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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.9105495 [View]
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 1415765690664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9069567 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 73 KB, 720x960, OPQOcHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost due to first one autosaging(weird right)

time to help out the poor goobers here cuz yall aint go no clue, gonna break it down real nice

pastebin version: http://pastebin.com/P7tNDB1s

this will be the best guide ever written on how to look good, feel good, and be a conscientious consumer and better human.

im writing this because being confident in who u are, knowing ur shit, being self aware is empowering and rewarding.

the mod will delete this, and ill repost, but i hope it proves to many what a petty little gobshite the janitor is. repost if u like.

1. if ur ugly it aint gonna happen, especially if u got an ugly body. the majority of u are skinnyfat estrogenised goyim

thats why in the waywt theres so many wide hipped, knock kneed dweebs who make skinny jeans look repugnant.

how to fix? get urself some fluoride free toothpaste. dont consume products with soy in them, that means soy of any kind, compounds etc.
avoid processed food,
exercise in some form.
yoga and consistent stretches

half of the reason u losers have such horrible proportions is cuz u r all tight and hunched due to extended r9k tfw no gf sessions on the internet.

when walking lead with ur hips, ur hips and pelvis should be tucked inward, not poking out(lordosis)


find one for lower body as well.

2. stop being stupid, most of u cant help it because ur genetically inferior and stupid but for those on the cusp, listen up. dont come here asking inane shit like 'w2c' 'cop or not' 'hair cut advice' or any other of that goober SHIT. if u a transient browser of the board shut the fuck up and stop writing things on the internet. dont post ur face in a face rate thread, stop being so fucking pathetic.

educate urself, teach urself some cognitive processes that allow u to think like an individual and not a cornfed goy faggot. this will permeate throughout every facet of your life.


>> No.9069525 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 73 KB, 720x960, OPQOcHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to help out the poor goobers here cuz yall aint go no clue, gonna break it down real nice

pastebin version: http://pastebin.com/P7tNDB1s

this will be the best guide ever written on how to look good, feel good, and be a conscientious consumer and better human.

im writing this because being confident in who u are, knowing ur shit, being self aware is empowering and rewarding.

the mod will delete this, and ill repost, but i hope it proves to many what a petty little gobshite the janitor is. repost if u like.

1. if ur ugly it aint gonna happen, especially if u got an ugly body. the majority of u are skinnyfat estrogenised goyim

thats why in the waywt theres so many wide hipped, knock kneed dweebs who make skinny jeans look repugnant.

how to fix? get urself some fluoride free toothpaste. dont consume products with soy in them, that means soy of any kind, compounds etc.
avoid processed food,
exercise in some form.
yoga and consistent stretches

half of the reason u losers have such horrible proportions is cuz u r all tight and hunched due to extended r9k tfw no gf sessions on the internet.

when walking lead with ur hips, ur hips and pelvis should be tucked inward, not poking out(lordosis)


find one for lower body as well.

2. stop being stupid, most of u cant help it because ur genetically inferior and stupid but for those on the cusp, listen up. dont come here asking inane shit like 'w2c' 'cop or not' 'hair cut advice' or any other of that goober SHIT. if u a transient browser of the board shut the fuck up and stop writing things on the internet. dont post ur face in a face rate thread, stop being so fucking pathetic.

educate urself, teach urself some cognitive processes that allow u to think like an individual and not a cornfed goy faggot. this will permeate throughout every facet of your life.


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