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/fa/ - Fashion

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10074415 No.10074415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /bodyweighttraining/ here?

post stats, diet and workout routine in this thread.

>> No.10074431


Just starting again: 5'9/130lbs

Trying to bulk up and get into a nice toned otter, using Reddit's beginner routine.

>> No.10074441

ugh, shit. this was supposed to go on /fit/. now I cant delete this thread because I'm on my phone.

well anyhoo some of the underfed twinks here need to learn that clothing looks much better on an ottermode body than it looks on a skellington so I guess its /fa/ related too.

>> No.10074486

im 6'3
dont know weight

3 times a week i do squats, (stand up on my tiptoes (for calfs) then back down), leg lifts, push ups, overhead push ups, dips, dead lifts, and run every day. i also do a lot of walking and other active things like yardwork and pickup games with my friends etc etc.
i cant find my pull up bar but ill pull up on trees when i get the chance
i drink a fuckload of water. i dont count my calories but i try to not eat to much and healthier. i just eat what i feel is a decent amount, and i give it time before i eat more.
all my friends have been saying i look way better. i plan to buy some dumbbells and maybe a barbell (rn i deadlift random shit around the house, i know it doesnt do much, if even anything, but it adds more time having an elevated heart rate so as long as i dont hurt my back i figure its not detrimental)
looking for more back exercises i can do, if anyone knows some

>> No.10074487
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>> No.10074517

best routine/diet for otter mode?
I'm P skinny but still trying to lower my bf percentage, I wanna gain some muscle on the top but keep my legs reasonably thin

>> No.10074581

you dumb nigger there's literally a board JUST FOR this
>but is muh mouthbreathing effay?
fuck off retard

>> No.10074626
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Faggot. Your body type isn't a god damn animal. If you want to say slim, say slim. Also get a personal trainer- trusting an internet forum with people you can't see or verify if their gains/tone is what you are seeking is no bueno. Personal trainers exist literally to get you to where you want to be, and if they're making any sort of money then they're getting results in their clients.

Literally read OPs post. Also, /fa/ is concerned with body types, why not size?

>> No.10074632
File: 156 KB, 590x338, plank-exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is doing planks every morning a good way to get a fit body?

>> No.10074641

please kill yourself
once again

>> No.10074665

>i deadlift random shit around the house
top kek

there are no routines to be otter mode, just lift and eat until you're the size/shape that you want. you are probably skinny fat and there's not point is losing more fat, just eat/lift until you're reasonably big and then cut to desired bf by simply carb loading( works like charm for me, keeping it sub 10%bf since May.

nothing wrong with internet to learn some basic information, PT's are pricy

>> No.10074671

You guys should really just get a gym membership and do actual exercise

>> No.10074690

yea, this dude got these arms, lats and low bodyfat doing planks lal

>> No.10074694

its a good way to get a strong core but i find it boring af so i cut it out of my routine. instead i do extra pushups.
depending how much you prefer just holding that position vs doing reps, theres different (imo better) ways of getting the same results, that are easier to advance and track progress and you get the rewarding feeling of accomplishing a new goal (aka more reps)

bodyweight exercises work stabilizer muscles as well as the target group. its a lot better ofr a beginner to do body weight exercises because you get a much better all around work out. until you know what your doing and can compensate. you get the same (could be better, it depends) result from the comfort of your home, for free. you would have to be retarded to pay for a gym membership

>> No.10074696


Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.10074733

Planks don't do anything, the whole purpose of a plank is to contract everything in your body to the point where you hold it for a bit over 5 seconds. Look up RKC planks, as for the body weight, it's all about fucking with the leverage to make the exercise easier or harder. A pushup on your knees is easy, a one handed pushup with your feet elevated is not. A gym is not necessary as long as one has a pull up bar and space to get creative with. But lifting does the same thing, it's all personal preference.

I like going to the gym for the social experience and not being cramped in my front room doing pistol squats and pullups by myself. All up to the person, but personally from rock climbing and muscle ups, I have a ton of muscle, so not sure even body weight would really fit into the /fa/ "preferred" body type

>> No.10074767

I am doing the Startbodyweight.com routine, curently on my third week. I started agan after 4 moths of not following it.

I was doing Foundation 1 but had to switch because it required more equipment than I had.

>> No.10074792

Fun to see so much calisthenics here, I guess its pretty effay

6.1 ft(187cm), 135 lbs, Used to be 110 lbs Skellymode. Very basic routine, critique is appreciated

3 sets of 10 pullups(last few reps on last set are negatives)
3 sets of 10 PPPU
3 sets of 10 weighted Diamond pushups
3sets of 10(weighted) squats

Used to do pistol squats but I get a better effect from weighted(goblet) ones

Food: not strict enough, trying to hit 3100 and should be more strict with protein

>> No.10074805

Stop lying to the kid planks do help with abs and slight arms nothing else along with flexing a lot after a work out gets the blood pumping to the muscles but advice anyone who is doing sit ups is stupid they are the most pointless work out of all time crunches are ok but don't rely on getting a six pack from them alone

>> No.10074822

6'1 110? jesus fucking christ

thats actually impressive

how thin were you? any photos?

>> No.10074950


Thought you posted to /fa/ purposely, I feel like /fit/ would have started shitposting a lot about body weight stuff...

>> No.10074987


>> No.10075011
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6' 145lb

Rollerskate and run 1 hour 4 times each week
Basic lifting shit at gym 5 times a week
2000 kcal diet, no candy, no soda, no pork.
masturbate... a lot-

>> No.10075028

Why no candy
Honest questions

>> No.10075049

going on a diet is fucking pointless for you idiot. you are beyond emaciated. you look like a vegan or something.

>> No.10075054

he looks fine you fat fuck, piss off.

>> No.10075057

define basic lifting shit

>> No.10075084

I hate food
If I lift more will I get anymore progress or am I stuck being skinny

>> No.10075169

Not the OP, but /fit/ shitposts anything BodyWeight.
The BodyWeight General had changed its home board from /fit/ to /asp/, sadly causing less anons to post.
I post it when I can, but I dont have all the copypasta for the OP with all the good links and stuff.

>> No.10075178

Lifting weights adds mass, but you got to eat.
Bodyweight excersise keeps the balance between strenght and weight.

>> No.10075196


What do otters do? Swim, but make sure you're using your upper body primarily, only kick enough to keep your legs afloat.

>> No.10075213

Start drinking mass gainer shakes, as much as I really dislike them (they're just full of dextrose).

I was like 129lb before and weak as shit (nearly 4 years ago) really helped me gain weight in a short amount of time.

>> No.10075249

>Personal trainers exist literally to get you to where you want to be, and if they're making any sort of money then they're getting results in their clients.
Actually, personal trainers exist to get you enough results to keep you happy and coming back, but not enough results/knowledge to make you feel like you don't need them. A fit person is a person who doesn't need a PT.

>> No.10075253


5'3/106 lbs, I used to be more around 110, still working to lower body fat.

I try and do a mix of clean eating + intermittent fasting (around 4pm to 10pm are my eating hours).

Lots of walking. Lots of going up and down stairs. I'm in a city with no car so lugging groceries up hill in my reusable bags. I downloaded the Nike+ Training app to give me some routines and moves to use.

Squats, burpees, planks, lunges, push-ups, and mixed-in yoga moves are my go-to.