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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 780x967, 1435114645600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10023047 No.10023047 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you will, but he's /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.10023061

fuck off you dumbshit

>> No.10023107


>> No.10023235


>> No.10023381

op did you just wake up from a week long coma

>> No.10023749


>> No.10023765

I am tired of seeing his faggot face. Stop posting this cuck.

>> No.10023771


>> No.10023774

Those dreamy eyes pop with that orange slouchy top. Modern daring and dangerous. Fab.

>> No.10024086

there's always a lil part in the bangs very ~asymmetrical

wonder if he got his mom to do it or a professional or himself

>> No.10024094

L I T E R A L L Y hot sugar

>> No.10024102

Dude looks closer to 14 than 21. He probably wouldn't be as psycho if had better genetics and ate a heartier diet growing up.

>> No.10024107
File: 2.65 MB, 935x1226, 1434994381557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been living under a rock for the past week?

>> No.10024135
File: 555 KB, 858x536, dylan CDG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10024502 [DELETED] 

>All these nigger loving cucks
Top kek

>> No.10024531

undeniably effay

>> No.10024686

post yfw you will never run your fingers thru roofys bowlcut tbh

>> No.10024718

For the sake of fuck, give this man a job in modelling before the death sentence.

>> No.10024877

he's qt in an asymmetrical kind of way

>> No.10026286

Bump for qt Dylann

>> No.10026404

Except he's the one that got cucked lmao

>> No.10026472

Except he didn't? He killed 9 subhumans, I don't see anything wrong with that.

Go worship Kanye to Tumblr. Shoo shoo.

>> No.10026493


one of the top tier pics

utterly flawless

>> No.10026494


Yeah. Thats why hes gettin' now cucked 24/7 by some noice black düüüücks.

Lets be honest at this point. The majority of /fa/ just cares for fashion in general, because they are ugly, uninteresting, insecure bitches (like the rest on all the other boards) and hope to compensate it with some fashion.
Just like how /fit/ tries to compensate the same facts thru' some muscle-training.

The same goes for the faggot in your pic, OP.
He also just wanted to be a lil swaggii-fuccboii like the most of you.
The only difference between him and you guys, is the fact that he realised that he never can.
That clothes never can make up for his shitty life and mindset ~ so he fucked shit up and is now gettin the death penalty :^)


>> No.10026503

He's not in general population.

Getting cucked would imply that he has a gf, not that he's getting assfucked by niggers you dumbass.

The rest of the post is you projecting your fuccboi insecurities like a bitch, smh, get some rest son.

Stay salty subhuman :^)

>> No.10026541


>Making some major valid points.
> XDD You're proceting yourself.

Fucking kill yourself, you humanized caner :^)

>> No.10026709

god he looks so fucking stupid

enough already

how in hell do you guys honestly think he looks good

>> No.10026730


He does look cool. Did he have a girlfriend?🌊

>> No.10026775

how tall is he?

>> No.10026781


>> No.10026784



>> No.10027030

Only after you stop saying cuck.

>> No.10027040
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>> No.10027052
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>> No.10027063
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>> No.10027082

inb4 Heidi starts using death row inmates for his shoots
>a whole new level of edgy

>> No.10027083

you mean a deluded, insecure, ugly, skinny, retarded white faggot? yep, that's /fa/ alright.

>> No.10027086
File: 33 KB, 443x325, 53252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10027098


Proof that this board has shit style sense, and most /fa/ggots can't manage to dress better than a redneck who lives in a trailer park in the backwoods of south carolina and shops exclusively at walmart.

>> No.10027110

What are you talking about, He looks like a model. Literally have seen ones that look like him and Wal-Mart is fine to shop at, brand names don't make you more stylish.

>> No.10027113

You're right plenty of models are that,

>> No.10027118

Nice rant Gaylord

>> No.10027161


are you delusional

he isn't attractive and his clothes look awful

>> No.10027167

wussup my nigga?

>> No.10027168

irony boy its the future

>> No.10027177

What he did was bad obviously, but he does have a cool look and style.

>> No.10027200

He's tall, has gaunt facial features, has that "edgy"/almost-awkward style many models do, skinny enough and well dressed.

>> No.10027227

what have we come to

>> No.10027239

kek. and this is why /fa/ is literally the worst dressed fashion board on the internet.

>> No.10027244
File: 40 KB, 517x316, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn there's some good inspo here

>> No.10027259


oddly enough I don't agree with any of this

>> No.10027282
File: 88 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TALK SHIT POST FIT-!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!!1

>> No.10027341
File: 33 KB, 888x429, 142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude is literally born with a sense of unique, sublte, easy going and real as fuck down to earth yet progressive style.
But some retards hate and bash him because he meme'd some nigs

those are 2 separate things you know? dressing well and droppin nigs that is. I only care about the earlier, the later is just a bonus

what has this board come to?
I know.

pic very fucking much related

>> No.10027350

fuck off back to reddit with you

>> No.10027378

Backwards, stupid and crazy as he was, he still managed to somehow have style. That's natural talent.

>> No.10027394

pic is true tho. /fa/ is one big running joke.
that some of the posters on here aren't in on it makes it even funnier.

>> No.10027396

>choosing some inbred looking cuck as fashion inspiration
you can't make this shit up

>> No.10027407

>i call black people nigs on the internet
>im so edgy xD

>> No.10027408
File: 165 KB, 1218x1162, 1429797353517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the 4chan browsing virgin at 4am CET

>> No.10027420
File: 28 KB, 261x307, ngbbs4df17ebe65194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinging to a 4 character word thats not even a real word
>out of the whole fucking post
autism in it's final stage

>> No.10027442


>back to reddit
>tfw I was literally born on 4chan

>> No.10027459

then you failed us all

>> No.10027472
File: 32 KB, 620x413, pirvzqpko8ayde5pk7qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please stay in your containment board?

>> No.10027482
File: 482 KB, 3110x2073, roofy brisbane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roofy, King of /fa/

>> No.10027522


>> No.10027646


did someone photoshop the neck on the guy in the middle

>> No.10027699

he makes them look so bad.

>> No.10027707


they looked bad to start with

>> No.10027731

i dont understand why they're wearing so much when it's always so hot in memectiy

>> No.10028095
File: 253 KB, 389x377, 1434173140616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10028177

hateful twink-core?

>> No.10028203


>> No.10028671

I'll take it

>> No.10028739

Underrated reply

>> No.10029605


>> No.10029719

>ugly cucks being this jealous
good goy enjoy your bbc

>> No.10029802

Too funny

>> No.10029912



>> No.10030385


>> No.10032516


>> No.10032530

Except he actually is a cuck.

The woman he loved broke up with him and went out with a black guy.

Apparently that was seriously why he shot up that church

>> No.10032536
File: 525 KB, 1259x722, Screenshot from 2015-06-25 20:32:53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pasta

>> No.10032539

Yeah, but his neck is still giraffecore without the shop

>> No.10032552
File: 179 KB, 795x625, dylan-roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Dylan "if your pants sag i unload my mag" Roof
> Dylan "Wrecking Coons in the Heat of june" Roofs
> Dylan "No lives to spare after the final prayer" Roofs
> Dylan "Church Steeple Full of dead people" Roofs
>Dylan "No more truce when i grab my noose" Roofs
>Dylan "This bible study is too muddy" Roofs
>Dylan "Pastor Blaster" Roofs
>Dylan "Shooting LaTrisha of Rhodesia" Roofs|
>Dylan"If you are not white, you are in my iron sight" Roofs
>Dylan "No more moses, time for necrosis" Roofs

>> No.10032556
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x2560, 1435206742134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're the cuck here, because that's not what happened

Maybe in your fantasies

>> No.10032563

haha it's not even the shopped version either

>> No.10032945

>Dylann "Hostile Gospel" Roof

>> No.10033596

the impolite Israelite

>> No.10033619

Needs more /fa/ oc

>Dylan "Stylin' on the Spooks" Roof

>> No.10033975

>Dylann "From the Runway to the Racewar" Roof

>> No.10034334

>say what you will
literally all posts about him have been
>omg so fa
>stop posting about him
l i t e r a l l y no one has said anything close to critical of his fits

>> No.10034341


>a racist /polk9/trd talking shit online but never to the black guy next doors face


>> No.10034451

>Dylan "Deadly Styles" Roofy
>Dylan "The Camo Killer" Roofy
>Dylan "Nu-Goth" Roofy
>Dylan "The Cold-blooded Bowlcut" Roofy
>Dylan "Sinister Swag" Roofy

>> No.10034525

Roofy "Rudeboy" Roof

>> No.10034567

no shit.

if you wanted to actually talk about his fits, he has decent style in most, not all, but most of his pictures. the only thing that I would say doesn't look good is the camo, but considering he is from land of the Confederate Flag, he could do much worse. He gets a 7/10 in general, except for the pic of him sitting in jorts

>> No.10035265

Lol. What a edgy little faggot. I look forward to hearing about him getting assblasted in prison :D

>> No.10035287

nice :D
lol me too :D lol xD

>> No.10035556

It was his best friend.

>taunts people for not ruining their lives by being open about their wrongthink
you ARE the "establishment"

>> No.10035583

being /fa/ just doesn't seem that desirable to me anymore

>> No.10036535
File: 15 KB, 192x154, 1434347950104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism is unique to /pol/ and isn't something found on 4chan as a whole
Literally go back to reddit

>> No.10036558

Racism isn't effay

>> No.10036805
File: 71 KB, 750x500, squad_goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally cannot be more wrong. It's political correctness that's accessible and trendy, a seasonal bug that came and will go. It's the horizontal striped tee of the political world.

>> No.10036823

>REAL rebellion against the dominant narrative of the time isn't fashionable
sorry you're wrong.

>> No.10036848

(not the anon you were talking to)
If the dominant narrative is that racism is fucking ridiculous and that people deserve to be treated equally, then of course I'll go along with it.

>> No.10036963

Right, so you're a part of the establishment. Someone who buys into the current narrative that steps on nationalism and pride in your heritage. i.e., you're a follower and thus not as effay as Roof.

look how much he stands out here among the tryhard followers:

he has "it". people too afraid to stray from mainstream opinion don't have "it".

>> No.10038128


>> No.10039311

>posting a bunch of memespeak makes me right

Spoken like a true teenager.

>> No.10039336

If that was the case (which it wasn't) then he's the opposite of a cuck, you dumb fuck. A cuck would enjoy that.

>> No.10039343


No way. Wanted poster said 5'9. Is he actually 6'3?

>> No.10039348

nigger detected, this isn't your board

>> No.10039369

Asian manlet with white god complex detected.

>> No.10040599
File: 76 KB, 960x540, 1435024034516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest thing is that a redneck from South Carolina manages to single handedly put /fa/ to shame.

Worship "them" all you want, it's fine by me, but at least have the decency to recognize this kid shits on all of you.

>> No.10040617

That's what I said earlier. The only asshurt stemming from these fuccbois comes from jealousy over Dylann naturally knowing more about fashion than geeks who spend 24/7 on fashion websites and stores.
Hope they don't give him the death sentence.

>> No.10040680

His silhouette is terrible in every pic and his clothes are cheap. If he posted in WAYWT, everyone would mock him. You guys are stupid.

>> No.10040691

everyone denying it is just a contrarian baby
probably the kind that worships kanye and his 'line' lmao

>> No.10040722

I can't bellieve it, that beta faggot is actualy effay

>> No.10040739

>that pic
10/10, Yung Lean is mah boi

>> No.10040794

trousers look like they were stolen off a mcdonalds employee, his shoes look a size too big at least. Decent jacket though. Dumb patches.
thrifted everything, disgusting
hanes povertycore on mums ride
10 year old sweater and
>he can't even pinroll

I understand his face fits "the killer aesthetic", and all of you probably thought Dylan and Klebold were pretty badass too, but stop deluding yourselves.

>> No.10040806

Stop the muddie

>> No.10040981

>getting assblasted in prison

that is if he gets into gen pop anyways and not isolation. plus if the prison skinheads find out what he did they'll be sucking his dick

>> No.10041024

/fa/ only thinks he has style because /fa/ is absolute garbage compared to other real fashion forums

/fa/ is infected by this autistic NEET culture that comes as a result of being a part of 4chan, so teenagers shitpost about Rick and SLP while wearing ASOS-level shit and supporting creepy racist beliefs

besides, Roof's an objectively bad-looking dude with a weak jawline and a perpetual scowl - /fa/ggots only pretend he's cool in an attempt to be edgy and "redpilled"

>> No.10041037

the neet lifestyle is the most enlightened one but otherwise this is tru lol

>> No.10041039

you have no idea how prison works, most Aryan Nation dudes don't become skinheads because they're actual Nazis

besides he's more likely to just be straight-up stabbed than raped

didn't this use to be a fashion board?

>> No.10041082


>> No.10041094

you're kinda right, i only come on here every so often because i'm not so socially inept and weird that this is the last place i can turn to to vent my frustrations and stupid ideas

or was that meant as an insult?

>> No.10041328

>projecting this fucking much

>> No.10041373

when will you autists understand what cuck means

>> No.10041388

>people deserve to be treated equally
get a new hobby cuck most models are white for a reason

>> No.10042211

what is protective custody

>> No.10042306

is degeneracy effay?

>> No.10042313
File: 17 KB, 485x84, Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 3.47.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10042450


Holy shit. He definitely must have frequented fashion forums or something.

>> No.10042625
File: 8 KB, 519x500, 1425479356711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me! look at my socially acceptable beliefs! i'm so much better than you all!

Why do you take pride in being the lowest common denominator?

>> No.10042674

Do you guys ever think "Man, I wish white nationalism was more intersectional"

>> No.10042697

Are you implying that having the same opinion as most people makes that opinion inferior solely because it's popular?

>> No.10042734
File: 731 KB, 499x499, 1435011322466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm implying it's nothing to be proud of. Your opinion, just like the opinion of the majority, is something instilled into you ever since you were old enough to read (assuming you're younger than 30). The media pushes this narrative, your teachers pushed this narrative, your social peers push this narrative, your boss and co-workers push this narrative. So why are you proclaiming yourself better than anyone else over maintaining that narrative?

And for the record, that doesn't mean you have to be a racist. You can still form an intellectual opinion on race relations and our current society without going full Stormfront or full /pol/.

It's just that "racism is bad" is not at all an intellectual opinion on race relations and our current society.

>> No.10042747

it's Dylann u fuck fuckk

>> No.10042752

I sort of thought that was obvious. It's just that some of you people think you're extremely edgy because you browse 4chan. Maybe I sometimes expect too much from people and that I assume people are capable of making inferences on their own.

>> No.10042918

not him but if you're comfortable divulging all your opinions to friends and family then your opinions have been decided for you

>> No.10042965

>rick catches a nigger with a net.jpg

>> No.10042967

that edgy faggot is hot wuld bang

>> No.10042999

so you have to be edgy to be rational?

>> No.10043043

no just be more skeptical
don't take anything at face value from ANY media publication
always look for the dissenting opinion (this doesn't mean you have to agree with it)
you are being lied to about the majority of contentious issues

>> No.10043085


>> No.10043781

do you guys seriously think that the only way other people can have differing opinions from you is because they're peer-pressured into those opinions? like there's no way at all people can come to those conclusions themselves, they have to be forced into it?

so are you saying i should be more "skeptical" about some kid murdering 9 innocent people?

please tell me what the ~rational redpill~ response to mass murder is

>> No.10043866
File: 82 KB, 428x864, 1430605016540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you guys seriously think that the only way other people can have differing opinions from you is because they're peer-pressured into those opinions?

I wouldn't call it peer pressure, but I do think that for this particular situation.

>so are you saying i should be more "skeptical" about some kid murdering 9 innocent people?

No, you should be skeptical of the media narrative surrounding it. Even if you disagree with Dylann's actions (like I do), that doesn't take away that the narrative surrounding the event has been biased.

>please tell me what the ~rational redpill~ response to mass murder is

Fine, if you can't think for yourself, I'll tell you.

>go read dylann's manifesto for yourself, don't just rely on what the media has been saying about his intentions
>read "The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. [...] But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. [...] There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?"
>now look up "black on white crime", just like he did
>hmm, looks like there's a conflict between the media narrative of "racism = bad and whites are to blame for everything" and reality
>hmm, looks like this conflict has been present with every major race incident these past few years!
>oh wow, even if I don't condone the killing of african americans in their place of worship, I can see now that there's more nuance to this entire debacle! Perhaps if the media, governement and general public had approached the issue of race relations in the usa in a more realistic, mature, grounded way rather than blame everything on a white male boogeyman, we could have avoided violent outbursts like Dylann Roof's!

>> No.10043914

>i don't agree with Dylann Roof's actions but i agree with his views

you mean the view that black people are inherently inferior to white people?

you can act like you're better than "society and the media" (which in itself is a scapegoat boogeyman, Fox News is still a major part of "the media") but at the end of the day your beliefs are racist

>> No.10043919
File: 36 KB, 476x353, 1434920688840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, someone else isnt a newfag reditor

>> No.10043920

i want /pol/ to leave

>> No.10043945
File: 47 KB, 847x534, 1434887461806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this isn't the most shilled, bot like response to this>>10043866 i dont know what is.

its almost like he has that response waiting.

he never said "i don't agree with Dylann Roof's actions but i agree with his views"
he never brought up " black people are inherently inferior to white people"

>> No.10043987

okay, to review

>he recommended that people read Roof's manifesto
>he quoted directly from Roof's manifesto
>he said in the above post that if people came to the same conclusions that Roof came to, there would be less racial violence

so he agrees with Roof's views

and Roof believed that black people are inherently inferior to white people

so yeah, he believes both those things

>> No.10044073

And believing something that's true is wrong because...?
It hurts your feelings or is there something else?

>> No.10044084

>he quoted directly from Roof's manifesto

To be honest, I quoted the part which i find most important and I specifically agree with. There's a reason I didn't quote the entire section of "whites > blacks", because I don't agree with it.

>> No.10044103

racism is inherently terrible

but i feel like i'm wasting my time here, you're too far gone to understand and would probably use a bunch of pseudohistorical racist talking points to support your shitty opinion

you don't see the issue of sharing beliefs with someone who killed 9 people because of those beliefs? like that doesn't seem to be a problem for you?

South Carolina has streets and schools named after confederate war generals and black kids go to schools named after men who wanted to make them stay slaves, but somehow white people are the true victims in this country

>this is what racists actually believe

>> No.10044125

>racism is inherently terrible
[citation needed]
I'm not the guy you're arguing with. There's nothing "pseudohistorical" about looking at the statistics of today and understanding black communities are a threat to white ones, same with muslim and European ones.
And honestly, I'd have a lot more empathy for those 9 people if blacks weren't offing Whites on record numbers throughout the world right now.
But whatever, plant yourself as this SJW paladin to defend people who'd see you to your grave if given the chance.

>> No.10044157

>all black people want to kill all white people

man i find it really hard to take your views on race relations seriously when you've obviously never meaningfully interacted a black person

have fun in your flyover state

>> No.10044158

It's funny how a lot of "free thinkers" tend to have a shared ideology. I usually find that most so called skeptics usually give more credence to contrarian narratives if not just believe them blindly.

Like fox news, Druge, Breitbart, etc. Unbiased media for free thinking individuals. All 50 million of them.

>> No.10044160

/pol/ not effay.

>> No.10044161

>but i feel like i'm wasting my time here, you're too far gone to understand

That's you, friend.


Pay close attention to 4:00 until the end.

>> No.10044167

>no one should share beliefs with people who've killed people
>implying no follower of any major religion has killed people for their faith

>> No.10044169

Nice strawman. I'm sure you'll get far in life.
More like common sense. /pol/ doesn't have any.
Don't bother, bro.

>> No.10044171

>so are you saying i should be more "skeptical" about some kid murdering 9 innocent people?
you should be skeptical about how the media reports it
already his upbringing has been blamed despite him saying his family wasn't racist

>> No.10044173

seeing as this is a fashion board, post pics of your tinfoil hat

>> No.10044181
File: 610 KB, 1544x2400, 1435512857803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never meaningfully interacted with me, either.

Pic related.

tumblr ain't effay either, chump.

>> No.10044182

Nice haircut, faggot.

>> No.10044186

actually reading your consequent posts it's clear you're too fucking stupid
have you made sure your profile pic is a rainbow yet?

>> No.10044277

>you don't see the issue of sharing beliefs with someone who killed 9 people because of those beliefs? like that doesn't seem to be a problem for you?

Let me expand on this some more, I didn't adress this point enough earlier. Me and Dylann don't share beliefs. What I meant when I told you to read his manifesto, and specifically the part I highlighted, is that you should analyse from where his beliefs originated. Specifically what information he used to construct his beliefs.

The "information" that Blacks overwhelmingly commit crime is not a belief. It is undeniable fact. Every single governemental report, every single police report, every statistical institute confirms this.

Now, both you, me, and Dylann had and still have access to this information. I have used it to construct my own beliefs, and Dylann has used it to construct his belief that Whites should exterminate Blacks. However, YOU have not allowed this information to influence your beliefs at all. All you have done so far is put your finger in your ears and sing loudly the liberal hymn of "YOU'RE RACIST, YOU'RE MEAN, YOU'RE STUPID, YOU'RE RACIST, RACISM IS BAD!".

That is the reason why I linked you specifically to that video in >>10044161 Notice how the man speaking is not saying that "equality is bad" or even "marxism/leninism is bad", he is simply talking about how proponents of those beliefs have not in fact constructed their beliefs on actual information.

As you have.

>> No.10044306

please don't make me confront reality

>> No.10044409


>Arguing politics on the internet

What, are you eight?

>> No.10044442
File: 706 KB, 1444x962, Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10044452

>No Dylann shoop

>> No.10044851

Any other good Dylan "fashion week in Nigeria" Roof fits?

>> No.10045193

>not Hugo Boss
You fucked up m8

>> No.10045220
File: 699 KB, 1444x962, Hugo Boss Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10045227

That's more like it.

>> No.10045343
File: 274 KB, 500x671, HITLERXYOHJI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10045488
File: 53 KB, 460x800, Hitler Armani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10045525
File: 546 KB, 1200x1899, Adolf Hugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10046989

For some reason people seem to prefer to leave out the second N when doing nicknames. More badass I guess. Trust me I know the proper spelling bless his psychotic heart may he have peace in prison

>> No.10047983

>Not Hugo

>> No.10048148
File: 136 KB, 1200x806, main_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10049432

damn daddy

>> No.10049440

a skinny pasty white kid who hates the world.

not just /fa/ he's 4chan

>> No.10049584


>> No.10049713


>> No.10049752

Why are racists so happy to use all the latest African-American lingo
Literally wtf

>> No.10049760


>> No.10049840
File: 51 KB, 480x600, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10049860

he has the best fit by far holy shit

>> No.10050354

>thinking Dylann is /fa/
>believe one race is better than another
I seriously hope you don't think we do this

>> No.10050361


>> No.10050371

one of the funniest threads on /fa/ ever

>> No.10050396

yfw you will never run your fingers through roofys bowlcut tbh

>> No.10050404

/fa/ usually reacts this way to everyone
they're reacting especially badly to this guy because /fa/ is ultraliberal
how else would you justify being this much of a faggot?

>> No.10050426
File: 1.28 MB, 1249x526, rule_britania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10051951


>> No.10051976

ebonics is still English and thus the property of the white man

>> No.10051984


>> No.10051985

o fuk

>> No.10052010

holy goly piper chapman got really ugly

>> No.10052041

the fashion industry does. /fa/ does. superior more beautiful white genes, hell yeah.

The roofer is /fa/.

>> No.10052123

damn right

>> No.10052130
File: 36 KB, 852x534, roofy from the side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c chain

>> No.10053043

Damn, that shit looks pretty neat. I wonder if I could pull it off.

>> No.10053310

ask the bolice department

>> No.10053397
File: 72 KB, 470x504, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 3.19.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10053771

45 keks

>> No.10053797


>> No.10053805
File: 349 KB, 544x733, 1435580716610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Mengele I'm NSDAP

>> No.10053808

w2c jacket

>> No.10053842

>Killin' it Dylann

>> No.10053948
File: 47 KB, 554x416, XDUaBpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav Hitler fit

>> No.10053959
File: 158 KB, 640x557, 1425964713965 (640x557).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10053987

great question my friend

>> No.10053998

I think this thread proves once and for all that racism is effay

>> No.10054052

tbh we should have a white nationalist fashion general thread

>> No.10055023

crazy idea anon

>> No.10056886

Too adorable