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10140749 No.10140749 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related's my lunch

Breakfast was a raspberry, blackberry, kale, chard and spinach smoothie

>> No.10140752

A spoonful of peanut butter.

>> No.10140758

Better have been reduced fat

>> No.10140796
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>> No.10140806

looks awesome, dude. brown rice looks a little iffy though. lundberg rice or nothing for me

My breakfast was just two bananas chopped up in some almond milk with walnuts, and tea. probably going to make some corn tortillas in a bit and idk maybe a bean burrito filling or some vegetarian taco mix i have, and then make some pico

>> No.10140823

So far a diet energy drink. I'll probably eat a pretzel later.

>> No.10140831

don't starve yourself, man. you got to love your body

>> No.10140853

Mashed potatoes with a minced meat patty x 2
Hot Dog
Handful of nuts
Some crepes with ice cream and strawberry jam

>> No.10140858
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>> No.10140870

Carrot sticks & houmous
Crackers & cheese
Fish, chips & peas

Quite a change from sugar, sugar and sugar

>> No.10140872
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>> No.10140875

some raw salad and pork beef

>> No.10140876

were they meme crepes?

>> No.10140895

two slices of 50/50 with butter and prosciutto with black coffee

sweet chili chicken wrap with a glass of water and some melon for dessert

Just had a banana, a hand full of grapes and an apple + treated myself to a snickers bar

Might have some salmon with some veggies for dinner or have some chinese leftovers if im not too bothered to cook

Had about 5 fags and 3 more glasses of water throughout the day if that counts as something else I consumed.

>> No.10140906

I just made some hashbrowns and toast and now I'm finishing off my coffee.

I know I'm a few hours late for the whole breakfast thing but whatever.

>> No.10140916

green tea
chocolate "ice cream" made of frozen bananas, coconut water, lucuma, cocoa powder, kale, and flax seeds

probably nothing

8oz of delicious generic brand robitussin

>> No.10140917

>sippin lean

>> No.10140923

Are smoothies easy to make?

>> No.10140930
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>tfw you think OP and you would get along.

We should have dinner and a drink someday, bro.

>> No.10140931

oatmeal, frozen berries, vegan protien powder

top ramen cooked with broccoli and chicken added

chicken broccooli

>> No.10140932

literally the easiest

>> No.10140935
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>> No.10140938
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>> No.10140948

Yeah, they keep me nice and noided all day.

>> No.10140951
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>> No.10140954

Forget the quote>>10140876

>> No.10140978

Breakfast was a bowl of nonfat plain Greek yogurt with two spoonfuls of crunchy natural peanut butter

Banana before lifting

Lunch was a 1/2lb ground beef patty, 6 eggs, and spinach with a probiotic smoothie

>> No.10140985

fucking >>>/ck/ is right there

>> No.10140987

but diet is crucial to looking good

>> No.10140988
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>scrambled eggs

>> No.10140995


>> No.10141002

I had a mozzarella cheese stick and an oatmeal cookie.

>> No.10141011

2 eggs and a sliced up bratwurst.
Fit & Active drink from Aldi
May have some yogurt with granola for a snack later.

>> No.10141014

It's just vegetables and shrimp. Goes great with rice or pasta. I usually season then with a combination of oregano, rosemary, black pepper, and salt.

I use olive oil.

>> No.10141018

Is for>>10140995

>> No.10141029
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For breakfast, pic related and a fruit smoothie.

>> No.10141032

Buttered toast x2

Chicken breast, cous cous salad, avocado & rocket

Bacon & lentil soup

an apple

Chicken & rocket sandwiches

2300kcal, 100g protein, too much bread today would like a beer tbh.

>> No.10141038
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For lunch, some nachos from Taco Bar.

>> No.10141046
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Dinner: homemade meat pierogi, yoghurt and a gainer.

>> No.10141049


Whoa there, buddy. Don't wanna get fat, now do we?!

>> No.10141060

maintenance m8, i'm 6'2/175lbs.

>> No.10141062
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>jalapeño cheddar bagel
>microwave burrito
>Arnold Palmer

>> No.10141072
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I'm being sarcastic.

And holy hell, I thought you would be like 5'5/105lbs or something like that, considering how you're only aiming for 2300kcal/day.

>> No.10141080

oh fair; lots on /fa/ would consider that a lot. Yeah I do almost no cardio so 2300 is maintenance. trying to cut at 2000 but miscalculated today.

Usually go 4000 on the weekends due to booze though.

>> No.10141085
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homemade orange juice
omelet w/ sauteed veggies

bowl of strawberries

beefnoodle soup

>> No.10141092

>bowl of strawberries

Well, aren't you quite the fruitcake.

>> No.10141111

lmao wtf is this holy shit I'm dyin

>> No.10141117

Oatmeal with nuts, seeds and a banana for breakfast

A whey protein shake after gym

Steamed vegetables and chicken wings for dinner

I'll have a tea with some dark chocolate later and that's it for the day

>> No.10141271

fat is good for you. fuck off.
reduced fat peanut butter aint shit

>> No.10141280

that aint lean dawg

why vegan+chicken.... just get whey its way less fatty

>> No.10141445


1/2 lb chickpeas
3 cans of tuna
1 red pepper
1 white onion
1 cucumber
3 olives
1 tbsp olive oil


2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

>> No.10141486

that's mouthwash you fucking tard.

>> No.10141546

you're an idiot

>> No.10141730

fyi the reduced-fat peanut butters contain more sugar to compensate for the flavor. it will actually make you fatter than normal peanut butter

>> No.10141759

A bit of chicken and green machine naked juice. Will have a microwaved bean burrito and some milk later probably. nicotine keeping hunger in check

>> No.10141781

Kit Kat
Can of pepsi
Big-ass thing of watermelon juice with tapioca

I should really be eating more

>> No.10141799

Breakfast -
Usually peanutbutter on toast washed down with some soy milk

Lunch -
Usually some sort of sandwich or jacket potato
Today I had a pack of sliced chicken and cottage cheese in two bread-buns which was probably pushing about 50gs of protein

Nuts and fruit

If I walk to and from work (pushing an hour each way) I'll generally have whatever but nothing too shitty except for a friday or saturday night where I'll get a pizza or something. Generally though if I have a sandwich during thr day I'll have a jacket potato on a night and vice versa.

I'm 6'5 but only about 160 pounds sp trying to gain weight. Before I used to think 'EAT LOADS THEN GET BUFF WHEN YOU'VE GAINED SOME WEIGHT' but oh boy did that go wrong. I only gained weight in the stomach and face and it was far too easy to put on than it was to lose.

>> No.10141822

diet yogurt
a hot dog with ketchup
a peanut butter sandwich
a mini kitkat
two bottles of water

dieting is hard

>> No.10141824

watermelon juice with tapioca sounds good info pls

>> No.10141859

2ham sandwiches
2cans of 8oz of sprite

planned for today
1 ham sandwich
3lt of coffee

just a regular day i guess

>> No.10141874

i made some alfredo and it was so good i ate it all. i wont be able to eat for a week with all those calories ):

>> No.10141892

There's a really great bubble tea place in my city (Dream Tea on the off chance you're an edmontonfag) that does juices with tapioca as well, and it's on the way home from the pool so I decided to try the watermelon juice today. Shit's actually the fucking best.

>> No.10141897

Leftover jap curry, which I've had for the last four meals and will probably have for the next four

>> No.10142029

Lol why'd you write "houmous" bro

>> No.10142058

I didn't have breakfast I guess because I woke up around noon, disgusting. But, I had pineapple and strawberries and water upon waking up. Had a handful of peanuts as a snack and just finished a vegan burrito of potato, black beans, tomato, and tofu. Feeling good.

>> No.10142079

breakfast: 2 slices wheat toast with butter

lunch: trader joe's turkey spinach wrap

dinner: chicken breast, brussel sprouts, brown rice

dessert: smoothie with 1 banana, milk, choc protein powder

>> No.10142218
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I didn't add in my three hours of cycling, because it would fuck up my numbers.

Am I going to make it, /fa/?

>> No.10142455


>hot chocolate in the summer

You've already made it.

>> No.10142607
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My dinner was a piece of chocolate cake, some milk and that's it. Earlier I had some mini wheats and a leftover bowl of chicken and dumplings.

I'm slipping again, /fa/

>> No.10142691

otter pops

>> No.10142794
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So far

>> No.10142802

That burrito sounds so fucking good hnng

>> No.10142804

>kit kat

>> No.10142828

breakfast: woke up late so I just grabbed a huge ass apple
lunch: hummus and veggie wrap, kind bar and fruit salad
dinner: salmon, sprouted bread and brussel sprouts

>> No.10142926

you know you're supposed to avoid fat and sugar if you want to lose weight, right

>> No.10144462

I've had pic related

>> No.10144590


Fats and sugar are excellent energy sources.

If you want to lose weight, eat at a caloric deficit. Or eat a lot of good food and actually exercise.

>> No.10144633

Jesus, easy with the carbs there fatty.

>> No.10144658

a peach
a crunchy PB&J

>> No.10144669

A kilogram of chicken breast cooked in milk and miso

>> No.10144681

Started my dieting

Handfuls of blueberries

Plenty water

>> No.10144713

my metabolism makes me eat throughtout the day, day in the life...

>fried eggs
>hashbrowns (only sometimes)



>left overs


>stir-fry *(too lazy to go into it)

>> No.10145249
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Grilled cheese chicken sandwich.
2 croissants
Only water
Dinner was rice with chicken and raisins.
Guess how much i weight

>> No.10145948

Monster, 2 cheese pizza slices, snapple lemonade

>> No.10145975
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>250g of yoghurt with a peach in it
>self made ginger/lemon iced tea (easy & awesome, try it)
>some rice crackers

>spinach dumplings with cheese/ham sauce


>1/2 cinnabun
>glass of milk
>another peach
>handful of blueberries

>self made garlic bread with a ton of butter, some cold cuts and a scrambled egg
>glass of milk

138 pounds since 2006 #bestlyf

>> No.10145995

>2 cuppa coffee with cream
>bowl of apple cinnamon cheerios
>obviously water

I'll prob eat my other McChicken for dinner with an apple and nectarine

>> No.10146010

>Quite a change from sugar, sugar and sugar
Depends on what kind, but probably sugar
Nature's candy

>> No.10146813

900 lbs because all you wrote was just half of one meal

>> No.10146859

>1/3 lb. ground beef with shredded cheese, salsa con queso, sour cream in a fake tortilla
>3 100cal packs of almonds
>3 strips of bacon
>3 tab sodas
>bottle of powerade zero
>glass of water

down 27lbs in 1.5 months :-)

>> No.10146905

I haven't eaten yet today and it's dinner time.
What should I have?

>> No.10147035

nvm mummy just made dindins