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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 336 KB, 2000x1000, o-DOV-CHARNEY-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10105848 No.10105848 [Reply] [Original]

is misogyny /fa/?
I mean excluding women who do not have a /fa/ body type, obviously it's fine in that circumstance.

>> No.10105876
File: 286 KB, 565x765, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah having a posse of effay bitches and a healthy relationship with women is /fa/
having a gf is /fa/

>> No.10105881

a healthy relationship with women involves a whip and a ball gag

>> No.10105892
File: 144 KB, 1000x760, 1430386847783-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when one has a grounded and realistic understanding of women and their nature one comes to know that women have little agency as adults, they're like children or niggers in that sense.

what does this mean for you, as a man? it means if you want a certain kind of woman it is your responsibility to make one yourself from one of the default/base models of women available to you.

if you dont like degenerate jewified whores, dont hate women, hate the jewified western world and find yourself a woman with a clean palette, a untainted piece of clay to be molded to your liking.

are women stupid, childish, naive etc? absolutely, but no more than a child, and just like a child they need to be trained.

with that said a healthy relationship between man and woman based on mutual respect and understanding, grounded in the natural, biological roles in which we evolved, is one of the most beautiful and necessary dimensions of western(white) civilisation.

so no, dont be a misogynist, be a realist.

MGTOW, PUA et al is for cucks.

>> No.10105901

Fuck off to /pol
Seriously you're the type of cancer that kills /fa. Look at this thread for fucks sake, fa is littered with shit like this and fuck all fashion discussion

>> No.10105907

Beating women is very fashionable. You are giving her effay bruises and black eyes - it's a gift. I like to practice on my pets for when I have a wife.

>> No.10105911

I think maybe that type of behavior discourages women from contributing to /fa/, also? I mean, if I had a vagina, I'd be leaving for reddit. Get rid of threads about equality, you say. Fine if you want a boys club. Realistically, how do you expect to live and post within that bubble. Been on /fa/ for 6 years on and off, it's become a whole lot less aggressive towards women. Like maybe 2/9 replies to a woman's fit are just 'let me put my penis in you' when it used to be 9/9. Would be possible to spit on them until them and their saggy horse vaginas left for good, I suppose, but then damn it, we need to try harder

and also spit on the cucks who believe in equal rights. If you think discussions about equality make your board intolerable, then yer tell them cunts like it is.

>> No.10105913
File: 428 KB, 250x182, 1419253256593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you gonna do cucklord? cry about it?

>mfw triggered cucks whine like the weenie tweenie little incel betas they are

>> No.10105915

>> Don't be a misogynist, be a retard
Is what I'm hearing from you.

>> No.10105918
File: 161 KB, 864x562, 1434701272843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% triggered tbh

>> No.10105919

I came here to say
>edgy underage back to >>>/b/
but then I realized it's probably 25 year old pigfuck posting here.

What happened piggy? Did your mom ground you for blowing all her life savings on grailed Raf coats?

>> No.10105923

except OP only asked a question. Who are you upset at here. Him for posing the question? Are you saying even bringing it up is absurd?

>> No.10105927
File: 48 KB, 700x394, 1435971552107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh if you arent drinking organic milk you might as well kill yourself tbh

>> No.10105928

i don't have a problem with misogyny or racism

but it doesn't fit in the "game" of everyday life

have to pretend to be pro-faggot, pro-nigger, pro-whatever else bullshit media drivel spews out this week because nobody anywhere has anymore content

i don't take women seriously in my workplace and i would never rely on them to do anything other than bring me my coffee or answer the phones, and basically have a few go-to men in the teams i oversee

but i pretend to acknowledge the women who work under me (idk their names and i know i couldn't trust them with shit that goes straight to clients so i give them busy work and promise promotions...they will never get)

>> No.10105930

>when one has a grounded and realistic understanding of women and their nature
starting here it is obvious that you are actually autistic. you cannot get a "grounded and realistic grasp" on an entire 50% of the world population or even the US population. that would be like implying that we think similarly because we are both male. on the contrary i would be ashamed to be grouped in with you because you are so closed minded and stupid

the rest of your post is clearly garbage since it all comes from that one extremely autistic self-centered conclusion that you drew. ironically guys like you tend to be misogynistic because your hard inflexible thinking makes you easily manipulated. since you are a simpleton you then assume all women are manipulative

the verdict: you're stupid and you can't come to terms with your autism

>> No.10105936
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1435936232802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because we are both male.
no dude im a man with a functioning and healthy endocrine system, you're a cuck in a chastity cage tbh

we're very different. men are complex, women - with a few exceptions - arent.

thats why you're a beta orbiting dweeb, and i am not, because i understand women, and you defend them on the internet tbh tbh

>> No.10105942

>being this much of a retard

>> No.10105948

>except OP only asked a question
It's called shitposting nigger. When you create a thread that starts with
you're most definitely shitposting.

Now fuck off. You think whatever you micropenised cucks think about women bothers me? No, it's the fucking shitposting that makes me rage.

>> No.10105949

>being this wrong
Put another tick on your 'internet arguments lost' box :).

>> No.10105952

>argument torn to shreds
>crams as many /pol/ buzzwords into one post as possible

but yeah you totally understand women since /pol/ agrees with you

>> No.10105955

poor people don't like it when you point out they're poor

niggers don't like it when you point out that their excess skin pigment makes them appear unattractive and difficult to look at

women don't like it when you prove they aren't worth a damn once you take away the only thing they have to offer (sex)

like in the workplace yo're not seeking sex from these people therefore they are of little use

they're basically men that can't take criticism or accomplish tasks as quickly so i just have to belittle them until they quit and i can take on more male employees

>> No.10105956
File: 88 KB, 604x453, 1432986659779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10105957

>implying I would 'argue' with such retard.

>> No.10105964
File: 46 KB, 598x464, hideous gremlin lizard boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of curiosity, have you ever had sex? and if you have, have ever felt dominant or respected by a woman?

>> No.10105965

>mfw my mixed race girlfriend worships the ground i walk on
maybe when you can get over your insecurities and start treating women like humans you'll get something out of the whole thing instead of being a hateful basement dweller

>men are complex, women - with a few exceptions - arent.
this is not a statement any human being can assert as falsifiable fact. this is proof of your hard inflexible thinking and your autism. maybe if you go get help you will be happier

>> No.10105967

So interracial marriage became legal, probably before you were born, and you are... Against that? And anything that came after it?

Just wondering if you see yourself as a progressive individual or if you will be advocating for marginal extremist groups 30 years from now when things are even worse for your idealism than they are now.

Voting for trump?

In the history of earth, athiests were slaughtered for their ideas, scientists, whatever. But they, and then other groups continue to be validated against the patriarchy. When exactly was the point at which humanity should have stopped progressing? And - an extra question which will be hard for you if you have never actually researched social evolution, so don't answer if you haven't - assuming you do know how the old white male became the primary voice of the whole world, do you think the foundations that assumption grew from were correct? I mean, considering big data we have access to now etc.

>> No.10105969

An example how using /pol/ buzzwords immediately exposes extreme autism.

>> No.10105972

but if women post here, is it effay to tell them to show tits and just fuck off?

>> No.10105975
File: 374 KB, 414x645, 1434234021460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these two posts
check the jay peg my dudes

>> No.10105978

implying dominant and respected are diametrically opposed

>> No.10105987

they get really upset at really trivial things so its fun to fuck with them

they're not in porn

their tits won't be worth the effort to look at

gly areolas, ugly nipples and possibly lopsided and unattractive tan lines and marks from being shoved in poorly fitted bras since women are idiots and can't figure out

under bust -> cup measrements

like mens jeans have a waist or and inseam

women can't figre that shit ot and need to rely on 2-4-6-8 etc

>> No.10105988
File: 57 KB, 584x649, 1429670298953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the history of earth, athiests were slaughtered for their ideas, scientists, whatever. But they, and then other groups continue to be validated against the patriarchy.

means my face when, check my image for reference

that was obviously never implied

why would dominance and respect be diametrically opposed? fucking cuck much aha??

respect my jay peg btw tumblr, check the dubs as well

>> No.10105990
File: 173 KB, 786x751, 1434187222228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Voting for trump
>In the history of earth, athiests were slaughtered for their ideas, scientists, whatever
>social evolution
>so don't answer if you haven't -
>white male became the primary voice
>foundations that assumption
8.5/10, pretty good.

>> No.10105996

woah yer you did get dubs fair enough

>> No.10105997

>out of curiosity, have you ever had sex
>and if you have, have ever felt dominant or respected by a woman?
are you aware that you are psychologically a rapist? that's my last thing on my mind when I am thinking about sex but based on the amount of girls I have spanked raw and slapped in the face with my dick I would say I've played the dominant side plenty. you know how to make a girl respect you during sex? you make her cum. It has nothing to do with dominance

I bet you're the kind of guy that jerks off to those terrifyingly creepy "dominant hypno gifs" I see in /gif/ when I'm just trying to find a nice pair of titties

so I ask you: has a woman ever let you slap her in the face with your cock? Or begged for it? The respect comes before the domination and anyone that sees domination/submission as more than just play has serious mental issues

>> No.10105998
File: 349 KB, 544x733, 1435580716610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>check the dubs as well

you can see yourselves out, threads over.

>> No.10106000

You need tone it down a bit. While I appreciate the effort, you have to realize that subtlety is key.

>> No.10106002
File: 57 KB, 337x303, 1422986318205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's my last thing on my mind when I am thinking about sex but based on the amount of girls I have spanked raw and slapped in the face with my dick I would say I've played the dominant side plenty. you know how to make a girl respect you during sex?

the way you type these things its obvious it never happened, check my face when to the left of this post.

>> No.10106005

>are you aware that you are psychologically a rapist?
I'm sure he is. What does one do about it.
The sad part is whenever someone enters a dialogue about an opposing opinion they didn't bother to research before opposing it.
>but i did cuck
I mean academics. Actual research. Imagine you have a higher education, remember research? Like that.
(they haven't)

>> No.10106013

You too. Feeding into other obvious baiters disqualifies both your and their posts. You need to focus less on repetitive condescension and more on actual content.

>> No.10106016
File: 105 KB, 591x530, 1414902598554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean academics. Actual research. Imagine you have a higher education, remember research? Like that.


>> No.10106017

bad argument. Loads of women also don't realise rape culture, what to expect etc. Of course he's degraded women in the sack. Hoes want fake tits when they're 12 and get eating disorders and shit, you think they don't want to swallow loads with that mindset? ONLY sleeping with women who do that for you is a good sign that you know as little about ethics as the mindless hooker you're spanking. These men are the male equivalent of them.

>> No.10106022

teach me sensei! Condescending overtly is just so easy, damn it. But if I want to be better than them, I mean changing anyone's opinion means making them think it was their idea, right?
So we must be nice, like teaching children.

>> No.10106030

>rape culture
>degraded women in the sack
>Hoes want fake tits when they're 12
>eating disorders and shit
>ONLY sleeping with women who do that for you is a good sign that you know as little about ethics
>These men are the male equivalent
Where's the finesse? You need to ease off the buzzwords, cap out at one or two per post. The idea of using them is to catch somebody off guard- not expose your trawling net.
The secret to condescension is keeping it low key. Rather than holding a condescending tone for the entire post, swap out one or two words with their higher-horse counterparts. Idiot/Faggot -> Kid/Buddy, Your little rant about doing your research into a short quip -> 'Read up on ...'/'I should know...'.

>> No.10106038

"rape clture" and "gun culture" are just dumbass phrases coined by liberal fucks

they spout that shit when nobody agrees with them

or listens to them

>> No.10106044

well I don't have any time-stamped videos of me delivering cock smacks so you're out of luck for proof

still, the real way to "dominate" women is to be respectful to them and fully satisfy them sexually. you won't believe me until you experience it, but once you show a woman true respect and a great orgasm.. you will never have to actively try to keep her around. and, if you continue to be respectful, she'll probably let you do almost anything to her that isn't weird as fuck. unless you have a shit personality but I think that falls under "respect."

im also not advocating being a bro and "slamming through pussy." i have a laundry list of girls that would be down to come over later and most of them would end in sex. i don't do this because I respect these women. concurrently, the reason why I have such a long list of girls interested in me is because I'm not out trying to fuck them all the time.

the more a woman respects you the more she will let you defile her (within the bounds of her personal taste ofc)

>> No.10106055

>i don't do this because I respect these women
But anon, aren't you just reinforcing the idea that men have more agency than women?

>> No.10106060
File: 82 KB, 499x497, 1424101351671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude tldr lmao

write me another essay about all the pussy you slay in your dreams....not hahaaaa

>> No.10106068


guys are thirsty for girls more than vice versa. it is more common for a girl to have a handful of guys she knows she can fuck at any time

that post wasn't even close to being about slaying pussy are you retarded

>> No.10106075
File: 31 KB, 352x450, ITTIG_trashman_Penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knock knock, hello cuckold im penn 'trashman' jillet and im here to collect your post, yes thats right - it belongs in the TRASH!!!!

>> No.10106080

if it turned out that women and men are equal i would continue to surpress that movement cause i like it this way better.

>> No.10106087

sounds like he has a lot of girls who text him nonsense throughout the day and who he can invite over to get nothing from

while they tell him about other guys they go out to have sex with

>> No.10106092

>if it turned out that women and men are equal
Fortunately, any and all substantiated evidence disagrees with that. Feels good to be on the losing side of the battle but the winning side of the war.

>> No.10106097
File: 717 KB, 577x1177, 1416999462100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while they tell him about other guys they go out to have sex with
100%, the dude is guaranteed a beta orbiter, only a beta orbiting white knight friend zoned fuck up would waste hours of his life defending women on the internet.

>> No.10106100

Do you recommend any books/articles with references? I often find myself unable to prove this. I don't mean news articles, mra sites etc

>> No.10106114

>all this projection
sieg we all know you are fat and disgusting. and the other guy, well

I felt sorry for him. I wanted to provide a rational viewpoint that wasn't from a feminist perspective. On the other hand, he did not reply to a single one of my points and relied on good ol 4chan shitposting

I failed you bud. one day maybe you will move on and then women won't treat you like a leper anymore.

>> No.10106117

Now you're getting there, my grasshoper.

Men beat out in women in net IQ, pay averages, employment rates, sheer ingenuity and analytic ability, almost every sport and physical activity that doesn't require flexibility. None of this is select info only found on MRA sites, it's widely-published.

>> No.10106121

lol phaggot

>> No.10106134

he really is fat and disgusting :/ even if he does get to fuck dumb hot girls who don't know any better. Poor mongoloids. Fair beta to point at that dynamic and say it's manly. Woah, you can get girls with low self esteem. Good work.

If he went after hot girls that matched his intellect he'd be going nowhere lel

Having said that besides that scummy aspect sieg's good for a kek or 2, dude's belittling skills off the chart. 10/10 novelty human.

>> No.10106140
File: 40 KB, 599x389, 1434882387754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you need my friend? biological differences? evolutionary? behavioral?

all of this is well documented and was widely accepted until recently, not to mention self evident.

there is a fantastic documentary by a norwegian film maker about gender norms and the differences between the sexes, its good for showing to a contemporary audience.

the documentary was responsible for one of norway's leading feminist/marxist/piece of human garbage think tanks and institutions being shut down.


keep in mind that the idea that certain obvious truths are 'social constructs' is a contemporary phenomenon brought about by the infiltration of academia by predominantly jewish intellectuals, most sane second wave feminists know their are intrinsic differences between men and women.

>> No.10106146

>net IQ
people still think iq is relevant in this millenium? lol
>pay averages, employment rates
could be due to an untold number of factors and has nothing to do with personal worth
>sheer ingenuity and analytic ability
lol how is this even quantified?
>almost every sport and physical activity that doesn't require flexibility
what does this have to do with anything? "Bodies are different so minds are too hurrdurr" is not sound logic

beyond that, most importantly, you did not cite a source for any of these

>> No.10106147
File: 325 KB, 650x800, 1435328055706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kill me

>> No.10106149

something fairly current would be good, especially about statistics and such, from non-bias sources, which ideally also take into account their encounters with men/society trying to put them in their place because obviously that would disadvantage them

thanks for vid, will observe it.

>> No.10106152

shut up retard

right guys?

>> No.10106154


>> No.10106157

nice essay but

an opinionated documentary is not a "source"

>> No.10106182

whatever it's probably goat. I'm sure anons will come up with academic, current sources. What kind of alpha holds onto an opinion without sophisticated evidence

>> No.10106190

i love this vid

you two will identify with the stuttering, stupified nigger, and like the stuttering nigger you dont have a leg to stand on


>> No.10106193

respect women u gise

becase it gets you sex maybe eventually

>everyone else
>sex is easy to come by we're telling you you're an idiot for talking down to other guys for not being as much of a doormat as you are

why wold you listen to a woman bitch?

because she might have sex with you?

i can get that anywhere

so what is your point kid

>> No.10106194

Based Milo, you know its over when the sheboon starts stuttering and talking about "victim blaming".

>> No.10106402

no bc being chill is much more fa
just not givin a fuck bout other people n just yourself thats pretty fa

>> No.10106431
