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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 779 KB, 1798x821, panties chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10002545 No.10002545 [Reply] [Original]

do that with other types of clothes

>> No.10002556
File: 18 KB, 1798x821, ayy template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy template

>> No.10002607
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Take notes /fa/

>> No.10002615
File: 21 KB, 1798x821, 1434706330349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't 2011 anymore, gothninja has become niche again, and jeans+blue shirts have become mainstream again.

Then there's your dadcore color scheme for mid-30s literature teachers who want to appear cool.

>> No.10002618
File: 22 KB, 515x476, 11137189_10153929570245884_1513461212332003453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gothninja has become niche again
sure buddy

>> No.10002628

go2bed h&m

>> No.10002643
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>> No.10002644

>talk shit post fit

inb4 shirt over tshirt, jeans, and CP's with some shitty baseball cap.

>> No.10002668


......this is so backwards lmao

>gothninja has become niche again


dude even the fucking GAP had a whole monochrome rollout literally 3 weeks ago

stop deluding yourself.

You know what they regular people call you if you dress in monochrome? Dressed by the internet. No joke,

>> No.10002672
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>> No.10002678

nice pun

>> No.10002832

The rightmost is ugly as fuck, how did anyone ever enjoy it?

>> No.10002852

By being patrician

>> No.10002854

It's not ugly, it's both sexy and aesthetic. You don't enjoy it because you don't have any serious appreciation for the female shape. To you, panties are just there to cover up the slit you want to fuck rather than emphasize the contours of the pelvis and the separation between the abdomen and the hips.

>> No.10002857
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Gothninja exists as a subculture only because it impresses losers that grew up watching video games and jerking off to children's anime. it looks cool and edgy to them. when gothninjas post a photo on the internet, they are in control over the lighting, composition, and content of this photo. they can emulate an aesthetic seen so many times growing up in comic books/video games/movies etc. for this reason, gothninja pictures look cool and edgy to the weak, pale geeks of the world when they come to sufu, or 4chan, or stylezeitgeist, or pinterest, or thefedoralounge. when you take them outside this frame of reference, and capture someone trying to posture as "gothninja" while walking down santa monica boulevard with a slice of pizza in their hand, it becomes very obvious how pathetic their charade is. they lose control of their aesthetic in the real world and it's sad to behold. so instead they avoid being seen eating pizza, and try to slink around in the shadows smoking cigarettes, sending their mom to buy groceries so as not to be seen with luncheon meats in their hand. they avoid going to the beach because they know it's impossible to perpetuate their carefully crafted image there. it's like a symphony of spaghetti, and it makes me cringe.

>> No.10002873

>a symphony of spaghetti

the only cringeworthy thing about this is that it sounds like the name of some quirky indie rock band from New Jersey that got spammed on /mu/ for a week or two after Fantano gave it a strong 7 to a light 8.

>> No.10002882

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.10002888
File: 39 KB, 681x496, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look you little fuck. There's something called a backspace key. For many keyboards it might be an arrow pointing left or maybe it'll just be branded "BACKSPACE". Before you start typing some random incoherent hurr durr bullshit on the internet, take a look at that key on your keyboard and assert whether it is worth the embarrassment pointing out how retarded the psyche of your being is. Sure you're anonymous, but deep inside you're a lonely unintelligent faggot who only resorts to 'fitting in with the cool kids' by using overused memes, some memes you have no business with, and still manage to pull off that "I'm a tough guy act".

For the record, get the fuck off the net and reevaluate your pathetic attitude. This isn't copypasta, I took the time to write this for you, for the well being of your pathetic existence.

>> No.10002897

I think you're wrong, If your doing goth ninja right you are able to support your clothes with a general aesthetic, it's about more than just the clothes it's where you live who your friends are, what your job is, it's a whole bunch of things.

Goth ninja isn't easy to pull off however and that's probably why you are so enraged at the idea of others trying.

>> No.10002898
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>> No.10003009

>gothninja wearer detected

Please dont kill us wth your shurikens.

>> No.10003023

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.10003079
File: 652 KB, 620x1108, comrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: faggots arguing about whose dick is bigger

>> No.10003094

helmut lang forever

>> No.10003108

Wow you took it m8. Bad on you

>> No.10003383


>> No.10003541

what is the contrarian dick size?

>> No.10003586

what's the point of that if there's a fucking hole in the bottom

>> No.10003605

acid rain

>> No.10003629

all three of them are patricians if we're being honest

>> No.10003769

acid rain is the most /fa/ disaster

>> No.10003784
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>> No.10003798
File: 31 KB, 500x281, kim_jong_un_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what /fit/ fatasses believe

>> No.10003803

>/v/, /fa/, and /fit/ are the only boards

>> No.10003939

What are the most patrish boards, /fa/? /lit/ and /ck/ are pretty based

>> No.10003956

literally the gayest post on this board.

>> No.10003961

jesus larry christ

>> No.10003962


I browse /fa/, /g/, /ck/ and /lit/

sometimes g has some really nice threads sometimes, lit and ck are just really good boards

>> No.10003975

/out/ tbh

>> No.10003985

>heterosexuality is gay

only on /fa/

>> No.10003990

plebs detected

>> No.10003998

insecure, beta, fapper boards are the pleb boards (fa, fit, r9k, b, pol, v, tv, sp, adv, h, s, hr, etc)

the patrician boards all have on topic discussion, good humor, and actually teach you a thing or two if you're willing to not be a self righteous bigot faggot (sci, lit, g, biz, int, out, etc.)

>> No.10004007

No, those are just slightly nerdier outgrowths of /r9k/.

/mu/, /fa/ and /lit/ share a lot of their anons.

The truly patrician boards are /m/, /a/ and /x/.

>> No.10004015

my favourite gall only wears the ones on right... goes great with her long legs , round butt, wide hips and slim waist and palm size tits.
did I mention we broke up last night?

>> No.10004023

where does she live?

>> No.10004025

>no boys shorts

fucking dropped.

>> No.10004035

boy shorts are for uncivilized pig-men who build huts out of their own poo and do nothing but eat tree roots and fart all day

>> No.10004052

montreal, we're spoiled up here..
thing is, my other fling is a much finer piece of eye candy, she's unreal actually. I've been stopped down the street by people just giving me props for hitting it. but she dresses like shit (office-lolita, mostly synthetic fibres too) , and I just can't wait to gtfo or for her to fall asleep when I'm done.

This one just had the testosterone flowing like crazy through my veins, plus she has a flair for fabrics.

>> No.10004065

ah merde alors, les plus jolies s'habillent toujours le plus mal

>> No.10004169

trop vrai... en plus elles s'aspergent de parfums qui embaume le gateau ou qqch. comme si d'être nettement au dessus de la moyenne t'exemptait de maintenir une certaine prestance... J'crois que c'est le syndrome : " I'm so hot, look what I can get away with..." and then before they know it, they actually dress like shit.

>> No.10004757

same, I sometimes catch myself wasting time on /int/ or other boards and most threads on /g/ are pretty bad, too.

>> No.10004765
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>> No.10004793

Incidentally, the Sanders are better made shoes than the Visvims

>> No.10004796

>a good board

>> No.10004800

>saying nice things about a cesspit like /lit/
Holy tits, stop drinking the Kool-Aid

>> No.10004839
File: 588 KB, 1798x821, pleb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe contrarian would be PF FLyers

>> No.10004853

Reverse the order and you're on point.

>> No.10004867
File: 671 KB, 1798x821, pleb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10004881

Converse = noblemen shoe? Fuck off jellyfag pleb

>> No.10004915

high school girls killed converse

>> No.10004921

What's the brand on the Right?

>> No.10004927

rick owens

>> No.10004928
File: 139 KB, 579x527, plelelebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres nothing more patrician than the redpille and humorous /pol/

>> No.10004929

Its fucking rick owens pls lurk more... Ramones dude come on...

>> No.10004952

Middle look great under clothes, specially tight dresses
Left look great with nothing over
Right should go back to the 80s where it belongs.
Also >>10004025

OP should feel bad for being fucking GAY.

>> No.10004964

I saw a qt gothninja couple at the Met the other day

>> No.10004995


>> No.10005070

what is the rightmost style called?

>> No.10005078


>> No.10005083

Trick question, everyone on 4chins is a pleb.

>> No.10005091

that place is fucking useless though why do i even visit it

>> No.10005093

I actually like this. Yes. Bump.

>> No.10005956

Bumping for this

>> No.10006000

>/pol/ infested trash

pick two

>> No.10006068

I can't think of a single board. Probably a couple of the really slow moving ones. /asp/ would be the best in my experience if it wasn't for all the BJJtards (not saying BJJ is bad, just that a lot of retards practice it) and constant "FIVE JUDOKA A KARATE EXPERT AND A GORILLA ALL ENTER A ROOM WHO LEAVES XDDD" threads. Most on-topic and interesting discussion I get on a regular basis.

>> No.10006089

everybody knows /mu/, /lit/ and /fa/ share a huge base of posters, /int/ is slightly okey sometimes and everything else is shit.

>> No.10006114

If anything you're the gay one for liking unfemale panties. The 80s had best fashion and we should all go back to them.

You should feel bad for existing, Anon.

>> No.10006120

High-cut / highleg / French cut.

Unfortunately nowadays most manufacturers don't know what it means anymore and will label the leftmost style as high-cut even though it's actually low-cut.

>> No.10006126

>unfemale panties
>the 80s had best fashion

How wrong can a person be? I guess you can keep surprising me with your bad taste and opinions.

>> No.10006211
File: 1.11 MB, 1798x821, 14334845496128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10006232

I doubt a very high percentage of /fa/ looks at /lit/

>> No.10006234


I prefer the ones in the middle, the ones on the right are too gay for me
that or RL classic fit boxers

>> No.10006246

>too gay for me
>tripfags on an image board devoted to fashion

Sure, faggot.

>> No.10006262

unstructured 6 panels are pleb tier now man

>> No.10006316

>tumblr infested trash

cri moar

>> No.10006392

>regular boxers


>> No.10006708

contrarian master race here

>> No.10006720

>good board

lol, take it from an english major, /lit/ is fucking trash

>> No.10006749

What is the name for the patrician panties? I've always wondered.

>> No.10006759

>take it from an english major


>> No.10006800
File: 13 KB, 395x387, f151490088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahahaha what the fuck am I reading

this is some strange, new kind of autism

>> No.10006810

The only things I take from english majors are my McDonalds orders

>> No.10006815

very nice
very original joke
you must be a very smart, imaginative, and interesting person

>> No.10006819

virgin detected

>> No.10006820

high-cut panties, aka "highleg" or "french-cut"
It's called "good taste".

>> No.10006843


>> No.10006844
File: 170 KB, 1798x900, trooff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10006861

they all are the same

>> No.10006870

I bought the black RM Williams on the right today!

>> No.10006872

>"good taste"
in your opinion, of course.

did you happen to know that taste is subjective?

>> No.10006874

confirmed plebeian

>> No.10006879

they're all Chelseas

but the leather is cut differently

>> No.10006884

taste is subjective, but can be either objectively good or objectively bad, just as opinions can be objectively right or objectively wrong.

Surely you know that.

>> No.10006897

I'm calling him a plebeian for not being able to distinguish between those boots

>> No.10006921

Oh, sorry, I quoted the wrong post.

>> No.10006930
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>> No.10006946
File: 98 KB, 1798x821, 1434814795268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top plebeian opinion

>> No.10006989

actually he was being contrarian, but your png is correct

>> No.10007051
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>> No.10007105
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>> No.10007227
File: 262 KB, 1798x1122, synth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I respectfully disagree.

>> No.10007265

Take it from another English major that you're pseudointellectual trash.

>> No.10007430

Take it from a guy who has some common sense, intellectualism is trash.

>> No.10007450

Has /fa/ gone too far?

>> No.10007451

statement I agree with is seen as plebeian by plebs, patrician by contrarians and contrarian by patricians... does that make me a contrarian in your view?

>> No.10007472

>rick owens
>not played out

>> No.10007492

I've been wearing mostly all monochrome since middleschool way before I went on fa, now because it got popular for a week it's become a meme but that's all irrelevant to me because I will continue to wear monochrome into the dystopian future

>> No.10007497

lol you sound so angry over nothing, people have different tastes than you get over it loser

>> No.10007502

>80's thong
this is exactly why I take no dumbass, basement dweller opinions on here seriously.

>> No.10007508

How fat is your ass for this to be a thong?

>> No.10007533

I don't know. which one are you referring to?

The ">I like this" opinion in the right top part would be classified as Pa-Pa-Pa, for example, whereas the middle-middle first ">My taste is superior" opinion would be Co-Co-Pl.

The Pa-Pa-Pa is then an opinion that it is Patrician to consider it Patrician to consider it Patrician, whereas with the Co-Co-Pl it is Contrarian to consider it Contrarian to consider this opinion plebian.

>> No.10007547


>> No.10007563


>> No.10007570

>i liked it before it was popular!
sure buddy

>> No.10007747

never mind I don't care what you thing actually

>> No.10007777

underrated post

>> No.10007901
File: 952 KB, 1798x821, pleb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10007909

>beta virgin loser who listens to his younger sister having sex

1 is 2, 2 is 3, 3 is 1

>> No.10007915

there is only one supreme gentleman.

the other is a racist and the other-other is a child killer.

>> No.10007959
File: 11 KB, 236x178, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tricku ricku

>> No.10008084

thank you for this quads blessing

>> No.10008136
File: 191 KB, 1416x1052, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10008142

/v/, pls

>> No.10008167
File: 87 KB, 608x580, 1403296198248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing boxer shorts

you are such a faggot

>> No.10008259

are you fucking serious

>> No.10008285
File: 39 KB, 720x539, 1434215653859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.10008343

not getting it

>> No.10008401


>> No.10008499

I'm at a loss on what ever you might possibly mean.

>> No.10008542

just didn't understand what was funny about the picture. haven't been on /v/

>> No.10008615

i cant hear you over my six figure starting chem e job in the port of houston after four years of alcoholism and loose women in a big 10 undergrad program

>> No.10009383

>Not knowing the oldest copypasta that exists on /fa/

>> No.10009424

i lost my polo cap about a week ago and this cuts so deep. that was a really nice cap that would go with nearly anything. oh well.

>> No.10009450

Pick one

>> No.10009794

this post is funny.
you didnt even do anything so bad but its still really funny.

>> No.10009918

Oh shieet

>> No.10010567

brand is irrelevant, I'm talking about the shape

>> No.10010921

What is the joke about? Just samefagging?

>> No.10011053

Where's the freeball?

>> No.10011120

you're acting as if anyone but a confused /fa/ggot would think "patrician" is a compliment

>> No.10011187


>> No.10011665


based hegel spreads truth

>> No.10011676
File: 67 KB, 1798x635, red hot opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10011679

Switch plebeian with contrarian and I would agree.

>> No.10011682

>based hegel

made me chuckle

>> No.10011701


what if I wear white sneakers, gray jeans and a black t-shirt?

>> No.10011706

Well said. It also has the effect of lengthening the legs.

>> No.10011708

indecisive and therefore destitute

>> No.10011719

is there a name for the rightmost panties? that way i can search for them specifically instead of just watching 80s porn

>> No.10011742

kek. you do realize that you will be obsolete in 10 years right? The future of chem-e is synthetic biology.

>> No.10011773

Ten years? Try five or less.

>> No.10011774

holy shit i fucking lost it

>> No.10012075
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>> No.10012077


at which point the company I work for pays for my masters with a concentration on synthetic bio

>> No.10012080


Have to disagree. Cocks that curve up too much can only be comfortable sucked if you're upside down. Definitely can't lie on your back, either. A little curve can't hurt, but too much gets tricky.

>> No.10012084

What if mine looks like a sad tiny acorn? Am I nxtlvl?

>> No.10012101

curved up penises are objectively the best in-pussy. blowjobs are for kids and anal for degenerates. Handjobs are allowed and a fun thing to do even for gays and curved up penis doesnt restrict basically any grip
you are average grey normie then, periscope look is whats desired

>> No.10012124

Where's the foreskin on the patrician one?

>> No.10012144
File: 615 KB, 2408x940, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10012183

tv is cool when they talk about movies and stuff but doesn't happen much. There's a bunch of dank memes daily if you like that sorta thing.
Ck is dope like really dope
Lit is cool
Mu gave me some cool music recs

>> No.10012199

you could try reading the thread, this question's already been answered twice

>> No.10012235

>wearing little tiny faggot briefs
my faggot roommate wore briefs exactly like the ones on the right. incredibly effeminate and gay.

>> No.10012400

almost every guy in europe except uk wears those on the right. its not gay and they are better looking

>> No.10012408

I think it depends on the wearer. I don't want to wear de facto shorts as underwear.

>> No.10012708

dick ovens - dreamcoxes

>> No.10012726


>> No.10012744

what's the joke? what does that image mean?

>> No.10013452
