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>> No.11420979 [View]
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posted accidentally, fuck my shit up

>RHS are more elegant than most creepers. Their soles also slant upwards towards the toe.
there are some pretty elegant creepers that aren't just so-ugly-they're-good. I know what you mean though

>ero-lolita is an obvious exception
how does this even count as lolita
is it popular in lolita circles? it looks like what the average creepfriend thinks a lolita meetup looks like

t-this looks rly gay

>look comfy AF but a bit warm
mayb will consider buying again in a/w

>Been once, it was good if you're into japanese culture, good booths. Might wear gothic, idk.
never been to a nippon convention thing in my life, they're p intimidating actually

it works

kimono borders on looking a little cheap I think, but that might just be the pics and because you're wearing it like an overcoat

I thought that you and killy were the same person until now for some reason

I dont really read any of your posts anyway I guess :^(

this meetup is pretty bad but is still overposted, forgot-his-name (tasselete or something) in the Julius(?) cargos etc looks good

there have been worse meetups I think

didn't the last like 5 threads all hit 300?

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