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File: 125 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10228361 No.10228361 [Reply] [Original]

g-guys is my school /fa/?

>> No.10228417


elon musk's alma matter ya know

>> No.10228635

why are 90% of the posters on this board Canadian

>> No.10228817

>alma mater
lol he left to go to a real school

>> No.10228829
File: 106 KB, 712x317, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is a fashionable place
particularly Toronto

>> No.10228944
File: 362 KB, 510x848, C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying upenn is a real school
I may be hopelessly in debt, but at least I got a real education

>> No.10228968

>inb4 300+ posts of fags pretending to all be ivy league

You niggas are in community college at best

>> No.10228995
File: 172 KB, 1365x1024, Virginia_Tech_Hokies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virginia tech as fuck

>> No.10229012

Whatever helps you justify your shortcomings 'nigga'

>> No.10229021

Queens student reporting in. Most Un effay place I've been in my life. Only basic bitches, canada goose jackets, and hardcore preppy. Can't wait to graduate so I can meet more interesting people

>> No.10229023

kinda . its alot of the 90s revolt and just plain weird.

I guess whatever your taste is. mainly 90s stuff

>> No.10229036
File: 26 KB, 480x179, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heading down in a week. I have low expectations.

>> No.10229052

i heard the college town is trash

>> No.10229054

Who UT Austin here

>> No.10229069

I'm sorry but Queens is a cult. 90% of the people I've met who go there are massive ass hats. It's not even a hard school to get into, maybe to stay but the entry bar is pretty low.

>> No.10229075
File: 23 KB, 248x241, WU_seal_gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who WILLAMETTE U here?

>> No.10229079
File: 168 KB, 1463x785, ryerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fam :~ )

>> No.10229091

Damn, that's depressing. Are the grad students any better? Preppy is okay or is it more along the lines of pic related?

What do you by a cult? What's with the "Queen's is full of rich kids and overachievers" reputation if it's such a shit school? Does the school just try to give off a prestigious vibe by playing up its age and pretty campus?

>> No.10229102
File: 33 KB, 445x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people actually think UT is the only university in Austin

Enjoying my time at St. Edward's though

>> No.10229104
File: 110 KB, 640x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to include pic

>> No.10229114

Two types of people go to queens. 1) smart chinks 2) average preppy white kids with rich parents

And both groups study commerce and act like theyll be CEOs with 500k starting straight out of uni.

>> No.10229128

Not sure about grad students, but I see a lot of pic related lol. I'm in eng which is probably the most culty. Different kind of culty than the prep shit you see in commerce. You need to not let the arrogance rub off I guess

It's the opposite, incoming average is pretty high, ~89% but they make it pretty easy to graduate.

>> No.10229129


it's the kind of school where an entire family will go. it's super prep and wants to be ivy league so bad. I was kind of shitting on it with that post but it just gets tiresome, constantly hearing people in ontario talking about how great queens is.

>> No.10229134

rye fam we out here

>> No.10229150

I mean it's top 5 Canada, but not on the same level as UoT or McGill for graduate work. I guess what it has going for it is no super weak programs. A lot of school like Waterloo or McMaster have a few good programs but everything else there is shit. Weakest at Queen's is science IMO, but even that is decent

>> No.10229153

pompom hats, purple jackets, kilts

the list goes on

just "friend" a queens student on facebook

>> No.10229159

half my family goes to queens but I guess I was too stupid

thanksgiving is rough

>> No.10229162

holy fuck that vid
queens a shit

>> No.10229172

Do be fair, don't most large Canadian unis have a large population of smart chinks?

Like the STEM master race reddit autist kind?

Lol this confuses the shit out of me. Why don't they actually work on their international reputation then? The last I checked they weren't even making the top 150. I don't understand why people have such a hard on for the school when U of T consistently ranks in the top 20 and beats several ivy's

>> No.10229175
File: 153 KB, 808x1023, 808px-McGill_University_CoA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /mcgill/ here?

>> No.10229188

>Do be fair, don't most large Canadian unis have a large population of smart chinks?
Yes, but not exclusively in commerce

>> No.10229189

every school in toronto is 90% chink

>> No.10229191

Fuck I'm starting to regret my decision lol. I applied to McGill and queen's for grad and ended up picking queen's because I was unimpressed with mcgill's administration and wanted to get out of Quebec.

>> No.10229193
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, sun-devils-arizona-state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving in five days from now tbh

kill me

>> No.10229198

yup, lets all meet and judge each other in the fall

>> No.10229199

You passed up McGill for grad? Lol time for cyanide

>> No.10229205

shit man, not trying to do that to you :~ (

honestly the canadian uni fights are a mess, people just want to tear each other apart

>> No.10229213

It's not that bad. You can find cool people. Just have to look a lot harder. The girls are really good looking, just really basic a lot of the time

>> No.10229222
File: 43 KB, 500x393, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we have rabbits and dope.

>> No.10229230
File: 8 KB, 220x87, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get into queens
How fucked am I?

>> No.10229243

welcome to the above average team

>> No.10229260

Well that's good news, I'm gonna be in a long distance relationship when I start in the fall but whooo knows how that'll go.

Also, I'm gonna be living north of princess. How likely am I to get robbed?

>> No.10229270


>> No.10229288

ill tell you how it will go, you guys are gunna break up, cheat on each other, or break up so you can have sex with other people without feeling guilty. It just the way it goes dude, escpecially if you are young. I say break up now cause its only going to make you feel sick later when you start having problems and theres nothing you can do since your so far away. Speaking from semi-self experience and from basically every other person on the planets experience that have had a long distance rela.

>> No.10229302

Damn dude. Well I'm already old AF (23) and we've been together 2 years. I have a car and we're only 4 hours apart. Are my odds still as shitty?

>> No.10229320

Anyone here go to Fordham in the Bronx? I'm hoping to attend next year. How is the aid? Was the school hard to get into?

>> No.10229321

I mean you may have a chance, you can make it work, but the odds are against you. Do you both have pretty low self essteem? Are you both awkward, kinda ugly people? If so, youll probably stay together

>> No.10229326

oh 4 hours apart? didnt read that, that aint so bad youll probably make it work

>> No.10229332

where you from? im also applying, a 30 act or 2000 sat will get you in

>> No.10229339
File: 8 KB, 160x160, hpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High Point anyone?

>> No.10229341

I'm in a western fly over state, I don't have the best extra curriculars and I'm retaking the ACT in September(I got a 26 the first time, no prep). It's the only school in the NYC area that my family can afford so I really hope I get in, if not there then Boston University

>> No.10229362

Does online universities count?

Who CityU here?

>> No.10229388

jmu here
idk if i'd really want to meet anyone from /fa/ tho lel

>> No.10229397

I lived with three guys in second year who are all still with their gf from highschool going into 4th year. They didn't go out that much :(

>> No.10229406

lmao very true, preppy fag?

>> No.10229414
File: 1003 KB, 1920x2560, Memorial_Hall_facade_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else?
no bully pls

>> No.10229433

hipster douche
lots of preppy/frat here though

>> No.10229533

that school has such a bad reputation for some reason

>> No.10229544

northhampton community college i'm guessing?

>> No.10229686


>> No.10229697

I know I'm community college. I didn't want to move to the midwest

>> No.10229745
File: 14 KB, 320x480, 863921191_7e9d7ed57e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /not a peasant/ here?

>> No.10229749

what does M stand for

university of minnesota? lol

>> No.10229765


>> No.10229766

>tfw just took 6k loan
>average loans per semester is 6k

Anyone else enjoying scholarships, the tuition is 27k per semester ;__;

>> No.10229774
File: 109 KB, 423x423, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definitive public school for rich kids

>> No.10229790

asian detected

>> No.10229920


State student detected

Nah, a lot of them here though, as with any elite university.

>> No.10229940

try tosu :-)

>> No.10229947
File: 102 KB, 600x450, simon_fraser_university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SFU computer science major.

Anyone else /mountolympus/

>> No.10229986

epik nice campus
i r8 8/8

>> No.10229995
File: 61 KB, 313x308, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting paid to go here

>> No.10230016

it's probably not worth it, m8

>> No.10230110
File: 20 KB, 600x400, tmp_4460-600px-University_of_Kent_logo.svg1977060689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone starting at Kent in September?

>> No.10230166

It's only for undergrad. I'm planning on going to grad school, so I'm trying to save money during beforehand. Nobody cares where you get your bachelor's if you get a higher degree from a different school -- or so I'm told.

>> No.10230196

Sussex m8

>> No.10230460

Sussex was my first choice but they said I'd have to do a foundation year first because I've been out of education for two years.

>> No.10230466

Wouldn't be caught dead in such a shit school

>> No.10230477

That's weird. I'm doing a foundation year because of home circumstances which hindered revision and motivation significantly

>> No.10230906
File: 29 KB, 200x199, SUNY - Binghamton University_200px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how effay is Binghamton?

>> No.10230916

Calarts in the fall

>> No.10231065


Fordham is fairly easy to get into assuming your numbers are decent. I can't speak on financial aid but I have quite a few friends going (I live in NYC) who got good enough money from them to turn down in-state publics.

>> No.10231082
File: 13 KB, 279x229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's nice. There's a lot of bro's, not a lot of /fa/ people, but a lot of nice people. You'll probably have a good time.

>> No.10231102

what SAT scores do you think would get me in?

>> No.10231104


What's gooood, I just moved to austin (west campus) this week

>> No.10231115

Depends on your GPA and extra curricular etc, but shoot for around a 2000

>> No.10231120

1850-2000 range should do it.

Of course it never hurts to score higher. Good school.

>> No.10231185
File: 11 KB, 250x200, Universidad-Francisco-de-Vitoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious lowkey nazi uni

>> No.10231320


mcgill judgement meetup when?

>> No.10231454

Rabbits are gone, we deer now

>> No.10231466
File: 22 KB, 650x500, meca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start here at the end of the month.

>> No.10231479
File: 24 KB, 225x225, cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more /fa/ than the sons and daughters of Chinese oligarchs dressed head to toe in rick

>> No.10231488
File: 218 KB, 1025x768, cambridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i win every time

>> No.10231496
File: 104 KB, 1215x540, haverford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

librul arts

>> No.10231498

Do you know if they average test scores if you take them twice? My first ACT was 26 and I aiming for a 30 when I retake it but if the admissions average the two scores it still won't be enough. Also my gpa is only a 3.6, but it's mostly AP & honors classes.

>> No.10231504

have you talked to them? A lot of them are suuuper introverted and are embarrassed(?) to talk about their sick threads (idk if embarrassed or pretentious works better here)

The qt azn girls that go all out are usually extremely nice tho it's the men that are awkward

>> No.10231506
File: 17 KB, 400x400, tamu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Il be here next fall
lol i just want to study insects yo

>> No.10231540

Pretty much the most uneffay school on the planet. Decent education but christ people here dress horribly

>> No.10231550

Oddly enough I get along with them fairly well, the girls that is. I'm just envious of their money and have some difficulty connecting to them because I can't really relate to their wasteful/expensive life styles

>> No.10231552

you have to wear a gown to dinner though fuccboi

>> No.10231556

my nigga where u at

>> No.10231562

yeah that's effay af

>> No.10231568

classes soon!
year/major, south/northside?

>> No.10231577

I would have accepted it if it weren't for the extra costs it'd incure. Kent seems like a chill uni anyway, so I'm not too bothered about it. Where else did you apply to?

>> No.10231591

South side sophomore econ/biz major. We will see how Haas apps go. HBU?

>> No.10231624

In the process of moving to Northside

Senior, Political Economy
Good luck with Haas apps !

>> No.10231668

Doesn't James go to queens and run some fashion thing there

>> No.10231709
File: 30 KB, 534x401, Logos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10231761


>> No.10231798
File: 34 KB, 460x179, UCSC%20logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i'm going to the least effay school in the world

>> No.10231866

Santa Cruz always seemed pretty /fa/ to me but I'm not from the US so I don't know.

>> No.10231872

I be in ArizonaState and I got bitches on my mom

>> No.10231912


shit school for 420dankswag cucks

shame you didn't get into ucsb

>> No.10231936

bro, i got into UCLA. i picked ucsc over it because the environment at ucla would be a shitfest, and ucsb is even worse, it's just like super normal high school bros

>> No.10231965

one of the least effay schools in the states. u fucked up homie

>> No.10231975
File: 71 KB, 218x218, Loyola_Marymount_Seal_Colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /loyola marymount/ here?

>> No.10231976

Same tbh, girlfriend gets there tomorrow cause she's got Indian in her family

What campus you on cousin?

>> No.10231986


>> No.10232024
File: 226 KB, 500x375, uiuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turbulent atm

>> No.10232066

ucsb fag here
school is amazing
student population is meh
but there are small groups of really cool people

>> No.10232103

I'm from Kingston, live in Toronto now. Campus is pretty /fa/, city is complete shit, one decent bar in whole city, downtown is covered in bros

>> No.10232144

So then you're Jewish

>> No.10232176
File: 26 KB, 492x360, CU-Boulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here goes to Reddit the College?

>> No.10232203

did you guys really get good money? i got in pretty easily the first time i applied and every time i tried to apply as a transfer, but in terms of aid they never really gave me much

>> No.10232234

what kind of fucking retard chooses UCSC over UCLA

you're either lying or the biggest cuck this world has witnessed

>> No.10232247


Looking to transfer in but I need serious aid.

>> No.10232248

because i got into ucla for graphic arts and ucsc for comp sci and art is a fucking joke major, but even beyond that picking college's for prestige is hilarious. if you're able to get into dartmouth for their hardest major, it doesn't matter what kind of sub-par state college you go to, if you've gotten into dartmouth you have the ethic to make a major work at any school

>> No.10232281

What was your financial situation/grades? According to the college page on Forbes around 90% of applicants get students aid and the average grant aid money is 20k?

>> No.10232295

financially my dad isn't that well off. my grades admittedly weren't the best, my SATs were pretty good (around 2000). i think they gave me like 20k or something but the school itself is so expensive anyway

>> No.10232464



>> No.10233154

big up sussex fam
not the most effay university, but at least we've got the vintage shops in brighton and a lot of foreign exchange students wearing hella expensive/sick garms

>> No.10233426

Guys how to transfer to top school in only a year ?

>> No.10233844


>> No.10233855
File: 4 KB, 160x160, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised the most fa school hasn't been posted yet

>> No.10233917

Actually do shit and not vegetate and you might get out alive.

>> No.10234382

What's up bud? You at tc or somewhere else around the state? I go to umd

>> No.10234511

I thought Sussex was /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.10234516

what program are you in

>> No.10234543 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1920x1200, calLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even getting into/going to UC Berkeley.

>> No.10234547

>girlfriend gets there tomorrow cause she's got Indian in her family
huh? Is she moving in early or something?

I'm in the honors college on the Tempe campus tho fam, business major

>> No.10234554
File: 176 KB, 1920x1200, calLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not even getting into/going to UC Berkeley.

>> No.10234566

Another Devil here. I have a friend who moved in a week ago. Some people are allowed to I guess.
Business major too tho, ayyyeee. Congrats on Barrett too man.

>> No.10234568

Yeah, I'm surprised as well. Still waiting for it.

>> No.10234573
File: 49 KB, 400x300, UCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picking UCSC over UCLA
you're fucking retarded.

on that note, who /anteater/ here??

>> No.10234575

I just graduated Carleton in Civil Engineering. Going to Waterwoo for a masters next year. I gues I did okay?

>> No.10234578

Truthfully, a lot of us Canadians live in isolated cities where very little happens. Everything is so far apart that it is tough to find a lot of fun things to do in your local community. Source: from Northern Ontario

>> No.10234580

fuck yeah be my friend

>> No.10234584

Thanks chief, I move in on the 15th. I'm coming from out of state, so I'm driving in the night before and crashing at a cheap motel.

maybe we'll see each other around

>> No.10234585

>Not going to Cal
It's fun watching all the lesser UC's argue amongst themselves whilst in the presence of a true patrician.

>> No.10234592

love me I go to berkeley

>> No.10234599

Love you, fam.

>> No.10234602


UCSC is a very effay school. Especially the beauty of the campus and the student population.

I got into UCB engineering and chose UCSC over it. No regrets. All the engineering resources of the campus are mine for the taking, unlike if I went to UCB.

>> No.10234605

Honest question for you all that know about Queen's: how serious are they when it comes to their law program? I have a good application with quite a few schools on the table and Queen's is one of them since it seems to consistently rank in the top 5 for law schools here. Anyone care to change my opinion?

>> No.10234613


>choosing school blindly based off prestige and not for quality of education

Myself personally, and a couple friends chose UCSC over UCB. I got in for engineering, and my friends for math.

You clearly know nothing about the school. It's a campus focused almost entirely on research. In terms of research citation, it's ranked no.2 and tied with MIT. Multiple of my friends are doing undergrad research with NASA.

>> No.10234692
File: 103 KB, 263x339, cresticon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McMaster is invariably the most /fa/ University in campus in Canada

>> No.10234706

For sure man, no problem. Yeah we might see each other around for sure! Everyone is super nice at ASU by the way. I went down to visit my friend that already moved in and people were just walking up to me wanting to meet me, it's great. Tempe is a big city with great nightlife. Also, this is completely random, but if you're into hip hop at all check out the summer ends music festival. It's in September and basically on campus and Kanye and Big Sean and other big names are performing.

>> No.10234707

come on man :^ (

>> No.10235195
File: 371 KB, 1680x1120, The Only Nice Building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised with all the Canadians in this thread. I go to pic related (University of Stampede).

What Canadian school should I transfer to? I was looking at UBC and McGill but I'm not sure. I just wanna get the fuck out of piece of shit Calgary already,

>> No.10235241

that's even worse than >>10232234 shit
if you're doing math @ UCB you're l&s which means you can declare for cs after second year
way better job offers and research opportunities regardless whether you're doing eng or not, plus you're not surrounded by retards all the time who couldn't even perform in fucking high school

>> No.10235615

How can you talk shit about UPenn if you go to Columbia? LMAO

>> No.10235626

You mean below average? Carleton is literally last chance u

>> No.10235643
File: 49 KB, 364x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty shit, but I was a sack of shit in hS so it's what I have to work with

>> No.10235963

Honestly you're right but the town is kinda cool and the people who go there are chill af

>> No.10236033


>> No.10236077
File: 162 KB, 481x480, traditional_seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you win at the most un effay school

>> No.10236112

rank ivies by how /fa/ they are

>1. Brown
>2. Dartmouth
>3. Princeton

everyone else dresses like shit, this is coming from a cornell student

>> No.10236113

>70k tuition
provided I get in idk how the fuck I'll pay for that kek

>> No.10236295

Attending Mac in September, can approve

>> No.10236504
File: 994 KB, 500x280, kill urself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on going the number 1 meme school in the US!

>> No.10236907

>6% acceptance rate
>meme school

Kek stay salty plebs

>> No.10236908

I will be moving in on the 19th.

snap me CiaranL

>> No.10236946


>tells people he's ivy league
>"oh do you go to havard?"
>*the sound of women laughing*

>> No.10236963

ayee. Going there in the fall. Is it really that effay?

>> No.10236967


>8. columbia
very true, those guys don't even dress as well as penn students, jesus

>> No.10236970
File: 22 KB, 640x360, 130307100559_georgia-tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help

>> No.10237007
File: 70 KB, 2000x442, southampton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/brit/fam pls be out there

>> No.10237026
File: 325 KB, 800x800, 1701x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10237036

Knows guy who went there.
He's working in car sales now and is smug about it.

>> No.10237042

TC, got a bunch of friends that go to umd tho

>> No.10237099
File: 113 KB, 600x302, oberlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where fashion goes to die. Starting in two weeks. (Freshman)

>> No.10237321

Don't get me wrong, we're certainly better than a lot of universities from what I've seen. But you also get a lot of dreadlock-ridden women studies students and drones of guys with skinny jean bends, ice cream hair and basic af air max

>> No.10237325
File: 18 KB, 175x244, TheMidwest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwest fashion is just too forward thinking

>> No.10237331
File: 20 KB, 256x256, rams-icon-dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10237333

Forward thinking as in the apocalypse

>> No.10237360
File: 467 KB, 1024x1024, ND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really effay but still nice, I move in in two weeks

>> No.10237401
File: 15 KB, 170x170, uwaterloo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waterloo here

mostly rich asians and brown kids who try to dress black, not that /fa/ really

>> No.10237409
File: 30 KB, 216x215, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Alma Mater Studiorum masterrace the oldest umiversity in the whole world

What's your point

>> No.10237686
File: 162 KB, 1163x1024, cu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoo, people on this shit-tier board and website make fun of columbia now?

can you even fathom the lifelong privilege and culture afforded to me and my peers by age 22 when we graduate? i rub shoulders with future billionaires and politicians while we hit da fat blunt and blow lines

>> No.10237690

except for the asian kids who roll through business school in HBA, Supreme x Undercover and Bape.

>i also go there

>> No.10237710

yeah, but I'm not /fa/
just a casual wanting to expand his wardrobe a little bit

>> No.10237737
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That's cute.

>> No.10237742
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I'm also from NJ and a lot of my silver-spoon-in-mouth peers went to that small college called prince-something.

you meet christie's son there?

my network > yours ;)

>> No.10237763


>> No.10237775

Bro find the right crowd, just graduated and that school was fucking amazing. ASU has unlimited resources, just pick a good major and you're set. Lots of local concerts to meet cool and fashionable people. ASU has the fucking greatest standard of living among students ever.

>> No.10237781

Fuck YAH WPCAREY niggahs

>> No.10237785
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pretty fa. more selective than most, too.

>> No.10237811

can't be topped

>> No.10237820
File: 29 KB, 1000x1204, logo_harvard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvard class of 2019. Last time we had one of these threads there were plenty of people going to other Boston area schools. Lets get a meet up planned to go see some show at the House of Blues.

>> No.10237823

I go to the university of cucking ur whole family :)

>> No.10237826

SAT/ACT scores? major? more info. I need to know about what the typical Harvard student. Is your family just connected?

>> No.10237842



>> No.10237865

Its almost entirely within my family. I have a five generation legacy from my father's side of the family. And my mother's mother has her family name over the door of a building.

My SATs were 2130 and I got a 32 on the ACTs. My GPA was about 3.56 coming out of Phillips Exeter.

>> No.10237880

but are you happy tho?

>> No.10237900

lmao i got a 2100 on the SATs and I would never dream of getting into Harvard. It really is all about pedigree. fuck me

>> No.10237901

I'm punching well above my weight in terms what I could have gone to. I'll work to make the best of my education but for me it's far more of a social experience. I start pretty soon so I guess I'll see how much I really enjoy it.

>> No.10237908

I've got friends with far better scores and GPAs than you that were rejected by far less esteemed schools. What a world we live in, eh?

>> No.10237920

Welcome to real life. Just the way the world works

>> No.10237928

A typical response from the guy that was cut the bullshit break.

I'm not the least bit surprised, though. The reason we've all heard of Harvard is because it's where the spawn of winners go. Obscure liberal arts schools that focus on interviews, scores, essays and whatnot are where people with intelligence go.

>> No.10237931
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Yup, born poor, family did well in real estate, Ivy League college + med school paid for, got to see/know rich and poor ppl, got to understand the system better.

Basically, if you weren't born rich/connected, just give up and/or kill yourself.

Actually, don't. Because those who were born at the top and the lucky 0.000000001% who climbed up, need the bottom feeders to make them rich, relatively, and to support the society's basic functions like cleaning, cooking, etc.

>> No.10237939

I don't know what SAT scores mean (I know the system has its pros and cons, but then again, fapping on your lunch break at work has its pros and cons). Just try not to isolate yourself if you're not fitting in/enjoying yourself. February always seems the time suicides in dorms happen.

>> No.10237956

You're just jealous you're not one of the world's select elite. The system makes sense, the Alumni who go to a university paid for it's existence, therefore they want to be able to have their children go to the school, they even donate income to the school for those purposes. Something your family cannot, and doesn't want to do because they never even went there.

>> No.10237975

Its just a simple fact of the world. Not even trying to be a dick about it. Connections are everything in almost every aspect of life to be successful. Now happiness, thats something money and connections cant achieve.

>> No.10237977

I assure you I'm having no troubles with my societal status. I just wanted to remind you that your scores are nothing special. When you're walking around Harvard, I want you to remember that you were handed a special pass because of your last name. I avoided the Ivy League schools like the plague, because they're full of entitled bitchboys like yourself- ones that resort to making remarks about my family when they know nothing about it. I'll continue earning my success through studying and intution, you keep asking dad for it.

>> No.10237982

Just speaking up for Tucson's university its basically the same but I think people were pretty /fa/ but its too hot for anything that cool when its nighttime girls wear a lot of beautiful dresses and the guys look like Scarface.

>> No.10237986

I had a fling with a track team member there once. She had an obsession with fucking with her patella and moving it around her leg. Couldn't get it out of my head for a year.

This is a silly mentality. As someone who has an Ivy League degree under my belt, I can assure you that there are plenty of my classmates who have utterly fucked up. The degree is only worth as much as you put into it. And while there are the uber rich out there who live in their little bubble, you can't get fatalistic because you aren't part of that group.

Case in point, let's see how many of those rich Chinese kids stick around once the Chinese economy inevitably collapses. A lot of them live on money more or less funneled from their parents from the Chinese government, and once that well runs dry, they are going to have to survive on their own intelligence and ability. That'll be a hugely bad day, given the reputation that demographic has for cheating.

Frankly, I dislike these threads because they make inexperienced 18 year old highschoolers panic about the quality of their undergrad. If you have hustle, you can turn the lowest tier school into something excellent, and vice versa.

>> No.10237991

It's not THAAAAAAT bad

>> No.10237992


Yeah. It is really bullshit that I was given the opportunity and so many more talented and intelligent people don't get to go. I'm not sure who this other guy who responded to you is though.

Yeah. I am not especially worried about any of that. The classes I'm taking are ones that I'm fairly interested in so I should do decently well.

>> No.10237998

Ayyyyeeee what year are you

>> No.10238014

no shit? 2019?

>> No.10238017

2018 here

>> No.10238046

>avoided the ivy league
>didn't get in
LMAO stay deluded

Columbia '16 ;)
2350 SAT first try

>> No.10238065

Didn't get in... didn't apply...?

Like I said, bitchboys. You can't fathom the possibility of someone actually wanting to avoid the money pit circle jerks you're so proud to call home. I know job interviewers that say by the time they've heard where you went to school, they've ruled you out.

Believe it, some people can't stand you deluded, entitled, arrogant fucks.

>> No.10238077

ithaca has its effay moments, but they are pretty sparse

>> No.10238081

What's a good sat score?
We don't have them here so I don't know what it's out of and what's classed as good or bad

>> No.10238087

ithaca is an effay town in living style, but I find the people there really lacking

it's nice up here though, you can't deny the natural beauty of the place

>> No.10238094

people like you make me want to transfer out of columbia

>> No.10238096


>> No.10238102

Hopefully you're in Math or Eng

>> No.10238105

you sound like an idiot. you've labelled something a "money pit circle jerk" that you've never been a part of or probably have even looked into beyond some edgy, counterculture opinion you subscribed to early on.

if you were calling wall st that, maybe you would be on to something

do you realize the most groundbreaking research and other progressive shit happens at these places? that all of the world leaders seem to come from a small list of schools? have fun NOT changing the world and peaking in life when you cop some CPs

>> No.10238110


>> No.10238114

please transfer then. you're definitely not somebody who matters on campus ;)

>> No.10238133

>tfw I chose McMaster math over Waterloo math coop
just kill me now

>> No.10238142

Can I ask why?

>> No.10238159

are you a rising freshman bc that's the only case in which it's somewhat understandable that you're this stupid

also columbia here
id say it's pretty /fa/ but probably comes in after princeton/dartmouth/brown

>> No.10238162
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>> No.10238170

Stupid shit I thought that mattered when I was in grade 12 like campus, quality of student life, and athletic facilities.
I'm getting straight 12s (90+) in my courses at Mac though, I guess that's nice too.

>> No.10238184

If it makes you feel better Waterloo student life is pretty shite.

>> No.10238195

it does thanks

>> No.10238230

More like UPenis

>> No.10238252

>calling it UPenn
Confirmed for not actually going to Penn.

>> No.10238276
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-06-04 18.24.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u w0t m8

>> No.10238294
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Less yuppies than Toronto, more stoners

>> No.10238321

youre a fraud nobody calls it UPenn they say just Penn

>> No.10238433


I'm sorry you go to a shit tier school.

>> No.10238449

What year? I'm going to be a sophomore this year

>> No.10238479
File: 2.37 MB, 4160x2340, 20150418_222033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your insecurity is hilarious, that you'd be so butthurt to call me a fraud over the internet because I use 1 letter to make it easier for laypeople to understand University of Pennsylvania vs. Penn State

>> No.10238485

How does one get accepted into a decent school with a shit gpa? Money is not an issue for me but my gpa is wrecked from quitting a community college mid-semester and I want to go to a real school. Help me fellow patricians

>> No.10238503
File: 320 KB, 1280x1024, SP_A0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better have connections, and/or super high SAT/ACT.

pic is when UPenn rented out the Philly Art Museum for us for a private party

>> No.10238512

No connections. plenty of money and a 28 on the ACT though

>> No.10238526

Ace your first year and transfer

>> No.10238535
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-02-12 22.49.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need at least 30+ on ACT, and/or parents dropped quarter $M or more on donation to school, can be arranged with "development office"

>> No.10238546

I figured that might be my best option. Would ASU be an okay uni to transfer from? or would any community college suffice?

>> No.10238562

>leaving cleaning supplies out showing you don't have workers
You're just some kid that lives in the suburbs

>> No.10238567


>> No.10238568

>Would ASU be an okay uni to transfer from? or would any community college suffice?
I know people who have done both, either work.

If I were you I'd do ASU and take the hardest fucking classes I could, ace them all, and then transfer. To be honest, I have a lot of respect for people I know who have gone to ASU - it's not Harvard or anything, but they busted ass there and did well and are smarter than a lot of the ivy leaguers I went to school with. There's some serious goddamn research going on there, esp. relating to neuro.

PS: "Hardest fucking classes" mean something in STEM. Freshman writing seminars are trash. See if you can't waive yourself into DiffEq or Linear Algebra, some solid physics courses, maybe engineering chemistry or something, etc.

>> No.10238574

+1 solid advice

>> No.10238578

>Frankly, I dislike these threads because they make inexperienced 18 year old highschoolers panic about the quality of their undergrad. If you have hustle, you can turn the lowest tier school into something excellent, and vice versa.

thx bateman

>> No.10238597
File: 2.26 MB, 4160x2340, 20141113_082123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're nobody. I actually live in a city called Philadelphia

i am going into psychiatry always interested in ppl's motivations. it's funny to see the bitterness and negativity in ppls replies to try to put down others out of jealousy etc. My post wasn't RKOI bragging "my 10 bentleys" or some stupid shit like that, it's about seeing a range of society and getting a feel for how it works

i hope you achieve something meaningful with your life

>> No.10238605

My pleasure!

Seriously, people ITT need to relax. I have a number of degrees under my belt, including a law degree from an ivy league school, and I'm currently getting an engineering degree for fun in a state school (albeit at night, fuck my life, I had a final today at 3 AM). In my (limited) experience, there will always be 'tards who pull rank about their undergrad/grad school, but it's like people who brag about highschool: they come off as pitiful idiots trying to relive ~the dream~.

Outside of the white tower, once you get a job, you will be defined by what you can do, not where you went when you were an impressionable 18 year old. There are obviously exceptions to this, but that doesn't disprove the rule.

Case in point: I knew a straight-A law student from Harvard who got no-offered at a white shoe firm because, despite his ~credentials~, he wouldn't shut the fuck up about My Little Pony. I am not making this up.

>> No.10238615

Carelton is ok but theres literally nothing to do around campus. If you arent in engineering go to Ottawa U, cause Careltion is known for the engineering courses.

>> No.10238617

I can feel the smugness oozing out of this post

enjoy spending daddy's money to pursue a meme career

>> No.10238633

I know.

>> No.10238641

>2nd year eng reporting in

>> No.10238665
File: 40 KB, 360x480, img4c85311b66a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no need to be mad/butthurt bro

>> No.10238677

Hey Bateman, I know you're in the D.C. area...I go to GMU and I'm planning on law school afterwards...who should I get to know/what opportunities should I be on the lookout for?

>> No.10238713

>I go to GMU and I'm planning on law school afterwards...who should I get to know/what opportunities should I be on the lookout for?
Don't go to law school.

I mean it. Do not go to law school. Even if you still insist on it, read this in its entirety multiple times over:

If you're still going to wreck your life like me and many other idiots, then go get a STEM degree and get patent bar certified so that you can at least have a reasonable shot at getting a job. "General litigation"/"Corporate" jobs are impossible nowadays, but there's a burning need for people with tech backgrounds.

Then brace yourself for 80 hour workweeks for the rest of your life.

>> No.10238723

I don't want to be an attorney, I want to understand real estate law on a concentrated level and develop/broker real estate.

>> No.10238729

sick humblebrag

>> No.10238740
File: 2 KB, 160x160, shitty school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underated post.

anyways, what about my school? i hate the liberal hivemind, but people are relatively fashionable compared to larger schools but maybe im wrong. i know i dress like shit

>> No.10238742

i don't know what car this is, but it seems like you are showing off

it doesn't even look nice

i'm sure it's expensive though, you wouldn't post a cheap car picture, so i'll take your assumed word for it

>> No.10238747

ANU here

Just walked past Owen actually

>> No.10238756

Whoa, then definitely don't go. Don't take on like $250,000+ in debt just to eventually do real estate.

A better option:

Just straight up become a broker. The test is quite good on VA real estate, so you'll know almost everything you need to know on the topic.

Even if you wanted to learn more, you could always just pay out-of-pocket for a decent casebook:


And then maybe a treatise (which is, FYI, respected in VA but old as fuck):


You could also just plow through the law itself, which is pretty close to what you'd find in other jurisdictions save for like NY and CA:


Between those two books, the code, and the licensure, you'll know as much as most lawyers, if not more.

>> No.10238758

Idk if this is a man in a Kilt or a girl in a skirt, either way your legs are fat.

Yeah that car sucks too. If you try to show off at least show off something worth showing. Any cuck can have a "top tier car" nowadays anyways, the real top tier cars are modded

>> No.10238762

What do you think of the mattress girl?

>> No.10238771

Okay, thanks Bateman, you're one of the few trips I like and respect. Maybe I'll run into you in the District, anonymously of course.

Gotta start somewhere.

My major is Gov't and International Politics, should I change it to something business related, I'm already a junior though.

>> No.10238774

It's a BMW 6 Series. You can tell from the shitty cupholder. Looks like it's an ~05-ish model, given the normal shift knob.

You can get one around this model for about $16,500, meaning it's worth less than a Civic:


>> No.10238791

Thanks a ton!

Business degrees are something of a mixed bag, I wouldn't jump ship if you're doing well where you are. An MBA program might be a better option - Georgetown has a phenomenal night program you could look into. I almost did it, except there's no way in fuck I could swing actually going to regular classes at night.

If I were you, I'd get the broker license now (or as soon to graduation as you can), work for a cheaper brokerage firm for a few years slumming it, and use some of the cash to do the Georgetown night program (or maybe GWU? I think they have one too). I'd use the MBA + experience to try to leverage yourself into somewhere nice, like maybe Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices.

>> No.10238793

Bard is pretty effay. Pretty hip at least. I go to RPI though so anything is good in comparison.

>> No.10238819
File: 31 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William and Mary. Going to this school starting in 3 weeks, transferring in. Half the kids seem like nice friendly neckbeards, but I think a significant gay populations makes it effay.
TJ is alumni, a cuckold before his time. That has to count for something.

>> No.10238825

Bateman! My DC tripfag, what do you think of >>10238819
? I don't really understand its reputation, I'm transferring from a shit school after getting a 3.9 there. I hear the nightlife is terrible.

>> No.10238829

Bateman! My DC tripfag, what do you think of >>10238819
? I don't really understand its reputation, I'm transferring from a shit school after getting a 3.9, but W&M is supposedly hard so it doesn't matter at all. I hear the nightlife is terrible

>> No.10238835

tfw i got rejected by exeter 2 years ago

Still butthurt about it.

>> No.10238842

and this is why you don't post on mobile drunk

>> No.10238859


moving in next saturday. Living in San Jac.

>> No.10238884

The only thing I ever hear about California public schools is how fucked they are due to shit administration.

>> No.10238931

I'm a townie from this area.

Oberlin is hilarious because it's the only place for 400 miles that you can see a Samuel Beckett or Bertolt Brecht Brecht play but if you go 10 miles north or south you are in deep redneck territory.

Enjoy eating and drinking at only the Feve for your entire time at college. You'll probably see me there on fridays but, I won't say hello.

>> No.10238938

Any Terps on here tonight?

>> No.10238944

odds are you will hate your life... next to no nightlife, full of wanna-be frat bros. I visited one weekend, and I had more fun in the car driving to and from that shithole than I ever did when anywhere near the campus.

>> No.10238983

Yo I am too as a freshman this year, what year are you in?

>> No.10239020

Guys, I was actually kidding but if you see some white guy with tats and you think to yourself "Damn, who's THAT jiggy nigga" then you know it's me

>First year reporting

>> No.10239044

Not a law student, but that's really interesting. Wish there was some sort of primer like that for business, or even any other subjects.

>> No.10239091

Went to ASU, people dress decently well for the most part. Not everyone but like a good amount

>> No.10240001
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 2013-11-08 11.52.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL where's all your 2015 Aventadors? Nobody showing off, I didn't even post the steering wheel logo, but you guys trying to knock me down on the internet for your PERCEIVED notion that I'm showing off... shows how insecure and jealous you are.

I hope you develop some insight into your behavior patterns and quit being toxic socially maladjusted ppl, it ain't good for you.

>> No.10240011

This is the internet, you will only get replies trying to knock you down. Look at every comments section ever.

>> No.10240124

native Americans get to move in early, im at the downtown Phoenix campus fam

Fuck with me

>> No.10240338

W&M is also a really good school. I've been to the campus a few times, and it's pretty solid. My limited experience indicates people respect it quite a bit, mostly for the history and the reputation. I can't opine on any particular programs, though.

The obvious thing most people are gonna complain about is the lack of nightlife, but this is actually a secret benefit. Places like this develop really good school programs and events, meaning there will USUALLY be more to do on campus and more people to hang out with. Places like W&M actually develop a campus culture, whereas places like NYU tend to develop nothing because people run off at night.

(PS: Campus culture = more girls on campus = more dating opportunities)

There is one for MBAs, actually:

>> No.10240368

kek. a swarm of rednecks in maroon sweatshirts and dad jeans, not fa.

>> No.10240375

Are you from Virginia, Bateman?

>> No.10240378


Bateman speakth the truth. I graduated from a DC Law school recently (yay bar prep!) and it was the biggest mistake I made. Sure the shekels are good but I have a gigantic loan and a boring job.

>> No.10240393

Nah, I grew up all over. I now own a place in VA and work in DC. I much prefer VA to DC/MD though, so I tend to explore VA much more. I also do a lot of free legal work for poor people in my spare time so I end up in the bumfuck-y parts of VA more often than I'd like to admit.

My condolences. I'm assuming you're gonna take the VA bar and waive into DC? Roanoke is a weird-ass place.

>> No.10240418

NY bar. I already have the USPTO bar knocked off though.

>> No.10241046

My stats were the same as yours... only I've no legacy and I'm from shitsville, middle-class PA. Pls help me transfer ;~;

If they wait-listed me, is it worth applying transfer?

>> No.10241418

Kop tek friend I go to University of Rochester and although its not as bad as RIT its pretty low on effay scale. I think its because we are so goddam cold people don't care too much about fashion 3/4 of the school year.

>> No.10242104

do you have any tips for an architecture undergrad?