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10076103 No.10076103 [Reply] [Original]

Why are girls allowed to wear clothing with graphics, but for men to do it is immature?

>> No.10076106

according to whom

>> No.10076115


>> No.10076138



>> No.10076157

You can wear clothing with graphics, just don't wear ones that are shit.

>> No.10076191

>allowed to wear clothing with graphics
Let's establish terms here. Women aren't 'allowed' to wear anything more than men. If anything, women are more restricted wardrobe-wise because of what constitutes public indecency.
If you wanted to go out in a tee (or even a tight-fit dress) with that very same pattern, nobody would arrest you or attempt to stone you under some big fashionista Sharia Law.
Pop fashion for women is much different than that of men. That's literally it. For every man wondering why it's not fashionable for him to wear his Big Bang Theory t-shirt out in public, there's three or four women wishing they could get away with cutting their hair short or getting a buzzcut.

Don't be retarded, anon. Not everything is an issue of gender inequality.

>> No.10076256

I wasnt implying that i looked at this in an inequality type of way. Guys on here dont usually post outfits with graphic tees because they will be looked down upon. And it doesnt seem to be a very fashionable think for them anyway. But when girls do it, it looks a lot better and is way more of a normal thing in fashion. I was just asking why is this? Is it not possible to make graphics look good on a man?

>> No.10076260

its a meme, wear what you want and if you have confidence and it isn't like minecraft or something you'll be fine.

>> No.10076268

Because women are basically lifelong children. Society condones them doing immature shit more.
>inb4 /r9k/

>> No.10076371
File: 147 KB, 1000x1333, 517CPM20-BLACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10076399
File: 123 KB, 1000x1333, 497CPM54BLACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10076544


>> No.10076608


>> No.10077655

its because all through middle school you wore your shitty meme t shirts with minecraft or ninja turtles or whatever the fuck, and then in high school you wore your shitty band t shirts. so when guys see it its like a gut reaction. girls never did that. for the most part they just always wore regular clothes.

its like, if you never get fat, you never have to go on a diet.

>> No.10077676
File: 11 KB, 183x275, KingSwag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10077693

this is actually kind of dope

>> No.10077806

It's because juvenility is a attractive trait for females in difference to males.
Women reach the peak of their attractiveness with about 16-18 whereas males might reach their PHYSICAL peak with 26-28.
The thing is that men have much more factors that play a role in their attractiveness than just their physical attributes such as wealth, social status and experience in life.
That's why George Clooney is still a 10/10 eventhough he's about 60 or whatever years old.
There are no 60 year old female 10/10s

And don't get me wrong. I'm generalizing ofc.

tl;dr: womens attractiveness comes from juvenality while mens attractiveness comes from maturity

>> No.10078061

That is a hideous dress

>> No.10078099

Because mens graphic tees have manchild shit like designs from comic books or videogames on them.

Anime is ok tho (*^3(*^o^*)

>> No.10078258

No, no it isn't.

>> No.10078730

Yeah, it's really just a matter of youthful or playful appearence in women being liked where as in men it looks weak.

Women do well by looking like "Look at me!" where as guys do well by looking like, "Come with me."

It's all very hormonal.

That said there is nothing wrong (generally or fashion wise) with a guy doing a youthful look, it's just that you kinda gotta have the body, age, vibe for it. For a guy to do it he needs to look either young, feminine, or both. Keep in mind, people who are homophobic or have some sort of problem with men looking effeminate are going to have a problem with this and make fun of you. But people who aren't idiots will be like, "Cool that guy looks cool." assuming your look is actually good.

>> No.10079784

same reason why anything that gets popular with girls is considered a dead trend or "BASIC"

the same reason olive parkas are basic bitch uniform when a girls wears it but okay if a guy does.

double standards.

>> No.10079793

>being this bitter

nothing in this post actually answers op question
you just want to spout SMV bullshit you read on theredpill to feel good about missing the peak you should have hit in college.

no one is really out there fucking your average 60 years old guy, get real. it all comes down to money and thats it.


>> No.10079884

What are you even talking about?
Where did i say that the average 60 year old is a good catch?
Fact is that juvenality is much more desirable for females than for males. Did you ever hear about the concept of cuteness?
Why do you think women try to make their eyes appear bigger via the use of make up?
Why are defined jaw lines consideres attractive for males?

Womens ability to give birth to and raise children decreases with age while mens generally rises to some point.

That has nothing to do with a red pill or other buzzwords. It's just an anthropological fact.

>> No.10079924


But graphics can be done tastefuly, just look at rafs and undercover for example. If you go more towards streetwear theres cav empt, supreme and the like

>> No.10081004

shut up faggot