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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 238 KB, 500x505, tumblr_nhltyhRlpb1siboy7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10052434 No.10052434 [Reply] [Original]

give me one good reason why your body doesn't look like this

>> No.10052440
File: 88 KB, 436x740, 1432420565361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't lift for sluts

>> No.10052441

because i like dick in my butt

>> No.10052443

because thats gross

>> No.10052444

Because I don't have my left harm or leg.

>> No.10052507

because i dont have his anatomy

>> No.10052511

Because I'm a faggot beta cuck.

>> No.10052513


>> No.10052516

because I'm a student and I don't have money for 4 high-proteic meals a day

>> No.10052519

Because I have a head

>> No.10052528

bc im a chick

>> No.10052530

used to have gynecomastia until I got it surgically removed, making my nipples asymmetrical. I wear rick tees to balance it out though so it's cool

I am thin though

>> No.10052658

Because I am too cheap to buy the food that is required to keep my bodyfat% at such a low level. Really isnt worth the effort if youre not 18, sitting at the beach all summer.

>> No.10052667

this is a very ignorant post

>> No.10052678

Shit genetics

>> No.10052692

Its the post of a person who graduated high school. As soon as youre in your mid 20s it actually take effort to keep your bodyfat% at a low level. Theres a difference between being fit and shit like this.

If you had a job, or tried to juggle phd + work at the same time then you would understand why its not worth the effort. Getting ABS is piss easy. It simply isnt worth the effort and honestly doesnt even serve a purpose. You wont look better in clothes because of visible ABS. All you need to do is limit your intake so the packs become visible. Woop di fucking doo. Might as well be on a proper diet and concentrate on gaining muscle mass.

You will understand as soon as graduated high school. ABS are a teeny thing, nothing else. Besides, the guy in OPs pic is a genertic cripple. His stomach is ugly as hell.

>> No.10052695

I'm really hairy and I love cheese too much for that bodyfat
Also I have a slight gynecomastia that I have yet to fix

>> No.10052697

ding ding ding

people with jobs + responsibilities have a hard time keeping up this kind of physique, something that a good portion of /fa/ doesn't understand

>> No.10052698

I'm almost there, pretty close actually.

>> No.10052700

it does :)

feels good man

>> No.10052711

I'm 24 and I go to school for EE and have a job.

>it simply isn't worth the effort and honestly doesnt even serve a purpose
Being physically fit doesn't serve a purpose? Oh but your Clarks desert boots and RO unstable tee are extremely useful right?

Do you have a hard time regularly visiting /fa/ and shitposting for an hour?

>> No.10052725

post body + routine

>> No.10052727

what, 3-5 hours a week is too hard? I bet you spend that shitposting per day. Just another faggot looking for excuses.

>> No.10052732

Its not even his physique. I mean, look at his arms. What sort of genetic failure triceps is that? Judging by the should angle I doubt that his neck looks any better. The point is that ABS dont serve a purpose.

>Being physically fit
Learn to read you handicapped nigger. Theres a gigantic difference between being physically fit and having ABS. I am more fit than the imbecile in OPs pic. And you know why? Because I dont concentrate on something as pointless as ABS. As soon as youre 14 you can have ABS by simply limiting your intake. Shit takes literally no effort/excercise.

His entire physique is completely off. Shoulders and arms are underdeveloped (look at that triceps for christs sake). Neither do ABS serve a purpose, nor do they make you look better. In fact, I would go as far as claim that a person with visible ABS is less likely to be on a HEALTHY diet. Especially as soon as hes in his mid 20s.

>> No.10052736

Kek get a better escuse at least

>> No.10052737

I never mentioned abs, and why do you keep capitalizing it? lol

but I understand now; you are from /fit/

>> No.10052753

I dont know how to be much help.
I did p90x 2 years ago, worked well for me. Then I did T25, really lowered my bf%. I'm taking a break, but i'm half way through p90x3.

I have gym anxiety, and no one to go with. It resulted in me working out at home.

also i have a hard time "eating big" so i usually under eat.

>> No.10052756

Because I let myself go
Working at it again, though

>> No.10052757


I don't get what this has to do with anything


>> No.10052762

The entire debate is about ABS. After all, thats the only thing the guy in OPs pick has. God know that everything else is underdeveloped.

You greentexted a part of my post because youre fucking illiterate, thats all. Being fit =/ ABS. Youre american so I expect you to at least be proficient with the English language.

Your stock is made of Legos, duh

>> No.10052768

Too socially awkward and afraid to go to the gym

I hate the feeling of judging eyes on me, fuck.

>> No.10052773

24h gym and go after midnight.

>> No.10052777

But sleep is important

>> No.10052779

I used to be very overweight and lost it all too fast, so I have loose stomach skin that will never be that tight on my body unless i get surgery to remove it.

No excuse to not exercise though, so I still lift and do cardio.

>> No.10052786

You dont need to go to the gym to look like that. Simply eat a shit ton of vegetables, do situps and a bunch of glut excersies to strengthen your core. The guy doesnt look like he doesnt more than a dozen pushups per week. And sure as hell no biceps/triceps exercise either.

>> No.10052787

>The entire debate is about ABS
except it isn't?
>ctrl+f "abs" 12 results (13 now)
>11 of them are from you, 1 of them is me asking why you're capitalizing it.

>> No.10052793

The only thing the guy in OPs pic has are ABS. Whats the debate about if not ABS? No earting? :^)

>> No.10052803

The only answer is ur lazy or u dont care what u look like or ur going for a diff look

>> No.10052804

I don't have anti-brake steering.

>> No.10052839

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10052847

haven't you seen the thinspo threads? looking like that isn't /fa/

>> No.10052895

I just don't care

>> No.10052986
File: 532 KB, 492x505, Screenshot_49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who the hell has chest muscles this developed without doing any chest work? Your opinion is facebook comment-tier

>> No.10052992

>chest muscles this developed
Apex kek

>> No.10053005


Ooh fuck off. Quit trolling.

>> No.10053007

Silently kek'd

>> No.10053015

You know, I just noticed how misplaced the right nipple is.

>> No.10053080

>neckbeard detected

>> No.10053085

Frozen vegetables are a dollar a bag, Greek yogurt is like 5 dollars, chicken breasts aren't that expensive if in bulk and milk water and fruit aren't that expensive

>> No.10053133

Why lift when it's all about the face?

>> No.10053151

im lazy

>> No.10053174

>all these people and their odd excuses.
I'm working on it right now. /fit/ is my main board.

>> No.10053221

Because I'm not the 5'3 and 125 lbs...

All that's missing from this cardio faggot is a dose of body glitter.

>> No.10053332

i cant find the motivation to get to a gym
plus i'm naturally skinny and played sports for 14 years

>> No.10053741

Good on you working on it, but /fit/ will wear you down and cause body dysmorphia

I try to avoid it now because it only makes me feel like shit - just look at posts like >>10053015 aren't that great to promote a healthy body image

If you can look great while at the same time feeling great about yourself, that'd be the optimal place to be in, right? You won't get the second part from visiting /fit/

>> No.10053795
File: 79 KB, 199x255, 09834523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wear rick tees to balance it out though

>> No.10053873

>Simply eat a shit ton of vegetables, do situps and a bunch of glut excersies to strengthen your core
i know its troll but if you did that youd just look like a skinny guy. the body in op is pretty ripped just unfortunate genetics

>> No.10053879

but it does

>> No.10053886

I know what you mean. But I see it differently. I don't really care about minor flaws like nipples being off and so on.
I actually enjoy how /fit/ always raises the bar, it reminds me not to be settle. Right now I'm having a hard time with motivation so them telling me to get bigger helps a lot.
For things I can't fix I let it go and can joke about it.
Whenever I look in the mirror I'm happy with my body, but I also am aware of what I need to work on.

>> No.10053911

that's cool, keep it up dude. With that attitude you'll be at your goals in no time

>> No.10053946

Because I do exercises other than curls and pec flys.

>> No.10053950

Everyone knows that human bodies dont have a antilock braking system.

>> No.10053966

Kek, keep lying to yourself. Juggling masters degree and work over here, I can still find an hour a day to not be skinny fat. Maybe remove an hour of 4chan everyday and spend it exercising instead, huh buddy?

>> No.10054170

not purposely living 10+ miles away from work so you have to bike there

>> No.10054173

It does

>> No.10054198

>implying my feet don't have abs installed so i don't scuff my ann d soles upon emergency deceleration

>> No.10054322

I for one think that ABS is crucial, without it braking would be much more dangerous for the driver and the surrounding motorists.

>> No.10054332 [DELETED] 

lmao. I'm doing a PhD (full-time) and I'm also employed by the University – your excuse is absolute tosh. If you want to lie to yourself at least come up with a one that holds up under scrutiny or introspection.

>> No.10054339

All I need are abs to reinforce my slim chest, which is relatively easy and can be achieved with cardio since I'm thin already

Anyone else like this??

Also at op pic, disgusting

>> No.10055486

I literally do not care anymore and getting great body before I will undoubtly somedays get the balls to hang myself seems like a terrible waste of energy.

>> No.10055503

I'm lazy and like food.
I thank god everyday for having a good metabolism.

>> No.10055505

were you already fat before your twenties? are you a woman? im 25 and eat worse than I did as a kid now that Im on my own. I'm still around 10-12%.

>> No.10055517
File: 60 KB, 376x607, dafdafhgajdjdfjfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because skelly is infinitely better

Pic related, some guy from /soc/

>> No.10055534
File: 2.78 MB, 1100x2362, 36_doryphoros_polyklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Doryphoros look in a suit and tie?

>> No.10055537

beaut proportions but why is he so greasy

>> No.10055545

Probs cooking oil

>> No.10055581

You can look like this 3-4months with SS.

>> No.10055586

This man is a troll. Do not listen to him.

>> No.10055588

if anyone could look like that in 3 months, then every male would look like that or better.

have you ever seen what the average male body looks like?

>> No.10055663

Jesus Christ some people on this board are seriously salty. This dude's obviously got a great body, you don't have to tell everyone how much fitter or taller you are because no one gives a shit or believes you anyway.

>> No.10055686


>> No.10055844

I'm black.

>> No.10055852


>> No.10055877


>> No.10055883

thank u chest skeleton

>> No.10055896

how can I even get this body

can someone give me a bodyweight routine pls?

>> No.10055913

how can i even look like that

>> No.10055925


1) go on a slight bulk diet.
2) do bench press every day.
3) sometimes do curls and abs but not very much. focus on your bench press only.
4) once chest is sufficiently large, go on a cutting diet and keep doing bench press and the occasional sit-up

>> No.10055943
File: 413 KB, 1104x622, tumblr_mi2kz0RLN81reyeqco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twink life

>> No.10055969

bull shit dude. ive recently lost a lot of weight, people telling me i look better are starting to get annoying.
ive barely put in any effort. i often skip my work outs. or do less than i should. i often walk more than i run when i go out on runs. i go out to eat with my friends. i dont even count calories. i just limit what i eat and how much, within reason, but if im hungry ill eat.
with barely any effort, but maintaining that barely any effort for about 3 months, ive gotten good results. imagine if i actually put in effort, or if i keep up my almost nothing for 6 months, or 9.
people usually do shit all, and then quit after a few weeks when they dont see results. everyone i know who actually goes to the gym etc looks like the OPic or better. all the slacker fat shits who do fad diets and dont exercise, or do nothing and dont even try to hide it, dont.
it really doesnt take that much effort after the first week it just becomes routine, then it becomes habit, then you just do it, its part of your life. thats when you start seeing results.

>> No.10055976

squats, push ups, leg lifts, planks, dips, pull ups,
do 5 sets of 5, and then add more when you can do that every other day (take weekends off) run every day.
as yo ustart seeing definition, and gain knowledge (lurk on /fit/) you can customize your routine to suit yourself. the above routine (with the addition of overhead push ups, calf exercises, and irregular dumbbell stuff at my friends house) is what i do

im >>10055969

>> No.10055984

>Everybody has the same body
Nobody gives a shit what you can do, you're still a fucking cunt

>> No.10055985

im saving this post nigga, you're great

>> No.10055998


unless you're /cheat/ing or you just have the right combination of freak genetics, diet, and chest exercise + rest, there's literally no way you can build that kind of muscle mass in your chest in just 3 months.

i work my ass off every day, count calories, and push it in the gym. don't try to tell me about hard work. i don't need your motivation.

good on you for finding motivation for yourself, though.

>> No.10056011
File: 90 KB, 491x720, Photo on 6-26-15 at 4.49 PM (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body does. bitch. not even flexing like the fag in that picture.

>> No.10056012

i dont have a body like that, but if i started with the body i have now, i could do it easily in 3 months. ill probably get more muscle but not less fat, cause itll be fall. its not some unattainable end goal body. just a good body.

>> No.10056014

swimmers you fucking dipshit jealous pussyfag

>> No.10056022

mate you best be fucking around because you look nothing like that guy. You don't even look that bad but you're skinny, that guy's ottermode

>> No.10056024

he's flexing hard bro. want me to snap another shot where I'm about to shit myself looking like him? also look at that fucking lighting. mine was neutral as fuck.

>> No.10056025

nowhere did i say that it's an end goal body or perfection or anything like that.

all i said is that it's basically not possible to develop that amount of pectoral muscle mass from little-to-no pectoral muscle mass in the span of 3 months.

this is to counter the claim that anyone could have that body in 3 months.

you think i'm saying something that i'm not. i'd advice to read the words that are actually present in my posts.

>> No.10056029

calm down, dude, its just muscle. nobodys impressed with your picture.

>> No.10056030

Oh yeah I know he's flexing. Biggest difference is chest mass tbh.

>> No.10056036


>> No.10056038

Sure the lighting helps, but once again, he clearly has more chest mass.

>> No.10056041

hes got a better chest, thats the only difference

>> No.10056044

height and weight bro?

>> No.10056047

because im not a skinny fuck who recently started taking steroids


>> No.10056051

because i'm a severe alcoholic and have a beer belly.

>> No.10056055

6 exactly and 135, sup?

>> No.10056058

so snap the fucking picture and stop yassing around faggot

>> No.10056061

so you can jack it to me? that makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.10056064

dude ive already jacked it to you, dont be such a prude you fucking faggot

>> No.10056066

dubs dubs dude we dubs bros

>> No.10056068

hahaha. so then why?

>> No.10056069





>> No.10056072
File: 281 KB, 1024x815, 1024px-Citric_acid_cycle_with_aconitate_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ ur fucking nowhere near his physique, just shut the fuck up

>> No.10056075

HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. THESE ARE EVEN MY FIRST DUBS EVER. WOW. should i go hit the casinos or something?

>> No.10056076

little late to the party there bro. whyusomad

>> No.10056087

nope. it's not uncommon. statistically, every tenth post everyone makes are dubs.

>> No.10056089


>> No.10056091


>> No.10056092

but consecutive dubs first time dubs after lots of other posts never dubs?

>> No.10056098


nice waddup bra
sounds good to me, i'm 6'3 and aiming for soomething similar, 10lbs to go
do you lift?

>> No.10056101

dude im just kidding lmao, also im not the guy you were talking to before

>> No.10056107

That waist tho. Jelly af tbh

>> No.10056110

wait what? you're kidding but you're not him? I just thought if it were true it would have been weird but funny how demanding that guy was. still why

>> No.10056112

could I make it in the industry? I eat to try and gain weight but it doesn't work.
I climb and backpack. 30 lb pack+ usually. my upper back is pretty ripped but you can't tell at all from that pic. I'm up to 2 one handed pullups this month.

>> No.10056114


but im not
this guy is someone else

and yeah lol, this whole thread is ridiculous.

>> No.10056117

because i'm an ugly fuck who's too pussy to go the gym, and im weak af, i can't lift for shit. giving up on /fa/ too and considering becoming a neckbearded fat NEET

>> No.10056119

just for the luls then haha. i can dig it tho.

>> No.10056121

you lift for the boys down at the meat locker

>> No.10056123

guys can be sluts too, wtf are you on? especially if they're gay.

>> No.10056124

dude just get some fitness intensive hobbies that you enjoy. biking, paddling, hiking, climbing, surfing, etc. and no reason to give a fuck about what people think because you'll be progressing yourself and enjoying life more while you do it and you can always just move to a new spot when you are no longer embarrassed and pretend that shit never went down. cmon mayne we only live once :(

>> No.10056125

body weight exercises will take you a long way, until you either get a barbell and dumbbells or work up the courage to go the gym. your gonna make it, brah

>> No.10056127

so the fuck does he lift for then? cause slut culture these days is the only culture with hot bitches. all the girls be sluts or they are fat and ugly

>> No.10056132

You should become a male model if you hate not being in debt.

>> No.10056134

yes body weight is all you fucking need tbh. you can get swole doing pushups. don't believe me? come back to me when you can do 150 consecutively. but you won't because you'll be ripped and thrashin pussy

>> No.10056135

10/10 post

>> No.10056137

how the fuck you know im in debt?? I just don't know how to. girls have told me to after we get done fucking so I've been thinking about it often. apparently my face is 8/10 too but I have confidence issues so I don't believe those lying hoes and /soc/ is full of straight guys.

>> No.10056138

how2model? step by step guide to getting an agent and contracts where?

>> No.10056140

i feel like the gay clubbing scene would have a word for a gay male slut. slut is too associated with women.

>> No.10056143

what is manwhore?...

>> No.10056145

idk, all I know about gays is portrayed in that one show

queer as folk

>> No.10056148


>> No.10056155

that's predominantly a street term nigga. /fa/ copped the fuck out of it.

>> No.10056162

How long would it take to achieve this from someone 6' 140lbs with no abs, but good tris, upperback, and unproportionately large chest?

Main diff I see is your arms/shoulders and lats.

>> No.10056178

shoulders are all rear delts from climbing and some strong but not large biceps. for lats just do wide grip pullups to behind your head. abs from backpacking with a fat pack. i mean 140 is already way underweight for your height. i don't understand what unproportionately large chest means other than girls want that shit like damn unless they're moobs. I have 0 tris. can only do like 30 pushups but I can bust out a solid 15 dips for some reason. all I can tell you is what I do, not how long it might take you sorry bro

>> No.10056179

i'm a lazy fuck

>> No.10056230
File: 86 KB, 258x243, 1394618616649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 18 at the beach all sumer when not at the gym or seeing friends.
feels really good

>> No.10056286

Under rated post

>> No.10056293

surfing gets you a better body than in OPs pic. also fitness. Breath holding abilities. And also a very impressive skill (to both ladies and fellow bros)

>> No.10056314

>My body's special so I get a special excuse

Genetics make a small difference when working out, it's not enough to justify being skinny fat because you won't put in the effort

>> No.10056454

>guy says that investing time and effort to reduce bodyfat so your abs become visible is a waste of time
>people jump him claiming that he said that being in shape is a waste of time
I knew that /fa/ was drenched in high school kids but come the fuck on.

>> No.10056456

lazyness, freelance work is taking up all my free time, I go to sleep 3 am and wake up 8 am just to shower and go to work

>> No.10056458

I'm female

>> No.10057073

yeah my man
running, cycling, light swimming all you need

>> No.10057081


>> No.10057189

Because i wanna be a lawyer some day

>> No.10057238

because im still working on it ;_;

>> No.10057249

dips use some chest too i guess

>> No.10057313
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>> No.10057327
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>> No.10057330
File: 1.49 MB, 2857x4928, navyfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost ottermode

>> No.10057351

twisted sternum and lazy

if anyone answers anything other than deformities and laziness, you are a liar unless you work 70 hours a weak.

>> No.10057372

not even close

>> No.10057385

nigger you must be kidding

>> No.10057397

>almost ottermode
you are genuinely auschwitz mode. i dunno what you think you look like but it's nowhere near ottermode.

>> No.10057460

weight and height?

>> No.10057522

cos i dont like gyno

>> No.10057537

quite ez tbh, doesnt even take a year of good tren

>> No.10057546

lazy and no discipline

>> No.10057694

bc my snack game is on point

>> No.10057722
File: 1.37 MB, 2520x4480, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i skinnyfat?

pls no bully

>> No.10058109

just skinny

>> No.10058122
File: 594 KB, 1024x1365, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is ottermode

>> No.10058133

I'm not white.

>> No.10058145


>> No.10058156

nah u look gr8 m8 :-)

>> No.10058348

you have wide, child-bearing hips

not really fat, you just have a woman's physique

>> No.10058392

No faggot, I am.

The road to athletic mode.

>> No.10058531

you must spend a lot of time at the gym. I spend none. also i get all the hnnngggs so HA!

>> No.10058554

No, I do.

>> No.10058558

I'm an Amerifat who likes to eat.

>> No.10058564

Yuropoor false flag detected

>> No.10059421


>> No.10059433

u look gud dog im mirin

>> No.10059654

bc im a manlet so whats the point

>> No.10059675

manlets can actually get /ripped/ faster, with less intense training, and with less food

your height is perfect for building muscle mass

>> No.10059733

because im lazy and i prefer to validate my existence with material things

>> No.10059747



>> No.10059790

Working on it
30 more pounds to go
Bulking on dat dere fastfood every day

>> No.10059795
File: 1.81 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-02-01-53-33[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10059803

because working towards it

>> No.10059805
File: 52 KB, 780x475, 5226015+_b9c01cdfecd9bc26b4b4b3ec9eb69557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i dont know how to cut q.q

>> No.10059880

>eat less

wow that was hard

>> No.10060059 [DELETED] 

I think all these meatball subs and taco bell runs are catching up to me, /fa/

>> No.10060067
File: 33 KB, 294x423, spicy meatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop eating footlong spicy meatball subs and taco bell

>> No.10060070

why do my ribs protrude out so much but I'm clearly much fatter than all of these skinny people?

>> No.10060079

no my man, footlong spicy metball subs and taco bell are /fa/

>> No.10060105

Poor musculature/back problems

>> No.10060128

plz help
I feel like my post but I mean I don't want to go to /fit/ because most of them are taller and have much larger muscle mass so.

>> No.10060402
File: 189 KB, 551x591, 7457585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw some girls have bigger arms than you

>> No.10060422

you're beautiful :)

>> No.10060426

>you have wide, child-bearing hips

no you don't this guy doesn't know what hes on about

>> No.10060494
File: 3.99 MB, 1529x2039, otermude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phones retarded and makes all my pictures super big, had to resize twice.

>> No.10060930

That looks sooooo weird
Why his arms and fingers are so hin while shoulders and torso are so huge? Thats fucking creepy man

>> No.10060949

nobody gives a fuck about you m8.. you're not the protagonist of the universe. No one will remember you were even there

>> No.10060967

I like my head and legs

>> No.10061048

>doing leg work

is that really needed for ottermode though? I wanna fit in my skinny jeans. and I'm pretty skinny as of now.

>> No.10061053

i'm that size and would not consider myself ottermode at all. do you even know what it looks like?

>> No.10061058

you'll look weird naked

>> No.10061062

but will I fit in skinny jeans?

>> No.10061063

squatting until you achieve ottermode will not give you legs that restrict you from wearing skinny jeans, they'll make your legs look decent naked though

>> No.10061071

I like beer.

>> No.10061192
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>> No.10061197

okay m8, thanks. can I just add reps to my routine or should I also add weight? I prefer adding reps since it's more convenient personally.

>> No.10061231

How did none of you fucks notice the obviously photoshopped waist?

>> No.10061400

Post full dick

>> No.10062074

lol make more excuses weak faggots

>> No.10062197

you're retarded. I don't even own photoshop. need more confirmation that you're retarded? add me on skype nigger.

>> No.10062204

How does one become a model if you've got the right aesthetics? tried & true advice please.

>> No.10062225 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 600x800, webcam-toy-photo16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was once a 16 bmi hungry skelly, but i learned all you must do is eat a ton of food and exercise to reach a healthier weight

to go further and become like OP is too hard, so i gave up years ago, and this is how i look now as 22 bmi

>> No.10062246


post webm

>> No.10062274

too lazy.

>> No.10062288

nobody cares enough to add you on fucking skype

you don't have to prove yourself to a vietnamese pen spinning net forum

>> No.10062307

he's a weak disgusting white boy

i could push him over like a twig

>> No.10062316

you gonna do that with your katana mate?

>> No.10062332

that fool cared enough to get hella mad bro. I defend my honor unlike you little bitch boi

>> No.10062415

fucking baller

>> No.10062440

Just b urself :)

>> No.10062562

the logistical process i mean ha. like how to apply, how to get the materials necessary for an application, where to apply, etc.... nigguh...

>> No.10062758

Because some of us weren't born with horrible ab genetics and misshapen tits.

>> No.10062916 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 341x454, 2015-06-19 15.44.42-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have something to flex
also, are you that delusional that you think you actually look better than OP's pic?

You know /fa/, there is a pretty huge area between being too big for fashion and dyel skelly, so no reason not to lift.

>> No.10062963

Because I dont want to look like that?

>> No.10063219

lol wow what?

>> No.10063596

I work 85 hours a week, and have an eating disorder that makes it so I never feel physically hungry. Ever. I only really eat when people remind me to.

>> No.10064371

what exactly do i need to work on? i think my abdominal are more notice able than others, not even flexing.

>> No.10065919

To go from skinny fat to this physique would a Push/Pull/Legs routine work or should I do something like SS for a couple months and then switch to PPL other other bro split

cant ask /fit/ they keep telling me to go trex mode

>> No.10065943

because I'm fat

>> No.10065970


He's skinny though. Fit but way too skinny

>> No.10067013

This post, in and of itself, shows me more about you than I think you realise. Such as: how you value your time, how you offset that value and how you don't realise just how valuable time is.

Spending an hour a day at the gym shouldn't kill you - instead of wasting time here, how about working on your health?

By making these sorts of excuses that are untrue you dismiss what you really could achieve in this life and it is sad to see people do this. Take a moment to self-reflect and try to ask yourself if what you're doing day-to-day is benefiting you or if you're using the limited time you have effectively.

Best of luck to you. The only person you're pushing this excuse to is yourself, to your own detriment.

>> No.10067015

it makes it harder to fit into clothes

>> No.10067016

Please see this comment.

>> No.10067111

I do look like this.

Almost, still have too much bf for six pack but whatever. Been lifting for two years.

>> No.10067156

Are you autistic

>> No.10067166

That's the body of a young boy. Ew.

>> No.10067947

The guy said that its a waste of time to make your abs visible. Which is true (visible abs have literally nothing to do with how fit a person is). He never claimed that its a waste of time to be fit. Did all of you clowns drop out of high school or what?

>> No.10068173
File: 285 KB, 1366x2048, Saint-Laurent-Fall-2013-Men-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting abs/getting leaner makes your whole body leaner, including your face, so you can have sweet hollow cheeks like this guy. So its not just your abs, its your face too.

>> No.10068202

>SL models
This is supposed to be bait, right?

>> No.10068205

lol you're gay

you re fucking gay

no man have this tiny hips and waist, i dount you can lift even 90 kg

>> No.10068215
File: 590 KB, 1752x1944, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10068217

Ever try exercising?

>> No.10068244

They are LEAN. They are LOW BODY FAT.

If you want to be FIT then RUN.


>> No.10068251


>> No.10068261

Work your chest just a little bit to have a very pleasing skinny frame. Still, p. good.

>> No.10068264

because i have big hips and gyno

>> No.10068266

Lean is something a person should only aim for if he has muscle mass to show. This clown simply is a skeleton, nothing else. Being fit is a combination of muscle mass and stamina/endurance.

Its exactly what the guy was talking about. Low body fat has literally nothing to do with being fit. It takes no effort whatsoever. All you need to do it not eat/be on a retarded diet. It has no actual purpose unless you wanna look like a skinny catwalk model (which you apparently want to)

>> No.10068585

>Low body fat has literally nothing to do with being fit. It takes no effort whatsoever.

You're making a lot of assumptions in your post, and this part is blazenly wrong. You can read on male model forums how they'll diet on 1 chicken breast a day and take cutting drugs to get a male model body. It's far from taking "no effort whatsoever".

And buddy, you can choose whatever look you want for yourself. There really is no such thing as a look not having a purpose - if you're a male model then the look has a very distinct purpose - it's necessary for your career. Everyone has control over their own lives and they can do with it what they please.

>> No.10068633

Because I train my left arm as well

>> No.10068661

Agree with this guy. Your torsos's all right, now, it would just look majestic with some muscle in the shoulders and chest.

>> No.10069166
File: 462 KB, 822x1000, vein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a pronounced v. epigastrica superficialis dextra effay?

>> No.10069624


Mirrin that ottermode too be honest.

>> No.10069635

hahahaha lift your pants up bro your ball hair is showing hahahahahaha

>> No.10069639

idk, i got scouted but most models i've met so far just went to an agency

>> No.10069672

I just moved to San Diego from middle-Canada last year. How do I go to the beach/what do I do?
Pls respond, feels like I'm wasting summer. 18 yo btw.

>> No.10070002
File: 344 KB, 2500x1650, 35841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Auschwitz fags who don't know what ottermode looks like

>> No.10070016

Because I like heroin chic, am gay and a bottom.
Skellington mode works best for me.

>> No.10070069
File: 45 KB, 728x728, 1435558253657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are scrawny as shit

you'd need 10-15 more pounds of solid muscle before you're otter mode

>> No.10070106

because I don't start with my personal trainer until monday

>> No.10070111

don't worry, man. You're all right.