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File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, Tom-Hardy-Shaved-Head-Beard-Child-44-Premiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10163907 No.10163907 [Reply] [Original]

is a shaved head effay? i'm receding (at 19 y/o) and quite skinny. shaved my head before but people treated me a lot different/looked at me weird. i'm skinny so maybe they thought i had cancer or s/t

>> No.10163916

mentioned i'm skinny twice. it's been a long day

>> No.10163949

I'm in the same boat. 19 and have a "M" shaped hairline. There's no way I'm going to shave though; it hasn't got to the point of where it's really obvious as I can still cover up a lot of the damage with my hair in the back and a little messing around. I've been taking 5 mg finasteride and have been using DHT blocking shampoo for a couple weeks now and it has made my hair a bit thicker but hasn't caused much regrowth. I don't know about you, but I'd look ugly as fuck with a shaved head. I simply do not have the face for it. So I'm about to drop a few grand on hair transplants to patch up my hairline real quick and hope I don't lose anymore hair within the next few years.

>> No.10163955

I've started with the shampoos and having yet to see the doctor about a prescription. I'm not sure I have the face for a shaved head either but there's no way I'd drop thousands of pounds on a transplant, that's just not in my options. Sorry about your situation though, it gets me down about myself a lot

>> No.10164024


>> No.10164047

Shaved head certainly will look better than a noticeably fading/receding hairline. It might not make you look good, perhaps, but certainly better than the alternative. A shaved head does and does not go with a lot of styles, as well as body types. Depending on your location, body type, and general style, you might be mistaken for being a skinhead/ neo-nazi. In general, if you shave your head, it wouldn't hurt to try and add some muscle mass, otherwise you'll look like a bitch or like a cancer kiddie, like you said. You don't have to look like rocky, but you definitely don't want to look like you just got out of Auschwitz.

>> No.10164094
File: 135 KB, 483x329, Auschwitz Survivors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Worst Case Scenario

>> No.10164102
File: 78 KB, 612x765, lex-luthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Realistic outcome, next to "I swear I'm not a crackhead, officer."

>> No.10164108
File: 18 KB, 300x378, bald6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brad Pitt Edition, AKA Fit+Thrift

>> No.10164111

I have a more attractively shaped head than that, I hope

>> No.10164114
File: 132 KB, 580x856, jason-statham-blue-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Best Case Scenario/Hopeful Endgame

>> No.10164360

thats a big beard

>> No.10164371

Skinheads rule, forever.