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10101224 No.10101224 [Reply] [Original]

>girl calls you gay for wearing skinny jeans
>you call her fat
>she starts crying

>> No.10101235

Was she fat?

>> No.10101246


>> No.10101250

Are you gay?

>> No.10101251


nah only bi.

>> No.10101308

You would think that her attempt at an insult would be more preposterous to you than your response was to her because of its relative untruthfulness but it seems as if the accuracy of your counterassessment was more hurtful than the lie.
Or is it the direct association with weakness of character that makes a remark of her weight so poignant? In that case your deviant sexuality can't bear the same revelatory connotations even to her. Then the question would be what she was implying in the first place.
Could it have been deliberately ineffective, i e cheeky banter? What would that tell us about your neurotypicality?

>> No.10101314

that's probably even worse

being "bi" really just means you're gay, but you still feel socially obligated to pretend to like women. at least be honest with yourself and admit that you're a homo

>> No.10101319

I don't understand how fat chix fit into skinny jeans

>> No.10101386

grill jeans are really stretchy

>> No.10101619

they're not skinny jeans. they're just regular jeans with fat legs stuffed in.

>> No.10101624

As a previously fat chick, girl jeans are very stretchy. Spandex-infused denim.

>> No.10101645
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lol this

fuck entitled fat bitches, they're usually pretending to be super confident to hide how insecure they actually are

>> No.10101655
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>fat girls who put on a "sassy bitch" persona

>> No.10101664
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>fat girl in the room
>everything anyone says somehow has something to do with how fat she is

god damn im trying to ignore your weight stop bringing it up holy shit

>> No.10101701


>> No.10101726

>high waisted denim shorts

more like wide waisted denim shorts, throw in a white tee and one of those giant grandmas curtains printed over shirts and you got basic beluga 2015

>> No.10101755

>basic beluga

>> No.10101770

ayy lmao

>> No.10101797

You're so fucking stupid, you have the same mentality as a bible pusher from Alabama. You realize this, right?
Fuck off back to /pol backwoods hick

>> No.10101827

>having weak fits so people get to disrespect you
>not having fits good enough to intimidate people and attract crazy cold bitches
You deserved it, and that lard whale too

>> No.10101836

cool thread op!

>> No.10101856
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>/fa/ says this as there's a thinso thread going on.
>not realizing wearing rick and a being a skelli won't get you laid

>> No.10101865

>Using homosexuality as an insult


>> No.10101871

>homo detected

>> No.10101874
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>> No.10101896

how's the English major going?

you pick up m'ladies with that language?

>> No.10101915

You're a fat spic Hedi dick rider yet you can't even afford anything from SLP lmao.

>> No.10101928

No I shitpost on here with that language.
Is it common for Americans to go to college to study English? Wouldn't it make more sense to study linguistics or something than your native language?
Or is it more of an education for cultural work in general rather than something that specifically has to do with the English language itself?

>> No.10101973

Most English majors in the US are women spending their college years hunting for husbands under the guise of being in the institution to learn.

>> No.10102223

Its the major ou take when you are rich and want to fuck with easy grills.

>> No.10102340

All gay guys would say the same thing to you.

>> No.10102371

common people in america don't read, they don't understand their native language, even basic shit like your/you're - shit you learn in grade school. so people dispense thousands of dollars to be told to read a stack of novels and write shitty 4 page papers about the protagonist.

>> No.10102397

So it's literary science?
Of course they would, they have issues.

>> No.10102407

Gay guy here

>> No.10102492

This fucking happened to me! I wasnt wearing skinny jeans though, it was a tight fitting zip-up hoodie(bit tighter than the models in AA ads, but not crazy tight.) This was the early '00s so baggy loose fitting clothes were in, and the trashy cunt was wearing a really loose Old Navy pull over.

She said i looked faggy wearing such a tight sweater, and i said she looks like a fat cunt, no matter how loose her clothing is. Her friend slapped me in the face, she started crying and tried to kick me in the nuts, and i couldnt stop laughing at how weak her friends slap was.

I'm not trying to sound tough either... i was 5'6" and like 120lbs at the time... Bitches were just crazy fat and weak.

>> No.10102518

legit 100% faggot here...

You're right. The guys i hook up with over grindr that claim to be bi are the most delusional fucks ever. Especially the bottoms.

I think most of the time they're just gay guys who dont have the self-confidence to admit to being gay... Then there are the few attention whores who just like to seem different.... Like the early 00's snowflakes, before tumblr started making up genders and orientations...

>> No.10102526

Underated post

>> No.10102542


So why did you feel insulted?

>> No.10102566

nah man there are definitely legit bi guys - it's just a lot of them aren't a perfect kinsey 3 so they just say they're attracted to whatever they prefer. Like I'd fuck a woman but I'd never want to have a relationship with one so I'd just say I'm gay.

>> No.10102577

you have no idea what you're talking about.

i fuck men and women regularly, in relatively equal amounts. i have no desire to "stick" to one or the other.

gay men are always trying to center themselves, as if their struggle and their sexuality is the only struggle and the only non-hetero sexuality.

fuck off back to the HRC shop to buy some pins to show how "supportive" you are of the queer community. haha you're so different you're going to have a heteronormative family one day, just with two dads.

>> No.10102600

I agree with most of what you said but some of us don't want to be different, and really just want a normal family with two dads

>> No.10102610

Can we hang out? Srsly I want your email

>> No.10102619

that's fine but that narrative takes up so much space in queer media that it pushes everyone else out.

defining queerness as two (cis, probably white) gay men who just want to fit in doesn't address any underlying issues of queerphobia / homelessness / etc.

but i mean, yeah, pursue your happiness. if you want something, go for it.

>> No.10102639

>Waaaah wahhh wahhhh!!! Gay men are so mean! They have so much PRIVILEGE!
>Us bis are the REAL vicitims of the established societal norms!!! We're the ones who need REAL help! Why cant someone ignore those greedy faggots and help us with our problems!!

News flash: You admit to fucking anything. You have no preference. You can chose to conform to 'societal norms' if you want. Quit acting like a spoiled brat. Fags are obnoxious, but they face real issues beyond AIDS. 90% of bi's are attention whores, and the other 10% are living the dream... Either way, 100% claim to have a lifestyle that has no drawback, so put the tiny violin down and suck a dick or much some carpet.

>> No.10102641
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Why? For you to make fun of me?

>> No.10102646

it's a mix of philosophy, linguistics, sociology, history, and studied approaches to specific cultural works.

the main touchstone is that your work will somehow revolve around english literature (definition up for grabs) or work that influenced/influences english literature.

so, an english major might write a thesis on how certain historic facts in early-modern england led to the formation and importance of certain works by shakespeare. this would involve analysis of aspects of the literature and cross-application to historical analysis.

or an english major might write a thesis on how the cultural canon of english literature is gendered and racially biased and xyz how that bias affects real life. this is a rather uncontroversial point in 2015 though, at least in academic circles.

or an english major might write a thesis connecting various themes from a specific author, or from multiple authors in a school or time period, or even from authors in disparate time periods.

or an english major might analyze some technical usage of grammar and its evolution through various works.

it's really kind of a wide open field as long as what you're doing has some foundation in literature written in english.

>> No.10102658


>You have no preference

lol what. are you simple?

for example, i would not fuck you. that's a preference.

also, if you don't think that bi folks face social/health/economic issues then you're misinformed.

you're literally at like level 1 pol-tier knowledge of this topic.

>> No.10102659

Thanks a lot

>> No.10102671

>I'm bi, i am equally attracted to both men and women

>>You have no preference


good lord you're a moron. along gender lines you exhibit no favorability towards genders. You're able to have a satisfiable sexual relationship with either men or women. You cant scream about being oppressed, if you are able to just "pick" one side.

Gay men would be miserable if they lived a lie and married a woman.
Straight men would be miserable it they lived a lie and married a man.

You, through your OWN FUCKING ADMISSION, are compatible with women or men.

Not the guy you were talking to either. I just get pissed when i see assholes try to argue against their own set standards... even if its against another asshole.

>> No.10102691

>basic beluga 2015

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK

>> No.10102706


i said in sexual capacity. nowehere did i say anything about living with or marrying anyone or having any sort of long-term relationship.

and, no, i'm not totally satisfied with one side or the other. if that were the case, would i not just be gay or straight with some flexibility on the kinsey scale?

i'm satisfied with any by my sexual attraction to both.

if you're using "or" in the strictly logical sense that includes "and", then yes, i am compatible with women or men. if you're using "or" in the lay understanding (with mutual exclusivity) then i'd be more reticent to identify with the statement that i'm compatible with men or women.

also that's not even the totality of genders.

>You cant scream about being oppressed, if you are able to just "pick" one side.

I can scream about being oppressed as long as people try to erase bi folks, as long as bi folks are affected disproportionately by social and economic issues and violence, etc.

I do not "escape" being bi when I'm with a woman. I may not experience bi-ness in exactly the same way as when i am with a man--but that occurs even inclusive of gender. for instance, i do not experience bi-ness in the same way man to man, or woman to woman.

fuck off. until you've lived my experience, you do not know it and cannot qualify it better than i can.

>> No.10102743

>I can scream about being oppressed as long as people try to erase bi folks, as long as bi folks are affected disproportionately by social and economic issues and violence, etc.
>I do not "escape" being bi when I'm with a woman. I may not experience bi-ness in exactly the same way as when i am with a man--but that occurs even inclusive of gender. for instance, i do not experience bi-ness in the same way man to man, or woman to woman.
>fuck off. until you've lived my experience, you do not know it and cannot qualify it better than i can.

Holy shit man, you're like legit crazy. How the fuck are bi people targeted in ANY societal way? I roll my eyes when trannies scream about oppression, but i can atleast see how thats a real issue... With bi people though, its all shit that you chose to expose. If you want to keep it on the down low, you can.

Really, the only way i could see it being a problem, was if you had the audacity to enter into a relationship with one gender, and mid-way through demand they accommodate you fucking someone else because you feel you "need" that to complete yourself.

Bi people are literally the greediest folks on the planet... 2x as many potential partners, and the ability to form socially accepted, sexually fulfilling relationships..

So congrats, you just pushed a self-fulfilling prophecy. You acted like such a cunt in trying to prove bi's face undue discrimination, that you made ME hate them a bit more. AMAZING! Its almost as effective as they gay pride parades => homophobia(cause what is gonna make someone on the fence accept gays less, than a bunch of fat hairy men in cod pieces, gyrating in the main street of their city?)

>> No.10102761


i don't fucking choose to be bi first of all, and even if i did that's not a choice for which i should be punished.

do you think bi people wake up in the morning and say "wow today i think i'm going to be attracted to women."

that's not how it works.

are you honestly a troll? there's decades of research into bi oppression. try google scholar, i'm not your personal librarian.

>> No.10102790

Whats the punishment tho. You keep using these weasel words that push the narrative you're under someones boot. Where is the prejudice towards bi people?

And no, i'm sure you enter a public place and say to yourself:
"Hey, that girls pretty cute.... Her boyfriends hot too!"
After that, its totally your call on what to do. You can go after the girl, you can go after the guy. Now, you can marry either of them too! There are 2 distinct options for you, to find love. Male or Female. Everyone else has one, and until recently, one of those options faced legislative bigotry, and still has plenty of societal bigotry. If you want, you can pursue that one, or you can play it safe and go after the female.

Either way, i'm yet to understand how you're some 3rd class citizen. Frankly, you sound like an asshole because everyone either gets chocolate or vanilla ice cream, and you get to chose a mix(or just chocolate, or just vanilla)

>> No.10102804

Heh... he literally ended his post with 'I'm not here to educate you!'

If anyones a troll in this situation, its the bi guy. If not, tumblr is leaking. Even /lgbt/ isnt that wacky.

>> No.10102809

hating on 'bisluts' is a meme on /legbutt/

>> No.10102812

That's why they call it 'the elephant in the room'

>> No.10102817

>If you want

this is till your fundamental misunderstanding. i don't choose those to whom i am attracted.

can you honestly say that you're engaging this topic with any sort of intellectual honesty if you're not willing to go out and read the research on your own?

look dude i'm done replying. go read about this shit. seriously. like, lots of books and articles. i literally just did a basic google search and tons of shit came up.

so you expect other people to go out and labor to try to convince you of something on a topic for which you're not willing to do your own research and reading?

look dude i'm done.

>> No.10102831

Holy shit! you mean you're attracted to people who MIGHT NOT like you back? Jesus fucking christ, thats something TOTALLY new! No one else has had unrequited love! Everyone has fucked everyone they have been attracted to, from grade school up! I remember the boy i had a crush on in 4th grade...

You really dont understand just how fucking entitled you sound right now, do you?

>> No.10102833

Modest heh

>> No.10102842

I just wanted to make fun of fatshionistas tbh

>> No.10102845

>missing the point and attacking a strawman

>> No.10102858

No one can control who they are attracted to, dude.
You whining about that seems selfish when gay people account for like 10% of the population. Not only do they get hated on by everyone, but its safe to assume most of the people they are attracted to are not interested in them in the slightest and might actually hurt them if they found out.
Fat girl hits on you? Laugh it off and let her down gently, or being a jerk and make her feel like a fool.
gay guy hits on you? Some would argue you are justified in kicking the shit out of him.
bi guy hits on someone of the same sex? Same deal as the gay guy.
bi guy hits on someone of the opposite sex? Might get turned down or ridiculed.

Either way, theres a place for your sexual frustration to flow that is accepted. Not the same for gay people, atleast back in the 00's and earlier.

>> No.10102867



>> No.10102870

A qt grill told me she is mirin my bottom half

not sure if i got female features or its because ia m 80% legs

>> No.10102875
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>No one can control who they are attracted to, dude.

thats bullshit, I stopped being attracted to 3DPD long ago.

>> No.10102895

what you did was uncalled for because you're actually a faggot but I'm glad you did, girls need to know they can't talk shit without repercussion

>> No.10102901

How is that missing the point? His entire argument is its unfair he has desires other people wont give into. Its the same shit about SJW's saying other peoples rights end where their feelings begin.

Reality check: People arnt required to like you. Fuck, people are allowed to hate you if they want. Just because you have a sexual kink that makes you compatible with both genders, isnt a reason to accommodate you even MORE than nature has already done. And to start off the discussion by bitching about how mean and lucky gay people are, compared to bi? Its fucking ridiculous.

You sexuality lets you be aroused more easily than other people... and you're complaining because society(?) isnt patting you on the back and telling you its okay, because not *every* single person in the world is okay with you fucking dudes behind your girlfriends back(or girls behind your boyfriends)
I get it, you feel sexually unfulfilled... But so does EVERYONE who finds something attracted that is out of their reach, either by established relationships, or simply not being attractive enough to raise the interest of that person.

Basically, i see that guys argument in the same light as a fat dude whos pissed because nicky minaj wont fart in his face. You're a weird, quirky fella who needs to mature.

>> No.10103280

Mods can we get this thread removed? It belongs in /pol/, plus not effay to bicker

>> No.10103288
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>This thread

>> No.10103338

most effay sexuality
help how do I rid myself of worldly 3d desires

>> No.10103429
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Let's just admit it, these two guys are the actual fashion kings /fa/

>> No.10103442

yeah if youre like 13 and just discovered tumblr

>> No.10103475
File: 198 KB, 456x378, manlet_mk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


simmer down there jaden

>> No.10103489

LOL hes only 17 you fucker, he still has 4 years of growing so shut it

>> No.10103497

this this this this

>> No.10103501

>4 years of growing after 17

anon . . .


your done at 18. your growth plates shut around 21. but unless the shorty is taking some HGH he is locked in at manlet mode forever.

lol 4 years. keep hoping anon. lol

>> No.10103508

guys can stop growing at 21... google the word "late bloomers" if you dont believe me

>> No.10103520

i'm so tired of the all black w/ elevator shoe meme sweeping the nation right now

>> No.10104880

but skinny jeans ARE gay you fucken homo

>> No.10104944

I think youre looking into it a bit too hard

>> No.10104956


Grew two inches after high school. It can happen.

>> No.10104965
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>> No.10104976
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Confidence is important, if you feel the need to lash back when someone insults you then you obviously aren't confident enough in your own style~

>> No.10104986

Should have said, "If I'm so gay, why do I feel the need to fuck you."

Instant panty drop, it has worked at least 4 times in the past

>> No.10104995

really? cause if someone insulted or disrespected me i wouldnt just let it happen, maybe its different for girls but im actually an alpha male. anyways people are too pussy to insult me irl so all i have to worry about is online

>> No.10105200


>> No.10105219

I never get tired of this picture.

>> No.10106996

I know the left is jaden but who is the grill on right?

>> No.10107007

his sis