

theres a lot a comfy core here, palewave is kinda like it. /cgl/ is the one with mori threads.

>> No.10339883

would date/10

>> No.10339890

WANTING to date or fuck this ham-gremlin.
/fa/ really isn't an exception to 4chan's patheticness

>> No.10339897

Post ass. Also I think you showed me your tits on omegle

>> No.10339910


OP just go to /cgl/ to learn about how to buy clothing from Rakuten or other Japanese webshops to avoid this impending disaster

>> No.10339913

i hope this is bait and not actually you

>> No.10339917

Are you this charming in real life too?

>> No.10339928

whats wrong with fairyland?

>> No.10339949

Fuck you talkin
Id destroy her pussy, ofcourse with a condom on me and a bag over her head

>> No.10339967

Are you that girl from snapfam who kept sending snaps of her masturbating ?

>> No.10340275

Get the fuck out of my state tbh

>> No.10340288

this the girl tht sucks every dudes dick behind the school gym

>> No.10340327

Try going into the political scene with a seat as a republican representative,make sure you advocate for
>low and middle earning income
>small companies
>rural people
>blacks in urban centers
>moderate religious folks
make a manifesto of taxing more of the rich,increase state spending to invigorate the nation,cut down military spending,nationalization of healthcare and do not mess with gun laws
when you win an estimated 58% of the vote with 32 states advantage make sure to instate a countrywide pogrom of intellectuals,revolutionaries and other associated dissenters then you

>> No.10340357

this is cute ur cute keep loving yrself

>> No.10340476

Get rid of nose ring.

Your nise is fat and wide, dont being attention to it, it already gets it vy itself.

>> No.10340490

>tell me how to look better
>I like how I look

>> No.10340505

this is a good look I like it, you look good here

>> No.10340507

People actually think this is her posting?

>> No.10340510

i would grow out ur hair if you can

big curly hair is awesome

also ur eyebrows kind of just start i would make ur makeup fade into darker and also thin out the ends :)

also dont have chips on your nail polish!! it steals from the look!!

>> No.10340515

why the fuck do you even ask?

>> No.10340520

yall took da b8 m8's smh METROBOOMIN WANT SOME MOOOO NIGGA

>> No.10340529



>> No.10341256

You are not fit. It's fine if you're comfortable being overweight, but don't lie to yourself.

>> No.10341273

Fuck you're actually disgusting. I hope you choke on a fuckin cheesecake

>> No.10341279

not soc reported and sage

>> No.10341281

Just lose the fucking weight

and the septum piercing, ew bit

>> No.10341354 [DELETED] 

a year ago people like you wouldn't even dare to come here to ask. wonder what happend with /fa/ since then...
fucking fat tumblr niggers

>> No.10341708

>get off tumblr
>never go near a hottopic again
>spend that time exercising

>> No.10341724

Lose like, one hundred pounds.
not even exaggerating.

>> No.10341868

yes you are, you just tell us that so you can try to stop people from calling you a fatty, fatty. Lose the weight and your life will begin to turn around.

>> No.10341871

you´re fat

nuff said

>> No.10341881

>im actually pretty fit
tumblr pls go

>> No.10341887

>how to recognize bait, exhibit A, this post

>> No.10341888


lmao fuck off nigger you aint argie

>> No.10341917

Do you not take care of your body?

>> No.10341926

is this a b9-1?

>> No.10341940

>Argentinian/black/native mix
so just a simple argenigger? yeah you have the look of an annoying pretentious shit, kill yourself

>> No.10341943

>asks for honest advice
>receives honest advice
>gets butthurt when people tell her she's fat
tip top kek

>> No.10341958

If you browzed here before you'll know these people hate fat people and this isn't soc/

>> No.10341977

>Drop the piercings
>Get more defined natural-ish hair style
>No more edgy clothes

You will get along just fine, just don't try to stand out so hard.

>> No.10341988

Then you're not interested in looking attractive.

You are a tumblr whale incarnate.

>> No.10342153
File: 80 KB, 736x552, 6720e655129cb23f987f7bacdc127474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't freak about the hair thing. I know lurk moar is a lazy answer, but you're very tumblrcore atm and it's difficult to pin exactly how not to be. You have the body/glasses/piercing/short hairstyle, and that on top of the clothes isn't ideal.

Biggest problem I think is weight, I don't mean to seem rude, but honestly the hair/piecing can sometimes look quite good, but a heavier body will push it over the fine line to tumblrcore. Plus the secretary glasses are a staple of angry feminist.

Try to invest in nicer clothes; crude graphics and bad colour schemes is prob the most basic issue. Browse a few WAYWT threads, check out the reception to certain fits, maybe start a female inspo thread.

Unsure of how fluent you are in 4chan, but some good memey-styles to look into for inspo would be -
Check out the sticky too, Tuxbell[dot]com

>> No.10342175
File: 148 KB, 500x375, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fbd812eaaebfe7d5f5f407abdc81d4bbd%2Ftumblr_mhs8h4Pyzx1rua2i7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helpful critiques...
Well, you do NEED to lose weight (both in order to be "effay," but also because, judging by your pics, you are probably border on "obese" as far as BMI is concerned — if not already beyond it). I'd also suggest dropping the graphic tees (they were cool in middle school, but you're not 13-16 anymore, m8). I actually like the piercing and hair, but maybe trade out the glasses some thing a little less tumblr-esque (if that makes sense?).

I know this poster probably isn't OP, but if that is you (you cheeky bastard) then you need to go ahead and prioritize some things first. There is no point in working on your look if you willingly stay drastically overweight. It's not a "fat hate" or "fat shaming" thing, it's simply a matter of body proportions and remaining healthy. I personally don't give a fuck about healthiness, but as far as looks go, you can't really look "fashionable" being severely over weight. I'm not advocating for hungry-skeleton, but just an appropriate weight for your height.

Well 45lbs is good, OP! Keep at it! And coming from a third party, I will definitely say that you would look SIGNIFICANTLY better after you drop another 50lbs or so. I went from 295 my senior year of high school down to 203lbs now (about 6'1") and I feel so much better. I still have a bit more to lose, but I swear you'll be happy you lost it. Good luck, m8.

>> No.10342194

hahahah this is bait.. right?

>> No.10342209

you have a qt face. But PLEASE lose that nose ring