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>> No.12340301 [View]
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Yes, I agree, Islam has hampered our development, the practice of marrying a first cousin has damaged our collective IQ, all of the educated and high IQ people fleeing our lands and moving to the US to become lawyers, doctors etc has left our countries with 'brain drain' as the anthropologists call it, and our countries have been stuck in either abject poverty or authoritarian tribal theocracy (to which the West can also find blame).

However, before the advent of Islam, the Arabic people were pantheistic conquerers and scientists who formed one of the most wealthy, advanced scientific and medical communities in the world, with collected discoveries from around the world. We were one of the centres of trade, our art was unparalleled, our writing and laws exceeding any empire of the time. We had our renaissance whilst you were still getting raped by Vikings and building little wooden huts in the mud, desperately clinging on to the remnants of what the Romans left for you Britbongs. And then came Islam and its jihad. So it is not a racial issue that you talk of, but a religious one. And if you wish to talk of shitty religions ruining culture and hampering enlightenment, I point you towards the Jew worshipping Christians, who erased the polytheistic pagan beliefs of your glorious European ancestors, Romans, Greeks, Celts, Nords, everyone.

It is just as Hitler meant, a race's worth is defined by its deeds and morality, not the colour of its skin. That's why there were Nazi divisions in Africa, India, Asia. You have corrupted his message and bought into the Jew propaganda that whites must hate and divide themselves from other races and each other, rather than work side by side with them to build the global Reich and drive out the merchants and communists.

I do not believe you understand what projection is too, you have fallen for another low iq 4chan meme.

Any questions صديقى ?

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