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10280897 No.10280897 [Reply] [Original]

These are sometimes incorrectly referred to as "blackheads" I realize they are genetic, but is there any way to reduce their appearance?

>> No.10280923

bump, cause I would also like to know

>> No.10280926

>shower warm water
>black head extractor off known areas
>next day
>shower warm water
>black head extractor
>indian healing clay
>wash it off

do this once a week

>> No.10280930

bump literally haha am i right

>> No.10280947

you can add charcoal and green tea powder to the healing clay.

also african black soap .

any lotion with 10% Glycolic AHA will help too.

trust me I've had acne for a long ass time niggas

>> No.10280951

>trust me, my skin is 100% the same as your skin

top jej

>> No.10280967

>doesn't contribute

>> No.10280972

Try reducing the size of your pores by only using cold water when washing your face

>> No.10281005

this is bullshit and has no basis in reality

>> No.10281157

How bad is it to squeeze all that gooey shit out?

I used to do that, but i dont anymore.

>> No.10281175

I still do it. honestly it's probably horrible for me but it's entertaining to watch them squiggle out of my face

>> No.10281195



I've found that the only thing that helps is frequent moisturising. Never go away though.

>> No.10281201

Yeah it was a habit in my younger days, i'd get autistic and start breaking skin, but i care much less about blemishes nowadays.

>> No.10281207

man i still get this.

If i have a pimple i need to pop it even if the result is even worse looking.

>> No.10281224

Oh yeah, pimples have to go. They must be bursted whenever sighted. Kinda addictive, because sometimes the pops just feel so good

>> No.10281235
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I totally understand these feels. I popped one on my back at work yesterday and I was salty that I couldn't analyze the yield on my fingers and look at the pimple itself

>> No.10281248

>they are genetic

you just need to wash your face

>> No.10281251

thats rare for me

My favorite is when you pop one and it shoots right into the mirror.

I also hate ones that don't want to to burst and you just end up hurting yourself AND look terrible

>> No.10281284

I don't have bacne, just very rare pimples back there due to poor diet and cigarettes

I love when I'm going to pop and one it pleasantly surprises me with how far it shoots. usually I can pretty much tell how much it going to come out and at what velocity but sometimes it's delightfully powerful

>> No.10281307

I wash my face as you're supposed to and I get them all over regardless (not op), skin is flawless otherwise.

>> No.10281350
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ew wtf, that's not genetic, you're just gross. steal a box of these from your local walmart

>> No.10281363

those make your pores bigger, dude
not good excessively

>> No.10281392

these don't work

>> No.10281445

lmao first time I actually laughed in a long time, this is my plague, thanks guys

>> No.10281448

One every few months or weeks will not hurt you, and OP needs it BADLY. I am NOT kidding. OP your blackheads will stick out of this thing and look like little hairs. Watch a quick yt tutorial so you don't do it wrong like >>10281392 did.

>> No.10281905

This is the only skin related thread i found so im gonna ask here:

Ditched the stubble, going clean shaven now. I usually exfoliated every 2nd day, now i heard shaving equals exfoliation. Should i shave on days i exfoliate or is that irrelevant?
Prolly not ginna shave everyday as i have babby beardgrowth

>> No.10281908

You really need to do some proper research rather than just watch a yt video

>> No.10281915


Wax your nose.

>> No.10281980

>steam your face for 10 minutes.
>let pores open.
>spread some pva wood glue on your nose.
>let it dry.
>peel it off.

>> No.10282004

Unless you also exfoliate your forehead and nose area then you should exfoliate BEFORE shaving and in addition, be more gentle shaving. And definitely get a good lotion.

>> No.10282010


>> No.10282014

they will always come back so live with, just wash your face and sunscreen everyday.

>> No.10282088

Red box stridex on your face at night, especially the problem areas, brush your teeth as it dries

After a few weeks they will be noticible smaller.

In fact just go browse /r/skincareaddiction

>> No.10282095

pores dont open and close

>> No.10282101

Shaving doesn't exfoliate your whole face and is not a substitute for washing your face. As long as you are using an exfoliate that has fine enough beads that won't cause skin abrasions (be gentle & don't use St.Ives) you should be exfoliating every other day.
What this anon said is relevant as well.

Outside of that, my advice to you guys is if you can afford a trip to a good dermatologist it's worth it. Get your skin mapped out and treat it accordingly. Don't be afraid of spending good money on skincare, your face is the most important part of all your fits bc if you're greasy and pimply no one cares how well you're dressing.

>> No.10282117

do you niggers even have skin

god damn

maybe some of you should go to reddit and learn something

s. filaments can be reduced by doing an oil pull / oil cleanse method

google it faggots

>> No.10282120

I've noticed cold water helps the redness of pimples/reducing frequency and such but doesn't help with filaments.

>> No.10282136

The beaded exfoliating washes can be pretty bad in that some use plastic beads that just wash into water systems. It can also be tempting to rub yourself raw in an effort to get that nice scrubbing feeling.

I'm using a 2% salicylic acid exfoliator which I quite like.

Skincare seems to be one of those divisive topics fraught with contradiction though so your millage may vary and all that.

>> No.10282138

Reddit gets bashed a lot here but it sounds like /r/popping might be for you.

>> No.10282143

Yes they do, fuckface

>> No.10282146

Try /r/pizzaface

>> No.10282200

Wow, it's like you've forgotten all about the content of the skincare threads

Fucking idiots, lol

>> No.10282227

holy shit this is so fucking weird. I was literally just playing around with the melee developer mode checking out hitboxes before I read this thread... like why the fuck would you even post that image? Is this a dream?

>> No.10282263

queen helene mint julep masque

>> No.10282273

this, oil cleanse, i recommend something like innisfree juicy apple oil cleanser then double cleansing with your regular foaming cleanser.

the oil cleanser gets rid of so much gunk, its so cool to see it all come out

>> No.10282276


>> No.10282450

Seeing as this is the only related thread alive I'll just post here.

How the hell do I get rid of chest/back acne? Or at least I think it's acne. It just came out of nowhere a few months ago. I started working out a lot more so I don't know if my excessive sweating is the cause. I eat healthily, change my shirt often and shower twice a day. Do I just dip my upper body into acid or something? It keeps spreading.

>> No.10282515

No ty, this is all I needed. Last thing I want to do is read shitty puns about acne.

>> No.10282523


Accutane was the only thing that got rid of it for me

I literally tried everything from antibiotics to diets to showering anywhere from .25 to 3 times a day.

>> No.10282561

But doesn't it have an insane list of side-effects? How bad was it for you? I'm starting to consider just eating a bullet.

>> No.10282565

I took it when I was a teenager and it works like fucking gang busters.

The only side effect I had was having to go do blood work every so often to make sure it didn't fuck my liver.

>> No.10282682

Does anyone have any advice for this? I get tons of bumps on my chest and they appear to be black heads but when I remove them the entire hair follicle comes out with it? Ive tried antibiotics and retinoids before and even gone to laser treatment but it hasn't really gone away? Does anyone have any idea on how to get rid of this?

>> No.10282684


>> No.10282726

please I'm desperate

>> No.10282754

Then kill it with the flames of anger!!!!!11one!!!1

>> No.10282817

Easy, salicylic acid. Regular maintenance will greatly minimize them, but remember it'll always be temporary.

>> No.10282904

Nope, concealer just makes it bumpy

>> No.10283017

I have heard a lot of good things from people using tea tree oil
anyone can recommend?

>> No.10283117

I think you might have crabs m8

>> No.10283132

sounds like molluscum

>> No.10283375

Please DO NOT!!!! use pore strips to get rid of blackheads. There are so many other different methods to get rid of them and pore strips do NOT help. They rip your pores open allowing them to be bigger and allows more dirt and other excess bad things to go into your pores making it even WORSE.

>> No.10283428

alpha hydrox AHA wipes twice a day totally got rid of mine. tried a million other things and nothing worked until I used them

>> No.10283485

Rub sperm on your nose

>> No.10283815

I only have vellus hair there really so no crabs :/

Thanks for the serious answer. I've had it for years now I believe and it's never progressed past looking like tons of tiny blackheads so I don't think it's molluscum. I've seen a dermatologist about it already and none of the medication or soaps I've used have been working. I guess I'll just keep trying different stuff. Maybe I just have gross skin

>> No.10283830


Accutane is giga-nigga tier shit for a lot of skin issues. However, like many fucking things in life that are great, the side effects are jarring and shitty.

>> No.10284081

Ur welcome, faggot

>> No.10284113

do you live in a sunny country?

>> No.10284150

Dont work.
Neither do those 'black masks' that essentially work the same way(hardening and turning into something like a mild-tape)

I tried using black head extractors(like a over-sized sewing needle, with the loop that you press against your skin)
It looks okay a few hours later, but it also increases how much oil and crap my skin excreetes... So after the redness and swelling goes down, it looks okay, but the black heads come back just as bad as before a few days later.

>> No.10284178

haha good one xD

>> No.10284227

Use an oil free face wash.

I use one every morning and these have disappeared completely.

>> No.10284263

How can they be genetic ? Nobody in my family got them. I'm the only. :(

>> No.10284565

what's a good foaming cleanser btw?

>> No.10284679

Stop roiding.

>> No.10284731


Been using this stuff for years. My face loves it. But do NOT get this shit in your eye. I've been washing my closed eyes with this on a wash cloth for years with no problems, but just a couple weeks ago, the squirt valve clogged and some splashed in my eye and DAMN that hurt. Eye was red for 1/2 day and hurt for two days afterwards.

Can't recommend an Old Vic washcloth enough too. It's like the thinnest, scrubbiest cloth you can think of. http://www.shoplondons.com/vic-face-body-cloth.html

>> No.10284892

Mine used to be really bad when I was younger, I still have acne but my nose is pretty clear/clean now. All I can think of that I do now is exfoliating the skin a lot with either a chemical or physical exfoliant.

>> No.10284903


I was the guy who suggested the Accutane. Personally, I just had the crazy dry lips, which pretty much everybody gets. I did a 6 month course and I haven't had a single zit for 3 months now. I'm actually complimented on my skin by strangers which blows my fucking mind because my skin was so shit

>> No.10284940

do not squeeze your pores, or use peel mask or you run the risk of permanently enlarging them

>> No.10285099

just get all the grease off your face,

if you dont get sweaty everyday, shower before you go to bed, your pillow absorbs oil.

use hot ass water in the shower to literally melt the oil off your face.

most importantly dont touch your face.

to get rid of blackheads use those strips and some acid, then just do the hot ass water to melt any buildup.

>> No.10285751

Any suggestions besides nose pads w/ SA. Nose strips are fucking useless and my nose gets dry and flaky from using the pads twice a day. Obviously I never moisturizer it. Nose looks better for a few hours then the black shit comes back in full effect.

Help please.

>> No.10285761

Hey accutane user

Tell me, how fast does that shit work? Like, are the effects immediate in a matter of weeks?

How does it handle sebaceous filaments, acne scars, wrinkles, etc? Did it merely reduce them? if so by how much? Did they get rid of them entirely?

Pls help I'm fucking desperate

>> No.10285765

I've been squeezing those fuckers for years

Now my pores look like fucking craters

Thankfully I don't care

>> No.10285796

Yeah, I tried these too. Didn't do shit.

>> No.10285910


it takes a while, several months and removes anything but the worst scars IME

>> No.10285985

Your face has these details so you don't look like an uncanny valley robot, don't worry about it man

>> No.10286050

what if you do get sweaty everyday

>> No.10286090
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This is embarassing but, i'm a poorfag and living with my sister, this is the only thing she has lying around, should i kill myself?

>> No.10286091

>im 15 and i think people will know exactly what I do to better my appearance that scares me
yes you should kill yourself so you dont post anymore

>> No.10286608



they dont

>> No.10286621


How's high school, cuckboy

>> No.10286658

don't use hot water in the shower. It dries out your skin because it strips the oils so then your skin overproduces so you get this flaky oily mess.

>> No.10286673

Yes, they do.

>> No.10286878

Ok bro, enjoy your face sphincters

>> No.10286930
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>analyze the yield

>> No.10286943

>sebaceous filaments

They'll never go away exactly, but if you're persistent they will never show up unless you ditch your skincare routine entirely. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

I know it's a lot of effort, but it works for me OP. Hope I helped.

>> No.10288420

>meme-tier skincare

>> No.10288442

American Psycho?

>> No.10288539

That kind of works but the effect only lasts as long as your face is colder from the contact with cold water. Afterwards it just goes back to normal.

I would advise to exfoliate regularly, once or twice a week. You don't need to buy a peeling gel or product, you can make one yourself for close to nothing : one teaspoon olive oil, one teaspoon honey, one teaspoon baking soda, stir and scrub your face damp face with, very gently.

When you're done with the whole face, rinse it off with water and wash your face using a facial soap of some kind (mainly to remove the oil), then apply a moisturizing cream. Makes your skin smooth as fuck.

Shaving does remove a thin layer of skin, so I wouldn't exfoliate that area after shaving (maybe 2 days later).

>> No.10288648

Side effects include:
>impotency or low sex drive
>when you actually cum, it's like battery acid
>sensitive skin like gingers (sunburn so fucking easily)
>depression or anxiety
>Dry skin everywhere
>random nose bleeds like anime

That was me on accutane for a few months. Shit worked wonders though

>> No.10288652

*piano intensifies*

>> No.10288653
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>impotency or low sex drive
I'm chronically addicted to masturbating so perhaps this is my way out. I never get laid so I'm not worried about that end of the spectrum either.
>when you actually cum, it's like battery acid
Some people might be into this, I'm probably among them
>sensitive skin like gingers (sunburn so fucking easily)
Sunscreen for days
>depression or anxiety
I already have depression so what are you gonna do? Make me even MORE depressed?
>Dry skin everywhere
Become a nigger and lotion it up every day. I also deal with dry skin a lot as is anyways so whatever
>random nose bleeds like anime
A great trick to pull on family. I have no friends so I can't say friends & family.

>> No.10288658

Okay apparently baking soda isn't the best thing to put on your face. The scrub really does work wonders but it's not good for the skin on the longer term because of the pH that baking soda has and the pH your skin is supposed to have.

So just disregard that, it does work but you should probably look for another solution.

>> No.10288669



>> No.10289830
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Are you a dermatologist? No? Then no, you really don't need to do proper research to figure out that you have all this horrible puss sticking out of your nose. No one is grading you on anything other than appearance and these things will do what OP needs. I don't take care of my skin at all apart from having my girlfriend put one of these on my face(against my will) once in a while. I might not have 'properly researched' skin, but my nose doesn't look like OP's, so I'm grateful.

>> No.10289937

>dermatologist gives me some mini samples of Ziana
>works bretty gud
>run out
>try looking online to purchase some
>60g is ~$740

Holy fucking shit