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>> No.12311354 [View]
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People are naturally racist, the idea that kids are some blank slate with no racism in it is bullshit.
Kids will pick on the kid that looks different. If it's a bunch of whites and there's one black kid in the school the black kid will have a hard time. Same as if it's the other way around. Those kids might not know the word "nigger" they are just compelled to dislike and pick on the different kid. They probably couldn't give you a good reason why they do it.

What we actually learn is to not be racist, much time and resources goes into teaching us that: it is up to you to judge whether that is a good or bad thing.

We are aware of people like you, we find you distasteful and a little puzzling.
Most of us were like you are *now* into our early 20s and then we started to experience diversity and we started to learn. Very few of us are like you claim you used to be.

For the most part it is not about hatred, for us. Admittedly it will be for some. What it is really about is the 14 words.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
We take past and present immigration data and we take white birth rates vs PoC birth rates and we project that into the future. We see a very bleak future for our people. We want our people to survive.
Generally it's not so much that we hate PoC as we hate what they do in our countries and wish we could deport them all ASAP. If we don't live together they can't hurt us and we lose our grievances against them. Do you ever encounter racism against the uncontacted tribes of Brazil?

As for American animus against blacks (I assume you are one, I am not one) if you can see the crime stats and not be annoyed: you just have your head in the sand, mate. You have no right to take the moral high ground against an American upset about pic related.

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