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>> No.10188087 [View]
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fucken fag lmao

>> No.10037723 [View]
File: 12 KB, 249x255, 1416845637504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over, terrorists lose.

>> No.9784097 [DELETED]  [View]
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most of you have shit taste because you're ugly as well, you identify with the weak/unhealthy phenotypes of these women that are are also present in yourselves.

if you arent ugly prove me wrong, ill wait....

>> No.9763330 [View]
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the top had potential but you cant rock a baggy bomber with cropped pants and a soft shoe game

in short, ya blew it.

>> No.9683730 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Leave them alone now

>> No.9586893 [View]
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A woman's anger is the weathervane for truth.

>> No.9543982 [DELETED]  [View]
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say NO to kanye west threads
say NO to KTT crossposters
say NO to OPs with negro rappers in the OP pic

its clean up time goyim, and kanye and tribe arent invited

if you want to discuss this manlet and his inferiority complex you take it to r/ebony

>> No.9403868 [DELETED]  [View]
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No Chance...that's what you’ve got
Up against a machine too strong
Pretty politicians buying souls from us are PUPPETS
Who'll find their place in line

But tie a string around your finger now boy
'cause it's, it's just a matter of time
‘cause you've got...

No chance...

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell!

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

No chance…(yeah)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell! Yeah!

>> No.9222542 [View]
File: 12 KB, 249x255, 1416845637504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes an ugly nigger

>> No.9219173 [View]
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Literal butthurt piss boys, the posts

get in line cuckboys, its goes round the block and its filled with cuckfag cutfags lining up to kiss pigdaddy's white ass.

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