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/fa/ - Fashion

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10047048 No.10047048 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys wear to uni? i'm starting in the fall and i came from a strict ass catholic high school so i've been in uniform my whole life. looking to build up my closet. help me out, fam

>tl;dr uni clothes

>> No.10047114

the same thing you wear every day

>> No.10047122

Just wear a button up with trousers and a pair of sneakers for walking around

>> No.10047136

Anything between, but not including, pyjamas and a suit.

>> No.10047247

Wool pants, loose t and a sweater.


>> No.10047265

wear some clothes, campus security will probably go after you if you go to class naked

>> No.10047347

hey dad aren't you supposed to be a work by now?

>> No.10047354

>Wool pants
redneck tries to fit in the city core

>> No.10047591

how are wool pants redneck?

>> No.10048136

bruh what

>> No.10048216

Firstly: The sticky. tuxbell.com

Secondly: Actual tips.
I'd just get a couple pairs of jeans, of various colours and shades. You don't need to worry too much about them. Just get some and make sure they're comfortable and fit you well, you can look at the sticky for informartion about how to make sure things fit your frame.
Chinos that *fit well* are always another option for pants.
Most people around you will be wearing crappy t-shirts daily, so if you want to wear a t-shirt, outclass those around you. My reccomendation is getting a few you really like and really fleshing out your wardrobe with casual buttonups. Avoid getting anything that's too formal for daily wear, unless you want to look like a dad.
In terms of shoes, get at least a pair of casual leather shoes or boots, and a pair of sporty shoes, probably in a neutral colour.

In terms of colour as a whole, I like to pick one main item that accents my eyes for each outfit, then leave the rest of the outfit in neutrals that don't clash.

Good luck, anon.

Side-note: /fa/ is fucking brutal so I'd avoid WAYWT threads and things of the like until you really define your own style and what looks good on you.

>> No.10048283
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Medicine here

>> No.10048294

Bright Chubbies, Sperries, and pastel button down.

>> No.10048324

why would you wear branded h&m stuff lol

>> No.10048358

Is M&H backwards

>> No.10048361

this is good advice

>> No.10048381

hehe oh sorry

>> No.10048391
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20150604_141759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it looks like on the right side
>Inb4 petite gf

>> No.10048406
File: 929 KB, 2048x1536, West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dressed like a pleb my entire existence until the very last semester. I had a fine time with women before I was /fa/. Once I started dressing better girls actually started approaching me. I had a couple freshies wanting to bang me over my outfit alone (I didn't get any better looking, I'm generally awkwardly high too), couple grills grab my ass at bars, ect. I also starting hanging out with the best eyebrowed and dressed chick I could find. Little feels good that add up.

Basically what I'm saying is that if you're a decent looking guy with equally matching social skills you owe it yourself to dress better as it might set you over the top. I wish I had dressed better all four years.

>don't be like me, bitches notice outfits

also for the love of god don't go frat bro status. sure a couple of them score with some super hot sorority girls, but the rest are cleaning up the grenades that come to their frat parties or fapping furiously.