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/fa/ - Fashion

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10147755 No.10147755 [Reply] [Original]

Is H&M quality?

By which I mean, will it fall apart after a few washes? I'm trying to cop some $12 shorts

Where do you go for decent clothes at decent prices?

>> No.10147774

i have jcrew shorts for 3+years now
lots of life still
standard colors, tan, cherry, navy, white,

>> No.10147786

It's not the best quality per say, but if you take care of your clothes in general, I'm sure you'll have around for a while.
Don't hop on the muh quality meme.
I have multiple pieces from H&M that I've had for 3+ years, and they're still just fine.

>> No.10147790

no. hm pants are horrible, they either stretch like crazy or they fringe at the hems. only get them if they ar eon final sale price for <15$.

>> No.10147799


I have J Crew shorts as well. Definitely recommend those.

H&M is.....you get what you pay for. i mean dude. $12 for SHORTS? I spend more than that on one meal. Shouldn't shorts be a higher priority? i'd look to be spending $50-$80 for at least almost decent shorts. Of course there a lot more expensive shorts out there but J Crew does the trick

>> No.10147800

>Actually caring about cheap clothes

Are you fucking retarded and poor?

You pay what you get and it should be decent regardless.

>> No.10147933

Yes, I am poor. I apologize for being an unskilled laborer fresh out of high school with a minimum wage job. :^)

>> No.10147940


bro you could be making $10 straight outta high school as a data entry job

or make over $100-200 a night being a waiter at a popular restaurant

>> No.10147941


in any case H&M is OK if you're poor. go for either that or check out uniqlo as well.

>> No.10147976

H&M is fast fashion, but you can find quality shit if you look hard and you try shit on yourself. It is ultimately a mixed bag. They are usually on the more cutting edge of trends tho, like good fast fashion.

It's all about the fabric. Ultimately they look for the best looking fabric that they can sell for nothing but still get a good profit margin from. If the fabric feels good and the seams are stitched well, then the worst that could happen is loose buttons, but anybody posting on fay fay should know how to sow on a fucking button.

Overall, I always check out H&M, I don't always find quality shit, but when I do, it's the greatest value and it fits well.

>> No.10148014

Worked there. To be honest the ladies stuff is worse because of the fact a lot more variety in the weight and quality of fabrics.

The more expensive stuff I had from the guys department that I got has stood up to wear and tear. The cheaper pieces you pay for what you get.

You buy 19.95 shorts then expect to wear them from now till end of summer, then never again.

>> No.10148023
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>i mean dude. $12 for SHORTS? I spend more than that on one meal

wow very classy and /fa/ :^)
o wait...

>> No.10148032

I bought a dress shirt, chinos, and fake Stan smiths from h&m for job interviews + a belt for $90. I will only wear this outfit for job interviews and would be hard-pressed to wear it for any other reason

That's all h&m is good for in my opinion - "emergencies"

I bought girl sweatpants from there for the taper - before jiggers were a thing, and yes - after a couple washes they started getting arbitrary holes in them - can't bump into something wearing them or they will probably get another hole

The fabric is cheap and doesn't hold up at all in casual wear (the sweatpants)

h&m is absolute garbage. You are just barely getting what you pay for

>> No.10148037

Oh and I literally feel embarrassed going into h&m and walking back to my pad with an h&m bag for all too see

>> No.10148040


>> No.10148049
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>I literally feel embarrassed going into h&m and walking back to my pad with an h&m bag for all too see

How cancerous are you? Why the fuck do you care about what strangers think?
If someone is going to judge you on that basis, they're clearly stupid, and you're retarded for acknowledging it.
If anything, your outfit and the way it compliments you is what matters.

Cop the fucking shorts, and stop being a whiny little bitch. You didn't need to make a thread about it.

>> No.10148056

I'm not OP, first off

Second, if you plan on truly getting anywhere in life, you have to take into consideration how you are perceived by others

>"but I only dress for myself fuck what others think"

Okay, well have fun having six roommates and being that guy working at a coffee shop in his mid-thirties, but fuck what people think right?

H&m is a joke and you better believe you look like a punk bitch walking around with a bag of their garbage advertising them

>> No.10148068

unless your roommates happen to browse /fa/ theres nothing wrong with advertising you shop at h&m

a lot of normies and plebs i know think that h&m is high class for some reason.

>> No.10148071


tbh, you've got a bit of a point, but I don't think people would seriously think that harshly of you if you went to H&M. I mean, seriously, what are they going to think?

>Look at anon. Can you believe he buys clothes?

I understand what you mean when you say you need to uphold some sort of image to remain in a good standing in life, but if people are going to judge you on something so superficial as where you shop, the other anon is right; they are stupid.

>> No.10148073

its not about being afraid of being judged for buying h&m

its about being embarassed for buying h&m

>> No.10148076

Wow, I must have hit close to home because you got a lot less aggressive pretty quick :^)

Enjoy your fast fashion garbage

>> No.10148082

That's just it, people do judge you based in where you shop. Enjoy being a teenager while it lasts

>> No.10148086


>> No.10148091

You do realize there's 10 different posters ITT and any number of them could've made that comment, right? Because your post has multiple responses that are, more than likely, from different people.

>> No.10148099

Nigga, I don't give a fack where people shop and I never will.

>> No.10148108

Lol you fucking autist, because someone can't make a comment and compel a third party to respond. Am I the person you replied? Well, your comment was directed to them so it MUST be them replying. You goddamn retard, fucking l-e-l

>> No.10148113

You are one person and you don't matter and never will, and since we're on the topic no one will ever love you either and you will die alone

>> No.10148114

>being poor



>> No.10148123


>> No.10148134


ugly fashion victims projecting

>> No.10148205



>> No.10148303

The most teenagerish opinion. Adults don't give a shit what you wear.

This board is filled with pretentious teenagers who still go to school, see everyone dressed in Zara & H&M head to toe, and think they're THE SHIT when they buy internet memes instead.

And the whole quality discussions, no matter about what brand. are the most cancerous thing on this board. Kids here are fucking clueless.

>> No.10148306


>projecting this hard

>> No.10148408

No need to post anything if you ran out of arguments. And what I said about this board is true and you'd notice if you weren't a 16 year old twat.

Look at all the baby faces in WAYWT/Hair threads, the constant worshipping of some unimportant teeny stars (this thread is a prime example >>10141303, don't forget sad boys and that fat girlband SLP brit and the WIll Smith kids or recently that "model" nigger I've never heard of) or the +200 replies in the recent TeenMFA thread. Why on earth would any self-respecting adult care what kids do on a fashion board called "teenmfa"? You know why? Because sadly we share 90% of the posters.

>> No.10148415

That wasn't even me responding to you, it was a third party you fucking jackass

>> No.10148420

Someone replied to my comment and I replied to him - do you even know how 4chan works you dumb cunt?

>> No.10148434

>Is H&M quality?

Depending on the piece of clothing and material. Try these shorts before buying them. I bought a pair of shorts from H&M this summer and I wore them literally everyday. After I washed them I've noticed a small line on the back of the shorts from sweating (I had to drive alot in the last 2 months).
It's up to you afterall.

>> No.10148442
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...we're talking about $12 here dude

literally the prosciutto & mozzarella sandwich from my local restaruant costs $14

It's not an exaggeration, and in no way is that extravagant. Seriously, why don't you think first before shitposting. That's what I do ;]

>> No.10148461

this, the /fa/ quality meme is really exaggerated; you don't see the rest of the population walking around with torn clothes despite them being 100% fast fashion do you?

>> No.10148477

H&M is more for people who don't really care about how they look

they just wear clothes because the pockets hold shit and the law tells them towear clothing

it never looks presentable it doesn't feel good on the skin and doesn't breath or keep yo warm

with thatsaid a lot of the stiching is left unifinished so over the course of theday you will have seams unraveling, pills and tears

i have a dior shirt from ss10 the doble neck crew in metallic blue

looks brand new despite several wears and me just casually tossing it on thefloor when i do wear it

but i have h&m shirts that have nraveled hems that still have tags on them from jst sitting in the closet untoched

>> No.10148610

>H&M is more for people who don't really care about how they look
stopped reading there

>> No.10148612

Yeah I mean it's really only thing he needed to say

>> No.10148632

wear what you feel good with. 10$ or 100$ doesnt mean shit, half of the shit on /fa/ looks like taken out of dumpster. its not |your| style if everyone wears the same clothes (this board). if something looks good to you and some fuck talks shit bcuz it doesnt cost much, he's a faggot. dont ask random diots what oyu should fuckign wear

>> No.10148655


lol >>10148068 this was my only post in this entire thread

why are you so mad

>> No.10148669

you are asking if a 12 dollar piece of clothing is quality
just think about the question you are asking

of course it isn't
it costs 12$

you can't produce anything of quality for that price

>> No.10148687


stop being so pretentious


The pants I had when I was younger and several tees were crooked after one wash. I'd just buy it if you want to go to a festival and need some beater tier clothing. It's fine for that.

>> No.10148702

Local restaurant? Wow. Dunno what to say. Restaurant prices = clothing prices

Let's see, last time i spent around 60€ in restaurant. So if i dont go for the next 5 times, stay at home, i can buy jeans and coat? Cool, eh?

>> No.10148709

Just bought some wear from H&M, solid 30€ price a few shirts. I know that they wont last, i'm a student so i want to look fresh now and buy expensive clothing when i really have money to do so.

Well, if i found a real masterpiece i can throw money at it. But H&M is gold for basic fit with less money

>> No.10148809

They don't mean that the clothes fall apart, faggot. They mean the construction of the clothes, i.e. thickness of fabric, quality of stitching, quality of material

>> No.10148816

Read what OP asked retard.

>Is H&M quality?
>By which I mean, will it fall apart after a few washes? I'm trying to cop some $12 shorts

He was directly equating quality with durability.

>> No.10149313

Got HM pants for 19 euros
been wearing them to work (Need to wear black pants) for 3 months now
little faded but still going strong
Didn't rip once

>> No.10149418

I have the exact same shorts in navy. One button in the back has fallen down, there's a tear on the back pocket aswell and the material feels thin as fuck after literally three washes. Do not cop OP, save yourself the money.

>> No.10149421

I only go to H&M because they're at a physical location near me, and it's easy to pop in and get something I need.

That being said, almost everything I've gotten from them has become super shit over time. They haven't like, come apart at the seams or anything. They're just low quality and it shows.

My hoodie has a false liner, which besides being tacky is also pretty gross when I wear it unzipped and you can see the false inside's edge. Beyond that, low quality cotton because is super pill-y now.

My Vneck shrank horizontally, so now it just barely fits past my waist line. Have to constantly tug on the edges so my underwear isn't exposed.

Surprisingly, the chinos I bought from them recently fit well, long enough for someone who usually buys 34 inch inseams. After a few washes it'll probably come down mid shins though.

My advice? If you're buying online, buy Uniqlo. Same prices, but through some magic they do behind the scenes, much much much better quality. More neutral designs too, so it fits a variety of styles better.

>> No.10149463

I think they are quality but they run very small. Be careful if you slightly big thighs because they will be super tight

>> No.10149472

what shorts do you have? I checked their factory outlet but everything there besides tees are shit(confirmed online that its like cheaper subbrand made for outlets) i don't have a real j crew where I live so i have to resort to guess n check online

>> No.10149479

Who is that dude? He kinda looks like me.

>> No.10149707

You can if you use sweatshops, duh.

>> No.10149835

are you really defending 12$ shorts from h&m?