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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 700x552, 1454552_761624207244629_8751178426613146533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10156662 No.10156662 [Reply] [Original]

is feminism /fa/?

>> No.10156686

being for social rights is /fa/
being defined by a movement that has impossible goals is not\
but then again... the black panthers were /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10156693

we want people to stop sexualizing us
stop talking to us, fucking creepy men
stop having any interaction with us
god i don't want to have sex with you will you stop bothering me!


>> No.10156700

Meninist detected

>> No.10156701


>> No.10156713

depends what type of feminism

if you believe in equal rights then yes but if you're just for empowering women to the point where they're on a pedestal, no (tumblr bitches pls)

>> No.10156719

No, it isnt.

>> No.10156729

but this is 4chan and here we hate niggers and women so the answers will vary because that is part of the culture of this website.

>> No.10156732

feminism yes

being a rad-fem/SJW: no

>> No.10156768
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i had a good laugh meself m8.

>> No.10156778
File: 93 KB, 491x750, 1436776239563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, women should be seen and not heard. anyone who disagrees hasnt dealt with very many women.

most of you are inexperienced children so you dont understand this reality but its whatever.

>> No.10156787

Nah, feminism is all old and fogey here in the first world, being reduced to a status signal for holier-than-thou buzzkills, but if you're in a developing country then feminism is still fashionable

If you're going to pick up a cause, pick up environmentalism since that's what's in style

Weird thread, I'll say

>> No.10156889

no one cares about environmentalism atm

>> No.10156907

Yeah, that's why it's avant-garde duh

>> No.10156934
File: 266 KB, 551x889, nickland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really
it was all the rage a few years ago but now it's been but on the back burner
accelerationism is the one truth

>> No.10156937

you know. it never occurred to me until recently, but you (or perhaps rather your internet persona) are nearly a spitting image of patrick bateman

think about it

in your diction. narcissistic fantasies/philosophies & odd egocentric obsessions. it's surreal

you legitimately act like a textbook sociopathic serial killer

>> No.10156954
File: 18 KB, 423x615, 10985901_374731799398655_7811068275218150208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an ebin feminist ladies please have sex with me I'm not like those other mongoloids :^)

>> No.10156962

this post is very wrong
pigfuck doesn't act like bateman
bateman isn't an accurate portrayal of a serial killer

>> No.10156967

it's /fa/ in a mental gymnastic roundabout contrarian sort of way i guess.

>> No.10156972

hey martin

>> No.10156974


believing in equality is /fa/, labeling yourself as a feminist or a member of basically any social justice (or anti-social justice) group is not

>> No.10156976

fashion relies on inequality

>> No.10156981


>> No.10156982


>> No.10156988


>> No.10156989

Feminism is such a buzzword that no one actually knows what it means anymore

If they were serious about change they would just admit to being man haters and let the mentally stable people work on the issues

>> No.10156994


the caesarists that Spengler was talking about

>> No.10157002

I'm not a communist

>> No.10157021

>believing in equality is /fa/
fashion is literally the most elitist and racist art form

>> No.10157028

go back to reddit loser

>> No.10157039


Never be defined by a group

>> No.10157044

poor man's gonna be posting jaded inflammatory comments on 4chan for the rest of his adult life

>> No.10157062

I meant techno-commercialist, you know? The hypercapitalist faction in neoreaction, you know? The main offshoot of the Dark Enlightenment, you know? The reactionary reawakening on the internet that was spurred on by Nick Land, you know? The most renowned current accelerationist thinker, you know?

Nick Land is a tech-comm neoreactionary. He supports a totally different type of accelerationism than what the left believes. What he surmises is that leftism will reach a singularity of hypocrisy and die at the hands of natural capitalist forces more quickly if we accelerate the current leftist cultural hegemony.

>> No.10157066


>> No.10157078

This is untrue

>> No.10157083

>What he surmises is that leftism will reach a singularity of hypocrisy and die at the hands of natural capitalist forces more quickly if we accelerate the current leftist cultural hegemony.
we can already see this happening
tbf Nick himself isn't really involved in a lot of the neoreactionary movement (re: race, nationalism etc)
when I say I'm an accelerationist I don't mean I'm extremely passionate about implementing a specific system, rather I see technological singularity/ emancipation as an inevitable event with capitalist accelerationism being the fastest way to achieve it
I think capitalism has 50-100 years left

>> No.10157099

Oh, God, right accelerationists? On my /fa/?


Anyway, "feminism" is a broad category, a tendency, a group of associated ideas, concepts, and struggles. Everyone should be able to find themselves somewhere in it. Some sectors of it are much more solid than others - it's everything from Sheryl Sandberg to the Sampat Pal Devi, of the Gulabi Gang.

The image attached to the OP is definitely /fa/, though. Her struggle for her liberation brings her into existence, so right.

>> No.10157158

can't imagine the mental gymnastics you do on a daily basis

>> No.10157170
File: 259 KB, 960x640, Acne-Fall-2015-Picks-5-960x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is !

>> No.10157175

Equality is one big fat lie.

>> No.10157206
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>> No.10157215
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Nope. Apoliticism is /fa/.

When confronted with a political choice, the proper effay trendhopper sides with whichever has a better chance to back his ideals in the short-term.

>> No.10157217

Except the black panthers actually got off their asses and did shit.

>> No.10157221

whoever designed these needs to get murdered

>> No.10157332


Like those aren't designed with satire in mind.

>> No.10157352

feminists belittle women by claiming that they need to be represented and empowered.

feminism is a disease.

>> No.10157508
File: 149 KB, 640x640, 1437756000603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're Swedish

>> No.10157578

its literally adorable how cons have to create their own grassroots vaguely academic sounding jargon b/c actual academia doesn't care about them lmao

try dropping any of these terms outside of a place like this/reddit/stormfront and see if anyone has any idea what ur babbling about

>> No.10157595

Nick Land works in academia dipshit
nice work pretending academia is actually concerned with anything besides agenda pushing though

>> No.10157610
File: 63 KB, 500x418, tumblr_mbwu8fx7LM1rpzt5ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10157624

hes a nobody dude
cite me irl

>> No.10157631

which doesn't make his ideas invalid
academia is garbage when you consider the fact that Noam Chomsky is the most famous intellectual

>> No.10157644

ayy zizek coming up from behind though watch ur crown chompy

>> No.10157645

In first world countries it is not /fa. All this political correctness and social justice is ruining it for normal people.

>Creating twitter hashtags to shit post everyone who doesn't agree with your stupid ass views instead of doing anything productive

Then they cry they get paid less

>muh gender studies degree made me so versatile and understanding of life

I can't believe everyone is caving to these mentally unstable individuals on the internet.

>> No.10157647

zizek is a meme
he's the only leftist I like because I think he is at least honest

>> No.10157697

What did they do? Just curious

>> No.10157769

>labeling yourself as a feminist
You must be American. In Europe it is a given that normal young people are feminists.

>> No.10157770

>not supporting feminism
/fa/ fuck off

>> No.10157773

>Apoliticism is /fa/.
Kill yourself

>> No.10157792

maybe in Sweden or the UK

>> No.10157799

is this the cringe thread


>> No.10158088

have you been triggered?

>> No.10158122
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, bronie cuck liberal fuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal young people
those people are called cucks

>> No.10158377

do you talk like this in real life too

>> No.10158385


source of original clip

this guy seems like a chill dude

>> No.10158386


>> No.10158536

fuck OFF

>> No.10158541

Feminism is a joke and if you are one you will become a laughing stock in this society (for good reasons) so no.

>> No.10158577
File: 87 KB, 652x434, dylan roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is feminism /fa/?

isnt right wing /fa/ this season? feminisma is too mainstream

>> No.10158589

edgy kid

>> No.10158624

not true at all, maybe most people are for gender-equality but thats not feminism

>> No.10158660
File: 680 KB, 1304x892, cuck1432577775367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal young people are feminists

not everyone is a cuckoldfaggot, nice try Shlomo.

>> No.10158694

they still had impossible goals
its not like america would accept socialism from a group of militant blacks

>> No.10158695
File: 83 KB, 420x490, raptr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but that's not feminism

>> No.10158699

riot grrrl movement yes
tumblr feminism no

>> No.10158705

nice buzzword to use when someone has a slightly unusual opinion. Do you go to reddit often?

>> No.10158709

no he doesn't

>> No.10158724

lesbianism is the only effay sexual orientation for women

>> No.10158732

it's not mutually inclusive, but yes.

there are no /fa/ MRAs

>> No.10158740




>> No.10158744

i'm sorry but if you actually think that about feminism then you need to go back to school

>> No.10158750


dont you have an ironic facebook meme page to be running?

>> No.10158752

feminism is the least /fa/ thing in the world.

>> No.10158756

Is /fa/ officially turning into tumblr?

>> No.10158761

>there are no /fa/ MRAs

Uhhh the entire Japanese fashion world is MGTOW.

>> No.10158764
File: 891 KB, 1631x1991, Contemplations, 1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic feminine virtues are more /fa/ these days.

>> No.10158766


terribly un/fa/ and unfunny MLG-tier video, m8

>> No.10158783
File: 186 KB, 1024x615, feministfashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10158786

Acne pls go

>> No.10158791


because they are hikokomoris haha

>> No.10158794

sounds like you're just upset tbh

>> No.10158805


MGTOW isn't affiliated with the MRA "movement"

>> No.10158816


w2c earrings

>> No.10158838


MRM and MGTOW are both responses to the same bullshit.

>> No.10158861
File: 436 KB, 768x1024, feminist-tavi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is /fa/ if you're a 15 year old tumblrina.

Fascism is /fa/ as fuck, always will be.

>> No.10158868

I felt like vomiting just looking at that walking piece of fat shit.

>> No.10158892


"MRM and MGTOW are both ... the same bullshit"

I agree!

>> No.10158900


Go back to Jezebel, Jewface.

>> No.10158928

that explains why the nazi's wore hugo boss

>> No.10159045

Fuck you win

>> No.10159235

Feminism is for ugly girls that want a penis. /thread

>> No.10159260

w2c sweater?

>> No.10159300

>Emma Watson

pick one

>> No.10159316
File: 587 KB, 719x536, weimar 1926 kumpels mit iheren grubenlampen sturmabteilung nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg fuckin hitler

>> No.10159368


>> No.10159505

I don't agree. The most effay girls are those who don't care and act laid back. Classic feminine virtues, as you describe it, seems rather boring and may be too altruistic compared to the "I and my personal hapiness"-centered lifestyle most people seem to choose these days. It's all about the individual right now.

>> No.10159569
File: 7 KB, 200x195, 1427014539441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not lol

>> No.10160520

Everything about fascismo is /fa/

>> No.10160558

fuck you're awful

>> No.10160639

is idiocracy /fa/?

>> No.10160878


but I can just open it in another tab

>> No.10160882

There's some variance given how big and old a movement feminism is, but in most cases feminism is about gender equality.

>> No.10160896


>> No.10160916

who this semen demon

>> No.10160927

>identity politics

tbh I lean left on a lot of things but having to be constantly bombarded by people trying to persuade me to believe shit gives me a headache

>> No.10161050

in the developed world women and men have equal rights

>> No.10161056

That bitch who writes Girls and molested her sister

>> No.10161062


This is literally the future feminism would choose for you.

>> No.10161066

high test thread?

>> No.10161090

did no one look at this and think "wait"

>> No.10161115

Eh...this is mostly true, but more to my point, equality isn't fully encapsulated in ensured equal rights.

>> No.10161120
File: 139 KB, 525x720, 1431196091086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got something to say, say it, don't imply it.

>> No.10161126

men and women won't achieve equal outcomes until we have the ability to augment our bodies and minds

>> No.10161168

Nothing edgy about that my friend, only truth.

>> No.10161174

He's right, that's not feminism.

>i'm sorry

It's like you're screaming "I'M A NEWFAG"

And that dude is right.

>> No.10161182

Most people that advance feminism never spell out the implications of what they're advancing. They either don't know it themselves or they're simply hiding it.