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File: 67 KB, 230x309, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10304083 No.10304083 [Reply] [Original]

acne went full sjw mode
I really doubt the tumblerinas this is aimed at have the money to spend on it

>> No.10304089
File: 85 KB, 249x315, 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304097
File: 52 KB, 240x303, fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please call me girl :-)

>> No.10304101
File: 62 KB, 234x308, 3234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you patriarchy

>> No.10304104

do they make them XXXXXL

>> No.10304105

would wear ironically, prolly not tho.

>> No.10304131

i would wear this ironically

>> No.10304132

>please call me, girl

>> No.10304146

there's no comma

>> No.10304147

the point is that you can change the meaning of the sentence by adding a comma

>> No.10304157

but there's no comma

>> No.10304167

There's no quotation marks either

>> No.10304168
File: 11 KB, 285x226, beauvoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use tumblr and I just came back to this board after a while. All this ignorant feminist hate is really adolescent. So is thinking that feminism is only for those tumblr 'types'. If you're for equal rights, then by extension you're a feminist. If you're not a feminist, you're either an asshole or uneducated or both.

>> No.10304179

what rights do men have that women don't
in the developed world

>> No.10304185

Is this a serious question?

>> No.10304189
File: 1.35 MB, 2000x846, IMG_20150826_073010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while it annoys me too, the equal and opposite is much worse

it doesn't matter your viewpoint: the amount of stupid people in the world guarantees that there are some on both sides, fanning the flames instead of trying to extinguish them

>> No.10304192

I can't help but think that acne is taking a piss at their own target demographics. There is absolutely no subtlety or creativity, just the message. Well, sure as shit their customers will think of it as the real thing though. This will sell real good.

>> No.10304199

yeah answer it

>> No.10304201

good one more reason to hate acne

>> No.10304216

I think that there's a subversive message, that these catchphrases have become as ubiquitous as slogans on a tshirt, a mere typographic decoration. Yes, a picture on a shirt represents something, but it's still a poor reproduction of the real picture, dilution through mass consumption and repetition if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.10304219

I wouldn't even know where to start nor do I have the time.

For one the ability to walk down the street at night with virtually no fear of rape.

Another not being expected to be the primary support for child care and subsequently damaging your career.

Another is not to have as much societal pressure put on your appearance. Everyone has that pressure as well, but certainly not to the same degree.

Another is being extremely underrepresented in roles of authority partly because of the second point I stated. There are only 191 women in the the UK's house of commons and, as we know, no female US president since it's inception.

Try google for a more comprehensive list.

>> No.10304223

191 female MPs out of 650 total I should say.

>> No.10304234

cool but none of those are rights

>> No.10304243
File: 617 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anon but none of these are technically "rights" so much as certain societal disadvantages. Your child care argument is watered down by the fact that most women can reliably escape from paying child support while men are constantly thrown into debt from child support abuse.
Women also have a vastly larger range of acceptable clothing they can wear than men. While maintaining an attractive form is certainly pedestaled as a goal for women, the actual restrictions on what a "man" can or should wear is a lot stricter in my opinion.
As a country chooses its representatives generally based on how well they believe the rep can run the country, asking for a 50/50 split is pretty lame. This being said I think Canada's Green Party leader is certainly level headed and would gladly see her in office over the liberal, NDP, and conservative parties.

>> No.10304251


>> No.10304255

fuckin lol

>> No.10304258

I didn't realise I typed rights. I meant gender equality.

>men are constantly thrown into debt from child support abuse.
>what a "man" can or should wear is a lot stricter

And feminism is to blame, how? These are problems with patriarchy. It is patriarchy that tells men that they should be the breadwinner and therefor should pay child support. It is patriarchy that tells men they shouldn't wear skirts, dresses or any other effeminate clothing. Feminism, being AGAINST patriarchy, is the answer to those problems. Patriarchy is a problem for men as well for the reasons you stated.

>As a country chooses its representatives generally based on how well they believe the rep can run the country

The issue is deeper than that. When men are celebrated as somehow more inherently able to lead and many women even discouraged to aim to run for these positions, how can you think that the table is fair?

>> No.10304259

Sure anon, sure.

>> No.10304260

I agree with your sentiment, but he did ask for problems in developed countries specifically you know.

>> No.10304262
File: 491 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure rape is at least a second or third world problem.

>> No.10304264
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x652, IMG_20150826_081426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rape thing is and always has been a valid point

but the men who make women's lives miserable make respectable men's lives miserable too, and respectable men are no more responsible for the idiots than the women are. the guys that objectify/disrespect women are probably the same guys that harassed the shit out of you in middle/high school and then claimed they were "just joking can't you take a joke brah"

radical feminists like to turn the problem into a "gender" thing instead of recognizing it as a "people" thing. i would argue that less radical feminists are better at using their brains and identifying the real problem - shitty people

now watch my argument get pulled out of context and forcibly morphed into "le classy gent Reddit" argument. just to be clear, that is very obviously not the stance I have taken, those type of people would declare me an sjw if we really got into it

>> No.10304274


its a meme you dip

>> No.10304281

Equality =/= feminism
Feminism is raising women politically, socially and financially to men.
Egalitarian = equality
Egalitarian is the belief that people are equal

>> No.10304282

>le classic gent reddit
tbh fam your opinion is invalid imo

>> No.10304286

>Feminism is raising women politically, socially and financially to men.

...which translates to equal rights for women.

>Egalitarian = equality
So you can't be an egalitarian without being a feminist.

>> No.10304290

social rights don't count as rights now?

>> No.10304298

Equality isn't only achieved when women are equal but when both genders have equality. There are double standards that need to be noticed for both sides. Because of that feminism isn't all equality just a flavour of it

>> No.10304300

Attacking the patriarchy for men not being able to wear skirts is practically victim blaming.
You can blame the patriarchy for assigning gender roles and blame gender roles for perpetuation of patriarchal values, but women, if we're talking about equality, have a vastly superior selection of clothing to use for self expression and even just day to day life.
You also didn't address the problem of women consistently receiving less pressure from the government to pay child support, or that they have a consistent advantage in custody battles.

And who said anything about politics being fair? All I'm saying is it is unreasonable to expect a government to disregard over half of its votes in favor of equality. Maybe more women should run for authoritive positions. Discouragement isn't exclusive to women.

>> No.10304303

>Equality isn't only achieved when women are equal but when both genders have equality.

Tell me how it's possible to have women equal as men and men not equal to women.

>> No.10304306

thanks for your valuable addition to the conversation :^)

>> No.10304310

When men and women are both pressured to pay child support.
When men are not branded as child molesters or pedophiles in educational employment positions.
When there is a removal of the bias against men putting their physical appearance before anything else (i.e. Male "beauty")
You can search google for a more detailed list I'm sure.

>> No.10304311

There are so many things wrong with this post I can't respond right now. But I say this to you sincerely, read some literature, or at least summaries of them. Start with the canon like Simone De Beauvoir and expand.

>> No.10304313

Legally, no.
Considering they decided to change their terminology from rights to something as ambiguous as "gender equality" that's a pretty weak thing to attack imo

>> No.10304317

Son I think you need to remind yourself of what equality means.

>> No.10304321

So you can't come up with a proper retort and you're just going to namedrop a few authors to bolster your flawed argument and call it a day. It's cool I've done that before.

>> No.10304325

Who said it needed to be legal rights? Social rights are rights.

>> No.10304328

No it's because I need to get ready for work. Here is a link http://www.safercampus.org/blog/2011/03/essential-concepts-how-patriarchy-and-rape-culture-hurt-men/

>> No.10304330

Is it a social right for a women to be put in parliament?

>> No.10304332

Do you not think there are other things in the opposite direction that men have to deal with that women don't

Like are you seriously implying that there's certain things women have advantages in than men don't?

I'd rather be raped than never see my kids again and lose all my shit in a dirty divorce because a woman has the advantage in court. Idk how it is wherever you're from, but in my country there's actual common law principles that give women the advantage in custody situations.

Don't fight for female superiority; don't fight for equality; don't fight at all.

>> No.10304335

you should try reading some Schopenhauer or Weininger :-)
absolute equality isn't a right and never has been

>> No.10304341

>bias against male beauty
this is a real fucking thing. nobody is going to believe me (hurr durr you aren't attractive) but I have been rejected by males since puberty because I'm beautiful.

I'm really not joking. I had an excellent self esteem until puberty, and then all of the males (including my friends) turned on me and I didn't understand why. My self esteem plummeted and I didn't have male friends again for years. I didn't understand any of it at the time

I'm out of college now and I just realized this year why I've been treated that way my whole life. my girlfriend tells me I'm beautiful all the time and is the one that suggested this to me. Whenever we ran into an ex or former fwb they would send her texts making fun of her for being with a "pretty boy." the guys didn't know each other, but they all universally insulted me that way. I didn't believe her suggestions of guys hating me for being pretty until this happened a ton

>> No.10304342

This doesn't really help your argument so much as point out how you misunderstood what I'm getting at.
It's a good article though.

>> No.10304343

I have read some Schopenhauer thanks.

>absolute equality isn't a right and never has been
Exactly, so we should aim for it.

>> No.10304346

this is because of the expected societal standards for men
manly not pretty

>> No.10304355

I agree. It is a problem rooted in patriarchal values, but most many people simply point their finger at the big bad "P" and proceed to go after the men it's actually affecting for not fighting against it instead of, you know, attempting to empathize and assisting in said causes.

>> No.10304360


Maybe I'm just a sheltered privileged white male guy but I've seen this before and I don't understand the fear of rape thing. Is this a real thing? Have any of you ever been raped?

>> No.10304367

It does address all the points regarding patriarchy

And for
>it is unreasonable to expect a government to disregard over half of its votes in favor of equality.

No one is saying that. Who people vote for is reflective of how society sees males vs females.

>Maybe more women should run for authoritive positions.

You're missing the point in that women are discouraged to have careers in the first place, nevermind positions of authority which is heavily male dominated because of this message that is drilled in to us that man should rule.

>Discouragement isn't exclusive to women.

Yep, there are many other genders that are discouraged to have careers by society. Cisgender men are not one of them.

>> No.10304380

Well i'm a male and the first time I could relate to this fear was walking through the park at night near my flat that was notorious for rapes and violence. It is this same fear that women have to deal with much more often.

>> No.10304385

I should correct myself,
Who people vote for is [partly] reflective of how society sees males vs females.

>> No.10304399

The discouragement is largely due to the lack of women in the voting pool. The discouragement could literally be solved by more women rising to the cause.
"Cisgendered men" are not immune to discouragement in professions. You think that there are as many male teachers as there are female teachers? Hair stylists? Hell, even something as low on the ladder as the sex split in clothing stores.
I doubt you'll even address any of this without either blaming the patriarchy anyways. When's the last time you actually went out fought to take down the patriarchy for male issues?

Look I've done charity canvassing for a bunch of different movements so I know I'm not going to convince someone as stubborn as you, but you should listen to some of the things you've been saying and realize you're just shouting in your own echo chamber of anti male negativity.

>> No.10304400


it also doesn't help that we tell young women that if they go outside at night they will be immediately raped.

>> No.10304435

>I doubt you'll even address any of this without either blaming the patriarchy anyways.

That's because patriarchy is really to blame for the discouragement in those industries you mentioned. Please, please take more time to read up on patriarchy, even just that article more substantially. You will answer a lot of your own questions as to why it's unfair also for men in the patriarchal system.

>When's the last time you actually went out fought to take down the patriarchy for male issues?

Fighting against patriarchy is beneficial for decent men and women. It is only negative for men upholding the tacky patriarchal system, like lad culture and such.

>you're just shouting in your own echo chamber of anti male negativity.

There is no anti-male negativity in academic feminism. I can tell you this because I recognise my male privilege and don't feel victimised or negative by doing so.

>> No.10304437

>we should aim for it.

>> No.10304440 [DELETED] 

This is why I like acne's line. It gets people talking; the pieces could easily be worn by more than just the "tumblr" and "male cuck" crowd

>> No.10304456

I wonder if this is a serious poster

>> No.10304459

You're asking why we should aim for a fairer world?

>> No.10304462

I'm not arguing that patriarchy doesn't cause a lot of the issues mentioned. Patriarchy doesn't even make sense in the Herero-androgynous direction society is headed in. What I'm saying is, patriarchy or not, way society is as it stands provides benefits to women as it does to men albeit in different areas.
I don't think I ever said patriarchy wasn't to blame for anything mentioned.
I think you're taking my arguments as against feminism when I'm really just bothered that you're the kind of person who gives feminists a bad name.

>> No.10304465

I'm asking why we should aim for absolute equality

>> No.10304468

>I recognize my male privilege

>> No.10304473

Who cares?
Acne is a shitty Brand anyway

>> No.10304479

says fucking who

>> No.10304496
File: 432 KB, 1640x2368, 1388059043243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equal rights

Pick one

>read pic

>> No.10304503

as a bleeding heart liberal I find this line of clothes embarassing.

Can you even wear this garbage ironically?

>> No.10304519

honey, it seems like you're the uneducated flaming faggot here, kill yourself. Underage people such as you are killing this board

>> No.10304532

>citing 4chan
If you genuinely believe that picture then read >>10304258

Anyway I'm off to work, nice talk kids.

>> No.10304547

j*sus christ why would they even do that

>> No.10304555

cool dodge all the hard questions
don't forget ideology is the highest form of good sweety

>> No.10304563

The bait is real

>> No.10304569

Dude, you're asking the same "questions" already posted ITT. How about reading it before posting?

>> No.10304582


>> No.10304587

pretty standard 'muh patriarchy' garbage
only men can build great societies btw

>> No.10304605


>> No.10304611


>> No.10304668

>I wouldn't even know where to start nor do I have the time.

>doesnt give a single example of a right that men have that women don't.

>Another not being expected to be the primary support for child care and subsequently damaging your career.

You realise nobody forces you to have a child right? It's something that you can choose to do.

You might want to think about this stuff a little more.

>> No.10304694

Unless you're abusive to your wife and children a court wouldn't rule you out of seeing your child, just because you and your wife don't love each other.

Additionally, I don't think that you'd truly rather be raped

And 4chan, notice the lack of the word retard

>> No.10304719

while I agree that anybody who would "rather be raped" is clearly being ridiculous, your first statement means nothing. yes, that's what 'should' happen but it's not what happens. the statistics are not just made up.

and while factors outside of quantifiable variables (how 'good' the male is) have very reasonable effects on the outcome of the case, you can't write it off to those completely. for one, you have no way to prove that. Secondly, by the same logic, any statistic like that (especially statistics used by rad fems) should be allowed to be written off just as easily

Remember kids: men or women aren't the problem with society, shitty people are

>> No.10304734

>For one the ability to walk down the street at night with virtually no fear of rape.
I should have the right to walk through the ghettos without fear of being jumped/mugged too right?
Rape is fucked up, but your feelings aren't a protected right. I don't feel secure walking around at night-time as a dude, even though I live in a relatively safe town. It just means I need to take responsibility for my own safety and not go to places where I would expect trouble.
>child support
You chose to have a fucking kid, abortions are legal in every first world country as far as I'm aware, and you chose to fuck the dude.
>pressure on appearance ... others to a lesser degree
Only because you actually believe the shit magazines say. Losing weight isn't really that hard, and most women, if they actually take care of themselves and don't just go "fuck it", are actually passably attractive.
>only 191 women in the UK house... no female president
Maybe because people don't vote for them? Canada has had one female Prime Minister and she was the literally the worst PM.

>> No.10304739

only someone who has never felt genuine and pure love would think that never seeing your children again is worse than being raped

>> No.10304747

while I disagree with the person you're quoting as well, you're making yourself seem much stupider than them

I've gotten jumped and had fights picked with me plenty and I'm only 22. To compare a fist fight (even a horribly lost one) to being raped is straight up insanity. You clearly have no concept of the psychological after effects of rape

>> No.10304754

No actually we fear getting raped, you weird ass. You got really self defeating when you tried to start dehumanizing males in your first point.

>> No.10304761

fucking retards, we are talking about clothes here, stupid motherfuckers

we dont give a fuck about women, stupid fuccbois

>> No.10304764

you need to do some catching up with the current definition of feminism

>> No.10304775


>believing that picture
>I believe the sources you ignored

>> No.10304777

Shit makes no kind of sense. Radical feminism is some shit that men have no business trying to co-opt.
If you have a penis it's not for you.
Let the women have their own thing.
Imo this is fuckery on the level of something like white people walking around wearing pics of Elijah Muhammad.

>> No.10304783
File: 126 KB, 1257x1774, 1385949701039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304785

>implying I'm saying they're comparable
He/she said "For one the ability to walk down the street at night with virtually no fear of rape", in reply to an anon who asked "what rights do men have that women don't".

Not being raped IS a right (security of the person), but if you're taking a stroll at night through a sketchy place, should that not be something you would worry about?
Rapists, murderers, thieves, etc. will always exist; no amount of laws/rights added will fix that, so why not reduce your risk by either avoiding places/times where your risk is higher, or carry something to protect yourself.

>> No.10304789
File: 569 KB, 960x720, 1385950285135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304798

i can just feel the neckbeard radiating from this thread right now

>> No.10304799
File: 529 KB, 765x990, 1386201702163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304801

Remember if you are a man and you are against the 'patriarchy' then you are both a wimp and a fool.

>> No.10304810
File: 233 KB, 1347x892, 1385818377610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304821

It's interesting to see so much feminist hate on a board that has a reasonably large female population.

I know its fun meme time here, but maybe you should all realize the inherent privileges you get for being men in the western world.

I'm not a radical feminist but I do have some understanding of the pressures put on females that most men seem to completely ignore.

>> No.10304831

but what has that to do with this ridiculous collection that is solely made to be sold to instagram attention whores?

>> No.10304834

privileges that were earned through centuries of struggle
the patriarchy didn't just happen

>> No.10304836
File: 150 KB, 600x375, 0xo8hfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304839

Oh, I don't care about what a fashion company puts out. They're just trying to get attention which you are all glad to give them.

I'm more interested in the social dynamics and psychology of the board.

>> No.10304848
File: 78 KB, 750x600, P43G3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10304857


When you are naturally stronger and more physically oppressive, yes in fact, it does "just happen". I'm not saying that the subjugation of women might not be hard work but just because you work hard to rob a bank does not make you entitled to the money.

>> No.10304861

I think it's more to do with intelligence than gender because even a lot of women are anti feminists, if unwittingly so.

Also think about the countries most deprived of education, they're usually the most oppressive of women. Basically there is a link between a lack of knowledge and ignorance of gender issues. So to me I suppose there's not much of a surprise that the scum of the internet that is 4chan is also highly misogynistic. I'm not sure of the difference between boards though, I mainly only look at /fa/

>> No.10304867

Feminists don't want equal rights, they want preferential treatment.

>> No.10304868

so it happened because men are biologically superior?

>> No.10304884

Tbh I'm pretty sure it's ironic. I don't see why Acne would feel the need to cater to "tumblrinas", the brand is huge. And it's not like they jumping on a feminism bandwagon, I mean Acne is located in Sweden, and every feminist I've spoken to about the collection thinks it tacky and tasteless. I think this collection needs to be seen more as a statement against radical feminism.

>> No.10304894

It happened because when we were hunter gatherers and even up to the era of agriculture physical strength was an important factor of being able to work. Now, when most work has nothing at all to do with physical strength, we still have this leftover power dynamic wherein men are still seen as more authority figures and women to stay at home even though there is no rationale behind it anymore.

>> No.10304901


>> No.10304903

shitposting 101

>> No.10304917



>> No.10304918

yeah dude you're right evolution stops at the shoulders men and women are exactly the same mentally Caesar crossed the Rubicon because thousands of years prior the men hunted

>> No.10304928

>implying this isn't the only good thing acne has made

>> No.10304932

i hope they realize being a radical isn't a good thing.

>> No.10304945

Are you being sarcastic?
You actually believe that women have lower mental capacity than men and so aren't able to be leaders?

>> No.10304951

I'm sorry if this isn't on topic, but I really, really love the picture you added, something about it strikes me, thank for the contribution.

>> No.10304960

men and women have different brains that are better suited to different tasks
I'm not a neuroscientist so I can't make judgements of superiority and inferiority
all recorded history suggests that's the case though

>> No.10304961

>"citing 4chan"
>cites self on 4chan

>> No.10304966

but really there's no comma

>> No.10304967

>For one the ability to walk down the street at night with virtually no fear of rape.
FYI men are more likely trro be attacked and murdered than a woman ever raped, and evebn of the insanely small amount of rape that happens, almost none is "stranger danger".

>> No.10304970

There's a lot of internalized misogyny in women. They have identified with a system and organized their lives around fulfilling its expectations so of course they will have some reticence when destroying this system off hand.

>I'm not sure of the difference between boards though, I mainly only look at /fa/
/fa/ is pretty mild as far as 4chan goes. All of the large, male centric boards like /tv/, /pol/, /b/ and /v/ are the most virulent. That's largely because a huge portion are socially awkward young adult males that subconsciously or consciously believe they are entitled to own a woman (which is largely the reason why the cuck meme took off).

I just don't think you understand at all how social structures and roles naturally form.

>> No.10304983

>I just don't think you understand at all how social structures and roles naturally form.
yeah they form out of biological reality
I welcome a legitimate attempt at a matriarchy, it will fail spectacularly

>> No.10304988

Check your alimony privilege

>> No.10304992

Actually it is shown that young girls do better in school. So why the lack of women in desirable positions? Could it be the endless drumming in our culture that endlessly enforces gender roles in TV, print, cinema, and generally all media we are drowned with?

I think it's a huge shame to everyone that half our population is systematically (and so stealthily) discouraged to further humanity.

>> No.10305001

you were very angry when you made this post i can tell

>> No.10305003


None of these are rights, this is proof of how stupid and uneducated feminists are.

You can't even answer a simple question, how do you expect the world to take you seriously?

You should kill yourself for the best of humanity.

>> No.10305006

are you saying its good to be a cuck?

>> No.10305009


kill yourself, and fuck beauvoir too

>> No.10305019

academic achievement in an increasingly feminised system doesn't equate to the ability to lead or otherwise become great

>> No.10305023

>Social right aren't rights

>> No.10305027

Good to know that I'll never buy shit from them.

>> No.10305030

There are examples of matriarchy in history. You can look them up on your own time if you don't believe me.

I'm not passing any value judgement on being a cuck. I'm saying the reason why cuckposting became so popular is because of the large group of sexually frustrated men that exist on this particular website.

Both because it is meant to piss off these people and also because the people that actually like it probably have an easier time imagining themselves as a cuck than actually having sex with a female.

>> No.10305039

>There are examples of matriarchy in history.
yeah and not one of them achieved anything close to patriarchal societies

>> No.10305045

Most of them have rich dads, they can afford it.

>> No.10305047

not being anti-feminist here, but:
Social and human rights are definitely not the same

>> No.10305054

>these things I pulled out of my pozzed up anus are rights despite not being codified or recognised anywhere

>> No.10305063

Feminism isn't about equal rights anymore.

Of course everyone should be for equal rights, it just seems like modern feminists are no longer pushing for equality and are just pushing stupid garbage.

Free the nipple for example.

In Canada like 15 years ago people were pushing for women to be allowed to be topless in public and there was uproars and protests like there is now and then when it finally got passed, guess what. Literally no women chose to walk around topless in public because why the fuck would you do that?

I'm all for tits in public and the idea itself is fine, but it's the retarded hypocrisy and other dumb shit that goes with it. If some girl does then go topless, she can then be like "my eyes are up here" and it's just depressing.

It's also spreads rules in websites like twitch where a guy can't be topless because nips. Some guys stream got taken down because when he was streaming some guy not wearing a shirt walked past the camera.

Acne at this point are post-post-ironic.

>> No.10305064

To be fair, most patriarchial societies never achieve what western europe did. This has nothing to do with it being a patriarchy but rather a whole lot to do with being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.10305066


>academic achievement in an increasingly feminised system doesn't equate to the ability to lead or otherwise become great

Well that's a joke. Only 1/4 of university presidents in the US are female.

And yeah leadership and greatness has nothing at all to do with academic achievement does it? You simply must have that manly aura that only men have.

>> No.10305076

what is China, Mongolia, Japan, Mesopotamia, Persia, various Caliphates, the Ottoman Empire?
but you're right Europeans are better too
we're talking about school not university
>And yeah leadership and greatness has nothing at all to do with academic achievement does it?
that is absolutely not what I said

>> No.10305103

What you don't understand is that for each "successful" patriarchal society, they subjugated and destroyed hundreds and thousands of other ones so the success rate of patriarchal societies is similar to wining the lottery. Matriarchal societies are far less common so in actuality you cannot draw any conclusions about the efficacy of a matriarchal society or a non gender dominated society.

But I'm sure you'll draw conclusions anyway because anecdotal evidence is enough for most laymen to make conclusions even if they are preposterously poorly founded.

>> No.10305115

nice it's almost as if both sides have problems and instead of acting like childish babies trying to see who has it worse, we should actually try and solve them

>> No.10305116

>What you don't understand is that for each "successful" patriarchal society, they subjugated and destroyed hundreds and thousands of other ones
yes superior cultures beat inferior cultures, I don't see your point
you're right I can't make an absolute judgement as to whether women can successfully run a prosperous society which is why I fully support a matriarchy in a developed nation existing
what's your evidence that women can run a society as well as men

>> No.10305117

Okay so you're saying the reason why girls do better at school is because there is a bias towards girls for being girls? It's not because they are at least equal in their ability to achieve academically?

>> No.10305137

You do realise these "superior societies" committed some of the worst crimes against humanity?

>> No.10305159
File: 200 KB, 880x565, moral levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes superior cultures beat inferior cultures,
You should be aware that this is a third grade morality.

You cannot assume a culture is better than another because it won a war. The only thing you learn from conflict is who won and the reasons why they won have never come down to "they had a better culture".

I know you want to think of yourself as a conqueror but as someone that has actually studied history, military strategy, I can tell you that people that go out and conquer do not live vicariously through an image board.

>> No.10305186

thats bullshit statistically 90% of violence happens to men. Violence is a male thing, they mostly do it and mostly are the victims too. SO when you go through this rough park with your girlfriend, you will probalbly are the one who gets beaten to death. The will call her a slut and leave her crying over your dead body.

>> No.10305197

You realize that ~70% of rapes go unreported because the women don't want to seem like someone with baggage and they would prefer to pretend that nothing happened.

>> No.10305218

source for the first part?

>> No.10305230

I imagine this statistic includes provoked attacks. Disproportionate number of unprovoked attacks are on women, queer, people of colour. Meaning if you are a white cis man minding your own business you are in the cat agora of being least likely to be harassed. Almost any ethnic minority will tell you they have been racially abused. Same with harassment or even assault on women.

>> No.10305257

Soooo are we gonna talk about fashion or rights?

>> No.10305268

Is there a difference?

>> No.10305300

only because they had the capacity to
no but I can judge a culture on their philosophical and intellectual underpinnings on top of their military prowess
I don't think of myself as a conqueror that's dumb
you're ideologically dedicated to equality, come back when you have evidence

>> No.10305322

You don't though, you said.
>superior cultures beat inferior cultures
Which does actually imply that conflict is the sole determinant in defining a cultue's position in your hierarchy of cultures. If that isn't what you believe then state that
>sometimes inferior cultures can beat superior cultures.

Not that I believe in this asinine concept of cultural superiority.

>> No.10305332

beat doesn't necessarily imply military supremacy
I'm also referring to economic and cultural imperialism
>Not that I believe in this asinine concept of cultural superiority.
try having some conviction

>> No.10305361

Too bad men are the primary victims of public sphere violence.
Too bad men mostly die in relation to being mugged/mostly get beaten/etc.
Too bad the woman has the entire say about whether the child is to be born or not, even if the dad walks out completly, he still will have to pay.
>Societal pressure put on your appearance
Oi, are you fucking dense? Men are supossed to be fit and or in a position of power, societal pressure swings both ways, dummie dum dum.
Extremely underrepresented.. ah of course, where are the men nurses? I feel really bad about not being represented as a male. Many more jobs have the same issue, but are never mentioned, because males.
Females generally prefer other jobs, what of it? Generally, more males will become managers/ceo, what have you, because they apply way more than women do. Look at norway, a country with total equality, you will still see the natural divide of women being more inclined to work jobs that deal with people and men still doing things like construction work, being managers, etc.
You can ban bossy though, if you'd like.

>> No.10305362

>beat doesn't mean militarily
Sure it doesn't.

>try to have some conviction
I do. Specifically to not trying to make a hierarchy out of every poorly define non quantifiable concept.

Just because two genders exist doesn't mean we need to rank them. It a completely childish way to view the world.

You may as well be arguing wether genesis or super nintendo is "better" you fucking 14 year old.

>> No.10305368

literally just as bad as a Che Guevara t shirt

literally just as stupid as extra chromosomes

>> No.10305379

80% of statistics are made up.
especially if you want to say that it's unreported.

>> No.10305396

I'm not ranking the genders, I'm saying they're different and better suited to different roles

>> No.10305397

and this would be measured, how? they're unreported after all? how would they know whom to question? do they just question women randomly and make up the statistics as they go?
do you know how statistics work?

>> No.10305398

christ, you're a fag.
superior cultures are the ones that last longer and have more spread and affect. do you even into memetics. like actual scientific memetics where diverse ideas are created, then tried, then pruned, then reproduced.
that's the point of a culture.
the victors get the spoils. the victor is always superior.
not always more clever, or progressive, or comfortable, but always superior.

>> No.10305462

>implying it's not ironic

>> No.10305531


lol feminism isn't about equal rights anymore

are you living under a rock? If you're a feminist then your a cis-white-male hating bitch that will do anything at the cost of others to make women have advantages over men.

If you're for a equality then you're not a feminist. Even the guy that help get the whole feminist movement off the ground left it because he felt they were way radical to be for equality.

>> No.10305558

All this misguided rage.
Sounds like you're getting all your information from 4chan and reddit

>> No.10305778

Too bad that's not the case and he's actually right, buddy
Or are they not 'the real feminists'? Like Stalin wasn't a "real communist"?

>> No.10305825

Feminists turning off lights as people are speaking against modern day feminism as they spread hate, and nothing else.

>> No.10305831

An actual feminist.

>> No.10305838

How MRA meetings look like; no women are excluded nor is there any hateful atmosphere and there is a DIALOGUE.

>> No.10305979

>get the better end out of divorces
>less prone to be convicted for crimes
>would get lower sentences if convicted
>has the basic education system on her side
>less prone to be victim of violence
>has the option of being unemployed for life without being ostracized from society
>gets to leave hypothetical Titanics first

If you are a woman living in a developed country, you are the privileged one. Wanna play feminist? At least have some good sense and devote your activism to women out there that are really oppressed, i.e. victims of religious dogma, dictatorships, traffic, etc. Sage because not fashion.

>> No.10306001

sage don't work family/kin haha literally shaking my head

>> No.10306002
File: 132 KB, 770x1023, richie-anderson-24in-skyway-tuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speak for yourself, kiddo

>> No.10306004

>I meant gender equality.
There is no such thing as long as the sexes are fundamentally different (which they are) in their behavior and abilities.

>> No.10306006

sorry lol (laughing out loud)

>> No.10306008

>So you can't be an egalitarian without being a feminist.
Feminists only acknowledge women's issues, so no, you're wrong.

>> No.10306017

buy this, use anything you'd like to mark out the "Feminist" part ie cover it with tape

enjoy ur new radical sweater

>> No.10306025

>but just because you work hard to rob a bank does not make you entitled to the money.
Actually, it does. The world is based on the right of might. There is no justice but that which the powerful enact.

>> No.10306031

stop arguing with feminists. they dont see reality theyre too indoctrinated idk why even try

>> No.10306036

Recognizing "social rights" as rights bloats the whole concept of a "right".

>> No.10306037

Well, the patriarchy also affects men in some negative ways, but at the same time the patriarchy benefits men greatly.

>> No.10306046

patriarchy doesnt exist you delusional nut

>> No.10306051

>Matriarchal societies are far less common so in actuality you cannot DRAW any conclusions about the efficacy of a matriarchal society or a non gender dominated society.
The conclusion is presented by yourself: the hypothetical matriarchy (which hasn't ever really existed) was inferior and hence subjugated by patriarchy.

>> No.10306062

>You should be aware that this is a third grade morality.
You should be aware that assuming the existence of "superior" ways to measure the "betterness" of different cultures is toddlerthink.

>> No.10306070

You are the delusional one, the patriarchy clearly exists, i personally dont care for it as it benefits me as a while male.

>> No.10306081

do nor forger /fa/ is sjw board full of n*ggers. You should bash feminism andsocial justice here.

>> No.10306085

And the few that actually did exist, dissolved.

>> No.10306088

>Well, the patriarchy also affects men in some negative ways
There is no alternative to patriarchy, which makes your point moot.

>> No.10306104

whatever conspiracy theorist

>> No.10306106
File: 436 KB, 630x472, we-are-all-one-change-yourself-to-change-the-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being against feminism

back to >>>/reddit/

I all seriousness, I've read some of posts here, and they are concerning. I feel bad for you if you really believe all these things; if you think women and man have "functions" and "uses". We are all just humans, that's all there is to it. The mere fact that feminism needs to exist, puts us all to shame, us men. Think about all the times you judged a woman and reduced her to an object - you probably do it constantly. Do you give them a 1-10 number which designates how useful they would be for sexual pleasures, or status, or any other utility? Is this deserving of a fellow human being. Blame yourself for the world.

Either way, I don't think this is /fa/ relevant, so have a sage.

>> No.10306114

being for feminism
back to reddit

>> No.10306119

> Is this deserving of a fellow human being.
We're just animals. Why make such a big fuss out of our ways?

>> No.10306233

>We're just animals.

We are what we are, but that's all we will ever have, so might as well give it a thought - if you like ofc. Either way, all is say is you can treat (all and any) other people with love, and live a peaceful life - or with hate and live a life of anxiety and uncertainty.

Once you truly love your fellow human, you realize how much women have been wronged by men, how often beat and raped, treated like things, no right to vote, no right to study. And even today all they are is just a number from 1-10. Little girls born into this world, to be judged every day whether they are "hot" enough, to spend an hour every morning for cosmetics just to "survive" and "compete". It's a crime man. We (men) have created this "doggy-dog" world.

>> No.10306240

>Either way, all is say

*all I say

>> No.10307226

secular humanist psycho babble
men and women are different sorry

>> No.10307301

>combat death
no one made you choose that path. there hasn't been a draft in ages
>suicide victims
no one forced them to kill themselves. thats their problem.
>industrial death and accidents
those men are idiots. should have paid attention to safety procedures. yet again, only their fault.
>winner of custody
most judges are male.
>homicide victims
most predators are also male.

all this chart proves is that men are the problem.

>> No.10307435

Why are people still responding? Sage, report and hide.

>> No.10307458
File: 112 KB, 629x700, 1437078874911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



*dog eat dog

u baka

>> No.10307475


>> No.10307485


Fuck off to reddit u faggy, delusional piece of shit.

>> No.10307496


>> No.10307500
File: 13 KB, 178x178, tinfoil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the patriarchy clearly exists
your tinfoil hat is showing, psycho.

>> No.10307506

Bait I know, but equality = egalitarianism. Not feminism

Women are already more equal than men

>> No.10307512

but but but that's systematic
the men joining the military don't really have a choice in the matter.
they've been raised their whole life thinking they need to prove their masculinity.

this is entirely different than when women get into abusive relationships. no body tells you who to date.

>> No.10307517

You're not even worth living on this planet.

Just kill yourself and save people around you from yourself.

Nice bait

>> No.10307539



>> No.10307653
File: 792 KB, 1390x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks babe. It's just another one of my shitty fits done arty tho. Have another

>> No.10307741

>For one the ability to walk down the street at night with virtually no fear of rape.

>> No.10307751


>> No.10307755


Are you slow, m8?

>> No.10307762


holy hell are those protesters are delusional

this generation man

everyone's a fucking victim

>> No.10307804

I'm a man and I know better to walk the street at night, m8. People are asleep so if someone rob you there would be not witnesses around

>> No.10307901

Meh, I don't care as long as they keep making their jeans and tees.

Even then I buy second hand from Grailed so my money doesn't even go to Acne.

Don't like it? Don't buy it, as simple as that. When they see all their unsold stock they'll know their mistake.

>> No.10307992
File: 48 KB, 331x388, 1356094068620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10308012


>> No.10308022


"When they see all their unsold stock they'll know their mistake."

>we r anonymus we are legion

>> No.10308056

I wasn't remotely implying that. Just that this probably won't be flying off the shelves.

>> No.10308068

its not aimed at tumblr geeks its aimed at cool guys like me who will wear it ironically because im really cool and youre not youre a dweeb

when forever 21 copies acne in a few months thatll be aimed at tumblr people

>> No.10308125

market-based capitalism is as anti-ahnoneemuss as you can get
also, this thread is ass
either it was an uninteresting but still ironic collection, making a statement through the choice of models/customers, or it was just an off season from another mediocre scandinavian basics churner

who gives a fuck either way, sage and let this die

>> No.10308436

this is actually a really interesting way to look at it, and a much more articulate way of describing modern feminism in pop culture than I've been able to come up with. however, I really doubt there's anything tongue and cheek about the collection becuase acne has never struck me as anything more than over priced, though still attainable basics. I think they're playing to their audience, who has increasingly become teens and early 20s kids who see acne as luxury but at a price range that they can afford if they save up. this demographic tends to care or at least maintain the pretense of caring about social issues because they've grown up in a world where social justice is pop culture and mainstream feminism is whatever buzzfeed is saying rather than mainstream academic feminism. I think acne is just capitalizing on that, rather than actually trying to make a statement, tongue in cheek or not, about feminism

>> No.10308812

>mfw all these posts saying it must be ironic

Wake up, the world is not 4chan. The people who browse here are mostly socially inept teenagers who don't have a grasp on women's issues because they have little contact with them.

In the real world, this collection is NOT astonishing, NOT surprising, NOT such an unexpected message.

In countries deprived of education, people are most oppressive of women. That's like here, where there is a population demographic of socially inadequate borderline autistic teens (mostly men to make things worse), its netizens are totally ignorant of real world issues surrounding women.

>> No.10308815

typical oversocialised leftist drivel

>> No.10308999

i agree brah

>> No.10309033

>I didn't realise I typed rights. I meant gender equality.

This distinction is the number 1 reason why neckbeards hate feminists so much. They here the word 'rights' and rightfully point out the men and women and pretty much legally equal to one another. Then the feminists scream back at them and it all decends into a screaming match. All that needs to be pointed out is that feminists are, for the most part, advocating greater social freedoms as opposed to legal rights. But of course that would be too simple for both sides

>> No.10309040


>no female US president since it's inception.
>US president

>> No.10309045

>not pairing words by size for an actually witty observation

>> No.10309161

Oh fuck me. You know, /pol/ is starting to look more and more appealing.

>> No.10309438
File: 253 KB, 1536x2048, ACNE_CASEY_SWEATSHIRT-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is acne sweatshirts worth of the money?

>> No.10309648

I just copped my first Acne sweater on Grailed and I'd say that as long as you get the right price (retail or under) it's definitely worth the money.

>> No.10310880

some are

>> No.10310887

lol no

>> No.10310896

Just get uniqlo

>> No.10311270

Pretty much. Both sides deliberately misinterpret each other. I'm tired of this bullshit MRA vs. SJW war.

>> No.10311683

w2c please, not on the sight

>> No.10311690

>Please me call girl

>> No.10311695

>feminism isn't about equal rights anymore

Do you guys leave the fucking house? Crazy tumblr warriors that hate men aren't the average feminist. And women wanting the right to legally be topless in public is >literally equality

>> No.10311718

This entire thread shows the genius of Acne's marketing division. Whether the sweaters are ironic or not, 113 of you are now very passionate about the message they give off regardless of which way you stand on it. You're now much more likely to talk to you piers about it and maybe even purchase it yourselves.

>> No.10312023


Not really considering how men and women's chests function different.

Women's breasts count as a sexual organ which is why they ought to be supported and covered.

>> No.10312078

what sweatshirts are?

>> No.10312126


>> No.10312139

>Only because you actually believe the shit magazines say. Losing weight isn't really that hard, and most women, if they actually take care of themselves and don't just go "fuck it", are actually passably attractive.

are you really this stupid dude lol

>> No.10312143

I don't believe in human rights period

>> No.10312145

well said

>> No.10312153
File: 44 KB, 365x450, 3d-businessman-his-radical-skate-15156037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be as fkin radical as i want broz

>> No.10312338

he's not wrong

>> No.10312339

That's the spirit Tommy.

>> No.10312578

When I see a shirtless man in a public area that's not a beach, it's usually either a jogger or some sweaty, smelly fat fuck. Don't think everyone sees shirtless men in public as "perfectly okay", it's just not illegal.

>> No.10312861

This thread is literal cancer. Girls are different from boys therefore they have different pros and cons. Most modern feminists don't understand this and think their cons are worse that the other gender's and bitch about it on the internet causing shit storms. If the majority of women wanted physical jobs or STEM jobs, they would go into them. Instead their biological differences drive them towards more social careers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LRdW8xw70