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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.11423571 [View]


>spending money on water

>> No.11423581 [View]
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 11875388_1498557160459904_2139143618_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you get so good at loosing weight that other people want your help

With great power comes great responsibility

>> No.11423589 [View]

People ask me and I don't know what to tell them other than eat less. I told one person about how I actually do it (MyFitnessPal, counting everything, TDEE - 500kcal for a pound a week, etc etc) and they just looked at me.

>> No.11423613 [View]


The fatties are the ones that always ask me.

I tell them how and their response is always "I couldn't do that."

Fucking failures of life.

>> No.11423753 [View]

LOL no I'm not diabetic and it is not between my organs, I can grab it. also how is fat suppose to be firm? thats muscle anon.

>> No.11423761 [View]

2 pounds per week is as much as I can do.

also intermittent fasting is what I've done my entire life, i never ate during school lunches and I never ate breakfast.

>> No.11423769 [View]

I've took a long hard look at my life and I've come to the conclusion that losing weight is the only thing that I am statistically and objectively "good" at, as in better than the entire population of earth by a significant amount.

Every hobby I've ever taken part in I've been average.

>> No.11423794 [View]

any skinny girls dtf?

am skinny

>> No.11423984 [View]

Normies are awful at counting calories. I don't know why, MFP takes like 5 minutes a day and yet people still look at me weird when I tell them about it.

>> No.11424049 [View]

Who else /kids sizes/ here

>> No.11424064 [View]

leg goal shawty

>> No.11424071 [View]

ive noticed that too

>> No.11424077 [View]

Same. This was basically the driving force behind my eating disorder. I'm recovered but still haven't figured out how to lose that mindset.

>> No.11424080 [View]

I've noticed recently that sometime me's adult smalls are too large for me. It's a weird feeling. Men's shorts rarely go below 30. sometimes 28. I'm going to have to buy boys clothes soon, not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.11424093 [View]

is soy milk good /thinspo/?

>> No.11424125 [View]

it means youre a manlet with womens shoulders

>> No.11424127 [View]

I can fit into the bigger end of girls' sizes :(

>> No.11424198 [View]


Soy milk is bad for men
Almond milk is for gays

>> No.11424199 [View]

If it's low cal yeah

>> No.11424211 [View]

Soy milk usually has similar macros to regular milk. I feel like they do that on purpose, so replacing milk with soy milk is easier..

>> No.11424220 [View]

The only way I have ever lost weight is by counting calories and when I moved out and wasn't sure how long my money would last me and went grocery shopping like a homeless person.

>> No.11424226 [View]

I meant if your belly is firm but round but you've already answered my question because you said you can grab and pinch it. I think in your case, the order of which fat deposits shrink differs and your belly is the last to go. Just push through!

>> No.11424278 [View]

What's wrong with almond milk and what's wrong with gays

>> No.11424311 [View]

i fucking hate that this actually reminds me to drink water

>> No.11424318 [View]


>> No.11424330 [View]

this thread is distressing.
i feel like i should be reporting a suicide in progress.

>> No.11424334 [View]

somebody needs to look up water toxicity.

>> No.11424349 [View]
File: 451 KB, 2652x1768, 1438390988802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try sticking to diet today
>feel intense nausea from hunger
>cave in and eat
It's really like my own body doesn't want me to be thin.

>> No.11424372 [View]

Go figure.

>> No.11424419 [View]

Sorry to hear that. Kinda afraid that's what happening to me too, but I can still get myself to eat enough even though I feel sooo bad about it. Stay strong buddy, none of us deserve what you've been through.

>> No.11424428 [View]

what drugs will help me not want to eat

already addicted to xans and codeine and not doing heroin or crack... basically i need something affordable that suppresses my hunger

>> No.11424432 [View]

you know about benzo withdraw, yeah? feeling for you. I was lucky enough to get out early enough

>> No.11424439 [View]

yes i fucking do... no seizures yet lol

the insomnia is fucking brutal... basically feel like im coming down off coke or molly 24/7

>> No.11424440 [View]

have you considered eating correctly and dieting the way dieting is supposed to be done with nutritious foods that make you feel full but don't make you fat?

>> No.11424452 [View]

Y'all take multivitamins every day, right?

>> No.11424458 [View]

i take tribulus for low test and it works hella good

>> No.11424461 [View]

I hope you're taking plenty of vit D with that

>> No.11424626 [View]

Be careful out there guys.
I just got out of the hospital and I think my fasting has to do with it.
They're not sure what's wrong with me but they think I might have an ulcer.
I'm unable to hold any food or liquids and it's pretty painful.

>> No.11424652 [View]

Can somebody post a thinspo weight chart for guys? I'm 5'11, 120lbs and not sure if I should go for 110 or 115. Thanks lads.

>> No.11424662 [View]

What's the point of going thinspo if I'm hairy as hell?

I'm 193cm/67kg which is not really that thin but who cares when I look like a beast.

>> No.11424663 [View]


>> No.11424667 [View]

Shave my whole body?

>> No.11424672 [View]

If you don't have a problem with it, sure. It looks so much better.

>> No.11424677 [View]

New thread:

Bump limit reached.

>> No.11424678 [View]

But I'll have a full body stubble in a couple of days.

>> No.11424683 [View]

Trim don't shave. Just manscape.

If you really want to go completely hair free consider lasering some areas. That's pretty common now.

>> No.11424684 [View]

Maybe just trim it every once in a while then? I don't know, haven't had to deal with it myself.

>> No.11425175 [View]

For the last 4 months.
Hips are down to 34'' from 37''. But my cut never went lower than 25% from my BMR, since I want to retain as much muscle mass as possible.

Been there done that and ended up looking skinnyfat.

>> No.11425419 [View]

enjoy your flushed out electrolytes

>> No.11425742 [View]

Is anyone else a recluse today because a recent binge bloated you the FUCK up and you don't wanna go out looking like fat garbage? That's my day today. Pretty comfy though honestly (other than the guilt inducing reoccurring thoughts of why I'm stuck at home).