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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 858x572, rick owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10201318 No.10201318 [Reply] [Original]

How do any of you afford all this designer shit???

I see people with like a full closet of Rick Owens and Saint Laurent, and I just think to my self you must be in massive credit card debt.

>> No.10201328

buy them used, dumb ass

>> No.10201327

you don't even need to be rich to buy designer stuff, just save up and accumulate slowly. Don't spend your money frivolously

>> No.10201330

Have you tried this thing called work?

>> No.10201331

What places do you recommend for buying used designer clothes?
Been using eBay lately

>> No.10201333

I get that but how do you afford to buy anything else? Like food and public utilities?

>> No.10201334

*gasp* some people have more money than others!
*gasp* some people have different priorities than others!

>> No.10201336


>> No.10201343

do you understand that some jobs pay higher than minimum wage?

>> No.10201349

I closet full of expensive shit isn't as cool to me as a closet full of interesting stuff, regardless of price. Hell, half of the shit could be thrifted or cheap af.

>> No.10201350

>implying anyone on 4chan works a high paying job


>> No.10201359

Are you this fucking retarted?
You haven't been here long enough, fa isn't r9k

>> No.10201365

dude 90 percent of /fa/ is under 20.

Where do you work anon? :^)

>> No.10201366


Priorities, saving up, finding good deals.. Learning how to budget and figuring out what pieces you want + hunting them down for a good price is the magic formula.

>> No.10201381

I manage a very prestigious american fast food restaurant.

>> No.10201385


>> No.10201410


Also >>10201327, hustling, knowing where and how to by used shit, dumpster diving or similar, cutting out the empty excesses capitalism tries to foist on us for the full and glittering ones like fashion.

I was lucky enough to be stupid enough to despise credit when I was young and a company would've given me a card that I had to eventually get smart and learn to improvise.

>> No.10201418

Used clothes are disgusting though.

>> No.10201420

are earmuffs fashionable for twink men yet?

>> No.10201429

I have a job that makes a lot of money

I flip clothes to you guys which in turn I use to buy more to flip or for myself

It's simple really

>> No.10201457
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Lol did you miss where I said I've literally taken clothing out of garbage?

My trip name's from my favorite/the most me collection ever, Undercover A/W 2009, which was titled "Earmuff Maniac."

>> No.10201755

Researcher and developer at a tech company in SF. Yeah, it's a high paying job.

>> No.10201967

project manager at a biotech company >>10201755 also in sf

i literally have more money than i know what to do with so i just invest most of it and send the the rest to my parents back home every month

>> No.10202486

I'm going to study business next year, but my heart is drawing me towards the valley.

You need to be super talented at CS to get those jobs, like having your brain naturally wired to understand everything, right? I've never tried coding so I have no idea, but I have always wanted to learn.

>> No.10202537

i'm >>10201967 and i have no idea how to code. i actually got a b.s. degree in business for my undergrad. i did investment management for a few years but like you, my heart drew me to the valley so thats how i ended up there

sure enough there are tons of autistic-level genius programmers but at the end of the day people want to work with people they like and can get along with. you dont have to be a genius to get a good job -- i think that's a really common misconception people have. who do you really want to hire? the pizza face kid with aspergers who's really good at his role but can't socialize, or the smart, hard working kid who you wouldn't mind pulling long hours with in the office, especially if you're going to have to work with them in a team setting? that's what sets you apart in interviews so don't let that discourage you from applying for what is generally considered "difficult to land" jobs.

what school are you going to next year?

>> No.10202559
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The women's collection was better, but that's how it almost always is with Jun

>> No.10202600


Hi, I'm a social media account manager for some of the largest FMCG companies in the world. I make good money.

>> No.10202623

My dad works at nitendo

>> No.10202647

It's really not as difficult as you think.

Evening a lowish-paying salaried job (40-45k year) is more than enough to get decent designer shit.

On a salary of 45k+ 15%~ bonus, I can pay all of my bills and necessities on one paycheck, and every other paycheck of about 1400~ is either savings or disposable income, or both.

Assuming you constantly work on your hireability and skillset, it's not difficult to get into a career paying around 70-80k/year. I'm studying programming and webdev on my own time using free materials and it won't be hard to find a job in that salary range within the next year as long as I build up a decent portfolio.

>> No.10202654

>I'm studying programming and webdev on my own time using free materials

want to do this, tips on where to find the best education resources?

>> No.10202657

if you can't afford them it doesn't matter. I feel no better with life having a closet of rick and boris. The stuff is cool and all but you got to remember it's just clothes and at the end of the day if you can't buy into that world, you're not worse off.

>> No.10202662

Get into the basics at https://www.codecademy.com/learn
Start with HTML, then CSS, then Javascript, then Jquery. After that it comes down to what interests you, but Ruby/Ruby on rails is a good pathway to go down.

/r/learnprogramming is full of really good resources once you've built up a good beginners knowledgebase through codecademy.

>> No.10202671

Thanks for the reply! I will be attending college next year, but I'm planning to graduate from one of Canada's better schools for business. Do you think I have a chance at getting a job in SF in the future, coming from a foreign school?

If you know any helpful sites or forums etc. I'd really appreciate suggestions :)

>> No.10202684
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I make like 19k a year and can afford SLP stuff, own 3 pairs of slp denim, 2 pairs of harness boots, a pair of cowboy boots, and 2 shirts, the rest of my stuff is from club monaco,acne,rr, I also own a pair of vb chelseas, just don't buy at retail and look for sales, I've spent less than 5k for all of that.

>> No.10202687
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thank you based anon

>> No.10202690

Getting into SF isn't as difficult as you think. I know guys who are getting job offers for 140k+ USD/yr and they aren't even graduated yet.

It doesn't matter at all what school you went to. The guys running competitive business down in SF don't give a single shit what name is on your resume. The only thing that matters is your portfolio; your demonstration of useable knowledge, skill and experience. If you have documented work showing that you are capable of putting out high quality work, you're basically guaranteed a job.

If there is anything they hate down there, it's kids fresh out of some university who think they are precious, hireable resources because they have a nice name on their resume, when in reality they don't have a modicum of real skill because most schools teach you useless shit.

>> No.10202691

Embarrassing post tbh

>> No.10202700

think about all the shit you spend your money on. cigarettes, car parts, hard drugs. instead of spending your money on that you can put away some cash for designer shit.

>> No.10202710

there's always a chance if you work hard. just maintain a competitive GPA and make a lot of friends. dont forget to have fun in college because it is really one of the last chances you will have in your life to have fun and enjoy your time without too much responsibility weighing down on your shoulders. your friends can also help you out a great deal in the long run. i've helped my friends get internships/jobs and my friends in turn have landed me interviews at the companies they worked at. i don't think schools matter so much anymore as long as you go to a decently good university. if you're not at a target school then you might have to work harder, but if you're at a competitive school, i really don't see why not.

i never used any forums other than this one, which is far from helpful, but if you're studying business you will find yourself on investopedia much more often than you would like. one thing i really do suggest tho is make sure you have a well-fitting suit and practice dressing yourself. appearance goes a long way in business and you're going to want to look sharp when you're networking or doing whatever. practice putting on a tie, etc. i didn't know how to do any of that and was almost late to my first interview because i was struggling with the tie. also, start working on a resume. look online for a standard resume template and start populating it. you likely won't have much to put yet, but it'll be extremely helpful later on when you're applying for internships. if i could condense this post down to 3 things to always have on the ready, it's 1) your resume, 2) a clean suit, 3) an introduction for yourself. almost every interviewer will ask you "tell me about yourself" and it's nice to have a thought-out response so you don't stumble over your words on what is likely to be the very first thing they ask you. sometimes they ask you "tell me things about yourself that aren't on your resume" and it catches some people off guard.

>> No.10202713

dude you've spent more than 25% of your yearly income on a wardrobe.

I'm all for buying for quality and longevity, but that's just terrible money management no matter how you justify it.

I make about $27k a year (so okay but not really at all who am I kidding) and besides jeans and shoes I get everything on sale. I usually buy one or two things a season.

>> No.10202719

you're either homeless or you live with your parents

>> No.10202729
File: 180 KB, 900x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I bought all of that at once. I work 2 days a week too so even if I did it doesn't matter.

>being a wage slave

>> No.10202733

>being poor

>> No.10202737
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>Not living with your parents

Now that's throwing money away.

>> No.10202742
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I rather be poor than a wage slave tbh, I've had many chances to make more money but I like have more freedom than money, working 2 days a week, hanging out with my girlfriend, going on road trips yupp p nice.

>> No.10202749

so what else do you do with all that free time?

>> No.10202750

>Thinking you can have actual freedom without significant money in a capitalism driven society

You can't just get on a plane and you anywhere you want

You can't spend a month exploring in a foreign country stress free about your finances

You can't just get up, rent a yacht, and spend a week on the water.

You don't make your own hours, aware that you're bankrolling at all times of the day.

Freedom is financial independence. You have the illusion of freedom.

>> No.10202767
File: 159 KB, 900x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to concerts, play music with gf (gf plays the piano), hang out, do drugs, whatever there is to do, might go to burning man next year.

kek you're like my coworkers who get buttmad when I tell them I don't wanna work 5 days a week

>> No.10202775


Minimal expenses, have a job, don't do drugs/drink

pretty easy to do, I mean any minimum wage job will pay out at least $300 every 2 weeks if you get enough hours

and that's minimum wage, it's really easy to get a $10+/hr job working in an office

>> No.10202783

Not mad at all.

Keep staying delusional about your liberation and freedom though. You aren't free, your entire existence is tied to and supplemented by your parents. That isn't freedom, the moment they pull the rug out from under you, you're screwed without having better habits formed.

You should be earning money, investing, creating a second source of income so that you are earning while you're sleeping, and then when your less savvy friends are slaving for wages well in to their 60's, you'll be retiring late 30's to early 40's, continually earning off of investments, and making the world your playground.

Or don't, I really don't care. The fewer people there are smartly managing their finances, the easier it is for the smart people who do.

>> No.10202787
File: 203 KB, 900x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you're so mad. Chill, have some fun, you sound like a boring person with no friends. I'm only 19, I can still go to college.

>> No.10202789

at this point it would actually be a waste of time and money for you to go to college

>> No.10202793
File: 209 KB, 900x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at this point it would actually be a waste of time and money for you
>most people start college at 18


>> No.10202799

if you're 19 and not in college you most likely didn't go straight to college and took a gap year after graduating from high school or you were held back a year in high school. that suggests you weren't very ambitious to begin with so your college choices are immediately narrowed down to non-competitive ones which likely wont even be recognized enough to give your resume a chance, and given your supposed contentness with mediocrity and your defiant pride in being a slacker, you most likely won't be able to maintain a good enough GPA to be considered a competitive candidate for medium to high paying jobs, landing you right back where you are right now, but instead with several thousand dollars in debt and a useless degree

>> No.10202804

>tfw neet

>> No.10202805
File: 238 KB, 900x1201, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn such a negative and toxic person, I can tell you're pretty lonely and sad.

>> No.10202809

i am actually very happy and well adjusted. i understand the truth can be hard to face but im just trying to help you mate

>> No.10202811
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I bet you are :^)

>> No.10202813

i am :~)

>> No.10202818

I have a trustfund.

I also pay retail for everything because I don't have the patience to wait for my size. And I'd rather go straight through the official of very reputable (ssense/barney's) website

>brokeniggaz trynna into fashion

Just stop.

>> No.10202932

I fix aircraft for a living and get paid shit tons for my age

>> No.10203488


>> No.10204394

most bitter and sad argument i've ever read on 4chan

>> No.10204459

UNATCO BioTech Agent on Liberty Island, NYC, NY

>> No.10204480

thats terror

>> No.10204484


I agree. Dude just got his life torn apart.

>> No.10204517

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.10204592

If you're living at home (unless you have exceptional circumstances), you're kinda doing it wrong. There's a difference between being free from money's grip and being a NEET loser.

You just focus on the things that you enjoy, and better yourself as a person. Hone your hobbies. If you don't have hobbies, find some. We weren't made to spend so much of our lives at work, have a life for yourself doing that which you love. Obviously, the satisfaction of a hard day's work is exactly that for some people, so for them it's a moot point.

No, he's right. Working and earning money is one way to attain freedom, but it's ridiculous to say that it's the only way. Also, the argument could be put forth that YOUR freedom is the illusion, not his. A month overseas, a week on the water... At the end of that short foray into freedom, you get whipped back into your cage. To be clear, I'm playing devil's advocate and don't agree with that, but that's a very strong argument that could be raised. Also as a side note, I've technically been living in poverty according to my 1st world country's standards for a while now, but I still travel where I want, when I want. If you're not an imbecile, you can realise that the amount of money you need to make things happen is a lot smaller than you think.

Also I gotta tell ya, I've done both the hard work and slacker lifestyles in my young life (back at uni now) and I have to say that the freedom was definitely much more real when I was barely working and just chilling out. I got depressed when I was working full time.

I'm 19, I work very little and I'm completely financially independent from my parents. I live alone. It's all doable. Also, yes retiring at that age is early in comparison to what age people usually retire, but it's still pretty fucking late in life. You lose your entire 20s and 30s, the years where you really crave and relish freedom most. You're no old man at 40 but it's not the same.

>> No.10204627

This is a lot of speculation, and it's pretty unfounded. I'm very similar to the guy you're replying to, but I'm a law student in one of the top 15 law schools in the world and I have a gpa which, while not outstanding, is well above average. I'm in the "will get interviews at any firm he applies to in the country" category (provided my GPA doesn't drop significantly before graduation), and it wasn't that hard to get into. I too am very happy with "mediocrity", which I suppose to you means being poor, and I'm pretty proud of being a slacker in the sense that it's a lifestyle I would recommend to people if they asked me about it. I can tell you're about my age just by your "arguing" technique of jumping to random conclusions with complete assuredness, it's typically defensive, as most people from 17-23 are.

Fuck honestly I agree with you but do you have to be such a dick about it? Consider that we're only 19 and that we may not be right about everything and lose the air of arrogance; only time will tell whether we were "right", or if anyone was right at all. As far as genius life advice, I'd suggest lining up something where you can actually earn good money and feel a decent sense of fulfillment. This really might just be a phase and you could hit 30 and get suicidal with self-hatred. It's good to have a back-up so that you can re-enter the world of wage-slaves without having to start from the bottom with a laundry list of disadvantages you don't have at 19. It'd suck to only be able to work retail or something for the rest of your life, becoming the thing you hated the most as you scrap your way up a very short ladder, working very hard for minimal results just because you didn't have any foresight.

>> No.10204648

*genuine life advice, not genius life advice

>> No.10204687

Since we're talking jobs and life advice, for someone who's 18 and going into community college, which of these jobs sounds best to you guys?

>JC Penney, normal hours and probably min wage 9$/hr, but good retail experience and close to home
>sears, 11-12$ an hour, close to home but in electronics department so have to sell TVs and clean shit all day pretty much, electronics section is small and depressing, working all holidays
>Kohls, 9$/hr, farther from home but a very nice establishment with a clean bright break room and retail experience
>Best Buy, still don't have an interview scheduled yet and the rest are waiting on my reply to start so this one not looking good because 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, but selling smartphones would come really easy for me and best buy is also close to home

>> No.10204754

Ok so here's my take:
>Best Buy
Don't do it, these sorts of places are generally shit to work for. And generally what you THINK it's gonna be like is nothing like what it actually is.

>JC Penney
The most average choice, normal hours and close to home is nice, min wage is kind of a bummer. Department stores can be pretty chill to work in but can also suck

Farther from home will be more annoying than you think, and if you're working for min wage you shouldn't let things like a "clean, bright break room" sway you. You'll probably appreciate your breaks enough to not give a shit what the room is like no matter where you work. In fact, there's a really nice break room at my work but I spend like half my breaks in the locker room which is right next to the basement men's toilets just cos it's more private and I can relax if I'm tired. I'd say this is the worst choice.

I think this is your best option personally, but if you hate the work conditions obviously it's a no. 2-3 dollars more is a decent amount of pay, it's nice to be earning more, even if it is just a smidge. Close to home is nice. You say the department you'd be working in is small and depressing but after a while you get used to whatever place you work in. No one ever refers to their retail job space as "comfy and pleasant". This also sounds like it'd be the most laid back job, if you stay on top of your chores and are informed on the products, the managers should lay off you. In the other three places, you will ALWAYS get shit from managers about some random thing that you're not doing enough of. There's also a chance, if the area is small, that after a while you won't really be supervised much, which is an awesome thing at any job. As for the holidays thing, that's on you. Getting time and a half for holidays can make it worth missing out on the day off.

>> No.10204797

It's good to get other opinions on this, thanks for the reply. I agree about kohl's that was probably my last choice at the moment, so I think I can let them down first. I don't know about the best buy one though because one of my friends knows a guy who works there and he says he likes it a lot, flexible but good hours, store is always changing and refreshing, and the people don't suck. Provided they don't call me back within the next day I'll probably just go with sears then, because the extra money could go a long way. It was just how the manager worded it in the interview "I haven't eaten thanksgiving dinner with my family in 10 years!" That made me think, fuck that lol. jc penney is a generic clothing store and I figured it would be good to get some experience in clothing too though, but pay isn't as good

>> No.10204837

Do you expect to work their ten years though? You're just doing this through college, you should be fine. Plus if you're part time, you have way less of an obligation to be a good worker i.e. you can make up excuses and that'll suffice. If you're fulltime, you're expected to not have an excuse. You're just expected to comply. That manager sounds fucked though you're right. Just don't get dragged into working when and how you don't want to. Remember, you can always just go somewhere else, you'll get used to it. JC Penney is probably gonna be an ok place to work, but don't be surprised if the senior management runs it like it's auschwitz. Those sorts of places tend to absolutely attack their workers if they don't make target income, and blame you for not folding the shirts right etc etc. It is nice to get experience in clothes though, it's definitely more applicable to student jobs than selling tvs will be. However, customer service is customer service so sears is still something

>> No.10204877

Yeah you're right, I'll only work there 2 years max until I move out to go to a university, and even if I want to keep working there the manager said he knew a lot of the other managers in california and could easily set me up with a job at one. If I had known sears paid above minimum wage I would've applied for their clothes department instead, since I don't know that much about TV specifics. But I'm a quick learner so it shouldn't be a problem. And yeah, I can always leave and reapply at any of these places that already accepted me anyway, so there's no real obligation to stay if I don't like the hours.

>> No.10204896

Hi Jonathan

>> No.10205551

this is what sociology majors actually believe

>> No.10205601

/fa/ you amuse me
that was banter

>> No.10206541

top 15 isn't even worth flaunting and it sure as hell won't get you an interview at any law firm you apply to, especially considering your GPA is "well above average". an average GPA is considered anywhere between a 3.3 to a 3.5 and if you're well above it, you might be in the 3.7-4.0 range. i'd consider that outstanding in any regard and that makes me curious as to what your idea of "average" is. it's a nice feeling to be considered "top" at something but anything beyond top 3, maybe even top 5 if we really want to stretch the very notion of excellence, is marginalized into mediocrity. it's also easy to try to embellish your own post by playing off mine as something someone young would say, but that's honestly the most passive aggressive form of ad hominem i've ever come across. all arguments, by definition, are defensive because all people from the ages 0 to 100 argue when they feel that their stance is threatened by an opposing one. it's not "typically" defensive. it's quite literally how an argument forms. if anything, i would expect a law student to be more familiar with such a basic concept, but then again, i am probably expecting too much from a merely top 15 law school student.

>> No.10206581

If you buy designer shit through eBay, you can do a payment plan dealio. That makes it a bit easier.

>> No.10206632

1. Dont be a minority
2. Did you do step one?

>> No.10206673

My company makes roughly $600,000 a year, I get to have $500,000 of it. I could buy you, throw you into my local gorge, hire a homeless man to be my goon and take the blame, and still have enough to buy a fully loaded Mercedes SLK. You are nothing to me but another wage slave, and I could fire you just because you admit to not liking my Thom Browne suit.

>> No.10206682

what does your company do? how many employees do you have?

>> No.10206705


Not the guy you're speaking to, but you're fucking retarded.

Not that I know the top 15 off hand, but considering that, I believe, UC Berkeley might be 6th on that fucking list you are absolutely either the dumbest individual or least clever troll ever to assume that a top 15 law school isn't excellent.

>> No.10207810

I really appreciate the advice, thanks. It's good to know that actual experience is more important than the name of the school. It seems intuitive, but I've heard people say the opposite (probably because they are inexperienced like me, and not even in uni yet)

Thanks again dude

>> No.10207818

thanks so much! i'm going to save your response and the other anon's.

those are really really helpful tips!! coincidence, but i actually wrote up a resume today; it doesn't have much in it, but i guess it's good to be prepared! definitely going to be a good idea for me to get a proper suit, and the introduction thing like you said!

thanks so much man

>dont forget to have fun in college because it is really one of the last chances you will have in your life to have fun and enjoy your time without too much responsibility weighing down on your shoulders.

and damn this makes me feel sort of sad, wish time wouldn't fly as fast / life wouldn't be so short :-(

and thanks again for all the advice dude!!

>> No.10207827

very wise

i agree 100%

>> No.10207834

do not buy useless things on credit my friend

>> No.10207844

Couple things

Firstly, I live in neither the UK nor the USA so, considering 9 of the top 10 law schools are in one of those two countries, being educated at a top 15 law school is definitely about as good as it gets locally, and the point about interviews most definitely still stands.

Secondly, I wasn't "flaunting" anything. You implied that the other anon, due to his slack attitude, would never study anything worthwhile. I took a stab that the subject of Laws at a top tier school would qualify for your tastes of something worthwhile. If it doesn't, then I think your standards might be too high and unnecessarily hard to reach for an average person, let alone a slacker like the other anon.

Lastly, I'm not sure where you're getting your information on the supposed structure and characteristics of argument that you've laid out, but they have no basis in reality, and attempting to insult my intelligence/education (lol) is a fairly obvious way to cover that up. Your "basic concept" doesn't exist. And to make things clear, I was annoyed by the way you flung out random accusations at the other anon in order to defend YOURSELF, not your argument. It has nothing to do with debate, whatsoever. If it came off as passive-aggressive, it wasn't meant to.

In case you're really that interested, I'm not sure of how the Americans use GPA but it's different from here, so I'll use letter grades as they're universal. I consider a high B+ or low A- average.

And just in case you're interested, Berkeley comes in at 9th. These rankings slip and slide from semester to semester though and I'm surprised it isn't higher myself.

>> No.10207883

can u point out where and how i was defending myself

would u also like to educate us on the structure and characteristics of argument that do have basis in reality? i'm excited to hear from a top 15 law school man himself what an argument is beyond two people defending their stances and trying to win over the opposition

>> No.10207907
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>> No.10207925

>if you're 19 and not in college you most likely didn't go straight to college and took a gap year after graduating from high school or you were held back a year in high school. that suggests you weren't very ambitious to begin with so your college choices are immediately narrowed down to non-competitive ones which likely wont even be recognized enough to give your resume a chance, and given your supposed contentness with mediocrity and your defiant pride in being a slacker, you most likely won't be able to maintain a good enough GPA to be considered a competitive candidate for medium to high paying jobs, landing you right back where you are right now, but instead with several thousand dollars in debt and a useless degree

That entire paragraph comes off as entirely defensive, it sounds (to me at least) like you're condemning his lifestyle (quite aggressively) because you're insecure about your own. You'll see that he did it too with regard to the "wage slave" lifestyle, and I imagine I've done it as well at some point in this thread.

I never implied that argument had some sort of structure or characteristics or rules or basic concepts etc etc, that was me (for a severe lack of a better term; English is my second language and I know that this verb is too harsh for what I mean but it will have to do) mocking you for thinking such things existed. Also, I see that you're again making snide remarks regarding my status as a "Top 15 law school student". I have to repeat because I hate to come off as a twat: I wasn't boasting about my schooling at any point. I was just making a point that slackers can get degrees that aren't "useless" as you call them. I doubt anyone would put an LLB into the "useless" category. For what it's worth, I think the program is horribly overrated, and if it's in the top 15 I'd hate to see what the schools in the 75th percentile are like.

>> No.10207933

This is a really dumb argument, can we end it

>> No.10207948

Anyone who doesn't appreciate a Thom Browne suit deserves to be fired.

>> No.10207956

>$600,000 a year
Must be a pretty shit company, what is it, just you selling ali express tee's?

>> No.10207968

if u think my post was aggressive i dont know how u handle day to day life. english is also my second language but there are great resources on the internet that tell you synonyms for free, such as thesauruses. schools in the 75th percentile should even be considered schools. in the us, at least, they are just another way to funnel in high interest rate federal student loans since those students won't be making a large enough salary to pay hefty income taxes every year

can u end ur own life

>> No.10208410

>if u think my post was aggressive i dont know how u handle day to day life
Still a strong air of aggression around everything you say. Day to day life isn't 4chan, people are far less angry. Well idk I presume you live in the USA so that's a bit more aggressive than most, but still. Do you usually walk up to strangers and attack their lifestyle and point out why what they're doing is incorrect? I doubt it

>> No.10208426

Can you give a ballpark figure please and age - thinking of going similar route