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/fa/ - Fashion

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10270414 No.10270414 [Reply] [Original]

I work in a fucking factory right now. It blows.

>> No.10270418

Graphic Designer.

>> No.10270421

working in a retail clothing chain for minimum wage.

>> No.10270424


>> No.10270428

Graphic designer here too! You working corporate, agency or freelance breh?

>> No.10270430

How do you get by?

>> No.10270484

Working at Nordstroms selling middle age women shoes and clothes. It's fun I get to wear a suit and get a nice discount on some good clothes. I'm planning on buying some suede common projects Chelsea boots right now and have been looking at the black derbies too.

>> No.10270498

im a cook in fine dining. the underworld of serious high end cooking has the most effay batch of people you'll ever meet, its rad. love cooking, love the job, all around 10/10.

>> No.10270505

How fine are we talking?

>> No.10270549
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>How fine are we talking?

>> No.10270553
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>> No.10270561

EMT/ Student

>> No.10270575
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correct sir.

>> No.10270804

what's this a still from?

>> No.10270958



>> No.10270966


Doing this right now. Entirely not effay but I feel like the experience is necessary on the path to effay.

>> No.10270980

Hey! Same here!
Currently at a country club. :-)

While working, I had gotten accepted for an apprentiship so they're sponsoring me for college !! life is good

>> No.10270990

if blood and shit is effay then yeah

I guess student is tho

>> No.10270996

Restaurant management

>> No.10271002

Does your company do 911 calls? I worked in a hospital and hated the bigger ems companies because they'd take four fucking hours to do a patient transfer
On two occasions my patients literally died waiting for transport.....TWO TIMES

>> No.10271025
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neet for 3 years

i'm open to ideas

>> No.10271036


>> No.10271039

8 days a week?

>> No.10271043
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bricklayers labourer, you guys wouldn't know hard work if it bit you on the arse

>> No.10271045


>> No.10271049


>> No.10271061

yeah we do calls
I've done a few hospital shifts when I was a student and yeah, ambulance companies that aren't state run or out of the fire department tend to be a shit

>> No.10271063

What kind of hours do you work
Unless we're talking 16 hour shifts with constant threat of being sued and forced overtime then I'm not impressed

>> No.10271076

6:30-2:30 with one half hour smoko

the level of physical work, and dirtiness and general how-fucked-up-it-isness is prettymuch unmatched in trades

while other jobs may be more stressful perhaps, it's definitely physically one of the hardest jobs going

>> No.10271092

Not him but I was a roofer for a few years and it was equally as fucked if not more so. Also 6:30 to 2:30 is pretty decent hours for on site work.

>> No.10271107

yeah roofings dead hard yakka and to be fair it's far more dangerous than bricklaying which is really quite a safe trade (you're not gonna get zapped like a sparky, or fall off anything too high etc)
tell ya what but man we're working, idk if you know anything about bricklaying but the other day we did 9200 bricks in 2 days, 4 brickies 2 labourers, it was hard man plus access was a p a l l i n g

but you're outside and the terms of one's employment being turn up and work hard so you can run it easy

>> No.10271120

Nah brickies were usually gone by the time I got on site. Seems fuckin tough though mate I wouldn't wanna do it. I'm glad I quit and went to uni staying in trades like that til you're 40 or 50 is a mug's life.

>> No.10271149
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yeah deadset its retarded unless you can run your own company or become a builder/developer before your body blows out completely

what'd you do in uni? im considering doing it as a trade because fuck me theres no brickies and it seems hard to get employment while doing the uni thing

but there are girls at uni

>> No.10271169

Still at uni mate, doing double major economics and chinese. Might be a bit sellout but I want secure employment when I leave or it isn't worth the investment. Yeah its hard finding work/money atm but its pretty good to not wake up fucked every morning. If you have the discipline/work ethic of holding a job you're already a massive step ahead of 80% of students nowadays.

>> No.10271175

I do custodial work.

I sit around for 4 or 5 hours then do 2 hours work. One hour for flex time in case I actually need it.
Hanging out on the roof and looking at the city is pretty cool.

>> No.10271176

I work at a Coop in MN. I work in the cooler so I get to wear a sweater and jacket. There are no clothing restrictions except I have to wear a name tag.

>> No.10271180

Grocery store jobs can be surprisingly /fa/

>> No.10271184

12, 18, and 24 hour shifts. We do take 911 calls around the north Boston area.

Get paid to sleep sometimes, other timesit's incredibly long periods of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer horror.

>> No.10271185

I work in a windmill. It blows.

>> No.10271199
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GD reporting in. Would have done fine arts if art schools weren't so jewed up in cost and curriculum. Thank God the internet exists for self-teaching and that most graphic designers can't draw/paint for shit.

>> No.10271204

i graduated high school and now i don't really know what to do with my life
maybe i'll go to uni but i really have no idea what to study

feels pretty bad

but i will find something soon-ish because my anti-neet parents might kick me out at some point

>> No.10271205

Where at? I'm from east burbs

>> No.10271206

That's pretty much what I expected. I've heard about emts having to drag their own dead friends out of cars; actually the horror stories are all pretty bad.
I've been a nurse for six years and have learned to stay attentive even with the chillest patients...people can turn in a dime

>> No.10271210

Butcher. The work itself is reasonably effay I think. Money/coworkers/respect definitely isn't though.

>> No.10271211

psychologist/psychiatrist and primary care physicians come to mind

if we're considering jobs that actually matter, at least

>> No.10271215

Chefs are scumbags bro
total lowlifes who drink and drug their way through life

definitely effay

>> No.10271226

My dad's a clinical psychologist
People with personality disorders are untreatable and horrible; but I guess helping somebody overcome debilitating drug addiction is cool

>> No.10271229


>> No.10271238

>implying the construction workers who built your building jobs matter any less than your pseudo science bullshite.

>> No.10271239


i sort of meant more in the sense of pay and being able to wear what you want

six figures or bust

>> No.10271244


you sound bitter about your 50-60k salary job

that's not my problem

>> No.10271246

lol wealth doesnt equal /fa/, some of the most effay people do manual labor.

>> No.10271250

You sound elitist about your middle of the road not quite enough to be notable paycheck.

>> No.10271260

What doctors do you know that make six figures a year
Fuck man the hospitalists I work with can make like 15k a day easy
And that's just with uninsured discount/Medicaid/VA patients
You get paid like 250 bucks per admission h&p then fifty bucks per follow-up
Then 350 per discharge
So you admit ten patients, see another 15 and discharge ten of them then that's like 10 grand right there
Then they have office duties or round in the nursing homes/ltacs or take call for a family practice doctor for even more side cash

>> No.10271262


chill the hell out both of you
only effay if you yourself do drugs

>> No.10271266

How effay is Pre-Med planning to become a Doctor and go into General Surgery?

>> No.10271270

whens the last time you looked at a surgeon and said "That dude has some fukkin style, damn" or any doctor for that matter.

>> No.10271276

I work at a bank in nyc

it fucking sucks

>> No.10271279

Get some sleep cuz when you start med school and end up a surgical prelim or resident then you'll do 12-24 hour shifts every day for years at a time. My bro switched specialties and gave up a general surgery slot because the lifestyle sucked

>> No.10271307

I am a bicycle mechanic/technician. And no I don't ride a Fixie.

>> No.10271318


You won't make it and if you do, you'll regret it

Have fun

>> No.10271321
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>> No.10271328

I am well prepared
whoa why are you so bitter

>> No.10271333


specialists, sure, but if you think unspecialized/general physicians make that much? not really? do you realize how much actually comes back from medicaid/uninsured patients/VA? i wouldn't even consider an uninsured patient, fuck that shit, they always default the debt

unless they work with geriatrics, then they can just milk medicare

>> No.10271337

anime isnt effay in the slightest.

>> No.10271349


is it true that surgeons don't need to know as much as physicians
surgeons are the dunderhead jocks of medicine?
sorry i only know what i know from scrubs

>> No.10271355


>falling for the Wolf of Wall St ez bux maymay

The "following your dreams" one is just as bad but at least you won't hate yourself every time you look at the clock and its not leaving hours yet. Trust me, I went to accounting college.

>> No.10271359

Keep in mind
Just because you plan to be premed doesn't mean you'll actually get through the degree plan and get into medical school
And even if you get into medical school that doesn't mean you'll finish it
And even if you manage to graduate that doesn't mean you'll match and get a residency slot. There are more residents than there are residency slots. The family medicine program where I live has like 1500 applicants a year and this place is a shithole....that's especially true for surgery. That's an insanely competitive specialty
And just because you get a residency slot doesn't mean you'll actually be cut out for it. Suicide rate is high and the dropout rate is fucking ridiculous

>> No.10271360


That's not anime and nigga that look pretty /fa/ to me
although, can doctors even dress in button downs and ties?

>> No.10271369

Lol its not.

>> No.10271370

kk good luck pulling a fit like that off in real life without looking like a walmart pleb

>> No.10271372


Well then I guess I'll just be the one that makes it through! I'm already mostly done with my History major or "pre-med" anyway.

>> No.10271377

What? The doctors still get paid even if the patient doesn't pay the bill. I don't work in the medical billing side, but one of my doctors broke it down for me. I guess if the bill goes unpaid for a certain length of time then the hospital can requisition for the government to foot a percentage of the bill, which they do

>> No.10271378

itll be cake ill just keep looking attractive 'n all my fits fall into place

also im not the doctor kid

>> No.10271380

Pretty much man. I wanted to double major in computer science and creative writing to try and go into video game development, but I got sucked in by Ivy League banking cultured and majored in Econ.

Now all my relevant experience is just leading me down a road i despise. Really blows

>> No.10271383

Cool? You're still a fag tho.

>> No.10271384

How do you plan on preparing for the mcat, anon? Or getting a decent score, for that matter?

>> No.10271387
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isn't that a game that's developed by the same guys from persona and shin megami tensei?

>> No.10271399

Well i took all the pre-med courses, and I'm getting help from all the MCAT test prep stuff. Also getting personal help from chem/bio/physics/calc/psych professors because pre-meds are a rarity in my uni and the average amount of kids per lecture is 12 average graduating class is 800

>> No.10271400

Nah man here's really how it goes, from my experience
General surgeons
Trauma surgeons
About fifty power levels
Internal medicine
Family practice

>> No.10271406

I 'work in fashion' doing creative work. Essentially it's just consuming a ton of art/film/music and flexing your knowledge at meetings with higher ups because they're too busy to watch films or read all day.

AMA about getting into the business.

>> No.10271410

We all know all you have to do is suck a buncha cock to get in. shortest ama ever.

>> No.10271411

in all seriousness, requirements? Education? Where do you work?/which company? How to get in? Etc etc

>> No.10271413


what the hell order is this listed in fam

>> No.10271431

Rooting for you
But there's a very severe chance you're not gonna get through the test, let alone the grueling schooling, unforgivable national boards, emotionless match proceedings, and joy crushing residency unless you get offline and start preparing

when my bro was at bcm, there was a girl from Yale who had a degree in Greek literature or some shit. She got in by studying for the mcat and literally had to leave after the first semester since she didn't know any science, math, or physics....and she came in as the most uppity elitist pompous girl in the whole class

>> No.10271439

Smartest to dumbest

>> No.10271447

how is a fuckin brain surgeon dumber than a general surgeon
man scrubs got it backwards

>> No.10271452

"fam" Get the fuck outta here with that niggetry

>> No.10271455


There are a lot of reasons why she could have dropped out. If she really couldn't handle it, I'm not sure how she got accepted in the first place.
Thanks anon, but I feel pretty well prepped for the MCAT. I've never really struggled with any kind of testing before.

>> No.10271460

General surgeons are sharp as fuck
They have to be the ones to decide who does and doesn't need surgery
Literally taking care of people from cradle to grave and have an unmatched knowledge of medicine and surgery
Neurosurgeons know their extremely focused area of specialty
General surgeons are prepared for literally any scenario

>> No.10271462


>I've never really struggled with any kind of testing before.

maybe bc ur a history major lmao

>> No.10271477

She got accepted because getting into school isn't the same thing as being able to get through school

>> No.10271482

Fashion is 80% connections, anybody who tells you otherwise is bullshitting. You can work your ass off and be extremely knowledgeable, but it always comes down to who you know and being a bit lucky.

A strong portfolio in any medium is required. A lot of my coworkers have a lot of graphic design work and I have a pretty strong photo portfolio.

I majored in Business and Economics, and minored in Art History and Photography. I started out by doing working with my Photo prof who I became great friends with, and I installed her thesis show which ultimately led me to gallery work.

From gallery work I refined my taste from a mentor whom I really owe everything to, and basically he knew of this internship at where I'm at now.

I work in NYC, and I'm omitting the name of the company for obvious reasons, but it's a household name.

>> No.10271501

Sometimes you talk to surgeons and they are already talking surgery before they even know the patient's name
So in that sense an internal medicine resident could assume that surgeons all just want to bring in everybody, put in trachs and pegs on everybody then do lap choles just to be on the safe side
But the fact is that some people just fucking need surgery. And surgeons are busy enough with call schedules, outpatient procedures, inpatient cases (sometimes at multiple hospitals), and clinic responsibilities that they are sometimes very short with people
But they're extremely bright, first and foremost

>> No.10271540


Isn't just about every job about connections? I'm hard pressed to think of any professions that don't involve networking with people, leveraging relationships, finding out what niches you can fill, and making yourself indispensable to other people's needs.

>> No.10271561

>Suck dick to get in

>> No.10271584

I'm talking more SAT ACT AP exams
I took all the STEM premed stuff too anon, calc biochem,physics

>> No.10271589

>yet I still post on 4chan

>> No.10271594


lmao high school's reaaal hard

>> No.10271611

sounds like a good description of people

>> No.10271617
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Over all I feel like I'm very knowledgeable when it comes to fashion etc.
Say if I took the sand route as you did.

What college did you go to? How old are you?

>> No.10271619

bout as hard as deez nutz


>> No.10271632

god that just makes me depressed thinking about it, poor people :/

>> No.10271658
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I used to work audit at Big 4 and held off to get them pay for my CA. Had to stay couple more years cause of that but bailed at 25 with savings when I kept dreaming about jumping in front of a green light. Teaching myself real drawing/painting now and got a loan to study design at a uni (am in kiwiland so im not jewed with amerilard tuition). Really bohemian'd up my living standards to squatter tier like I live with fucking criminals. No idea about your situation m8, but I'm short of disowned by asian family and estranging friends for dishonoring the long tradition of wage slavery.

I would tell most kids not to fuck with the arts/entertainment/their dreams unless you have a hard sports-like training ethic, low self-esteem and high propensity for not giving a fuck. A motive like trying to stick it to the gallery jew is also essential. Slight insanity helps. If you're young/have time maybe you could save up and reroute things. I know too many who got sucked in by the good money, social acceptance and benefits(and they are good) who said they were gonna pursue x/y/z when they have the time/money. Protip: you never have enough of those.

>> No.10271664

>being too good for dick

>> No.10271678

Is it as shallow as Hollywood plays it out?

Are you attractive?

Could you be an ugly troll but with hard skills and decent social network get in?

Do you just take photos or do designs/tailoring/marketing other stuff details pls?

>> No.10271682

haha you're hilarious, good luck in the future

>> No.10271685

This definitely applies to most non-STEM majors, however I'm just trying to stress how important connections are for fashion and any art related field. A lot of people think that knowing each garment of a show qualifies them for a job in the business, when in reality it's much much more than that.

Been posting on forums forever and occasionally found advice that resonated with me, why not do the same and pass some knowledge to people interested?

No route is ever the same. Like I said I was lucky my mentor knew somebody at my current job and was my reference. You'd be surprised how little actual fashion knowledge you need to know. Being well read in the lit/arts/film/music is much more important than listing a ton of designers off the top of your head.

I went to a UC system school, one of the top 3, and I'm in my 20's.

>> No.10271705

I need to get more cultured.

>> No.10271728


>well read in the lit/arts/film/music is much more important

Why? Don't get me wrong, I love consuming culture capital but why this over actual clothing design and technicalities?

Also is there a particular type of lit/arts/film/music the industry goes for? I'm not imagining a lot of emphasis on the Twilight/50 Shades/Transformers A E S T H E T I C in the fashion industry. An essentials/beginners guide to maybe?

>> No.10271733

Depends on what department. I'd say Marketing+Advertisement fits the Hollywood stereotype quite well, fashion team is too busy working their ass off to care, and creative team has some of the coolest and most interesting people I've met.

Above average. It's helped to make connections.

HELL YES. Don't ever get caught up on your looks. Your work, portfolio, and network gets your into the interview, not your looks.

I do strictly creative work, meaning the team I work with are the ones who recommend artists, directors, music, and other various talent to star or create campaigns. As I mentioned beforehand, all of us on this team were and are still artists. Since I have a pretty lengthy background in photography I'm usually tasked with finding photographers that'll fit our image, location scouting, and finding inspiration for images which we'll then emulate for future shoots.

>> No.10271742

Can you cop all the sick fits you like? If money isn't a problem, then just do things that you think are productive.

I'm a dishwasher, gonna start second year uni soon though

>> No.10271751

Currently a student, but I work part-time as a math tutor and I lifeguard in the summers full-time. So not terribly effay.

>> No.10271758

go to /lit/
as to film
you should watch the big classics, 2001, citizen Kane, most of Scorsese library, Godfather
I'd also recommend. Synecdoche new York, STALKER, Turin Horse, Chinatown
fuck anon just watch for your own sake

>> No.10271775

Yo bout to start culinary arts bad idea?

>> No.10271785

Working at a print shop. Went to school for audio, would be pretty /fa/ if I had an actual job in that industry. Building a portfolio so I can dress well behind a computer.

>> No.10271790

It's never too late.

It's dependent on the department. For instance, a pattern designer or seamstress - somebody who deals directly with the physical creation of the garment should value design and fabric knowledge over cultural capital. I'm speaking more from a creative side of fashion, where knowledge of garment and fabric technicalities is much less important.

Nope, it's important to know a bit about everything. Keeping up with current things is very important as well. I got bitched the fuck out for not watching a couple of this year's Sundance films and was unable to contribute to an important decision. It's also not enough to just say 'Oh yeah, that one film was about the blank and the blank', I'll need to know the director, aprox year it was made, and other noteworthy films. It's the same with music.

My only guide would be to constantly consume. Read/watch/listen to shit that interests you and write something about it so it actually sticks in your head.

>> No.10271819

I'd like to add to the movies you should watch

Aguirre, the Wrath of God
The Seventh Seal
M (1931)
12 Angry Men
Three Colors Trilogy

>> No.10271839

you sound salty af tbh

>> No.10271855


you'll probably end up in the high end of the culinary industry, but will probably be less respected because you didn't slog through line work and poverty like most chefs

>> No.10271862

fucking lost it

>> No.10271923

whats the difference between a fucking factory and a regular one?

>> No.10271927

3D Artist

>> No.10271935

I work in a nursing home and volunteer at an alzheimer's clinic. going to school for fashion. r8

>> No.10272192

About to start in clothing retail while at uni

Staff discount is nice I guess

>> No.10272204

They manufacture sex toys, obviously.

>> No.10272253

Goodwill cashier

>> No.10272278

How old are you mate?

>> No.10272431

Are you doing honours or masters for Econ? might be difficult to find a job without that or a math major

>> No.10272473

Tbh I think the more important part of my degree is Chinese in terms of employment. But I can do honors if I want it really depends on how things go.

>> No.10272483


>> No.10272502

factory is fa job.

>> No.10272509

I work for the salvation army to get ex homeless people with often drug problems and psychiatric issues back into society. Is being a dreamer efay?

>> No.10272515

Dishy at a local restaurant

>> No.10272622

I work in a call centre asking people to do surveys. 7/10

>> No.10272627

No it is not

>> No.10272648
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Unemployed after being kicked out the army for fighting with civilians.

>> No.10272653

how the fuck, ive been in 4 fights over this year and im still in. Did you kill the guy?

>> No.10272658

General practitioner

Basically any profession with a suit + a lot of money.

>> No.10272659

I kinda decide who get connected to the optical fiber and where we extend/create the network.

>> No.10272669

My own boss. Bulding my own business as a designer.

>> No.10272677


I'd rather not go into the details but i barely caused any damage to the guy. I'm training over the next 3 months and going to the FFL.

>> No.10272678


he lost

>> No.10272689
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Poor girl
If that was near me I could have an haircut there 2 a month and also leave tip ;_;

>> No.10272703

Working nightshift at a casino is the most effay job out there

>> No.10272749

so a NEET?

>> No.10272777

Draftsman, finishing my architecture masters degree this year so hopefully my next job is less of a bore.

>> No.10272784
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the park ranger is effay as fuck

>> No.10272833

What company do you work in?

>> No.10273457

Oh cool even though it's only a associates degree?

>> No.10273507

Kek @ premed fetus thinking they know what they want to do a residency in. You don't know shit, don't think about it and get better grades faget

>> No.10273508

i'm in the same boat, thinking about getting a bartending licence and doing freelance art and music in my spare time.
I considered doing art at uni for about 2 seconds but i'm not about to drown myself in debt for the sake of not appearing like an uneducated degenerate.
I'd take degeneracy over unemployment any day

>> No.10273558

Corporate Lawyer. Youre basically forced to wear the most expensive garments tailored for men.

>> No.10273896

Are you comped?

>> No.10274467

Is working at a Wendy's /fa/ even ironically? I'm leaving for my first year of college in five days anyway so it's not like I'm stuck there.

>> No.10274496

I'm a writer. Confirmed for most effay job/

>> No.10274515

I have a probably unachievable dream of opening a book cafe on a middle of nowhere route where college students or people on the way to/from work can read or study quietly and get something to eat. I've been reading too much slice of life stuff and just want to do something comfy.

>> No.10274519

Hello friend, I also plan to attent uni and study architecture next year.
What should I expect in terms of how demanding it is, how easy it is to find jobs, even low level ones, what should I focus mostly on, how advances should my math be, etc?
Please respond

>> No.10274549

Bike Messenger

>> No.10274604

Yeah I work as a butcher its pretty cool

>> No.10274615

Especially customers who have no Idea what the fuck they're talking about and can't tell the difference between a porterhouse and a ribeye yet they think they know more than you.

>> No.10274634

product photography

dress whatever you want
dictate how the site looks
make good salary for a photographer (when it's actually shit compared to real salaries)

get to laugh at all my "photographer" friends who are more passionate than me but are stuck working tables

>> No.10274744

my school doesn't have grades

>> No.10274751

I'm a assistant manager at h&m. Shit sucks.

>> No.10274776

I'm a retail manager but my store sucks fucking ass. Think all h&m's are terrible or just yours? Also recs for other good retail stores to work at?

>> No.10274784

Explosive Ordnance Disposal

I don't even care if it is effay or not, I love my job.

>> No.10274791

Ex soldier, software engineer for Boeing.

>> No.10274796


>> No.10274806

yeah youre not gonna make it...

wish i could somehow remind you of this post in 4 years to see where you're at. i know you'll say i'm wrong now but just wait lel

>> No.10274931

Diff. anon, but also finishing my last year of my Masters. I've discovered I'm the rare exception in my universitys program, in that I don't do all nighters and get my shit done. Its all about how you manage time and expectations. In school and in practice you can always keep working on a project making it better and better and better, the difference is in school no one tells you that and most kids pull allnighters and think thats how you have to do it. In practice there is only so much money for a project, and it clearly needs to be completed at some point, so you have to accept that of course it can always be better, but what you have when your "done" is also good. Not gonna comment on jobs a lot because i've only done an internship, but my family does construction, so i have a finger on the pulse of the industry, and things are beginning to rebound pretty well in the states, and if you go abroad, some places are BOOMING, china, oil countries, germany. Focus on what you enjoy and you'll find a specific area you like the most and then hone in on that i would say, and for me personally, if you have high school math your good, we arent engineers, basic concepts of physics are important as is basic structural knowledge, but it'd take me 4 times as long as an engineer to pull down all the loads on building to ensure its perfect. You don't need engineering to build a typical house, the contractor and subs know what they're doing, and you'll have an engineering firm on large projects.

Just my .02, take it for what you will.

>> No.10274970

Currently 3rd year med student, doing clinical. Shit's not effay but it will pay nice in the future.

>> No.10275000

Wish I woulda done something useful

>> No.10275493

oh i thought it was from this. thought it was weird that someone posted a still from some indie band music vid

>> No.10276028

>macy medford
i remember her from jr. high what a bitch

>> No.10276042

electrical engineer

>> No.10276048

med students?

>> No.10276056

I'm an rn

>> No.10276068

the thought of med students or practicing mds on 4chan really doesn't make sense to me tbh

>> No.10276127


Helicopter Airframe and Hydraulics mechanic

>> No.10276149


>> No.10276158

landscape laborer, all the shittiness of laying bricks plus diggin' dirt. 7-7 niggas

>> No.10276898

>gb2 airframe shop boot do u even plane captain?

>> No.10277110 [DELETED] 

Mr. Vengeance says otherwise.

>> No.10277118

I wish it wasn't so hard to get into it, I would love to work outdoors all day.

>> No.10277133


>hard to get into

and usually pays barely above min. wage