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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 188 KB, 807x953, leotards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10325092 No.10325092 [Reply] [Original]

Leotards from sources other than American Apparel? I must be bad at Google because almost everything that comes up is for little girly ballerinas and I'm an adult woman.

>> No.10325099
File: 53 KB, 129x111, 1336978298120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn OP you made me remember the time i bought my ex an AA leotard just to fuck her in it shit was amazing. i need a girlfriend again

>> No.10325275


>> No.10325296

>little girly ballerinas and I'm an adult woman.
This makes you sound like a landwhale OP, are you?

>> No.10325301

Not OP but you know that adult women are usually larger than kids even without being a landwhale, right?

OPessa, what wrong with the AA ones?

>> No.10325306

damn which one did you get her?
I might have to try this with my girlfriend

>> No.10325321

Nothing as far as I can tell, I'd just like to consider more options and I can't find any besides AA.

>> No.10325327

I got middle row 2nd to the right and the crotch is so damn narrow so it keeps slipping between my labia - which is not that bad since I only wear it to turn my bf on. But its nothing that I would wear on a daily base.

>> No.10325341

I'm afraid you've mistaken my point, for what ever reason.

To clarify in case you did:
-Why does OP not like the ones from AA?
This makes me believe it's a sizing issue, and AA has a fair range of sizes hence the "are you a landwhale?"
-"Everything that comes up is for little girly ballerinas and I'm an adult woman"
See above
-Searching for adult leotards isn't that difficult just type in "Leotards adult woman".
I did and clicked on images to saw the general body of those wearing the leotards, and they were fairly normal for 'adult woman'

After all of that I came to the conclusion that OP must be fat, but since I can't validate that I added a question mark.

OP might be asking for a better quality leotard or something along those lines but she implied size was an issue.

>> No.10325350

You're autistic and will (justifiably) die alone. Go away.

>> No.10325365

Anybody got any thoughts on danskin? Capezio?

>> No.10325372

Instead of getting and simple yes or no, another anon replied, I wrote out my reasoning and tried to clarify my question to avoid further misconceptions, I get this crap. lmao OP you probably are a fucking landwhale.

>You're autistic
>you'll die alone
Thank goodness I know how to swim because if I didn't I'd be drowning in all these bitches

>> No.10325381

>the crotch is so damn narrow so it keeps slipping between my labia

That makes my peepee hard, care to post sample pics?

>> No.10325398

I'm thinking I'll just play it safe and get this in black.
I'll try it on with various colored tights.

>> No.10325491

very nice
a girl who's really into me atm said that she loves how AA lingerie looks

gonna buy some for her just to fuck her in it. also she's a redhead like the girl in one of the AA Lace commercials.

thank you, lord

>> No.10325835

Probably you gone, but Im so excited I found the perfect leotard sites!

bonprix.co.uk have 98-100% cotton search for 'body' very cheap
These are superb quality, real dancewear. Especially the pincement one is sexy af. Also cotton.

I never go to AA, because of their advertisements . I do not want to look like an underage camwhore sexslave from the balkan, tha very much/

>> No.10325962

Hahaha op you might want to try /fit/ first.

>> No.10325967

Fat jealous bitch detected

>> No.10325969

Disgusting. Get a labiaplasty you gross cunt.

>> No.10326031

>I have no self esteem
>I would love to lose my virginity but I cant
>All real people laugh at my outfits but /fa/ gives me props
>I dont know how to talk to women
>When I read about one having women's issues, I get horny as fuck at first
>I imagine how the crotch of that suit slips between her labias
>I fap
>Afterwards I realise once again, that I'm still a boy with no self esteem, no style and
>I probably will stay a kissless virgin until I die or finally grow enough balls to go to a hooker
>Thus I get very angry and tell that anonymous woman on the web that she's a gross cunt
>Although I'm gonna fap at that thought at least another three times

>> No.10326046

You sure are mad.

>> No.10326125

anyone know where I can get a leotard for men?
I want to dress as a slutty black cat for Halloween to show up all those girls

>> No.10326284


>> No.10327675
File: 1.98 MB, 381x434, 1434851427609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like something a woman would say

>> No.10327684
File: 33 KB, 419x419, 1435328009646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cave crotch DEFINITELY detected

>> No.10327723

Danskin and Capezio are both good. Black Milk does wild prints.

Lots of designers do them as a small part of their collections on a seasonal basis without making a specialty of it, but it's hard to point to anyone in particular without just trumpeting my taste in designers. What's your taste like generally?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.10327929
File: 839 KB, 849x1215, img21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your taste like generally?
80's revival

Go away.

>> No.10328243
File: 3.66 MB, 6968x2450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that time when someone had a question and the only replies were arguments about whether OP was fat?

Try searching "bodysuits" that's what a lot of retailers call them.

>> No.10328264

Dont buy dem from AA. Buy the cheap ones from boutiques so you can team it up.

>> No.10328284

>Anon can't get a thick woman
>Is probably afraid to talk to colored women

>> No.10328309

cuck confirmed