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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 78 KB, 500x771, 1433566282706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10005782 No.10005782 [Reply] [Original]

trying to lose weight

going for that gaunt look

have an addy scrip etc. etc. but need to know about diet

right now I eat nothing but brussels sprouts at night + alcohol.

i work as a cook all day, but I'm just not satisfied

need weight loss tips


>> No.10005806

who is this hoe

i would bust so deep inside her

>> No.10005813

i love kiki :3

>> No.10005846

Eat less calories per day than you exert, simple as that.
don't exercise if you are going for a skelly look, also try heroin.
Start small, for example if you eat 10 pies a day, eat 9 pies a day.
And remember to use clean needles.

>> No.10005862

wow shes hot


i've been experimenting with starving myself for the past couple months. my method is eating 500 calories - no bread and drinking a ton of caffeine as a "treat" when i am feeling hungry. so instead of eating food as a reward or a snack, i just drink caffeine and that keeps me from getting cranky. i typically do this for a week or two until i lose 10 pounds. then i eat normally (1500-2000 cals, i'm a 6'1 male) for a couple weeks so i don't die.

its honestly not that difficult once your stomach gets adjusted imo

one thing that i learned - when you are beginning this diet, if you are eating 2000 cals per day and decide you want to start dieting hard, don't just eat 500 cals the next day. gradually work your way into your diet. or you will fuck your metabolism up. its not difficult to reverse this, but yeah

also, when i am doing my 500/day regime, i try to keep myself occupied throughout the day and then i'll eat dinner or whatever. if you have a job or some kind of hobby like making music then it isn't hard.

if you feel cranky or whatever, then eat. if you are trying to lose like 50 pounds or something, it will take time. don't let it control your life, but be strong about it. its not complicated, it just takes time

i hope you luck on your weight loss

>> No.10005873

1600 calories+ in a bottle of vodka

Long story short if you don't have the motivation, especially without meds, you'll fail in the long term

>nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
My motivation I have it all over my phone background, when I want to eat, I look at it and don't eat

Generally also guys don't like fucking fat girls, so I do it for that also

>> No.10005876
File: 67 KB, 1147x327, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10005885
File: 239 KB, 1280x1280, Kiernan Shipka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shes still a qt

shell turn into a nice woman that's for sure

>> No.10005887

"oh my! 4chan has morals! i ought to confirm them! m'lady!"

>> No.10005895

aight so ima reply to the posts in this thread


word, but heroin isn't my thing

what is it about heroin that makes people skinny anyway? the length of the high or?

good tips and thanks

yeah, alcohol is a lot of calories, though they say that it isn't converted into fat

yeah, Kiernan is 15, and she is unfortunately losing weight lately... the look just doesn't suit her, esp. because she has a great looking physique before anorexia

just used her pic to give the thread attention tbh

>> No.10005899

why no bread?

>> No.10005901

Bread = sugar

>> No.10005904

Anybody ever try caffeine pills? What do you think?

>> No.10005909

heart attack just waiting to happen

>> No.10005910

carbs aren't good for you

i only really eat fish, fruit/vegetables

>> No.10005911

Tried them, didn't work it

What worked for me was not putting food in my mouth, extremely difficult and complex regimen

Literally everyone wants the get skinny fast bullshit, they think someone has the secret cure

It's just motivation and dedication

>> No.10005916

what about alcohol though?

am i the only one who wants to get skinny but who drinks to go to sleep?

>> No.10005918

you could i guess


i like liquid consumption

its not if you know your tolerance

>> No.10005919

She seems nice. 15 is a good age. We could make out, and then in 5 months maybe more.

>> No.10005920

stop that, it will only make the process longer and more painful

>> No.10005922

yeah fucking right you loser

word, will try to cut back on this. maybe sleeping pills? I know you emphasize willpower but, sometimes the mind is strong but the body is weak know what i'm sayin

>> No.10005930

I used to be a functioning alcoholic (granted not for very long)

I soon found there are much better substances to help sleep, vicodin and valium. Much more effective, much less calories, plus they put you in such a head space you don't even know what hunger is

I'm on clonidine and ondansetron atm and I don't feel any hunger regardless of only eating a small meal 12 hours ago, operating on ~700 calories/day for a week now, 175 cm 56 kg, trying to get down to 55 kg

>> No.10005932

You will look like pussy like the guys in the video
@ 1:00
Unless you are girl don't lose weight


>> No.10005935

word, well, just took 20mg melatonin

could prolly get a scrip for the stuff you mentioned but already struggle w/ amphetamine addiction, shouldn't add more to the plate


>> No.10005955

Does that stuff even do anything? Surprisingly never tried it

I could ignore the hunger without drugs, it's just mind over matter. It's your mind that tells you to eat, to stop running because you're tired. Your body can survive shit like that easily, it was built to. Learn to turn pain off.

Want big eat big, want small eat small.

>> No.10005963

why is this so funny

>> No.10005975


I don't think it's primarily that she is trying to lose weight, it's just the fact that since she is growing up it's natural to lose your "baby" fat.

Some people keep it, some people don't. I agree she had a lot "softer" features a couple years ago but she's in that weird teenage phase between preteen and full on teen/pre-adult

>> No.10005978

ty so much anon💕

>> No.10005988
File: 64 KB, 560x420, baby_food_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of these a day.

>> No.10005995
File: 378 KB, 800x800, soylent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that and how are you not dead
is it like soylent?

>> No.10006009

OP, I have had an eating disorder for 10 years and am a chef as well.

I recommend you go to the first post in
after reading

and read the stickey (first post)

though much of it will be redundant.

Starvation is a terrible way to lose weight, as the 'gaunt' look you want comes from
1) being small in proportion to your frame
2) having low body fat

if you starve yourself by not eating enough protein and carbs, you will be thin but never have the 'flat' "toned" look. when you deprive the body of protein, it eats muscles instead.

so a 700 cal diet is the quick road to weightloss and being skinnyfat.

throwing up is futile and deadly, i would not go there. safer and more effective to manage your diet well.

exercise is also important, but you must eat enough to sustain it youll binge/pass out on the line/die

>> No.10006012

Fruit and veggie puree. It's actually pretty tasty.

>> No.10006014

Whats the best way to lose muscle tone in ones legs?

>> No.10006017

by just sitting at one place for 3 months

>> No.10006034

I eat one bowl of rice, two chicken breast(skinless grilled), with some Bangkok peanut sauce on the rice mixed in, with some crispy onions.
One meal a day, thats all it is. I dunno what it does, but it has kept me in pretty good shape.
Going to switch out the onions for bok choy for healthier option

>> No.10006469


>when you deprive the body of protein, it eats muscles instead.

Get the fuck out of here you retarded dipshit

>> No.10006485

Alcohol makes you fat, so stop drinking.

>> No.10006503

Yeah, I also lol'd

>> No.10007403

15 years old shes good to go nigga

u cant stop me

>> No.10007469

eat like 200gr of raw cowpeas/lentils a day (cooked, of course), or enough to have a healthy intake of zinc/iron. prepare them with a tbsp of paprika to have a healthy intake of vitamin C, etc.

eat fatty fruits/grains (like avocado/oats) and complex carbs (sweet potato instead of bread, maybe) so you don't get hungry too soon/right after eating. you don't have to eat them all at once, you can cycle things you eat because vitamins get stored in your pancreas/liver (whatever it is, I can't remember).

you may eat like 1k calories and still have a healthy nutrient intake and have your body working well.

>> No.10007836 [DELETED] 

eating less than 2500 calories as recommended by the world health organization will seriously fuck up the metabolism encouraging weight gain and storage of fats. for long term leanness, eat plant based diet low in sodium, fats and exercise

>> No.10007862

this guy knows what's up

eating less than 2500 calories as recommended by the world health organization will seriously fuck up the metabolism encouraging weight gain and storage of fats. for long term leanness, stay hydrated, eat plant based diet low in sodium (try keeping it under 1000mg a day, sodium encourages water retention) and fucking exercise with an HRM.

>> No.10007878

good to go

>> No.10007882

>encouraging weight gain and storage of fats
You fucking retard

If your body needs X calories to simply exist, and you only take 1/2 of X, there's literally no way your body can hold onto what it doesn't have when it needs more than it has

It's fucking physics

Also, it's just retards shitposting in this thread, starve yourself and watch what happens, you WILL get thin, none of this metabolism slowing bullshit

Quit the fucking twinkies, don't eat, watch the weight fall off

>> No.10008037

when someone calorie restricts, it's called malnutrition and a calorie no longer becomes a calorie because of fucked up hormone levels.

link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorie_restriction#Negative_effects

>> No.10008090

real talk thanks for some sanity in this thread, like one year ago i was real deep into a eating disorder that took a hold of my life really fucking bad. I know ppl think its oh so edgy to talk about starving themselves n shit but at the end of the day u will break apart n destroy yerself and look like a piece of shit. If u wanna lose weight, track everything u eat drink bare water and eat healthy at a reasonable caloric defcict.

dont be a lil hedi slimaine cunt boys live strong

>> No.10008205

how dare you disrespect hedi slimane you witty fuck

>> No.10010010


fuck you

hedi is the man


>> No.10010194

how are you niggers not skinnyfat?
Im at 100lbs and I have a baby bump
I just want to be an effay skeleton :c

>> No.10010395
File: 341 KB, 1123x1466, the kiernanator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would still absolutely impregnate kiernan shipka. dunno how many of you guys watch mad men but she is excellent as sally draper despite her young age.

>> No.10010448

fuarkkk 1000000000/10

>> No.10010461

perfect for breeding

>> No.10011018

Anyone else actually diagnosed with anorexia here?

>> No.10011038

she's the knew marilyn monroe

>> No.10011488

Stay misinformed you shit

>> No.10011528

6'3 144, currently starving myself in an attempt to get a jaw and cheekbones. How do I do this faster, it's been two sub 1,000 calorie weeks and I'm still fat face

>> No.10012426

Don't snack, exercise, watch your meal portions, use ecstasy/coke in clubs if your into that, drink lots of water.

>> No.10013011

>When you walk really fast a mile literally stops being a mile because of how fucking fast your feet are moving
you heard it here first

>> No.10013020

because that's the pace of a normal relationship between normal adults

>> No.10013025

MOST people in the world dont need to eat 2500 calories

>> No.10013056

You're all a bunch of degenerates. Eat a full, balanced diet, work out a lot, stop doing fucking drugs, get in shape, and have some self respect if you want to look good and make people like you. Mentally unstable, drug addicted beta skeletons aren't sexy at all.

>> No.10013080

Your input means so much to me. Let me slobber all over that big meaty dick of yours so that I can really get my appreciation across.

>> No.10013092

>I have absolutely no knowledge of physics, bio-mechanics, or first grade logic!
>Also a pretty lazy troll

>> No.10013108

i can't keep my eyes off her legs

every time i scroll past i stare for like 5 mins

>> No.10013139

I can't tell if this thread is bait or not because /fa/, but I like your attitude, too. I think the same way. Not everyone has a model ideal ectomorph body, but that doesn't mean you can't be stylish (and this is coming from someone who greatly questions the current HAES movement). Think Nick Wooster. He's old, but in excellent shape and is one of the most photographed sartorial men in the fashion biz. You should eat a good and well balanced diet (if you don't live in a food desert, take advantage of this privilege), drink plenty of water, exercise properly, and get a good sleeping habit. Take a leaf off of fit.

If anything, OP, you should cut down your alcohol intake. Shit makes you fat, dipshit.