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/fa/ - Fashion

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10159597 No.10159597 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see the discussions in /fa/ right now:
>Is clubbing /fa/?
>how does someone have fashionable sex
>what is the most /fa/ tgs
>Jonah Hill is effay as fuck


>> No.10159608
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The summerfags came in 2011 and never left.

>> No.10159642
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/fa/ hasn't changed a bit since 2013


>> No.10159764


browsing /fa/ is in not /fa/ but it is arguably enjoyable as well as a way to develop the self awareness that will eventually allow you to be effay

i mean imagine you meet a man that is effay in that he is dressed well in a way that compliments himself, his lifestyle, and his self confidence. If you ask him how he came to dress that way, the /fa/ real answer whether he is truthful or not is NOT "i browse the fashion portion of 4chan.org".

>> No.10159775

Can faggots quit drawing /fa/ tan with a sloppily worn tie, god it's like their sense of fashion is derived from anime.

>> No.10159794

Why arent the porn boards represented?

>> No.10159798

>/fit/ is a DYEL manlet
Gets me every time.

Also I want to fuck /e/

>> No.10160132

Who is bottom left/middle in the pink skirt and white shirt meant to be?

>> No.10160147

like i dont think ive ever seen a tie on /fa/ ever

>> No.10160152
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>mfw i posted a fit in that thread

>> No.10160155


/e/ would get ravaged tbh

>> No.10160171

God, this. /fa/ tan would be spot-on minus the tie.

>> No.10160245

lelders looks like yung lean

>> No.10160275

waywts were slightly better in the first half

>> No.10160288

Maybe yaoi, or possibly lgbt :^)

>> No.10160294

/lgbt/ probs didn't exist then

>> No.10160312

more like this?

>> No.10160338
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/v/'s fit is better than /fa/'s

>> No.10160471

The fits in that thread are astronomically better than the ones posted nowadays.

>> No.10160475
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>> No.10160489

I want to sniff /e/'s butt

>> No.10160502
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I used to enjoy browsing this board.

I categorised it amongst the other self improvement ones.

Then slowly it dawned on me, it's full of preteens spending money that isn't theirs to belittle others and spout fam memes.

I understand /fa/'s persona is a passive aggressive homosexual but it's pretty dull conversation.

Compared to other communities nothing is created here. Not even jokes. Humour threads are just a collection of badly dressed people or attempted snipes at other users.

I don't think I've ever read any funny greentext on this board.

>> No.10160512

They were arrested for public indecency while en route to the meetup.

The two dickgirls were never heard from again.

>> No.10160529

I come for inspo and the occasional C/N thread, anyone who comes here for genuine advice is dumb

but yes, shit's gone from bad to worse

>> No.10160578

spot the newfag

>> No.10160595
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>sees neck

>> No.10160626
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This image really needs to get used more here

>> No.10160668

>only two bad fits
>they're not even particularly offensive

Where did it all go wrong /fa/? WAYWTs are atrocious now.

>> No.10160911
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That sleeve collar

>> No.10161092
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>mfw pigfuck was right

>> No.10161097

wtf is on his head

>> No.10161106

/fa/'s fit is really fucking tryhard ugly

>> No.10161109

Damn you really hit the nail here.

I remember finding 4chan at the beginning of High School with the Jenny Slaughter shit and coming on this board because I wanted to be /fa/

If you ask at the right times, you can usually get people to help you out with the basics but I think /fa/ could use a sticky to help streamline the board. I always think of it in the same category as fit, as I browse both, but I feel like /fa/ lacks a bit of canon.

Fashion is such a person by person art anyways. But let me tell you, I'm glad I came to /fa/ and started to dress how I wanted to portray myself and not just what other people in my area wore.

>> No.10161128


if you joined during the jessy slaughter bullshit then you'd remember that /fa/ did have a sticky/
don't you guys remember that meme "faggotstore.com"?

>> No.10161135


Fuck I knew I had it wrong. Feels like Forest now. I remember something about a sticky but I'm an on and off browser anyway. faggotstore.com doesn't ring any bells to me :(

>> No.10161136

don't you see /d/ turboidiot?

>> No.10161269
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>What is Tuxbell.com

>> No.10161924

It's /a/ newshits

>> No.10162135

/v/'s fit is effay as fuck

>> No.10162181

Lol /fa/ nostalgia in this thread, been here since 2012, the sticky used to thefaggotstore.com and the wordt shit poster was Denim Dan