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/fa/ - Fashion

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10000704 No.10000704 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I so insecure /fa/

>> No.10000711

Because you spend all your time on a website that actively supports and encourages your insecurity.

>> No.10000725

I was very insecure before I came here. To the point where I deleted my facebook because I couldn't stand the thought of other people judging me, even though I didn't have any pictures on it.

It's not a good feel man

>> No.10000727





>> No.10000734

thanks shia

>> No.10000738

>just act like no-one judges you irl and whatever you do wont have any repercussions on anyone else

great advice

>> No.10000739

Because you're probably what like 17, have little to no friends and spend all your time on a chinese claymation board.

Pick up some hobbies or something man.

>> No.10000745


>> No.10000754

I highly doubt that will change anything. I literally get so anxious that I feel physically ill when I have to meet new people so that's not much of an option right now. Shit I feel more nervous in social situations than I feel doing exams that decide what career I have for the rest of my life

>> No.10000772

Having the mindset that you will change nothing usually means you will change nothing. Work in baby steps, sit down and internally recognise what your issues are and set up challenges for yourself. Alternatively just take some fucking mandy and dance for 8 hours, realise no one gives a fuck about you, and move on with your life.

>> No.10000783

advice noted

I probably need some counselling or something

>> No.10000793

All the counselling in the world isn't going to change shit unless you do it yourself. Stop thinking it's out of your control.

>> No.10000801

maybe I don't want to change enough

>> No.10000812

If you want someone to talk to i'm always here and can make a temporary email to exchange details if u want.

>> No.10000826

I appreciate the offer but I wouldn't really know what to talk about

>> No.10000828

I love u

>> No.10000842

prisamasti@throam.com I don't mind quiet people : )

>> No.10000847

What, are you stupid? Go to a fucking shrink already! Get some fucking professional counselling and some fucking medicine to help. Fucking shit, you should be going to psychatrist. You motherfucker. Stop listening to these fucking slobs. God fuck yourselves.

>> No.10000859

Why dont you shove up your asses you pricks

>> No.10000862

what do i shove up my ass

>> No.10000871

I went to one before. I found it very hard to be honest about my feelings with a stranger and it didn't really help me much.

>> No.10000875

God fuck yourself you are a ridiculous prick! Bloody idiots mother fucker

>> No.10000876

Maybe you don't fam. I failed suicide a few times, realised I was fucked and worked hard to change who I am. Now I can genuinely say I'm pre happy. 4chan is like the last remnant of old me

>> No.10000914

you sound genuinely autistic, not the 4chan meme kind

>> No.10001572

Because you care too much about what others think and haven't learnt to love yourself for who you are and accept yourself for who you are.

^ thissssss


>> No.10001601

still cool as fuck but it's a daily grind

>> No.10001852

Haters only hate when they know you're better than them :v)

>> No.10001863 [DELETED] 

Only ugly people get insecure

>> No.10003151

coz u ugly

>> No.10003165


fucking dirty jew

>> No.10003206

It's alright anon. Just think about it. You are much more fortunate than all those poverty African kids and people like this >>10001601 who have it much worse, be free!

>> No.10003230

because you're unbelievably self-centered

>> No.10003236

is this bangladeshiposting?

>> No.10003389

No, I'm really not. I have very little to actually be insecure about. I'm 6'2 165lbs with like 9% body fat, brown hair blue eyes, upwards of an 8/10 face, 7 inch dick, successful at everything that isn't social (school/work, sport). Yet despite thinking I'm god's gift to man, I'm incredibly insecure.

>> No.10003405

Well u just answered ur question right there
also 4chan isn't ur personal blog :^)

>> No.10003437
File: 814 KB, 1272x1920, navyfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

navyfag is that you?

>> No.10003482

Because you are constantly trying out new outfits that haven't been /fa/ approved because you are afraid of criticism, but now you feel you're wearing the wrong thing and everybody notices it.
A tip: they don't, most people care/know nothing about fashion, but you do, even if it's only a little bit.
First thing I want you to do, and it'll be hard at first, when walking outside, pull your shoulders back, it may feel forced a bit, but you'll get used to it and it'll come natural.
Now your posture just has improved for about 30%, you walk confident, your chest is popping out and you can't really look down anymore.
Next thing I want you to do is not only keep your head up, but look AT people, in the eyes or at least their faces while walking towards and past them.
Look at everyone for only a little moment, congratulations, you now look confident and people treat you like you are confident.
Next thing you wanna do to actually feel confident is look a little longer at people, look at their fits, and judge the hell out of them.
You'll realize that at least 8/10 people dress shitty, maybe you'll even find some nice fits to steal or some inspo.
Once you've become confident doing this, you are ready for the next step.
Everytime you go out for the next 2 weeks you look at fits as long as you find one that you like and you'll actually walk up to the person and compliment them on it, it can be as little as "Hey, nice shirt" or pointing on a piece of clothing and giving thumbs up.
After the 2 weeks are over, do the same thing another week, but this time only compliment the fits of girls.

That's it, try it.
If you are still insecure after doing that which I doubt, come back and ask again.

>> No.10003678

no I use deodorant

oh sorry did I break the rules of your secret internet club? fuck off lol

>> No.10004947

because fashion wants you to think you're ugly so you buy new and more products.
they make millions out of insecurity