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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.5963212 [View]
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What's a goofninja? Is that what you call anyone with superior taste that doesn't share your dull and cynical view of fashion?

Pic related, beautiful fashunz, not gay preppy fagshit for tasteless queers

Sieg's not real either. He gives shit advice and just looks stuff up on google or styleforum. There are only people impersonating him. Everything "sieg" says usually gets called out for being total bullshit. The only person he could actually help is a poorfag just starting out or something. He has no decent opinions either. Everything he has to say about politics is usually just the most retarded right wing bullshit you can hear from Bill O'Reilly. He has nothing interesting to say about fashion.

/fa/ would be a better place if there were less people like you that have shitty judgment. i bet you want casemods back as well.

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