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/fa/ - Fashion

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10104740 No.10104740 [Reply] [Original]

Please /fa/
Do i look girly, if so how could i look more manly.

>inb4 buzzcut
I wont touch my bun

>> No.10104746

why would you want to look manly, you're gay anyway

>> No.10104747

work out and stop watching anime

>> No.10104751

grow in your beard. can you grow one?

>> No.10104791
File: 1.15 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150713_060055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think i can
Pic is after two weeks

Should i smile less?

>> No.10104813

you look like my boyfriend

>> No.10104825

do some pushups; loose the moobs

>> No.10104835

you look more manly in the second pic. try growing out ur stubble try to act chill
might not wanma wear bery tight shirts it make you look more feminine. maybe layer or wear bulkier stuff.
i would recommend a hair cut but eh i kmow you dont wanna

>> No.10104837

Do something to your hair to make it less frizzy (don't know if this is the right word) and don't bother trying to grow a beard, just go clean shaven at all times.

>> No.10104838

this is why you never take fitness advice from /fa/

OP go to >>/fit/

>> No.10104899
File: 55 KB, 480x270, ht2Iaub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok please don't kill yourself or anything but here's how to improve yourself

lose weight like holy shit you cannot be /fa/ and overweight at the same time
your "bun" sprouts in the front and makes you look like the "just fuck me up fam guy", try another style for the love of god.
get some kind of nose surgery because it looks like it belongs on a goblin (this can take a lot of money but it's really worth it in your case)
those glasses look like bargain bin shits, get some new ones or something jesus christ it's not that difficult, it doesn't match your face shape AT ALL, there are guides for this.
clear your acne, in between your eyebrows it looks like there's some nasty mold
please try your fucking best to grow a beard because it's the only thing that can save your wobbly jared leto chin. search up ways to best testosterone.


you know...stop watching anime
that's a big +

you're welcome.

>> No.10104929

>stop watching anime
do you know where you are

>> No.10104935

yes this is /fa/ - fashion

not /a/ - anime

>> No.10104938
File: 1.19 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150713_063926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to workout then. I already went on a diet but i can't lose anymore (10kg during thr last 6 months)

Is my nose this bad? Pure curiosity, surgery is a big no.

Yeah my head have a weird shape

>> No.10104942

Oh and i don't watch anime btw, don't see what it would change anyway.

>> No.10104945

Dude your nose seems fine tbh, you just need to cut down weight imo

>> No.10104946

>surgery is a big no.
then not looking like a mouthbreather is a big no

>> No.10104955

hey also this picture displays your unibrow even more, get that shit worked on gayt daym you look like a caveman

next time post this on a facial aesthetics thread

>> No.10104958

dump the zero and get with a hero like me ;)

>> No.10104969

Ok i will do that.

Thanks /fa/ love you guys

>> No.10104978

Lose weight by working out and get a short haircut.

>> No.10105075

Low carb diet

>> No.10105667
File: 729 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150713_110908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these glasses?

>> No.10106049

is there any difference?


>> No.10106072

I think you look good. But then again I'm gay

>> No.10106096

you dont. cut off your head

>> No.10106163

that t-shirt clearly states you do

>> No.10106278

Nigga you look unkept as fuck.Look at your fucking hair, it's frizzy as shit.You're not an ugly fucker, but you need go clean yourself nigga.Get rid of the unibrow, get rid of that shitty beard, get contact lenses instead of glasses, eat less and you'll lose your virginity soon enough.And if you want to keep that edgy manbun, atleast use some fucking conditioner, or hell get a hair straightener.But trust me bro, you'd look much better with a regular short on the sides, long on the top haircut

>> No.10106309

they look pretty much the same tbh

you should focus on losing weight. your jawline will improve in strides. when your bodyfat gets lower you can start shaving your face and then your solid jawline will carry you through

remember: small, sustainable changes to your diet and a manageable exercise routine. set a target far into the future. force yourself to stick to it. if you have a setback don't give up.. just use it for motivation

you have a manly face already. your jaw is strong, your eyebrows are thick, and you've got a nice smile. if you lost weight you would look and feel great.

>> No.10106317
File: 813 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-07-14-00-59-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a fucking hair cut, dont have a fucking knot. Style your hair sorta like this.

>> No.10106328

lose weight weak chined fag

>> No.10106342

literally all you need to do is lose weight
you'll look good once your face gets defined

>> No.10106487
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>> No.10106505

glasses were the big problem before. now just lose some weight and trim your unkempt ass

>> No.10106507

lose weight, don't wear anime t shirts. don't smile like that. new glasses mate.

>> No.10106517

I personally hate glasses like these where the top of the frame/browline is all one thing / all on one line if you see what I mean. Pretty much unflattering on everyone.

>> No.10106623

Get contacts and some clubmasters, or clubmaster look alikes. You can probably score some cheap prescription ones for $20-$30 on the internet. If you insist on keeping the bun, please trim the sides and use conditioner to reduce frizz. Also losing weight is a must. There is no point of trying to wear clothes if you are horribly out of shape. Good luck my man

>> No.10106664

not everyone who post here are fucking losers tbh

>> No.10107920

you are so so hideous

>> No.10107926

how do people not realize things like this? are you that socially inept?

>> No.10109710

jesus christ I know you want to keep your man bun but put some god damn hair product on that pubic scalp of yours. Its frizzy as fuck.

>> No.10109712

Stop smiling like a bitch

>> No.10111223

SRS lose body fat and workout

when your body fat drops your face will look more defined and masculine

>> No.10111372
File: 415 KB, 704x528, 1430442071951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an anime website
this is the part of the website where people who enjoy anime can talk about fashion
it's like how /k/ is for people who enjoy anime can talk about weapons together, how /toy/ is for people who enjoy anime can talk about toys together, how /v/ is for people who enjoy anime can talk about video games
if you don't like anime or don't like being around those who do then you go back to r/mfa or tumblr or whatever other shithole site you came from, newfag
inb4 >hurr i've been here since 2002 anime is still for dorks!!

>> No.10111614

Fuck off back to /a/ you dirty little weeb.

>> No.10111630
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>those unkempt eyebrows

>> No.10111639
File: 455 KB, 907x581, 1422066458633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. i don't even like anime that much, i'm just saying you should know what this website is about (anime) before you start complaining about it.
i can promise you that you can find the same shit fits and retarded memes you'd find on /fa/ on the other websites i listed with 100% less anime to suit your normie tastes.

>> No.10111671

You have a manly faceshape and your facial features are very normal. You would be pretty attractive if you did cut your hair and lose weight, which i highly recommend.

you have more potential than you think

>> No.10111724

You literally don't know what the fuck you are talking about, thinking you can get your unique shitposting experience elsewhere.

Board culture is inclusive and crossposting about any other interest is a bannable offence. Autistic weebs though seem to forget they are not on /a/ and manage to take advantage of the non existent moderation and proceed to shit up other boards via avatarfagging, posting moeshit, and derailing.

You fuckers are plague, likely have a legitimate autistic disorder since you can't distinguish appropriate times to talk about your hobby, and are despised in the real world. Even in japan, where most of society sees you otaku as a joke, top kek.

>> No.10111739

jesus fucking christ how come people from other boards don't even know to lurk more

>> No.10112497

this poster is the hero we need

>> No.10112607


Dude, shave the beard - its too patchy to save (trust me I know the pains of not being able to grow solid facial hair).

And as you've said, you're en route to shedding some weight.

I'd say get your eyebrows did?

As soon as you drop dat weight doe, you be fly looking like some Oberyn Martell Dornish type nigga,

>> No.10112853


>> No.10112872

look at the posts this guy is responding to
get off my website normies
inb4 >but le different board xD

>> No.10113038

>thinking that's an insult on /fa/

Eat a dick little weeb.

>> No.10113676
