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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 660x400, smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10283451 No.10283451 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you do it /fa/?
It makes you smell and look like shit.
Nobody's going to care what your clothes look like when your skin and teeth are yellow and you smell like an ash tray.

>> No.10283460

Idk, I'll usually have a few cigs when I go out. It relaxes me and takes the edge off things. It's also an extremely powerful social tool, whether you can admit it or not.

>> No.10283500

useless addiction

>> No.10283513

People tell me I look good while doing it
Anyway, I never smoked regularly, only on rare occasions
And I stopped completely now because I need to get fitter

>> No.10283620

Remember, smoking is effay, being a smoker is not.

>> No.10283739


Looks cool.

>> No.10283820

I don't do it in public, I do it to reminisce about the 5 months I spent with the love of my life who's now 6000 miles away.

>> No.10283827


The "love of your life" is getting her worthless little cunny slammed by an alpha like me who doesn't give two shits about her or the queer doting on her across the globe

8"x6" btw, you DON'T measure up :)

>> No.10283831


also yes, being addicted is not /fa/ at all.

>> No.10283846


Definitely true dude, the girl loved sex, and I lost 80 pounds in the last year, so now I'm actually decent looking and all the new attention I get is pretty nice, I'll move on, but at the moment it's nice to remember her and the good times.

>> No.10283879

I'm planning quitting tomorrow. I've been smoking on and off for 10 years (longest break was a year and a half) and I'm over it. I can't afford it, every time I go out to smoke on my patio I'm worried I'll get hassled by my landlord and neighbors, and getting vibed by everyone around me since I live in a super granola, hyper health conscious area is getting old.

I'll still smoke if I'm offered one, but I have no plans on buying anymore. It's not worth it. Smoke weed instead.

>> No.10283890

that's cool
>>im alpha bro, your emotions are worthless because I'm fucking your grill
I hate this. Yeah, sex is important, but a legitimate relationship is a lot more fulfilling.

>> No.10283893

Let's rephrase the question; Is dying /fa/?

>> No.10283902


>loved sex
>past tense

Nothing changed, she still loves getting fucked, just now by bigger and better men than you

>> No.10283915

It's like you missed the part where I said she's definitely getting railed. I feel like you're projecting, so what'd she do to you anon?
Do you wanna talk about it?
Free therapy session?

>> No.10283927


Don't deflect, cucko, it's not my fault your girl is getting her little turkey stuffed by alpha cocks like mine :)

>> No.10283934

This guy gets it.

>> No.10283954


Fresh cunt is the only thing that matters. You'll grow out of your little high school "I need a gf" mentality one of these days :)

Funnily enough, that's when you'll find yourself constantly pestered by MRS degree-seeking cunts

>> No.10283975

I can't tell if your just trying to be a dick, or if your serious? If you just shooting for dick then carry on, but if your serious I'd love to hear more on your pov?

I've just never really been into casual sex, not sure why, maybe that makes me a faggot i don't know?

And you aren't kidding about the MRS degree thing, in my last year of grad school and like a dozen people in my program got married this summer.

>> No.10283986

No, everyone does it.

>> No.10284108

I'm with you there bro

>> No.10284127

Nigga are u seriously projecting this hard

>> No.10284131

Keep trying to make yourself feel better about dat small ass dick you got in those frilled panties

>> No.10284134

smokers die earlier.

>> No.10284135


So spake the king cuck

>> No.10284145

Wow your so cool and badass...

>> No.10284234


>> No.10284249

>Being this upset anon didn't care about your bait

>> No.10284315

Then I'm investing in a better future

>> No.10284317
File: 42 KB, 293x397, 1439347439575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still responding hours later
>pretends he "didn't care"

Quit while you're down, cuck :)

>> No.10284441

Subhuman ape who's really just a little girl crying out for help detected.

>> No.10285155

Smoking is cool and always has been and always will be.

>> No.10285178

I smoke as a filler to stop myself from jacking off so much

>> No.10285183

his lighting a lit sig x'D x'D x'D x'D smoking le smokerz x'D x'D cancer on cancer xD xD xD cancerception x'''''D x'''''''D x''''D

>> No.10285194

Your body is half the fashion. Bad health is not effay.

>> No.10285349

I smoke to not eat. I also hate myself.

>> No.10285443

Why does this "you look bad and smell bad" meme persist? It's basically the same argument used for chopping up dicks.

You only smell bad if you chain smoke and never (or rarely) shower, brush your teeth, or engage in basic hygiene. You only look bad if you were trailer trash to begin with.

You know how many people smoke? Over 1 in 5 (in North America; more or less depending on area). You know how many "dirty, disgusting smokers" you notice? Yeah, way less. Why? Because they're the easiest to notice.

You'll probably never notice someone smokes if they take care of themselves, you'd probably only notice if they were "low class" to begin with.

The only reason smoking gets a bad rap is because of second-hand. Don't start about the smell, because that's entirely subjective (I like the smell of gasoline and black powder, most people hate it). And as for the "healthcare costs" argument...no. Smokers contribute over 5x more to the healthcare system than they cost (at least in places like Canada).
So really, ask yourself, why do you hate smoking? Is it because you don't personally like the smell? That's fine, but we're not about to ban KFC because you can smell it several blocks around and one or two people don't like it.

Is it because smokers are "dirty"? Well, last I checked, most weren't. Most smokers just look like regular people. If being "dirty" were a crime, our prisons would be overflowing. Whether or not someone takes care of themselves is up to them, and has nothing to do with smoking.

Is it because you tried smoking and didn't like it? Well that's fine, you don't have to like smoking any more than everyone else has to like, say, drinking.

Or is it because you have a biased view of why people smoke, and think everyone is hopelessly addicted and you want to white knight it up?
Seriously guys, calm down. People have these things called "vices". Hell, if you live in a city, the car fumes are worse for you than smoking will ever be.

>> No.10285481

>Hell, if you live in a city, the car fumes are worse for you than smoking will ever be.
lol gd try

>> No.10285492

wow why do smokers have to be so aggressive...:///////// sorry ur killing ur body ://////

>> No.10285505
File: 114 KB, 1500x1500, 1439696006663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285522
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20150821_231446fx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys stop arguing and post your cigarettes.

>> No.10285531

>smoking kills bru smoke weed lol mhaha much better.......

>> No.10285764


My nigger.

>> No.10286362

small dick detected

>> No.10286387

Smoked since 14, 25 now but mostly quit. I only really smoke because of the social aspect. Take tonight for example, im going out clubbing on mdma and i like talking to people on mandy, but its too loud inside so i go outside and have a smoke and end up chatting to people and make new friends.

>> No.10286496

Because I like tobacco
But I understand how it presents a risk to my health (I have chronic bronchitis) and to other's too, so I only smoke often

>> No.10286557

I wish weed was decriminalized/destigmatized enough in most places so you can smoke a nicely rolled doob in public and look effay

>> No.10286586

>sex is important, but a legitimate relationship is a lot more fulfilling.
lel cuck

People who say that are deluding themselves because the truth is too "distasteful." Sex is the overriding concern, and, in my experience, plenty of people are willing to put up with bad relationships for good sex.

>> No.10287504

>extremely powerful social tool
So fucking true, anyone who denies this doesn't live in a metropolitan area. You'd have to be blind to deny the fact that you can cement so many in-organic hookups by joining someone for a smoke/asking for a light/asking for a cig.

>> No.10287510

that is because you are 17 and only know immature fuckheads who recently started having sex and its the best thing ever right now

>> No.10287676

i dont give a shit m8

>> No.10287775

>heh, I s-sure showed those c-cucks! What do you mean, of course I'm not a v-virgin, I have s-sex, like, all the time


>> No.10287793

>People tell me I look good while doing it
do you only smoke for the fit pics lmao

>> No.10288334
File: 624 KB, 1280x1827, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smokers do look cool and it is an awesome social tool but it's not worth the diseases imho

chances are you're not gonna die from smoking, but the more you smoke the more health related issues come up and I don't know anyone over 25 who smokes and doesn't regret it