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/fa/ - Fashion

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10037980 No.10037980 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ habits?

I'll start.
Croissant + espresso for either breakfast or lunch.

>> No.10037986

>ever effay

Just kill yourself you diseased ambolectus

>> No.10038209

Cigarette and coffee in the morning while watching the city waking up.

>> No.10038215

If you have to force some habit to affect your 'image' you are a fucking tryhard.

post about clothes for once fuccbois

>> No.10038222

a bit cliché tbh

>> No.10038246

smoking is a shitty habit and ruins your palate

>> No.10038248
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>smelling like shit

>> No.10038265

>not eating
>checking out yourself on reflective surfaces
>walking manually

>> No.10038272

Not having Croissant + espresso for breakfast or lunch.

>> No.10038296

smoking while preparing breakfast for your woman.

>> No.10038329

Posting on 4chan

>> No.10038371

>preparing breakfast for your woman

Back to Tumblr, Sweden.

>> No.10038714

how are you supposed to make gains with that shit

>> No.10038751

Enjoy your NOGAINS lmao

>> No.10038774

>picking your nose
>smelling your farts
>eating your cum after you jerk off

>> No.10038780


Le Monde

french routine

>> No.10038791

Bodybuilding is the male equivalent of getting breast implants.

>> No.10038801

This got me really hard lol

>> No.10038822

>taking tons of selfies all the time

>> No.10038829

Cliche but still good

>> No.10039423

Taking your time, but never being late.

"Unplugging" from the internet for an hour or two.

Shutting off your phone when you go out with friends.

>> No.10039453

sitting with your legs crossed

going to a coffee shop and introspecting, no electronics, no newspaper.

just thoughts.

>> No.10039485

Cleaning the inside of your car everyday

Doing some minor cleaning everyday--vacuuming the floor, or wiping the countertops, or leaving the dishes for a presoak-- before leaving for work

Bodyweight exercises after you wake up--100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats

Keeping your clothes neatly pressed

Wiping the dust or dirt off your shoes everyday

Slip a sewing needle down into your urethra, part of the excitement comes from seeing how far it can go

Meeting and greeting a stranger everyday, just by saying "hello"

Spend 6 hours a day shitposting on a website dedicated to the genocide of indigenous Vietnamese and Japanese pornography

Keep a journal, jotting down the significant events that happen every once in a while

>> No.10039497

I was not prepared for this.

>> No.10039522

>having a cigarette every once in a while
>not smelling like shit

>> No.10039543
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>> No.10039555

When traveling, always take first class on the last leg back home

If you use a smartphone as an alarm, rename "alarm" into "opportunity". You should not dread waking up in the morning, you should rather see the morning as a fresh start--opportunity.

Don't do this everyday, since it'll rack up your utility expenses, but after taking a shower wipe up with a warm towel. Just have a towel thrown in the dryer for a hot, short cycle. This will feel extra comfy right after a cold shower, which is something everybody should do.

If you're passing by somebody you see as sexually attractive, smack and lick your "chops" like a dog.

>> No.10039562

Reading a book

Not ever talking about fashion, or obsessing over new clothes, but still maintaining a "fashionable appearance". Aka don't come off as a try hard.

>> No.10039571


here is a suggestion: just place a towel on the heating radiator to keep them warm in a/w. you /fa/ggots are so wasteful.

>> No.10039587

100 push ups a day before you shower

50 before you go out with people


>> No.10039594

You can also do that with jeans to get radiator pants in winter.

>> No.10039605

Approach a stranger and compliment them for something that they're wearing. Congratulate their taste or style. Please be sincere in your regards.

If you're in the bar, or at the cafe, slip a dollar bill into the tip jar.

For those who are homeless and panhandling on the street, buy them a sandwich and a coffee. Slip $5 in the bag. You'll make their week.

Participate in a local charity every once in a while. Don't volunteer all the, since you've got to make your money at work. But volunteer work makes a small difference, with larger dividends for your soul.

Get a sharpie and label all of the produce you have in your kitchen. If you have bananas on the counter, go write "banana" on every single banana.

Carry a small notebook with you everyday. Moleskine and Field Notes notebooks are great. Take one of these in a public setting and draw offensive caricatures of random people.

>> No.10039665

If you're a guy that shaves, and if you have a dog, shave your dog as well. A clean chin on a dog looks great. Women appreciate a cleanshaven man with a dog that mirrors him.

Lick the polar ends of a fresh battery and take a swig of a mixed gin tonic. Thank me later.

When driving past a school zone, drive really slowly, circle around several times. Try to speak with the kids. Make sure you are the only adult speaking with them. This gives you a feeling of control that drives you for the rest of the day.

Do you ever use those anti-static dryer sheets? The next time you are ironing your clothes, put one of these in between the iron and whatever is being pressed. That clean laundry scent will stick for the rest of the day.

>> No.10039734

don't forget
>shitposting on 4chan

>> No.10039757

wtf don't do exercise just before you go out, you'll be sweaty as fuck

>> No.10039820

50 pushups makes you sweaty?

>> No.10039826

legitimately no reason for anybody to be sweating in 2015. it's so easy to fix

>> No.10039827

i think it exerts some manly scent on top of whatever fragrance you're already wearing
whether it takes away or adds i'm unsure

>> No.10039830

No, 10 do.

>> No.10039883

i like the last suggestion a lot, i will try this, should i follow the random stranger and hand them the hateful caricature?

>> No.10039887

isn't croissant like 50% butter and 50% bread? They certainly taste like it.
>baguette master race

>> No.10039896

Cliché until you do it then it's all good.

>> No.10040103

>reading Le Monde
Le Figaro masterrace.

>> No.10040120

No, the fuck it isn't. Taking 'roids to get built is cheating, much like breast implants, but dudes that get incredible physiques through hard work are not fake in the slightest.

>> No.10040148
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Traditionalism. Living your life according to stoic principles, being the patriarch of a big family, participating in your community, and preparing for the happening. Also, reject consumerism entirely. You'd be one of very few who live a good, principled life in our indulgent, self-centered modern world.

>> No.10040159

this tbh

>> No.10040163

and also this

I really like it that /fa/ finally hit the phase when pretending is starting to fade from the subculture and we develop our own aesthetics

>> No.10040166

shut up you colossal faggot

>> No.10040167

Stoicism, while not plebeian, is certainly vulgar. Would there have been an Alexander or an Alcibiades had they been stoic? No. Stoicism is a coping mechanism for a desire to be free in tyrannical Rome. Best, I think, to re-read the Greeks, friend.

>> No.10040170


Calm down with the hyperbole.

>> No.10040186

Yeah pretty much

>> No.10040357

Do you have any computer tips?
I got this thing called System32 in one of my folders and I have a nagging feeling that I should do something with it.
What course of action do you advise?

>> No.10040380

Reading Direct Matin in the metro master race.

>> No.10040384

Delete System32

>> No.10040844

How does suggesting that people not be that asshole who fucks around on their phone when the point of going out is to be with your friends/not be an internet zombie/chill out make someone a "colossal faggot"?

>> No.10040895

Is kleptomania fa

>> No.10042561

being /lit/erate

>> No.10042574

skinnyfat detected

>> No.10042591

Cologne>Smell of cigarettes

>post about clothes for once fuccbois
That happens all the time.
Also, you don't have to force a habit to affect your image. That's just you thinking that. No one else here is. Some habits are actually good, and may be worth forcing yourself into; others are not.

The fact of the matter is that if you decide to run around in your underwear and slime all day in public, for example, it's just not /fa/, even if the underwear is Burberry. The way you live affects the way you are perceived, both by yourself and others.

>> No.10042596

One of these is not like the others.

>Spend 6 hours a day shitposting on a website dedicated to the genocide of indigenous Vietnamese and Japanese pornography
It's this one. All the others are perfectly acceptable and /fa/.

>> No.10042611

Nothing murders /fa/ness quite like becoming a father.