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>> No.7729537 [View]
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Australia is a severely overrated country, for sure. But if you despise the country because of its citizens' fashion choices, and you are over 14 years old, then you should kill yourself immediately.

Australia is not great because it's an anglo shithole. I left Australia as soon as I finished university, vowing never to return. Since then I've lived in Lithuania, but I'm currently in the UK which was something of a bad move as it appears no better than Australia. Sure the people are more miserable here, eat shit food and complain about bullshit all the time, but somehow they at least tend to be more respectable than Australians.

The thing is - the men in Australia are a bunch of knuckle dragging neanderthals and women - hard nosed and uncouth. Their drinking culture is abysmal, people soak about whatever bullshit cultural fad the USA throws at them (though they'll deny this vehemently) and they also tend to be insular as fuck. I hate that people will look at you as an elitist prick if you don't subscribe to their horrendous bastardisation of the English language that makes even your most degenerate chav seem educated. I hate their overuse of colloquialisms, even in formal situations and that so many people have this two-faced racist agenda going on. Using the term 'boat people' on national TV - are you fucking serious ?

>superior country has shit universities
>inferior country has good universities
>i went for the latter

I hope that was a Russell Group university because otherwise the universities in the UK are a pile of shit. Many seem to uphold a regressive curriculum that is in absolute contravention of the agenda set out but the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme. My gf studies at an average university in Lithuania, but she came here on Erasmus. The difference in quality is quite frankly astounding, it's as if here they have no fucking idea what they're doing. Her classes are also full of teenage mums.

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