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10178689 No.10178689 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I only feel truly good and comfortable in black? I wear other colors and get compliments. People tell me I look good in these clothes and those clothes, but it just doesn't feel *right*. Is something wrong with me? I feel mad jealous of people who can be comfortable wearing a spectrum of colors. I'm tall and thin with a proper good frame, yet I feel limited.

Can anyone else relate?

>> No.10178698

Can't relate, but I vaguely understand it. Black is relatively effort-free, slimming, dressy, and kinda an easy fashion button to mash ad nauseam.

Just slowly move away from it. Maybe some neutrals or something.

>> No.10178700

I'n the exact same way... It might just be a personality thing. Are you introverted or maybe just tend to keep to yourself?

>> No.10178704

It's not right but it's ok I'm gunna make it anyway

>> No.10178708


>> No.10178711

I don't have an eye for colour and I'm lazy.

>> No.10178804
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OP here. I think it may have something to do with identity. I know what Anon wears. Anon wears black and gray. Anon also doesn't wear shorts or lowtops, doesn't matter if people thinks she looks good in them. Doesn't happen. Any visual deviation from who I think I am fractures the constructed (whether conscious or unconscious) self identity a little bit, which is nauseating. If I stick to what I know I wear, I can be comfortable. Really its a problem of letting my clothing describe me to myself. Probably.

I don't know how to proceed. Thoughts?

>> No.10178863

The way you described your life makes it sound like a Murakami novel, dear.

I get where you're coming from, though. Start with color; maybe try a slow transition into dark shades like navy, maroon, dark browns, and olive. Light greys, beiges, and white are a good place after that. A big part of dressing in colors is making a nice palette, so take a look at some palette examples for room-painting and clothes.

>> No.10178893

Right right. I have been wanting to experiment with Navy. Mixing blacks and blues seems dangerous though.

Also where to start with Murakami? Which translations are best?

>> No.10178906

Funny enough I can't wear all black without feeling conscious as fuck I need my pants or shirt to be of some color with it but all black make me feels like I'm an emo teenager

>> No.10178925

Color makes you more accessible. People (women) will compliment it just because it's colorful, not because it actually looks good.

>> No.10178930

I feel this.

>> No.10178941

Blacks and blues are nice if they're not the same material. Jean jackets with black pants, navy wool coats, black leather shoes/boots, mix and match stuff. Texture makes two-color outfits interesting instead of just matchy or contrasting.

All Murakami's English translations are pretty good, and he supervised most of them. Norwegian Wood is his best realistic story, focused on relationships. Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore drift into fantasy a lot, but they deal with themes more relevant to people. Identity, disillusionment, solitude, routines and cycles, soul-searching, all that good stuff.

>> No.10178952

You're droppin knowledge and I appreciate that. I saved your post. Gonna go to the public library tomorrow, so I'll be sure to look for some of his work. Bet money my shit ass library doesn't have any of it though.

>> No.10178964


Note that I'm not saying don't wear color, I'm saying don't let others direct your color choices unless you really value their opinion.

Source: I work retail and a small part of me dies every time I have to smile and agree with a group of girls that the pink and orange camo nikes look great on their friend.

>> No.10178970
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> I have to smile and agree with a group of girls that the pink and orange camo nikes look great on their friend.

You're stranger than I.

>> No.10178971


>> No.10179002

>start with color
false: start with posting more of those legs, OP.>>10178804

>> No.10179006


I've got it down to where I can just say something like "They're bright!" with the right tone so I don't actually have to deal with any cognitive dissonance chipping away at my psyche.

>> No.10179022

Public libraries are pretty hard to find his stuff in for some reason. If you don't find it, sit in a Barnes & Noble, buy some shitty in-house Starbucks, and read it for a couple hours at a time over the course of a few days. Be warned that after reading for a while you might spend some time thinking in the same narrative style. For example:

As he talked to this internet stranger he couldn't help but feel a kind of closeness that a screen can bring. He took a sip of his tea, and wondered whether it was the communication that gave him comfort. It was more likely that the occasional black flashes of the monitor were responsible; yes, the relief that came from these moments, realizing that he was actually alone, made him sure of it.

>> No.10180587

If the prose is good, I can guarantee that will be the case. I'm super susceptible to that kind of thing. Especially after reading Hemingway or something.