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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 480x596, 1430095326272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10152035 No.10152035 [Reply] [Original]

You know what to do.

>> No.10152044
File: 31 KB, 347x466, high layers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10152045
File: 327 KB, 321x445, Triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get Donald Glover tier hair

>> No.10152053
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>> No.10152055
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>> No.10152069

disgusting tbh

>> No.10152101
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>> No.10152109
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>> No.10152117
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>> No.10152183

>how to get Donald Glover tier hair
be donald

>> No.10152205

so fuckin pretty

>> No.10152216
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white guy here (pic related) is it possible for me to get short, isolated twisties with texture similar to Donald Glover?

>> No.10152235


>> No.10152262

No because his are tight curls and you can't make curls that small in your hair.

>> No.10152281
File: 992 KB, 660x660, asap-ferg-shabba-feat-asap-rocky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there must be a way. l'm thinking something like this. like is there a product that i can use to make my hair curl more?

>> No.10152409
File: 879 KB, 229x188, 1405886291952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghetto nigress tier

>> No.10152414
File: 3.24 MB, 621x7198, 1433047702716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

): sorry massa

>> No.10152431

Fuck off

>> No.10152443
File: 84 KB, 640x634, 1436399326299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the person who isnt contributing lol

>> No.10152447

You can do better than this

>> No.10152453 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 3005

>> No.10152641

mango butter is nectar of the gods tbh

>> No.10152676

those are twistouts , but you can't get someone else's hair texture

>> No.10152842
File: 618 KB, 822x1200, tumblr_m8e9mtGz3C1rv3cm4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of trimming my dreads from shoulder length to around pic related. Good call?
Also /r/ing short dreadlocks pictures

>> No.10152931

how is everyone moisturizing on a daily basis?
my hair gets very try inbetween cowashes, but just putting cantu on doesn't work well

>> No.10152934


>> No.10152985
File: 199 KB, 1600x1216, IMG_20150707_125107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to grow an afro. I don't feel like my hair is growing though. Are their any good products to use for better growth and moisture?

This is my first time growing out my hair because I got bored of the same old regular cut.

A point in the right direction and some guidance would be appreciated.

>> No.10153152

You have very beautiful lips

>> No.10153299

lol just grow it dude , just make sure you eat healthy

>> No.10153612

>You will never put your pussy lips on those lips.

>> No.10153621


it takes time

>> No.10153623



>> No.10153698

Damage your hair a lot and you'll eventually reach a similar texture.

>> No.10153704

>"similar to Donald Glover"
>posts picture of Ian Connor's dreadlocks

Are you sure?

>> No.10153776
File: 254 KB, 800x450, 2halfweeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my 2 to 3 weeks progress of growing a dread undercut
When they're all locked up I'm gonna trim them a little shorter

>> No.10153984

thanks for the input m8

>> No.10153995

This woman is like 3 different people

>> No.10154070

I use a curl activator spray called Luster's Scurl and it last long enough, smells good, and really moisturizes my hair.
Some other days I would just use a little bit leave-in conditioner or put some hair gel on. I used to put a little bit of moroccan argan oil in my hair, it works and all, but it turned my hair very greasy.

My hair now is rarely dry.

>> No.10154090
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 1413868161061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting my hair cut like this in a couple of days

>> No.10154151

Post results , but this probably works best on mixed race guys tho.
If you are , go for it.

>> No.10154175

Yeah, I'm mixed race. If there's a BHG when I get it cut; I'll make sure to post results

>> No.10154279
File: 343 KB, 646x357, bhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before and after

>> No.10154458

This is really good. wow. How long was your hair before you dreaded?

>> No.10154469

how do you get this

>> No.10154488


>> No.10154496

get it more even on top and let the beard more defined

>> No.10154522

the hair can be fixed easily
I kind of have trouble with the beard though it doesn't grow very deep on the cheeks but it does at the edge
should I just make cleaner lines?

>> No.10154533
File: 319 KB, 1236x851, 1549565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this too fam

What did you put in your hair?

>> No.10154538
File: 81 KB, 1000x746, $1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally used the conditioner only, but when I ran out and tried to get another one all they had was the 2in1 shampoo+conditioner
the conditioner varient tells you to leave it in 5 mins then wash it out
you can also get similar results with the 2in1 but yeah, not the same

once or twice in the shower for at least 5 mins

>> No.10154542

>mixed race girls are growing on me
>my gf is white
>can I be a reverse cuck?

>> No.10154549


mix race girls dont want no whitey boy

>> No.10154551
File: 435 KB, 463x700, tumblr_lskm90tS0Y1qfbe7fo1_500 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the real picture next time

>> No.10154563

I'm mixed race ; - ;

>> No.10154577


ethnic girls are much more qt than white

>> No.10154580

This is fucking goals, man.

>> No.10154583
File: 77 KB, 500x500, pengting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl looks like a poverty version of this girl.

>> No.10154588
File: 117 KB, 534x800, barbara-tfank19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is more elegant though

>> No.10154590
File: 124 KB, 960x732, 1435255246051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It is the job of all minorities to take white women. We must muddy their white genes for the prosperity of the mixed race.

Mulatto pride world wide!

>> No.10154596

yeah but the other one appears more approachable less maintance etc.
Its like dreaming about buying a ferrari which you can never cop , or dreaming about that audi which is affordable but still effay

>> No.10154599


XD bro hilarity

>> No.10154603
File: 116 KB, 1024x581, 1429385547961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it brother. Fulfill your mission.

>> No.10154610

what kind of hair gel do you use?

I'll see if i can find the Luster's product.

>> No.10154613

because I'm in desparate need of some type of dailr styling product; trying to wash and go everyday doesn't work.

>> No.10154643

Eco Styler (Olive Oil)

>> No.10154662


I can vouch for this, luster's scurl is really great.

>> No.10154687

This is what i want, howwww

>> No.10154722
File: 3.13 MB, 3771x2121, BrackInMyBrack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my hair gets like, 2-3 weeks after a hair cut. It's very dry, does not comb anywhere. Usually get a fade, 2 on top but after 1 week hair starts looking the same, with hairs sticking out everywhere. HELP?

>> No.10154732

Same person.

Would really like to grow my hair out like this

>> No.10154742


>> No.10154762

Deep condition

>> No.10154765

You can either learn how to use a straight razor (I've hear allot of good things about them)
It'll save you allot of money that you'd normally spend on a haircut.

Or you just go to the hairdresser/barber every other week (this is what I do right now).
My non mixed black friend literally goes every week.

oh I'm >>10153776. I get the fuzzy/frizzy hairline too , we all get it.
Its growing after all

>> No.10155046

Thanks for the input, any products in mind?
Don't mind spending the money if it helps.

I don't mind going to the barber every other week, which is what I already do. I'd like to know if my hair is possible of growing out the way yours is. If it os, how do I go about growing out like that?

>> No.10155062

>Or you just go to the hairdresser/barber every other week (this is what I do right now).
>My non mixed black friend literally goes every week.

That shit is expensive. About $15 each time

>> No.10155067

Do you have any pics of what that can do for a nigga? Male of course.

>> No.10155946

> posts a picture of a white woman in a black hair thread



>> No.10155991
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She's Dominican

>> No.10156295
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>> No.10156300
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>> No.10156315


D'shawndricka pls go

>> No.10157196

Can you post a more clear picture and closer?

>> No.10157224
File: 1.54 MB, 4896x3260, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which looks better?
>r8 me

>> No.10157228

Are you blasian?

>> No.10157233

lol no but i live in hawaii and everyone asks me if i'm japanese. my mom is full german, and dad is from trinidad.

>> No.10157235

Pretty cool
>tfw no single eyelids

>> No.10157249

wtf its like ezra miller, he looks straight up japanese but his parents are full german, I've also encountered something similar to add to that; my friend is have german and Jamaican but he looks blasian

>> No.10157335

cool features

>> No.10157339
File: 712 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150725_1229392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a little messy because I fell asleep without my wavecap

>> No.10157344

you look much better without those dorky glasses, your face looks more masculine and modelesque so get contacts or get a different more fashionable frame, also that hair looks ridiculous keep the top and fade and sides and back

>> No.10157361

4c is best hair

>> No.10157365

Short dreads look like shit, in my opinion

>> No.10157380

this is b8 right

>> No.10157401
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>> No.10157410

le reddit fayc

>> No.10158582

What kind of frames would you recommend for my face shape?

>> No.10158774

>what is makeup caking

>> No.10158789

I wish I had monolids :(

>> No.10158859

she looks childish and annoying

>> No.10158872
File: 338 KB, 1189x1102, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, ditch the glasses. You have the facial features of an adult but the afro makes you look like a teeenager or something. Maybe try doing something else with it before shaving it all off

>> No.10158933

qq, ive been growing it for 2 years its gonna be hard to get a hair cut. its almost a sense of pride, maybe Afrocentrism.

>> No.10159015

please just trim the beard evenly

>> No.10159116

I'm mixed race with similar hair to hers but my hair just doesn't seem to have a defined curl pattern anymore and won't get far past shoulder length. Even with protective styling I have a lot of hair fall- any suggestions for less breakage and more defined volume? ?

>> No.10159187

You're winning.

>> No.10160392

God I wish I wasn't balding. I want hair like this SO bad.

>> No.10160953

Might I ask why?

Idk man I have a lot of loose hairs and new growth that makes the whole thing look frizzy and untidy.
It'd be easier to manage if it weren't 64 locks at 15" each. 5" is a lot easier to maintain...

...unless you guys have tips for great lock maintenance ._.

>> No.10161019

What products are you currently using? I don't have much experience with protective styling but I am aware that wearing weaves/wigs etc too often/incorrectly can do more harm than good. Also, vitamin deficiencies and poor diet can contribute more to hair fall than you'd think so make sure you're covered on that front. Is your minimal pattern down to heat damage or general poor care?

>Also mixed race with similar natural hair that is past waist length.

>> No.10161515

w2c shoes?

>> No.10162221

Finasteride, anon.

>> No.10162281
File: 148 KB, 540x960, Snapchat-3206255590004062451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry hair,rate please
not sure if i should make dread or not

>> No.10162418


Wait, as a guy? I understand wanting long hair but I think you would want something a little more masculine.

>> No.10162429

All of that shit is fucking disgusting and has petrolatum and silicone in it. I can't stand that shit in my hair.


>> No.10162640

Already on it. Only reason I still have hair. Its just not thick enough to not look disgusting when its too long. Wouldn't be able to get that kind of volume at that length, and the front would be frizzy as fuck.

>> No.10162642

I look more like her than I do an average black guy so it works.

>> No.10163356

grow it out long put on a hat and move to compton

>> No.10163393

I dont understand,frenchie here

>> No.10163460
File: 591 KB, 1595x1883, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/ what should I do with my hair?

If i can't figure something out I might dye it than cut it all off

I don't take selfies often so I can take another picture if anything

>> No.10163474
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 1436731512053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


focus on skincare and facial aesthetic first

>> No.10163481

I haven't shaved and I only started growing facial hair this year

>> No.10163490

not really about that (which gotta go too), but those pimples in your greasy face makes me want to puke, nigga get ur shit together

>> No.10163492

You aren't growing facial hair... SHAVE

>> No.10163496

You'd look much better shaved

>> No.10163520
File: 5 KB, 125x109, yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely post I can see why people usually don't now but I do want advice thanks for the feedback

Yes sir
I will when i can get some free time
I work 60 hours a week. It's a pretty bummy picture should i post one after a shower or something I did come back from a run when i took that.
I generally do I need to go to the barber's hence the hair suggestion.

>> No.10163542

/fa/ can be rude, but were giving you real advice

>> No.10163551
File: 25 KB, 640x480, nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course that's why I'm not even salty but i still wanna know what i should do with my hair

>> No.10163558
File: 71 KB, 650x600, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus half the time it's anons who won't even post their faces so for all i know it could be a bunch of neckbeards i feel like i killed the thread though lol

>> No.10163598
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 1371672611667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, after taking care of those issues, I think you should get a decent shape up (by decent I mean no ghetto bullshit) and then get a fade on the sides/back, if you want to keep it simple get something like pic related, if not let it grow out and we'll see what would suit you the best.

>> No.10163610
File: 104 KB, 350x263, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much. I haven't done anything much but work for the last month so that's me scruffy. Still might dye my hair for a cosplay though Did you do your eyebrows in that pic?

Looking fresh though

>> No.10163842

Hahaha you fucking major cuck!

>> No.10163845

Why a whiteboy wanna have nigga hair? SMH

>> No.10163848

*Why does a whiteboy want to have nigga hair? SMH

>> No.10165064


>> No.10165070

it was an NWA reference, because it looks sort of like you have a jheri curl, like Dr.Dre and ice Cube and EZE did in the late 80s.

if those are your curls dry, they're godtier honestly.
don't dread, just wear them like that.

>> No.10165193
File: 109 KB, 858x536, mUHlleW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get a cut like pic related, will I just have to go to the the barber every couple weeks to shave the disconnect?

>> No.10165201

the kid just wants to have hair like childish memebino chill out. you probably get cucked on the daily

>> No.10167220
File: 93 KB, 435x594, Corbin+Bleu+Grand+Opening+G+Flagship+Boutique+AtL9XEnLu3kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mixed... only black and white not italian and jamaican. What do I do I gotta do to get Corbin Bleu hair?

I think our curls are about the same size, mine might be ever-so-slightly-a-smidge larger

>> No.10167376

I can't lie. You look like Toro y Moi's cousin

>> No.10167409


you could maybe get a perm?

>> No.10167463


What's your routine?

>> No.10167552

thats his natural hair
so.....i mean, you need to keep that in mind.
post a pic of your hair so we can see.
in general
>deep condition
you can try doing bantu knot-outs or twist outs; feel free to google the terms.
maybe, but you could also brush the part as well.

>> No.10167994

Nigger don't you wish you were white.

>> No.10168099

>shea moisture bitches

>> No.10168209

Brush the part? You mean like brush away from the part?

>> No.10168218

>low melanin and skin cancer
>getting cucked by BBC
>being systematically phased out by the Jews


>> No.10168286
