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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.14861309 [View]
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same shade grey cropped turtleneck layered over when it got cold but forgot to take pic

do these jeans look ok, i've never worn non-skinny jeans so i'm iffy. i tend to have extra fabric in the thigh area and i think this is happening here but i can't tell if it's a problem bc straight cut....

fine, necktie is a little much and shoes look super outdated but skirt is cute
tiny beanie onions
i like the jacket but wish there were a slightly more mature type shirt underneath than a graphic tee
i don't feel remotely qualified to comment on this lmao
i will say the socks look bulky and strange over the trousers and i don't think the shoes really match
needs some kind of jacket to round it out but pretty nice, maybe tuck pants into shoes instead of cuff?
your mega parachute pants get less offensive to me every time i see them but i'm still not quite liking them. maybe like four more views and i'll be there. rest looks good.
looks incredibly school shooter besides the shoes, i'm guessing that was the goal. not really digging the all-black, it all meshes together in a kind of bland way.
it is a lot of colors. feels disorderly
cool fit as usual. don't worry you still look cute.
really not a fan of this denim/hoodie combo jacket or any of your style tbqh. you might want to try backing up from the mirror a bit and aiming the camera less to the ground, it makes you look less lacking in height.
favorite in thread. you look like a ghost haunting the classroom. silhouettes of everything look really great on your body. would admire lovingly from afar/10.
i think i like the brown and grey/tan best, blue vest looks kind of movie-theatre and pink set is just a bit too extreme for me.
no complaints. blue collar under the mustard was a good call.
zara employee uniform. it needs something else.

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