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10290712 No.10290712 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a military marker? I'd rather not lie

>> No.10290830

Yes, you can look them up here if you know they are American:


>> No.10291069

They're British, from World War II. Think I should cut them off or keep them? I'm really not sure which one is more disrespectful

>> No.10291075

Don't wear the coat at all

>> No.10291076


cut, you didnt earn it.

>> No.10291095

Cut, but keep

>> No.10291098

That jacket is just going to look like fancy dress

>> No.10291179

It's heavy and seems warm. My current jackets aren't quite warm enough. The practical Mixing of fancy with not fancy is kind of "in" in my town

>> No.10291208

I'd fucking kill you if I saw you wearing that in real life, OP.

You want a military jacket? Earn it.

>> No.10291287

>you want a World War Two British jacket? Fucking earn it. Go back in time, change your fucking birthplace, and fight in a war

I just bought it because i liked the look. Wasn't advertised as "military jacket"

>> No.10291305

you are so edgy dude keep it up

>> No.10291327

>I just bought it because i liked the look

You are going to get the shit kicked out of you, kid. If not by me by any other soldier with an ounce of pride.

>> No.10291334

not everyones a violent retard

I say leave it on OP, if for anything, to piss off people

>> No.10291337

Very scary :^)

On a more serious note though you're a massive faggot if you actually believe the shit you're spouting.

>> No.10291358


where the fuck u live m8

>> No.10291361

you sound like a faggot lol

>> No.10291371

There's nothing wrong with a civilian wearing military shit as long as there's no ranking insignia
get over yourself

>> No.10291384

>there's nothing wrong with stealing valor

Fuck you. You fucking millennials talk so tough online. You'd get the shit slapped out of you by the first soldier who saw you wearing something like this.

>> No.10291398


>> No.10291414

Er no, you clearly don't know shit about what you're talking about. To pretty much any soldier it's a piece of cloth and buttons. If the jacket had any significance to its original owner/family it probably wouldn't have wound up being sold.

>> No.10291415

i am so le tough!! i was in THE DESERT killing KEBABS for my FREEDOM and now i browse a cartoon internet website about fashion.

>> No.10291422


It's not stealing valor, i specifically told you how it wasn't
the valor of military clothing isn't in the specific item itself you dumbass, it's in the ranking insignia and the medals
if there's a jacket with none of that then it's just a durable green jacket

Why the fuck would a soldier even care that I'm wearing the jacket of a different country that has nothing to do with ours, with no ranking insignia or military identification, it's just a green jacket at that point
get over yourself

>> No.10291466

Lost it at kebabs

>> No.10291472

*eating KEBABS

>> No.10291478

>he browses a Mongolian sex image board in the fashion section
>he believes anyone cares he went to the desert and killed babies

>> No.10291516
File: 137 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#stolenvalor #wearshitgethit #millenial #hashtag

>> No.10291527

YOUR freedom. Not just mine.

You fucking kids have no idea what my friends and I sacrificed, and what countless soldiers in the past sacrificed, just so you shitheads could disrespect us an disrespect yourselves by mincing around in military dress for the sake of fucking fashion.

Wear the jacket if you want, but I guarantee it'll get you fucked up.

>> No.10291539

>guy who fought a meme war for diplodocus gunk worries about valour being stolen from long dead yet legit heroes
how's that sarin exposure treating you?

>> No.10291542

Will you pay me $100 if I don't get fucked up?

>> No.10291572

be quiet you self important retard.


exucse me for taking the bait

>> No.10291585

You would never say anything like this to a veteran's face, shitbird.

>> No.10291596

tell me more what your friends sacrificed for the 1960's austrian field jacket with no military insignia or styling on it

>> No.10291598

lel those got their asses handed to them by a bunch of sand monkeys. they deserve to have their valor stolen.

>> No.10291606

No, because IRL you people are depressing, but it's what people think every time you "boldly" announce your veteran status. The fact that you're doing it on the internet means that we're able to depersonalize you from the broken shell of a man you are and see you as just another breed of shitposter. Of course we're going to say what we really feel

Ps it's your fault that Jonny died

>> No.10291615


American with no real accomplishments in his life other than fucking around in a desert detected.

>> No.10291619


no, you're right. Mainly because I never see the 'veterans'. I usually arrive right around the time they're deployed. Jesus christ I love living in a military town, my dick can't keep up with all the lonely snatch

>> No.10291626

>the American war in Iraq was about protecting American freedoms

Oh yeah the al Qaeda storm troopers were right on our doorstep thank you for saving us from the evil empire with their giant navy and well organized army with predator missiles and flying robots

>> No.10291729

I'm sure you sacrificed so much when you were gunning down unarmed shepherds and their children

>> No.10291736

Which is still better than being a yuropoor with no accomplishments, period.

>> No.10291754
File: 1.47 MB, 400x223, SyvxrMe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling back to this old chestnut
top kek

>> No.10291777

Jody confirmed master button pusher

>> No.10292216


>> No.10292344

And because you can't get upset and punch someone in the face. Because really if you think a good move in your argument is to punch someone in the face, you've already lost.

>> No.10292369


I work in the military and have done service (not for the US and not in the middle east so calm your asses) and no one would give a single fuck if a civilian was wearing a piece of uniform, it would be like cashiers beating up people for wearing their stores uniform.

>> No.10292382
File: 10 KB, 326x383, aaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i wear military jackets and insignias all day erry day

>> No.10292717
File: 25 KB, 400x386, ksssshhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOUR freedom

do people actually believe this shit??? lmfao
>muh freedoms
>nsa police state
pick one you jarhead prick.

>> No.10293383

That jacket isn't legit (obviously) the way the medals are done it's easy to see that it was done this way for fashion. A serving person should look at them and get offended because they're so blatantly fake. If they were mesas that were actually trying to pass off as the real thing it would be a different story though. (Reference: I've served and own a few myself)

Saying that, it's pretty sad seeing people pounce on the soldier who's taken offence to this, I can understand his fustration.

>> No.10293386

> should not get offended


>> No.10293407


it would be funny to piss of marine fags too

>> No.10293411

Then you are just as much of a pansy faggot as him

>> No.10293418

How so? I got no issues with OP wearing the jacket

>> No.10293527

I think if the jacket and insignia are obviously vintage and don't look like modern equivalents, it's ok.

>> No.10293545

>he's in JROTC

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