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/fa/ - Fashion

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10214647 No.10214647 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking /fa/?

>> No.10214771

Smoking is only fa if you are 14-16 yo.

>> No.10214775

first off cunts it's 'effay'.

>> No.10214776

>this meme. daily

>> No.10214829

Yes. Now fuck off.

>> No.10214835
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Being good at a sport is effay though.

>> No.10214848

Smelling like a piece of shit is not effay.

>> No.10214850

Okay, but what about smelling like cigar(ette) smoke?

>> No.10214856
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i smoke, but you can actually make an effort to not smell like shit and guess what? You wont, its just about chewing gum after a smoke and trying to not get smoke on yourself

>> No.10214864

I think smoking is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10214866

>le smokers all smell bad meme

Please, smokers smell fine (though what smells "good" or "bad" is completely subjective). The only time a smoker smells "bad" is if they chain smoke...and don't shower or brush their teeth (but they'd smell bad without smoking too).

>> No.10214869

you just can't smell yourself

>> No.10214877

yeah, because i havent asked others before hahah. I can also smell my clothing to see if it stuck there, its the breath and the hair thats the most affected since i wear a leather jacket mostly

>> No.10214891

You can argue that for literally any group.

>"Drinking smells bad, you just don't know it because you're an alcoholic!"
>"Sweat smells bad, you just don't know it because you never shower!"
>"Gasoline smells bad, you just don't know it because you're a truck!"

People can still smell things they're around all day you fucking knob. And again, what smells "good" or "bad" is completely subjective.

Obviously some PEOPLE smell bad, but it usually has nothing to do with their habits - be they good or bad - and everything to do with them just being a slob who doesn't care.

Personally I think cologne smells like ass, but I'm not about to go bitching about it to everyone who wears it, and try to claim they can't smell it or some nonsense.

>> No.10214893

OP can believe whoever he wants in this thread but alot of my friends smoke and they never smell since they actually care about if they do or not. The ones who smell are just more noticeble

>> No.10214906

if you're considering starting, just carry a pack of gum with you. Depending on brand you can get serious stanky breath and thats not very /fa/ now is it

>> No.10214907

Yup, like everything.

No, most people who play video games aren't overweight neckbeard fedoralords, they're just the ones you notice. No, not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic fratboy, they're just the ones you notice. No, every feminist isn't a shrieking harpy who thinks a magical "patriarchy" is the cause of all her personal problems, they're just the ones you notice.

No, every smoker isn't redneck trailer trash who never showers and stands outside the mall blowing smoke in your face, they're just the ones you notice.

>> No.10214908
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i guess since it helps with maintaining low BMI for me at least

pic related, my fave cigarillos

>> No.10214918

i just switched from Malbaro to Lucky Strike, i personaly thing lucky strike is better but to each his own. I smoked Malbaro from the start to just recently so i guess i should know

>> No.10214919

Seconding this. I carry a 0,69$ pack of Excel mints with me everywhere, and usually have one after a smoke (though they're not just after-cigarette mints; I have them whenever I want a mint).

>> No.10214926

anon, trucks can't use the internet

>> No.10214959
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you dont fool me

>> No.10214974

>le smoking is cool guys!
>Pass me le lighter so I can smoke
>haha we're so cool
>haha it hurts when I cough xD

>> No.10214978

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan, even blue boards.

>> No.10214986
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c'mon man, you can do better than than

>> No.10215005

Honestly, why would anyone really pick up smoking? It's a waste of money, it's fucking idiotic to think that someone looks cool doing it, and your sick fits tend to stink for weeks. Six months free of smoking and my migraines and acne disappeared. I look way healthier then I have before.

>> No.10215007

idk yolo?

>> No.10215011

You could argue the same about drinking, or eating junk food.

>> No.10215025

if i'm around you when you smoke, i will still smell it. it's just unpleasant in general.

>> No.10215031

Well cigarettes are the only thing I can contest to since that was my only struggle. I was never addicted to alcohol or junk food so I can't really say anything about it, I can only tell you what cigarettes did for me and you can get whatever you want from it.

>> No.10215033

Again, what smells "bad" or "good" is completely subjective.

And I highly doubt the smell of a smoker passing you on the sidewalk will affect you more than the smells of diesel trucks, perfumed-to-shit-tweens, and more.

>> No.10215038

No you fucking retard its not subjective it's black and white. Good and bad. Cigarettes smell bad and it's not subjective, I never heard anyone ever say they like the smell of cigarettes.

>> No.10215047

as a nonsmoker that occasionally has a cigarette with smoking friends I find this statement totally ridiculous

my smoking friends have an obvious heavy physical addiction to cigarettes. if they run out of cigarettes they immediately need to get more, no matter what. it's a lot different.

>> No.10215052

>"stop liking what I don't like!"

Anon, I know this sounds hard to believe, but not everybody likes the same smells. Some people hate that "minty fresh" smell, and others love gasoline. Just because YOU don't personally like the smell doesn't mean NOBODY does.

>> No.10215057

Smoke a cigarette next to people eating on a restaurant patio, smoke a cigarette next to kids, smoke a cigarette in front of old people. Nobody wants to cater to your disgusting habits.

>> No.10215059

What about that statement is ridiculous? I just said that you could argue the same - "waste of money", "idiotic to think someone looks cool doing it", "sick fits tend to stink for weeks" - about things other than smoking. Nowhere did I say smoking wasn't addictive.

Though that's a person-to-person thing. I know people who don't think twice about wanting a cigarette, and others who just have to run into McDonald's whenever we pass one.

Some people get addicted, but not everyone.

>> No.10215073

I can't tell if you're moving the goalposts or what.

Who am I demanding "cater" to my habit? Nobody. I'm just trying to tell you that different people like different smells.

Though since we're on the topic...what makes my smoking any different than someone's drinking, aside from second-hand (which is negligible if you're on a patio in a city)? Drinking does MORE harm to your body than smoking, and it can kill you with alcohol poisoning. Plus, if you get drunk, you might start a fight, kill somebody, drunk drive...if I smoke, I just light up and stand on the corner for a few minutes to relax and enjoy the taste and smell of a cigarette.

Why are you so against smoking, anon? Surely you must also be against alcohol, weed, junk food, and anyone who's not leading a super-healthy and fulfilling life, right? Surely you must be against pollution, and you yourself eat nothing but healthy greens and cycle everywhere, right? I mean, otherwise you'd be some kind of colossally retarded hypocrite, right?

>> No.10215079
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What point are you trying to make?

>> No.10215090
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just save ur $ and cop real drugs???
this 100% yall can stop posting
i used to be le cool smok kid but traumatized myself by vomiting frog style, its a real bummer seeing how smoking is making a comeback and being more fetishized as the essential to be *alternative*
well its stupid because cigarettes just get you a little light head, thats it theres really no pleasure tied to it other than finally having another cig, aka addiction
alcohol definitely alters your mood so imo theres an actual reason to do it and cheaper depending how you smoke/drink
and eating junk food is incredibly vague, are we talking about a migrant worker who only has $2 and needs a coffee and breakfast, or the fat fuck gorging himself? either way eating has a purpose and pleasure, no matter what /fa/ tells you :-))

>> No.10215097

Actually, I feel better you saying you go to your little corner. You can't compare apples and oranges kiddo, it's retarded to keep comparing the two although alcohol and weed are no better but can be enjoyed socially while people deter from cigs because some want to keep breathing and not smell like shit.

>> No.10215108

Whenever I see someone sucking toxic smoke through a cigarette, I think

"hey, there is someone who is either ignorant, or too cowardly to commit suicide all at once."

So yes, I believe it is very /fa/

>> No.10215112

>alcohol and weed can be enjoyed socially
>but not cigarettes because they're dirty and smell :^)

Anon please, do you even have a job? I'm pretty sure going out to smoke with my boss and co-workers counts as a "social activity".

And again, the smell thing...pick up a dictionary and look up "subjective". Seriously. Unless you're being hotboxed, you're not going to smell any more than you would hanging out with someone getting high or drunk.

>> No.10215143
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>this entire thread

Look, can we just agree that...

>some people like the smell of some things, and some people don't
>some things are bad for you, but so are other things
>let people enjoy what they want, and they'll let you enjoy what you want; live and let live

I mean God damn, this is like a bunch of grade-schoolers arguing over Coke or Pepsi. At the end of the day, you could say that yes, you're better off having neither, but if you're going to have soda (a vice) just don't bitch about what the other guy's drinking (or smoking).

>> No.10215146

nah i aint a liberal piece of shit
get these cock and cancer sucking fags outta here

>> No.10215148

I'm pretty sure you're getting "subjective" and "delusional" mixed up here kid

>> No.10215152

>"if I call him "kid" enough, maybe he'll think I'm old enough to post!"

Eh lmao.

>> No.10215169

honestly, i smoke all the time and none of my relatives have never noticed. i just smoke outside and wear aftershave and clean clothes. its not hard.

>> No.10215187
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Really, isn't that what you're doing with this post?
Yeah, but such high standards aren't expected from your average smoker.

>> No.10215188

All of you who say it doesn't smell haven't been doing it long enough. My T-shirts and jackets don't smell because of one or two darts, they smell because of one or two darts, in the same jacket, every day, for an extended period of time.

>> No.10215873

Where do they have those vending machines? It seems like any underage could buy some cigarettes or blunts using that. Are they only in adult places or something?

>> No.10216046

it totally is, you just notice them alot more. Its not that hard to understand that is it?

>> No.10216090

2015 GMC sierras can

>> No.10216135

Jeez have you fags never heard of fucking mints, washing your hands, and a couple spurts of cologne? As long as you smoke outside and lightly (a few at the most a day) you should be fine

>> No.10216192

We've already reached this consensus.

Smoking is /fa/
Being a smoker is not.

>> No.10216200

hm, well said.

>> No.10216726

No, literally every smoker (in /fa/'s mind) is a mix of Dale from King Of The Hill, every edgy high school kid they weren't friends with but was still totally normal, and what /fa/ in their middle class parents homes thinks a poor person looks like.

>> No.10216730


I don't even smoke but I like the smell of it

>> No.10216745

the smell of tobacco as it burns maybe, but the rotten ash smell afterwards is the worst, I lived with a smoker and he made everything smell like dickcheese

>> No.10216749

>there are people ITT who STILL refuse to believe different people like different smells

Please literally kill yourself.