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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 462x694, occult-magic-and-ritual-wookmark-254732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10290338 No.10290338 [Reply] [Original]

Tarot, magick, gnosis, rituals. Are these activities /fa/ approved?

+ occultism general aesthetic thread

>> No.10290697

Theleshill here,

I wouldnt want ANYONE to know about the shit I wear in rituals/group rituals. Looks ridiculous as fuck.

>> No.10290700

This belongs in >>>>/x/

>> No.10290702

This board is increasingly cringe as time goes on

>> No.10290706

ITT: edgy tweens who spend their money on Actual Pain and feel real deep because of it.

You really like Chelsea Wolfe right?

>> No.10290742

It is not /fa/ to use an important and potentially dangerous cultural tradition as some kind of edgy fasion accessory. But, if you must, at least try not to get yourself posessed by something nasty. Murderous rampages and being slaughtered by a demon because you were being a tard is even less /fa/.

>> No.10290759


>> No.10290762

>implying all this is even real and not some scam to take your money

>> No.10290911

gonna post some of the best ones

>> No.10290918
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who warlock-core here

>> No.10290920
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>> No.10290923

no, being retarded is not /fa/

>> No.10290925
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>> No.10290932
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>> No.10290937
File: 29 KB, 500x622, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10290951


>> No.10291188

How does any of this take your money...? Been into ritual, magick, etc. for ages now, and haven't much at all on it. Most stuff is either so cheap it's barely noticeable, easy to find outside, unneccessary, or easily crafted by oneself.

>> No.10291228


>> No.10291612

aspergers the bnd lmaoi

>> No.10291665


I'm pretty sure he's an actor playing a character.

>> No.10291669
File: 110 KB, 500x687, WU4Cg6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10291686
File: 33 KB, 280x440, t5-warlock-corruptor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10291750

spotted the redditor

>> No.10291858

I doubt it, have you seen that video of him at the con? He's too quick and eloquent to be in character.

>> No.10291943

it just seems really rehearsed to me.

>> No.10291956
File: 411 KB, 1246x650, WKTZ081NEW3I1315540267533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gang. Don't be afraid of the truth.

>> No.10291988

Sunn is dope

>> No.10291998

He's an actor you melvin

>> No.10292010

also these

>> No.10292637

well thats all very nice and weirdly condescending but i just spirit-skyped jane austen & she says you’re a fucking square

>> No.10292690
File: 122 KB, 1278x1181, 1424756107523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practices the occult
>isn't secretive about it

>> No.10292785

Fucking kek

>> No.10292894

It's not real you fucktard

>> No.10293154

this thread was so bad it hurt my actual feelings

hope u guys are happy

>> No.10293324

having a hobby that's solely for personal growth is pretty effay. better than picking up a hobby to impress others, that's for sure.

>> No.10293362

These activities are bullshit. /fa/ is pretty much exclusively bullshit nowadays.

So yeah, I'd say it's /fa/ approved.

>> No.10293644

Don't knock it 'til you try it. And before you say you did and nothing happened, remember than faith is necessary for magic; when faith is present in a skilled practitioner, the effects are apparent even to a skeptic

>> No.10293679

>eastern orthodox monasticism

>> No.10294154
File: 105 KB, 400x349, Ouroboros 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

occulted means occulted from view, hidden and secret, therefore if you advertise it and don't keep your interest well hidden, then you're just a poseur and a fake.

and that doesn't seem particularly effay to me.

>> No.10294157

pretty much every text on the subject anyone would ever want is free online or sold cheaply in bookstores

>> No.10294187


>> No.10294797

So you mean it's a placebo?

>> No.10294983

its not real you fucktard

>> No.10295004
File: 21 KB, 225x225, 1426627282248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not real you fucktard

>> No.10295216

lmao 'poseur' and 'fake' are /fa/ as fuck dude

>> No.10295955

hi /fringe/

>> No.10296661

Unless you think lighting shit on fire with your mind can be accomplished via placebo, no.

>> No.10298282


I'll put it like this: if you cast as spell / summon a demon / make a potion / pray to jeebus to help you be more charismatic and assertive at your job, and you really believe that your method works, then you'll end up being more charismatic and assertive. Whether you simply managed to pump yourself up using your belief as a crutch, or a goat headed man with tits rose up from hell and guided your path, the effects are the same.

>> No.10298292

not even /x/ need this shit-tier of thread

>> No.10298674

who or what is theleshill

>> No.10299427

Yes, that's a placebo. You could literally believe in anything else to accomplish the same thing.

It can't be accomplished regardless.

>> No.10300172

/fa/ breeds the worst kind of faggots