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10203401 No.10203401 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a diet thread effay?

What have you ate today? What restrictions do you impose on yourself? How many calories a day do you eat? I'm trying to decide whether I should should for 1000 or 1500.

I've had a mango and pineapple smoothie for breakfast. Going to have some whitefish and veggies for lunch and pork ramen for dinner I think.

>> No.10203411

>he doesn't even restrict to 600kcal
never going to make it

>> No.10203417

seems like a really good way to get shitty skin from a lack of nutrition and relapse as soon as you hit your goal weight tbh

>> No.10203430

So what's the secret to muscle loss? Well, fat's bad too but my main goal is losing muscle.

>> No.10203432

I drink water when hungry. If still hungry I eat.

>> No.10203437

don't work out

>> No.10203592

Nice advice man.

Seriously, is quick starvation more effective than slow and steady?

>> No.10203615

It was genuine advice, your muscles will shrink regardless of diet if you're not using them.

I'd say for muscle loss, quick starvation is more effective. Go to /fit/ and ask them how to remain in a catabolic state for the maximum amount of time possible if you want to learn more.

>> No.10203698


>> No.10203779

np m8

>> No.10203800

I hope you guys are fat. As a hungry skelly trying to put on weight why the fuck would anyone want to aim to be one.

>> No.10203815

being slim is effay you fuccboi

>> No.10203902

but hungry skelly isn't.

>> No.10205956

for breakfast I eat two eggs along with a cup of tea. I replace the rest of my meals with coffee (2 sugars, no sweeteners) which I usually have 2 per day and then I drink green tea prior to bed. I'm fat atm but I'm gonna have huge progress in a month by doing a bunch of cardio.

>> No.10206010

3 cups of tea with milk
bowl of eggs and a piece of toast
2 leftover panko chicken nuggets
about to have homemade macaroni, cheese and ham

>> No.10206151

i just follow keto

i've lost 40 lbs so far eating sticks of butter and the occasional vegetable

>> No.10206230

>ramen for dinner

Are you retarded?

>tea with milk
Unnecessary calories. Don't drink your calories, you should have ate a bit of curd/oat instead. Fills you up until afternoon.

>panko chicken nuggets
Why not regular chicken? Fried shit has too many calories

>homemade macaroni, cheese and ham
Again greasy and fatty carbs. Why?

You guys won't loose weight if you keep eating that bullshit, unless of all this are baby portions which is stupid since you never feel hungry if you do a proper diet.

>> No.10206233

>>tea with milk
>Unnecessary calories. Don't drink your calories, you should have ate a bit of curd/oat instead. Fills you up until afternoon.
>>panko chicken nuggets
>Why not regular chicken? Fried shit has too many calories
>>homemade macaroni, cheese and ham
>Again greasy and fatty carbs. Why?
im 129lb
>in before fast metabolism

>> No.10206250

Why do you want to loose weight then? Unless you're a dwarf this is fine

>> No.10206254

oh i thought this was a diet thread, as in, 'what youve eaten today' not 'what you are eating in an effort to lose weight'

>> No.10206256



what have you eaten

>> No.10206265

3200 kcal a day so I can get out of skelly mode

>> No.10206284

i only eat when im hungry - so far, im not getting hungry much

cereal and milk for breakfast
cheesestick for snack

and im not hungry and i dont plan on eating again.

if i do this long enough im p sure my body will get hungry more often and i'll eat more but i used to just eat out of habit

>> No.10206358

For breakfast I'll just eat a biscuit with some orange juice. Lunch is just a bowl of salad with light dressing. And dinner is either a tuna sandwich or turkey sandwich, maybe 2 if I'm really hungry and skipped breakfast.

>> No.10206373
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>3200 kcal a day so I can get out of skelly mode

ma nigga, we gonna make it

>> No.10206405

if anyone's looking to gain weight start drinking boost very high calorie in between or with meals

it's a shake designed for seriously ill people and cancer patients who can't keep food down

it tastes quite good, has a ton of calories and nutrients. it's somewhat expensive worth it though if your looking to put on weight easily

>> No.10206450

I'm trying to eat less rn

I had some 25 calorie Japanese cup soup, and like 3 or 4 handfuls of flax cereal flakes. Drank some green tea in the morning when I got up, but it made me throw up.

>> No.10206460

Woke up and had coffee and a banana

Had some leftover baked ziti with sausage for lunch, then some blueberries about an hour later

Gym, then peanuts and watermelon after

Baked tilapia with kale and rice for dinner, then a short after-dinner bike ride

Probably gonna have a few beers and snacks in a little bit.

>> No.10206481

>tfw hit 170 lbs today

I honestly can't believe it. Was 130 when I came home from uni.

>> No.10206504

very nice job my man, I lost 20Lbs in 2 semesters. I was 132Lbs when I got home, haven't take notes since, I think I am on the 160s

>> No.10206529

Breakfast: Granola with yogurt, mango slices, raspberries, blueberries, and some chia seeds.

Snack: Banana, apple

Lunch: Salad with kale, bok-choi, some other Asian greens and mozzarella cheese and onions, homemade olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

Dinner: Sliced a mango up ate about half of it

I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, chicken, turkey.

>> No.10206534


Trying eating real food and cut out the sugar. Sugar isn't good for you no matter what.

>> No.10206563


are you dyin

>> No.10206646

hahaha, nah, not yet. I'm super out of shape and don't really move much. If I'm staying home, I'm usually chilling in bed all day so I'm fine handling low calories (just enjoy stuffing my face I guess). I do so little exercise I can barely even run like 30 seconds, so restricting is just an emotional battle of not giving into shitty cravings heh

>> No.10206716

you kind of need sugar to survive