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/fa/ - Fashion

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10248390 No.10248390 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10248394

Her clothes are black and white.

>> No.10248395

The style is called "pastel goth" though.

>> No.10248406


>> No.10248407

Seriously, while the quality is questionable in some cases, they have a fucking colossal range. I picked up a few things when I went through my phase of wanting to be a trap a few months ago, before I decided I wasn't cute enough.

>> No.10248418

So it's a legit business? Some websites like that don't actually send the stuff in.

>> No.10248466


>> No.10248475


sites like taobao and aliexpress has rating system, just like ebay and customers satisfaction percentage and all that

>> No.10248489

Sort by number of sales when searching on taobao and check out the taobao thread on /cgl/. Assuming you're a girl or a trap, you'll get alot more mileage out of asking /cgl/.

a-are you a girl?

>> No.10248495

I am a girl. I'm just tired of my incredible casual look.

>> No.10248514

inb4 hot topic

>> No.10248516
File: 145 KB, 510x906, 4449486_2015-04-26-13-05-58_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is mostly a male userbase and won't want to help you with stuff from Taobao, especially girls stuff. The female inspo threads are usually cool though so it's worth lurking here if nothing else.

I know for sure that on the /cgl/ taobao thread spreedsheets, there are some cool pastel goth stores. Most of the stuff is made for a petite Asian frame so make sure you check sizes etc. Also, if you're using a shopping service, be prepared to pay for shipping, that's how they seem to make quite a bit of their money. It's relatively expensive, but it's still cheaper than buying stuff from Etsy, your local mall, other webstores etc. Consider posting some pictures in the taobao thread with ideas of what you want, they're usually pretty helpful.

If I can offer my own advice, please only go for this look if you're a reasonable bodyweight and pale skinned. If you want to dye your hair, do it in pale colors like in your OP image, avoid very 'saturated' colors, they just look awful.

tips fedora, mlady etc

>> No.10248535
File: 68 KB, 927x507, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this tone won't do it, right? :/

>> No.10248566

Let me be clear; you can still do it with darker skin, it just looks photogenic with paler skin - the more vampiric you look the better. With darker skin, you're probably going to use a little bit more white than you normally would.

What's your nationality? It's kind of hard to tell your exact skin color because I assume that picture is taken indoors.

>> No.10248574

if you have a warm skin tone wearing white and black/pastels is going to wash you out badly. if you still like the look by all means go ahead but just be aware of that fact.

>> No.10248602
File: 183 KB, 767x1264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican. Leg wise I'm perf.

>> No.10248618

You could consider covering up your chest and showing your legs (or blackblocking them with pantyhose, tall socks etc). But yeah it can still work, you'd just need a bit more white than you'd normally run. If you're not sure, try ordering a couple of things and, if it doesn't work out, dont order any more. Better to test the waters with $50 than drop $200 and regret it.

Please sit on my face.

>> No.10248624

Buy me something cute and I'll do it.

>> No.10248706

You seem cool; good luck.

>> No.10249518
File: 11 KB, 312x262, 1427913769795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pastel goth is out, that's was like 2012 to at the latest 2014

>> No.10249558

This really, entire "edgy but not too edgy" thing is done for, all the tumblr core, pastel-goth, prostitute-chic stuff. But it's still a good look, so whatever.