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10133002 No.10133002 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the general consensus on how diet affects acne? Should I really be watching what I eat if I want to save my skin? What are some of your personal anecdotes based on this?

>> No.10133030

post stuff like this in the skincare general

>> No.10133031

Candy or anything with sweet, sometimes alcohol

>> No.10133034

Making sure you're properly hydrated should be priority #1.

>> No.10133051
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Anecdotes? Come on.

Here's a review on the effects of diet on acne from 2009: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hope_Ferdowsian/publication/24247373_Diet_and_acne_a_review_of_the_evidence/links/00b49531c9d08a8a6c000000.pdf

TL;DR: pic related

>> No.10133059

It has little-to-no actual effects on acne -- aside from dairy which MINUTELY increases the chances of acne.

If you have a breakout as the result of eating a food, it's because you're allergic to it.

>> No.10133066

This should be in the skincare general, but I'll bite.

I don't think the whole "junk food will give you acne" is real, but rather, excessively eating sweets, fast food, and such will not give you the proper nutrition you need for your skin to be and stay healthy.
Eating foods with artificial sweeteners and preservatives are absorbed by our body differently than natural foods. I would assume that this is what could trigger breakouts depending on your nutrition, but it isn't always the same case for everyone because you have to consider genetics, skin-types, age group, etc.

Just remember to always drink water and keep yourself hydrated at the minimum.

>> No.10133077

A+ post
Would recommend to a friend.

>> No.10133455

Eating fast food gives you acne because you get grease all over your face while eating it. After I started washing my face after meals I almost completely got rid of my facial acne.

>> No.10133464

Dairy does cause acne. After I stopped drinking milk my skin became very clear. I guess it depends on genetics but it really helped me

>> No.10133497

proof that not all of us grow up with table manners

>> No.10133506
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this is completely in line with everything I've read on diet and acne etiology

almost anything beyond the scope of that article is pure speculation

upvoted and gilded

>> No.10133526

It depends on a lot of factors,you should experiment with different types of foods and see how your skin reacts.
Personally i have to be careful with what i eat so i avoid processed sugar,dairy and fried food.this past week ive been binge eating hard so my skin is oily as shit and my pores look huge though.
And maybe not entirely food related,but pooping everyday makes a big difference in your skin as well.

>> No.10133580

So what's a decent acne free diet besides lots of water?

>> No.10133587
File: 30 KB, 237x207, boihandrre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbh

>> No.10133828

Avoid inflammatory oils, AKA basically every oil used in modern cooking. Corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, etc/

>> No.10133877

I have good results if I simply stop drinking shitty milk.

If you are buying milk I highly suggest only organics. There is so much shit in inorganic (Hormones, Steroids, Antibiotics, Puss) it makes sense that it would cause acne.

>> No.10133934
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milk tastes disgusting to me already
glad I don't drink it

>> No.10135367
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>> No.10135376

I only get acne on one side of my face. Literally what is happening

>> No.10135406

From what I've read there is no consensus because there hasn't been enough research. There is a shit ton of annecdotal evidence and I'm sure some research. Basically things that CAN cause acne CAN be influenced by your diet (bacteria in your gut made worse by your diet, hormones etc.)

I've got kinda bad acne have just started tryna eat different to see if it will solve it, have to wait and see. Basically the commons things I've seen are avoid gluten, sugar, most oils and dairy. Eat mainly vegetables, drink a lot of water.

>> No.10135409

From my understanding, most official dermatological associations maintain that there is no proven connection between diet and acne.

>> No.10135416


>> No.10135417

sleeping? how often do you change your pillow cover?

>> No.10135479

yeah man the organic cows dont produce puss

>> No.10135551

> eating food doesnt affect the largest organ in the body

>> No.10135566

Completely cut out processed and fast foods. Completely cut out soft drink/soda. Fruit juice can also be just as bad as soda, so check the sugar content before you drink a litre of orange juice under the guise of 'it's fruit therefore it's healthy'.

Avoid all sugary foods. I can't really think of any examples, but basically if you haven't cooked it yourself then you probably shouldn't eat it.

Cut down on dairy. In my opinion eggs are fine in moderation, but milk should definitely be cut down. Switch to almond milk or rice milk if you eat cereal. Don't eat cereal though. If it's in a box it's full of sugar. Cheese and yogurt are fine in moderation.

INB4 some idiot replies saying 'hurr durr i drink milk and eat mcdonalds every day and i have perfect skin'. Everyone's body is different, and some people just hit the genetic jackpot and wouldn't get acne whatever you did.

>> No.10135595

Here's a little guide on some meals you could be eating instead of whatever sugar-filled bullshit you eat at the moment:


Home-made toasted Muesli (cheaper and healthier than buying it in a packet)
>acquire oats, bran, almonds, saltanas, shredded coconut, whatever other nuts you want
>acquire coconut oil, honey, 1 orange
>mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl. i usually do 4 cups of oats, 1 cup of bran, 1 cup of coconut and then a handful each of the other things.
>mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with a tablespoon of honey and pour it into the dry ingredients. mix around, adding more oil/honey if you think it's still too dry
>squeeze the orange into the bowl and mix a bit
>put mixture onto a baking tray and bake for about 30 minutes at medium heat, stirring once every 10 minutes
>when muesli is golden and crispy take it out and let it cool.
>serve with fresh fruit, yoghurt and almond milk

Porridge (a lot easier than the above but very healthy)
>put 1 cup oats, 1 cup water and 1 cup almond milk into a pot
>add honey, saltanas, whatever to flavour it
>cook and stir until thick

>> No.10135613

It's interesting to see that some people may actually need to read things like this, and that they can actually learn something new from it.





>> No.10135620

From my understanding, you don't know shit.
