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/fa/ - Fashion

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10071653 No.10071653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

rate my fit

>> No.10071654


>> No.10071656

Genuinely great
w2c shoes?

>> No.10071664


>> No.10071665


>> No.10071668

Found the skelly

>> No.10071670

do cario, loser.

you look like a far shittier shia

>> No.10071672


>> No.10071685

fit is a good. a little too close to the body for me personally, but its hip and trendy i suppose. (lol)

your lower belly aint too sthetic through the thin fabric T tho..

>> No.10071702

Shia, do you have any other clothes?

>> No.10071715

Were you there for the symphony or did you go in the garden for just the picture? I've been a few times this year for the green umbrella series, once saw a lady in stans holding hands with an older woman in head to toe dries

>> No.10071730

lose some weight then wear it maybe

>> No.10071744

Welcome to the secret of the best fits

You can pull off almost everything if you're fit

So my question is: Why don't you faggots lift?

>> No.10071751

nice muffintop

>> No.10071808

he looks DYEL anyway

>> No.10071954

You're on /fa/ dipshit
i'm from /fit/ too, but this board is about looks

>> No.10071960

It's fine.
Lose some weight, gain some muscle, and it's even better.

That being said, "lose weight" could just be said to most people in general.

>> No.10071962
File: 150 KB, 640x448, snapshot (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay /fa/
I recently got a haircut, and I'm even more confused about what should I go for

I have a long face, greek nose and generally just an unusual face, and people rate me going from 5.5 to a 9
No issues with girls

Still though, how do I improve my looks? I don't know what can I do to my eyebrows, but I'm thinking of filling them in a bit.

My hair is my main problem, and I have no idea what would go well with my facial features since it's curly

>> No.10071963

i follow this guy on instagram, he has a great style and i bet he dors not post on this shithole

>> No.10071967


Oh shit, I'm sorry, I thought i was making a new thread

>> No.10071972

4 at best, sorry fam
get a cut that doesn't accent your wrinkly fivehead
try making a face that doesn't make your nose look any bigger than it already is

>> No.10072004

tfw been in over 20 relationships and I'm nly 18
tfw I've been asked if I'm a model
tfw striaght guys call me handsome as well

see what I'm talking about?

>> No.10072011

What are you trying to prove with your normie achievements?

>> No.10072025

>20 relationships, only 18
Not something you brag about laddie.

>> No.10072032

I was making a reference to the fact that some people find me very attractive, some find me average/slightly below average

Charisma wise, I am bragging
Personality wise, I'm not

>> No.10072038

>give me critisism
>your critisism is wrong, you're just jealous >:(
If you just want to indulge your narcissism, you'd be better off on Reddit or tumblr.

>> No.10072049

Why would you assume I said you're wrong? I accept all kinds of criticism. I said "See what I'm talking about" because I was reffering to the fact that for other people I range from below avg to a 8.5-9

Are you retarded?

>> No.10072052

Go for young leo or the kid out of Twin Peaks

>> No.10072053

would look better if you were skinnier

>> No.10072056

Everything is SLP except the boots which are Balmain.

>> No.10072061

You obviously weren't. He gave criticism, you sought to 'refute' his criticism by boasting.
Get a cut that doesn't make your head look like a turnip, idiot.

>> No.10072063

lmao at least you're entertaining

>> No.10072065


y r u stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10072087

in the past, everyone has been too intimidated by your absent glare to confront you about how uggo you were
sorry bro

>> No.10072106

why are you trying so hard? I'm juggling three girls atm
no need to go hatefulmode

>> No.10072128

Best part is that you keep measuring your own success in how many girls you throw around. You sound insecure as fuck. But then again, you're posting selfies on an taiwanese origami board

>> No.10072132

saying how many girls I throw around sounds more legit than me simply saying "but am not ugg"

argument invalid

>> No.10072154

yeah man you seem like a huge pussy

>> No.10072159

It says nothing since we know nothing about how the girls you 'juggle'look in real life. They could be 3's wanting to fuck Jon Snows turnipheaded retard cousin for all we know.

>> No.10072162
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the more you talk the worse it gets, my man

>> No.10072165

your pants are too clean for this and you're not lean enough

stop shaving your arms if you're doing this lmao

>> No.10072172
File: 51 KB, 716x689, Laughin_jack_o_lantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jon Snows turnipheaded retard cousin
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I can see it

>> No.10072184

Your eyebrows are good. Your hair needs some work though. Check the hair general. Other than that, you're pretty handsome.