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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 304 KB, 1280x1705, 1437710548230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10205941 No.10205941 [Reply] [Original]

>she has tattoos
>she has piercings other than her ears
>she dyes her hair with flashy color

>> No.10205953

>caring about any of this stuff

>> No.10205959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10205965

>she isn't Jewish

>> No.10205966
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>> No.10205969 [DELETED] 

delete this

>> No.10205978 [DELETED] 
File: 869 KB, 471x923, 1421026152006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red flag for boys

>> No.10205985 [DELETED] 

Fool leave gem

>> No.10205988


>> No.10205992

She is Jewish

>> No.10205997

>Browses a fashion forum

>> No.10206009

>not having any standards and dating hamplanets
have fun being cucked

>> No.10206014

Lmao we have standards you fucking white knight

>> No.10206017

>she is no longer alive
the only one

>> No.10206032 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's when a girl makes the face in 0, really unfashionable face

>> No.10206070


More of a yellow flag imo

>> No.10206127

2 isn't much better, shrimp dick.

>> No.10206130
File: 40 KB, 296x296, reactionpic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wears high heels
>she wears revealing clothes other than to the beach
>she has breasts larger than a B cup
>she's over 125 pounds or over 5'8"
>she has made up "allergies" to a lot of foods
>she claps between movements
>she doesn't know how to handle her program silently
>she has long fingernails or nail polish other than clear
>she isn't a classically trained musician
>she's a classically trained musician but it's in voice, percussion, piano, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, or flute
>she's into early music, opera, or philip glass
>she's too enthusiastic about mahler
>she's insufficiently appreciative of mahler
>she's into anime
>she was ever into anime
>she pronounces japanese food terms too carefully
>she wears any jewelry other than simple earrings in the ear lobes, pierced once
>she has smile lines
>she is happy all the time
>she is blond, or redheaded, or has freckles, or isn't half asian half caucasian
>her parents aren't PhD educated
>she likes any "guy things" at all
>she tolerates any interest in team sports
>she's extroverted
Any of the above: extreme boner killer

>> No.10206143

Top pussy expansion pak

>> No.10206169


lol wtf

>> No.10206183

Doesn't do drugs, atleast hast to drink/smoke
Isn't white
Is extroverted
wears revealing clothes
Is republican
Listens to normie music/watches normie television
Doesn't have good fashion sense
Non natural hair color
Piercings other than ears

>> No.10206187

he's clearly a virgin from /a/

>> No.10206224
File: 104 KB, 803x688, 1438448509370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaooo what a nerd ur never getting laid brah

>> No.10206237

Well Meme'd

>> No.10206268

>top pussy blaster


>> No.10206288

Social butterfly - spends as much time as she can trying to get in good with others, wants to spend every moment with someone, can never shut up and appreciate a good silence every once in a while, is obsessed about minor transgressions and negligible drama.
Hideous altercations - non-natural colored hair, piercings other than on her ears, tattoos
Unstable - does alcohol and drinks drugs, smokes anything, gets blackout drunk >3 times per year
Emotional - an emotionally driven person, cannot accept that she is wrong, cannot accept criticism, dislike people or things "just because"
Stupid - Doesn't enjoy reading, isn't up to date with current events, has only female friends, doesn't partake in discussions about "manly" subjects, generic outlook of world and people in it.
Ideological - militant christian, athiest, feminist, muslim, whatever. *All these are fine as moderates.*
Ugly - Unattractive, too overweight or too underweight, particularly egregious bodily of facial proportions.

>> No.10206328


>> No.10206350

Tasty Banana Creampie.

Astonishingly accurate.

>> No.10206357

>she doesn't know how to handle her program silently

I don't understand, what do you mean? If she is using a library computer and does not mute it? Sorry, not native English speaker

>> No.10206360


>> No.10206361 [DELETED] 

hair dye
mom jeans
50's tortoise glasses
curly hair
too much makeup
shows to much: legs, ass, midriff, cleavage- have some goddamned self respect you insecure women, it's abhorrent

>> No.10206362

cuck: the post

>> No.10206384

she wears leggings with designs or patterns on them

>> No.10206388

A program is the paper thing the usher gives you at a concert. It says what's being played and some stuff about the musicians.

>> No.10206394
File: 321 KB, 366x367, 1428982432165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practice any sort of feminism
>thinks she is a programmer
>is majoring in CS, excluding EE and CE

>> No.10206397

Butthurt paranoid NEET from /g/ pls go

>> No.10206399

Thanks Anon. So basically read the program without "freaking out" about it? I take it that's what his post meant then

>> No.10206400

so you want a dumb fuck for a gf lol

>> No.10206402

You're such a fucking nerd

>> No.10206409

>long coconut creampie

>> No.10206412

No just don't crinkle it loudly. Especially not during the quiet parts.

>> No.10206414

pls god

>> No.10206430

no, really my man. Why the fuck would you want to shut down others or deny excess, even fight the opposite gender because you can't prove by yourself to be superior in a field, feminism is a pest
so If a girl is not majoring in CS = dump
every girl is a dump fuck then

>> No.10206437
File: 23 KB, 718x716, 1395400851828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so If a girl is not majoring in CS = dump
every girl is not in CS is a dump fuck then *

>> No.10206441

>all these delusions
Get a job in tech then you'll see the reality of this supposed war on men

It's not what your hysterical Facebook debates have led you to believe

There are simply no women

>> No.10206447

Fucking Donkey-Massacre

>> No.10206451

nigga wat
my girl codes java & c+ and random shit
she fixes my computer for me
ur rules are cucking u

>> No.10206453

I remember reading this exact thing on /pol/ before.

>> No.10206456

nasty scholng expansion pak

>> No.10206464


please suck my dick

>> No.10206466
File: 22 KB, 200x200, tumblr_mtjjupMPQj1qzymhpo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww goals

>> No.10206474

top kek
I smell angry red head

>> No.10206495

Try male asian, and yeah I'm angry. I'm angry that I chose a sausagefest job for a career. Fuck you.

>> No.10206501


>> No.10206513


>> No.10206520

what do you do ? major ?

>> No.10206523

i don't think you know what an altercation is

>> No.10206533

Database work, and didn't major in computer shit.

We have like a dozen women at my company and there are almost 150 employees.

>> No.10206574

sound okay, why do you consider it a "sausagefest job" ? Don't let them control you my man, while you are working there look for better jobs if you are unconformable with the work environment.

There was a quote that said "men waste/endanger their good health working for money, and then waste their money to save/cure their health"

>> No.10206576

bby pls

>> No.10206594

Hard Pussy Massacre

>> No.10206607

This is an exact mirror of another thread from a few days ago

>> No.10206613

Well like anywhere tech related you are barely going to find any women in the workplace. It sucks cause i'm too young to go to the bars. been thinking of buying a fake.

>> No.10206619

Because 10 men for every woman is not healthy or normal.

Much less extreme ratios are associated with social instability in society at large

On a personal level it makes me even more of a sperg when I try to date, since I spend most of my life surrounded by men.

Fuck your secret club nonsense, more women need to be in tech.

>> No.10206620

Or when the girl dips her face in grease. Like your pic.

>> No.10206653
File: 289 KB, 617x461, 1432071686582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, hold on. You are blaming your virginity/being single to your work place ratio, even if women out numbered men 2-to-1 you wouldn't get pussy my man, this is very sad, sorry man but you need to learn some more. Your work place is not the best idea to pick up chicks, the last person you would like to have a relationship with is one that work in the same place as you.

>> No.10206719

you've never got laid and want to fuck with a broke bum bitch. Enjoy mediocrity. Prob already do anyway.

>> No.10206725

its not like you have a choice, virgin.

>> No.10206780

kinky ass massacre


>> No.10206784


>> No.10206807

Are you autistic fucks actually this prissy IRL or are you just talking about porn preferences?

>> No.10206808

oh my roll

>> No.10206810

Hard banana expander


>> No.10206817

Incredible Pussy-Deliverer


>> No.10206834

whos this girl pls tell

>> No.10206840


>> No.10206849

>has only female friends

lmao so you want to get cucked?

>> No.10206882

>She has a handbag
>She wears ugg boots
>Her clothes are different colours

>> No.10207014

Tasty cunt lover
What do they taste like?

>> No.10207032


>> No.10207042

Interesting, I like Mad Men

>> No.10207053


Sometimes good, sometimes bad

>> No.10207062


>> No.10207085

>cmd + f "kors"
>"not found"

A bit disappointed, frankly.

>> No.10207150
File: 28 KB, 496x364, 1436151272983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol a lot of these are fucking sad, does anybody on this actually have any experience with women?

>only has male friends
other girls know she is insane/stupid/whatever. only guys looking to bust a nut can stand her
>too introverted
she's gonna want to keep you in all the time and get too dependent on you. plus I like going out and im very extroverted
>conservative or very religious
just clashes with me personally. Can deal with it in friends but not a partner
>is a "country girl"/likes horses
do I really have to explain
>"I'm not like other girls"
she doesn't like herself/ is ashamed of herself

>> No.10207174


>> No.10207175

this has gotta be bait, arent rich kids supposed to be fun as fuck?

also my bro dated a classically trained violinist for a while. I thought she was a cunt.

>> No.10207187


Legendary Asshole-Man

>> No.10207192


>> No.10207193



>> No.10207199

>hating boobs

>> No.10207215


>> No.10207219

>bad temper
>boobs not c-f cups
>piercings on places that are not ears/nose
>man's haircut
>wide, chunky face
>unnatural hair colour
>doesn't want kids

>> No.10207228

I forgot to add:

>> No.10207240

I forgot to add
>doesnt at least drink, preferrably does drugs with me
I fuck around with coke, mdma and cannabis a few times a year (I have a real job now) and would like to enjoy it with my signifcant other. Last gf wouldnt even drink with me and i couldnt fuckin stand it

>> No.10207243

Some ones from recent dates:

>Empire waist anything

I instantly interpret this as an attempt to hide a fat stomach.

>Ill-fitting/baggy LBD

How in the fuck does this happen? It isn't a "Little Black Dress" if it's a freakin "Big Baggy Bodybag"

>"In-between jobs" girl shows up to two-star restaurant in a fucking Abercrombie t-shirt

Enough said.

>Refuses to wear anything but designer brands, affords it because of rich parents who "work for the Chinese government"

Lifestyle Sponsored by Corruption (TM)

My salary is not designed to subsidize a Prada purse habit.

>Nothing but gay friends, only goes to gay clubs

I understand wanting to avoid being hit on at "straight" clubs, but having only gay friends smacks of an attempt to isolate yourself from ~threatening sexual men~. It's repressive nonsense.

>> No.10207263

>shops at the mall

>> No.10207268


There are some nice ass malls out there, but I know what you mean.

>> No.10207323

they see me rolllonn

>> No.10207342


>> No.10207520

hey bby

>> No.10207530

nobody saw does alcohol and drinks drugs

>> No.10207538


>> No.10207548

lmaooo u read my mind

>> No.10207562


>> No.10207609


Fucking Cunt Fucker

Works fine.

>> No.10207617
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>> No.10207619
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>> No.10207622
File: 406 KB, 1500x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me that good shit

>> No.10207624

roll ffs

>> No.10207629
File: 922 KB, 183x134, fantastic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. BUT!
if shes fine, i still hit.

>> No.10207705


>> No.10207711

i like gay men cause they're funny and we have stuff in common

>> No.10207726

roll tho

>> No.10207896

check em

>> No.10207926
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>> No.10207929


>> No.10208012


>> No.10208033


>> No.10208043
File: 7 KB, 255x220, 1438182675916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nasty ogre creampie

>> No.10208069


>> No.10208070


>> No.10208075

gay pussy massacre

>> No.10208077


>> No.10208087

Titanic Spaghetti Boner

>> No.10208131

>Tasty Dongsmasher

>tfw last name literally starts with Dong

>> No.10208132

titanic anus smasher

>> No.10208168

Kinky tit smasher

>> No.10208280

feature-lenght pussy smasher

>> No.10208286

Dangly Scrotum Smasher.Alpha as fuck

>> No.10208290

The MRA who took the gamergate soap opera seriously is giving me relationship advice. Thanks for the advice, I know you mean well.

>> No.10208293


rectal pussy deliverer


>> No.10208296

>she is stupid
>she has an ugly face

>> No.10208297


nice bait m8

>> No.10208301

>having standards is anti-fun
I bet you chew with your mouth open

>> No.10208313


>> No.10208430

Kinky tit expander. Bruh

>> No.10208437

Dude, that may seem like it sucks right now, but meeting women at work is a bad idea. She get's pissed at you she can get you fired, or like totally disbarred from an industry.

>> No.10208441


that's how they call me

>> No.10208443

Dude, he's right, you should not mix work and social life, that's like adulthood 101. One of my older brothers friends once told me that he only talks about two things with co-workers, Sports and Family.

If there's like a sexy chick working in the office with you, that's a huge distraction, and if you're dating here, bro, that can show up at work fast, and you'll be in a place you don't wanna be.

>> No.10208445

cuck: the post 2 - electric cuckalloo

>> No.10208449


Fucking Banana Deliverer

I like it

>> No.10208458

>sexy chicks are a distraction and will ruin your professional lives
>the genders should be separated at work so that no sinful haram thoughts enter into your pure minds

You people are fucking insane.

>> No.10208515

tropical bana raider.
Fucking perfect.

>> No.10208528


>Need more women in tech so I can get laid.

Male feminism.

>> No.10208546

Does anyone seriously still do that stupid bandana in pocket meme?

>> No.10208558

The Incredible Cunt Sucker.

>> No.10208567
File: 201 KB, 670x659, 1a_V4_legs-centered-site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being overly enthusiastic about Mahler.
As a guy being classically trained in F Horn, you sound cheeky. Also, why the bassoon? I get that all the other shit is basic af, but nothing wrong with double reeds, my man.

>> No.10208578
File: 7 KB, 289x280, 11805905_663419703795585_1151068818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10208650

rectal tit deliverer

>> No.10208654


>> No.10208666

Is the database stuff good money/easy to get the job?

>> No.10208910

Sucking cock and getting fucked?

>> No.10208965

This other guy isn't and will never be in her pants though

>> No.10209006

Imo sax doesn't really qualify for being classical training any more than electric guitar does

Shit man I didn't know there were horn players on /fa/.

You're right though, Mahler's fucking cool.

>> No.10209187

>i can't cope with other people: the post
anon, you need a reality check

>> No.10209206

I agree. Ya'll niggas need to get off the internet and interact with people.

My turn offs
>Emotionally dependent on you
I don't want my partner to be dependent on me. She has to have her own personality. There's more to the world than relationships.
>Poor fashion sense
Well, its not a big deal, but being able to dress well is nice to have in common.
>Afraid of change or learning new things
Being conservative is a poor way of living.
>homophobic, racist or extremely ignorant towards other nationalities
You should base your judgements of other people off of what they are as personalities. Not doing so is ignorant and narrowminded

>> No.10209209

u sound delicious

>> No.10209211

>she claps between movements

This hasnt happened to me yet but if I saw someone do this, I'd be filled with immediate disgust

>> No.10209222

>people who don't understand what a red flag is

It's not just what you kind of dislike. It's something that tips you off that she'll be a shitty person.

Ugly isn't a red flag it's a turn off.
Ridiculous dyed hair is a red flag.

>> No.10209265

Not into girls so..

> Possessive over things like phones, computers, and overly nosey in general about male friends, coworkers, male family. Overly clingy. Fuck insecure little boys. Even when we're not dating and you say 'who ya texting' about 100% chance I will punch you in the face.
> Immaturity. Starting or yelling at randoms. trying to insert dominance and manly bs here. "I could beat him up, etc"
> Stupid tattoos. ie; tribal, wolves, icp, last name, skull, flames, you get where it's going.
> Brags about how alpha he is, bitches he's fucked.
> Bad impulsive spending habits.
> Smoking/drinking in excess. Worse yet. Brags about it.
> Eats shit constantly. Frozen meals and cheetos are not a diet.
> Can't grow facial hair, but doesn't shave patches. Or the stupid jewish side burn shit.
> Can't keep clean house, or self. biggest one for me personally.
> Lack of hobbies, interests, or culture. Gaming on a couch for 12+ hours isn't a real hobby.
> No career or life aspiration or goals. Is 23+ and thinks working at Walmart is perfectly fine.

>> No.10209317

>she's gonna want to keep you in all the time
someone who's introverted is fine being alone. That's almost the definition of introverted.

This next part is totally made up, but I feel like an extrovert would want to be around their S.O. more often.

>> No.10209347
File: 90 KB, 800x522, 89e4ac37-f7c7-4b84-ad61-0c05604602f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo ur a fucking faggot and it's good u have a name so I can disregard everything you say from now on.

Just because something is inferior does not mean that it is destined to be inferior forever. Do you know what privilege is? Why do you hate half the human race? Are you paranoid?

>> No.10209404

Dangly Anusmassacre

I'm disappointed that I actually did this.

>> No.10209438



>> No.10209443


this is pretty much actually my girlfriend.

dresses well and pretty modestly, b cup, 5'5/ light as a feather, no allergies, plays guitar, hates anime, is a beautiful half japanese and half caucasian mix, deals with depression, parents are both doctors/ surgeons, doesn't really like anything guy related, doesn't watch sports, extreme introvert.

too late anon, I already found her

>> No.10209482

Has ugly feet

>> No.10209494

This x300 though my friends gf has hobbit feet but cooks and cleans for him.

>> No.10209511

Erect Scrotum-Bitch

>> No.10209548

Fucking schlong faggot

Lmao what a madman

>> No.10209587

Kinky Scrotum Blaster

>> No.10209605 [DELETED] 

Nigger detected.

>> No.10209618
File: 85 KB, 549x720, 1436002096975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has ugly toes.

>> No.10209681

Well I would start off by saying ">she's not white" but that seems so obvious it shouldn't need to be said. Not to say I don't have non-white female friends, I would just never think of them in any sort of romantic capacity.

>She's too into streetwear (Schoolboy Q etc)
>She has visible tats
>She has ever "dated herself"
>She has ever been involved with a nonwhite
>She drinks too much
>She doesn't drink
>She smokes too much
>She doesn't smoke
>She cares about the Third World

>> No.10209701

i try not to jump to conclusions about people but some thingd are giveaways

really it comes down to taste. i love different styles but it comes down to whether you do so tastefully.

personality wise ill say someone whos too promiscuous for me, has no personality, and is too dependent on others. i have a thing for independent people though. also anyone who uses SJW shit unironically. its more about that i cant stand the complete disregard of personal responsibility and just blaming society for everything.

my current gf is full SJW and im really american/libertarian. we share some views but it ends at personal responsibility. and she has no idea what rights really are. although she isnt american so i cant entirely blame her. at least she likes guns

really i dont think you meed to worry too much about red flags. theyre just so obvious through interaction. find people who respect themselved and have some personality. literally it.

>> No.10209763

baha I'm a gay guy and I dated a black guy for 2 months to piss off this 'straight' but actually bi guy. He got so mad....
never did anything sexual with the black guy. He touched my dick once and I was like uhh I wanna wait

Good times

>> No.10209829

>She's not white
>Has race mixed
>dresses revealing
>normie scum

>> No.10209852

"Dank Cock massacre"

>> No.10209869

>Classically trained french horn player brunette with a cups

But my parents only have their masters

>> No.10209900


>> No.10209916

I only have 1 pic of me with my french horn and it's from highschool in my school uniform.

>> No.10209921

Dong Balls Man

>> No.10210040

kinky anusdarling

>> No.10210073

>she is blond, or redheaded, or has freckles, or isn't half asian half caucasian

>> No.10210207


>> No.10210412

>he wants to shit where he eats
Ask me how I know you don't get laid. Seeking any sort of intimacy at work is literally retarded.

>> No.10210441
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, imagejpeg_0_311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet she still fucks me every night multiple times

everyone has accepted that I am an ass

I just some dating western women. Only slavs and christian arabs

>> No.10210501

You'd think that, different anon here btw, one time i made the mistake of dating an incredibly introverted girl and she was so clingy and dependent it felt like a chore to just be around her

>> No.10211272

It's not that simple. Once she comes to identify as your girlfriend you become part of that introversion.
And IME, introverts tend to live in their own worlds. She's gonna suck you into all her fantasies about herself and you are gonna get real sick of her delusions.

>> No.10211494

>she expresses her opinions in public

>> No.10211564


>> No.10211597
File: 218 KB, 360x480, not_good_enough_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disappointing bait. too obvious. 3/10 at most.
I expected better son, I really did.

>> No.10213103
File: 107 KB, 532x533, 1387340017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't want commitment
>doesn't want a future together
>doesn't want to get married
>doesn't want to have children
>isn't a good mother
>isn't a good wife
>is not willing to compromise
>has a private life/is secretive
>is a libertarian, liberal
>is a globalist
>is an extreme feminist
>is a leftist
>doesn't like the culture of my nation
>doesn't respect traditions
>isn't sweet and caring
>follows fashion strictly
>is pedantic
>doesn't wear skirts and other woman only clothes
>doesn't know that everyday life is not suppose to be exciting and being married to one man for the rest of her life isn't nice and easy

>isn't naive
>isn't of European origin
>follows trends headlessly because everybody else does the same thing
>isn't assertive, doesn't know what she wants
>has close male friends
>isn't womanly
>isn't cute

I'm not actually /fa/. I'm from /pol/ and I wear an uniform everyday.

>> No.10213155

>she claps between movements
this kills the musician

>> No.10213167

>an uniform

>> No.10213175

The classically educated catholic girl who wears long skirts and has pale skin. Who's dad won't let boys her and is also a doctor/lawyer. Whose mother has constant affairs. Who is the most likely to do drugs heavy after she is let off her leash, if she doesn't obtain a mind numbing husband who her father likes before the college age.
These types of girls are the worst. They turn out to be the snarkiest bitches after a few years, like they turn out like Juliet's mother from Romeo & Juliet (an absolute cunt who makes her daughter commit suicide).
Avoid at all costs.

>> No.10213230
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why should there be if women arent interested? Why force some artificial parity for no reason other than some misguided notion of "equality"

Demographics will never always be symmetrical and to try and force it is just asinine and insulting to the group you're funneling people who would otherwise be uninterested.

CS is a very open profession, in that if you know your shit, you can easily get in. Its probably one of the most meritocratic positions in the world with its low barriers of entry. The women who don't join these feminism shits go through the CS program just fine, get a degree, and start businesses or join some. Should Biosciences have "men need to be in Biochemistry, men NEED to be in biology" because its female dominated?

should there be "men NEED to go to college" because college is female dominated?

what would that accomplish?

>> No.10213250

yeah dont worry itll be easy to knock over that strawman that you built up on that

Nobody separates gender. there simply isn't that many female programmers. just like there isn't that many male nurses

The point he was making though, is you don't date people you work with fuckface. Thats a horrible idea. Some corporations make you even file a full contract saying your relationship will not affect your work.

I dont know why you can't socialize in a place actually meant for socializing, like not your fucking workplace you sperg. Its not the worlds fault you can't meet people.

>> No.10214403

yeah the phrase "don't shit where you eat" comes to mind here. i thought it was pretty common knowledge not to date in the workplace

>> No.10214767


right, and I'm married to five different models, all asian godtier mixes.

>> No.10214994

Nobody cares about tattoos, piercings, or hair dye. You realize that a "red flag" is just something that is often indicative of some deeper problem, right?

It's fully possible that the girl described in OP post is not a raging batshit crazy feminazi, but it's a safe bet that she is one.
Red flags are just how you know to be on your guard from the get go.

>> No.10215017

At my local clinics and hospitals there are a shitload of male nursers.

Take your bullshit faulty generalizations elsewhere.

>> No.10215051

red flags
>she's attracted to me

>> No.10215426

>she likes anime
>she plays video games

>> No.10216043

My nigger, what kinda horn do you play. Conn 8d here. >>10208567

>> No.10216065

>she exists

>not being gay

>> No.10216073

An SS uniform*

>> No.10217223

le classic bait alert post

it's not /b/ here m8

>> No.10217236

Why can't you make a point without being so rude ? I know this is the internet but is everything all right at home champ ?

Also you didn't catch what the anon you responded to was saying. He simply said that if you don't want to have a woman near you because you can't control your thoughts you're the biggest cuck the planet will ever bear.

Also >>10215017 true dat. There are so many male nurses it's actually amazing people would still associate this profession with women

>> No.10217267

>no passion for anything
>into basic things

both indicate that she is boring. these could apply to anyone though

>> No.10217278


>> No.10217289

sounds like my ex. one time i was joking with her, saying that she doesnt respect my culture (she had said it before in a serious manner), and then she said i wasnt allowed to feel like i was being disrespected bc i wasnt extremely culturally involved.

also she was just a walking mannequin. no personal style

>> No.10217298

long hair tbh

>> No.10217311

A red flag?

>> No.10217315

>body piercings
>dyed hair
>excessive makeup
>associates with nonwhites
>is overly unintelligent
Those are pretty much my standards

>> No.10217322

>doesnt like the same music as me
im ok with different tastes, but i like to listen to and discuss music a lot

>doesnt like to spend any money because theyre "saving for a rainy day"
money is money. spend a little bit

>only shops at fast fashion places
cheap with no style

>isnt accepting of other beliefs
closed minded people are trash

im happy. youll drag me down

>> No.10217343

m' lady

>> No.10217440


If a girl has tattoos at all, even a small one, then she's garbage. Just that simple.

>> No.10217794

I don't know about you niggers but I'm thirsty as fuck and would take anyone that isn't fat or have down's syndrome

>> No.10218025

why do none of you faggots read the thread title

>ohh different music taste than me

Turn off faggot. Not a red flag.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10218033

where have you been all my life, and why is my town fulla fucking normies

>> No.10218037

my girlfriend is depressed and she is dragging me down :( it's been so bad on occasion I want to fucking scream in her face and say we're through.

>> No.10218087
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so basically

>> No.10218088

break up with her. you dont need that. especially if youve already tried to help her and shes not even trying, its not worth it

>> No.10218094

For me it's pretty simple, I'm not really that picky

>have a vagina

that's it

>> No.10218537

better than 98% of western women

>> No.10218699
File: 327 KB, 892x894, the ideal woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want this.

>> No.10218710

>she wears red nail polish
>she has chipped or fading nail polish
>her breast are bigger than Cs

>> No.10218711

>tumblr: the post

>> No.10218768



>> No.10218808

join the local nazi party, you nazi

>> No.10218861

>she only speaks one language
>she is a NEET
>all she talks about is complaints
>ugly toes
>too dependant
>she doesnt have a life plan/goal
>her parents didnt go to university
>she only reads fiction
>she doesnt watch the news/reads the paper/ keeps up with the world
>watches reality TV unironically
>calls a woman other than her real mother mom
>shes always happy
>her family is not wealthy
>uncultured scum
>social media whore
>doesnt stand up for something
>stands up for too many things
>hippie/eco/vegan kind of stuff

>> No.10218902

Where can I get one of those? btw I'm from Germany

>> No.10219036

That's a real shame if that's what most people think, because it's really not asking for much.

>> No.10219050
File: 27 KB, 300x300, kvlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to get a girl that meets all these criterion's. Where would you even find such a creature?

>> No.10219103

The way to get someone of value is to be someone of value yourself.

>> No.10219972

>she plays video games
>she likes anime
>she doesn't read

>> No.10219986

sounds like you're jealous :)

>> No.10220102

lol, you still believe in god?

>> No.10220116


Not the same anon, but even if he did what of it?

It's his life, Anon.

>> No.10220125

>believing that nothing started spinning and then out came something

>> No.10220135

>herp derp, I don't understand science, so magic

>> No.10220142

>i dont know how science works so god is real

>> No.10220145

>implying that what you are calling "science" isn't a bunch of atheists hypothesizing
kek bye

>> No.10220156

Those catholic girls are freaaaaky in bed

>> No.10220159

>scientific method a shit, give me magic sky man any day

>> No.10220160

>implying religion doesn't stem from sheer ignorance and superstition

>> No.10220162


>> No.10220163

t h e d e l u s i o n


>> No.10220169

what the fuck kind of stupid nigger statement was this? please stop embarrassing the self respecting atheists.

>> No.10220171
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>> No.10220173

Yeah man, missionary in the dark with the weird copulation sheet between you is totally freaky.

>> No.10220183

How about you stop being a dumb ass fundie first.

>> No.10220189


>> No.10220192


Lmao what happened man? Parents forced you to go to Sunday School :^( ?

>> No.10221375

>she dated a nigger, mexican, asian



>> No.10221480

>letting yourself get held hostage in a relationship