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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.11413102 [View]

>It's like they're all hidden and a sekrit club.
meets aren't usually advertised as public events, unless they are big annual ones or sponsored tea parties. You might be half right there. Every comm has different regs for various reasons.

>I'll probably post another fit later today, for more advice
Let us know!!

>> No.11413107 [View]

That's true, well hopefully I get to see more and more events later down the road and try to become part of the comm once I get into it more. Sadly the only piece I own is the kimono.

>> No.11413147 [View]

I will once I've finished my bulk, then started and finished my cut. I'm not gonna do shit until I'm at no more than 8% bf.

>> No.11413365 [View]
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>really early style

I'm guessing you're refering to Old School? Is pic related what you're thinking of?

>> No.11413413 [View]

New York has cute stuff, but it's all edey at the same time. Come up and I'll show you around town I could take you to Cafe Henrie or something

>> No.11413625 [View]
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Great! I say that because his abs are comically defined and an easily recognizable feature of his. At 8% BF they should be pretty defined but if not you can shade them with some powder like in pic related.

>> No.11413640 [View]

I would definitely recommend some contouring, it makes a big difference if used right.
I'm surprised contouring is not more popular on this board, considering how hollow and thin they can make you look (at least on the face).

>> No.11414293 [View]
File: 137 KB, 361x491, 20160617_120544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some advice/inspo from both boards.

I browse /cgl/ regularly and as such my wardrobe is full of cutesy cuts and fun patterns. I'm starting pharmacy school this fall and need to make my wardrobe somewhat more professional. I don't need to wear pant suits every day but I'm looking for more appropriate cuts with a hint of cuteness in them. Is there a certain style or some stores I should look in to to get started?

Pic related is a dress of mine that I think would be appropriate for school but maybe not.

>> No.11414365 [View]
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>> No.11414409 [View]

Gah! That's so cute! A bit out of my price range for now though. Once I graduate and get a job I can fill my closet with all that cuteness.

>> No.11414431 [View]

>I'm starting pharmacy school this fall

I went to a more academic graduate program but honestly if you look even remotely professional, it's fine. A dress like that would be totally fine not in winter. I wouldn't wear a full /cgl/ outfit but most prints should be fine if you drop the accessories and makeup.

All the women in my program (mathematics, lol) wore jeans and t-shirts. If someone wore a button down and chinos or a dress it was like, respect.

>> No.11414463 [View]
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Vintage Moschino isn't too to expensive if you get it at the right time, you can even get last years for 60% off which is like $700 for like $300 (which I get is still pricey.) IDK I love Moschino and all of there pieces are like little art and museum pieces.

But I prefer Jeremy era.

>> No.11414482 [View]
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rate my cute pastry lads

>just, buy full sets. Buy all of them. If a dress comes with tights, head bow, wrist cuffs, just get them all. You'll get hundreds of likes. No imagination needed. A+
does /cgl/ hate this? I'd imagine /cgl/ to hate this

>MAKE it feel natural
don't think that's how it works mate
but I'll look at the ones you linked

>K-kind of? Think of it like, ballerina shoes on a big wooden sole.
idk what a creeper is if not just a shoe with a massive sole shoved on. Creepers usually have crepe soles though instead of wooden ones, or at least partially crepe because a full crepe creeper sole would be like wearing bricks on ur feet

>There used to be a rule in lolita
are there other 'rules' in lolita? are these just seen as common mistakes, or were you not allowed to wear them at cons or smth

that sounds rly dumb if so

a-any pics?
does this mean they wear cute frilly dresses

>A lot of comms have had a bad history of creepers
thinking of joining that closet of frills group and commenting 'pls b in london' under each of them, a bit of creepiness never hurt

>they're pretty ugly. I love them!
they look like dinghies but in a GOOD way

>Maybe going to Hyper Japan next month, anyone else?
have you been before? is it a good time? didn't know that this existed until now. looks MAD kawaii etc

>I'm surprised contouring is not more popular on this board
looks like too much hard work for me desu, I'm surprised too though. First I've heard of it existing. Would be great for androgyny boyz

>> No.11414491 [View]


Marimekko dresses are fuggin cheap on ebay and they have top quality prints

>> No.11414494 [View]

is that a frozen pizza? are frozen pizzas /fa/?

this image is a shit. your fingers look like bits of pepperoni.

that qt bit of curly hair in top left is qt, pls more pics

>> No.11414507 [View]

This girl is becoming the new Eliza.

>> No.11414511 [View]

who is Eliza?

>> No.11414531 [View]

I know guys won't be wearing suits every day and girls won't be wearing panty hoes but it's still nice to look put together. My outfits aren't always professional but I don't wear anything too short nor with any rips so I'm a step ahead of most already. I'd imagine when people put effort into their clothing in your department it'd be jaw dropping!

When is the right time to get items for 60% off? Do you buy directly from their website or can you find good deals on secondhand websites like eBay?

I saw Marimekko just did a collab with Target and their pieces were pretty cute! I'll check out eBay for some prints.

>> No.11414558 [View]

hop in discord, friends

>> No.11414574 [View]

>Yang/Neptune is typing
ffs, dropped

>> No.11414588 [View]

Your fingers look really dainty m8

>does /cgl/ hate this? I'd imagine /cgl/ to hate this
I don't think so, not particularly. However it is not exactly something to be lauded about- you literally bought matching stuff. Maybe when a specific coord is rare/expensive, then it might be cool.

> idk what a creeper is if not just a shoe with a massive sole shoved on.
well, RHS are more elegant than most creepers. Their soles also slant upwards towards the toe.

>are there other 'rules' in lolita?
ofc, that's how the fashion got to be so cohesive, although it has changed a fair amount. Some old-fashioned roes were that only lolita shoes were appropriate (round toed), that skirts should not be above the knees, and that bloomers should always be worn. As of now, I think the petticoat rule applies, as well as the modesty factor, although I'm sure ero-lolita is an obvious exception.

>a-any pics?
google m8, too much qt to choose one

>they look like dinghies
look comfy AF but a bit warm

>have you been before? is it a good time?
Been once, it was good if you're into japanese culture, good booths. Might wear gothic, idk.

>First I've heard of it existing. Would be great for androgyny boyz
it's not an everyday look, but the results are astounding on men

excentrique, axes femme, atelier boz, jesus diamante, to name a few. I mean, stay away from the more eccentric pieces, and the simpler ones (especially the suits/blazers) make for some quirky but professional pieces. Depends on how accepting your school is.

>> No.11414596 [View]

no /cgl/ in chat, not interested

>> No.11414604 [View]
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A disgusting trip here who does things exclusively for the attention and to further her "I'm cute cause I don't shower" aesthetic
You just have to look around. There's always end of season sales but it's just really a waiting and hunting game, like for example I stumbled across a site selling SS15 stuff for really cheap the other night. (https://www.theoutnet.com/en-US/Shop/Designers/Moschino))

Ebay is a pain becuase people with coveted brands like Moschino for example know what they have. (It doesn't help Moschino is a brand that holds it's value really well compared to like say Prada, It's the uniqueness of every collection that gives it that love) Yes you can get a discount but it's never too much on ebay at least for like 4-5 seasons but sometimes you will luck out. I will say anything from like >2010 usually can be found for the low becuase a lot of people have the "out of style" mentally and I will say Moschino is one of the faster high fashion houses out there so some of the stuff you'll get will be kinda slightly off trend, but keep in mind that it's brands like these that start the trends. I've gotten tees from like 1999 on the cheap, and I've snaged SLP from the 70s for double digits as well. Just think of a high end brand you like and go looking on ebay, (don't type in vintage in front of it becuase those tend to be the pricer listing) If you're too general you'll have to get though a lot a lame stuff first but you can find gems, think of it as digital thrifting, it also helps to narrow search results, for say jumpers or pants or else you'll be bombarded with a sea of bags, sunglasses, belts and other babies first luxury type items. Also check back regularly you never know what you might miss. There's also online boutiques that specialize in vintage pieces like stated but those can run a bit high.

>> No.11414605 [View]

My bad, it's for /cgl/ too, I've updated the server name. Idk what channels for /cgl/ I should make tho.

>> No.11414700 [View]

Maybe post it on /cgl/ and they'll give you ideas?

How does /fa/ feel about cosmetic surgery or aesthetic treatments?

>> No.11415047 [View]

Good advice. posted it in their thread.

>> No.11415488 [View]

v cute

>> No.11415554 [View]
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How's this?

>> No.11416249 [View]
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>> No.11416275 [View]
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i should post on /cgl/ if these are really how the girls look lol
i dont even try that hard and my wigs and makeup looks so much nicer desu

>> No.11416308 [View]

the legend lives on

>> No.11416318 [View]

i guess if it's necessary, and if it doesnt look obvious, it's fine.

there's always that stigma of the whole 'your children are gonna look ugly' shit though.

>> No.11416330 [View]
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>> No.11416396 [View]

You asked

Now you can meet.

>> No.11416500 [View]

Yang has been officially banned. You can join now.

>> No.11416832 [View]
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>> No.11417167 [View]
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>> No.11417360 [View]

Does anyone from /fa/ actually have a /fit/ SO??

>> No.11418195 [View]

It's definitely a good casual outfit, and it feels more natural to look at, as well as super comfy!! I would maybe recommend some headwear?

I think that layering the kimono with a long sleeved top suited it better, and bought more balance on top, considering how long the kimono looks on you. Maybe an oversized scarf for the colder days.

>> No.11418463 [View]
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>> No.11418502 [View]
File: 275 KB, 800x800, bradt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does cgl think of brad-t? he had a forum called harajuku and all his gf have been lolitas. his last one was an internet famous lolita that he stalked after the break up and got into shit for. i wonder if any cgl girls have had run ins with him online or in person (he lives in canada)

>> No.11418528 [View]

I think he is cute and good looking. I didn't hear about him stalking his last gf but do know he got into a nasty break up with her and the chick went batshit insane for awhile.

>> No.11418539 [View]

Too bad he is balding hard.

>> No.11418544 [View]

/cgl/ please state why any of you would be attracted to someone who dresses like this.

>> No.11418625 [View]

He's old news I guess. Not much to think about, he's got a good face.

Yeah, idk either. He doesn't fit my preferences so I'm biased

>> No.11418633 [View]

i am surprised he is not gay

>> No.11418806 [View]

Well I am from fa and I am having a thing with a guy from fit :33 nomnom muscly guys

>> No.11418852 [View]

What's wrong with what he's wearing, out of curiosity? It's a lot better than what I see most dudes wear, especially dudes with an interest in our weeb shit.

>> No.11418853 [View]

Deets please

>> No.11418918 [View]
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