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>> No.11572452 [View]
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Never said anything about it making me horny m8, only mentioned that it's easy to get girls when on it due to the confidence surge. I normally don't have a problem socialising and talking to females as the majority of people on my course are females but on MDMA the confidence makes me just that little bit more ballsy with what i'll say.
As for the American thing, I'm English at a university in England where on most weekends people are on MD. There's normally a special guest in during the weekends which is why people are normally on it.

That's something i'm aware of, which is why i'm glad it's now the summer and being back at home means i'm near enough teetotal and rarely going out. I had to take a step-back at the end of last term where a 'normal' night out consisted of Alcohol/MD, Coke and 2-CB with Valiums for the comedown.
Yeah getting pilly-willy is an issue although again I generally don't take enough MD for that to be a problem, it's only ever happened to me once when I drank far too much.

Making money from Modafinil is so easy when exam season starts, it's ridiculous. You can mark-up the price by more than double and people will always buy without hesitation despite it being readily available online.

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